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Should Kubiak be the Head Coach next season?

Should Kubiak be the Head Coach next season?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Mr. White

Retired OLine Coach
......Based on what we've seen so far this season.

Not "if we can get this guy instead" or "if there's a lockout next year."

Yes or no.

edit: How do I put a poll on this thread?

....wait, the question wasn't "should this go in one of the nineteen other threads about this very topic?"

Oh, then I don't know.
good timing, right after a divisional loss. That shouldn't skew the answer of those that haven't already made a decision.
good timing, right after a divisional loss. That shouldn't skew the answer of those that haven't already made a decision.

Hey, I'm just trying to get an idea where the board's at right now.

If you don't like it, don't click the thread.
....exactly. If there are other poll threads, then why not...uh...stick it in one of those?

Where are they? How do I put a poll in a thread I didn't start?

There's plenty of other threads to go argue in. I didn't start this one for that reason.
....exactly. If there are other poll threads, then why not...uh...stick it in one of those?

What other polls?

Were there other polls made today, where we can see how fans feel at the midway mark? Do you work for McNair's PR department. You're like his gestapo running around, trying to stomp out fires.

Hey OP this a good thread, glad you started it.
What other polls?

Were there other polls made today, where we can see how fans feel at the midway mark? Do you work for McNair's PR department. You're like his gestapo running around and trying to stomp out fires.

Hey OP this a good thread, glad you started it.

Poll or no poll, there are plenty of threads covering the same exact thing. It's not like a "formal tally" makes any different. We know how most people feel about it.

I don't work for McNair's PR department, though I wish I did. Would be a nice gig, given the state of our shitty economy. It's just my mod inclinations taking over, trying to organize stuff. If it's annoying to a moderator or a forum admin for me to do this, then let them tell me.
Poll or no poll, there are plenty of threads covering the same exact thing. It's not like a "formal tally" makes any different. We know how most people feel about it.

I don't work for McNair's PR department, though I wish I did. Would be a nice gig, given the state of our shitty economy. It's just my mod inclinations taking over, trying to organize stuff. If it's annoying to a moderator or a forum admin for me to do this, then let them tell me.

Umm, no there isn't plenty of threads covering this. This is a poll the heck is someone supposed to open a new poll in a old thread that he didn't start?

The poster is clearly trying to get a census of the percentage of fans who are over Kubiak and who still believes in him at the midway mark....I was actually thinking about starting the same thread.

There is nothing wrong with this thread...if it bothers you, just ignore it.
To answer the question, you give these conditions on our responses but the fact of the matter is that a response cannot be given without taking those conditions into consideration.

Should he be the coach? Probably not. But he SHOULD be the coach if there isn't anyone better, and he SHOULD be the coach if we're headed into a lockout, and he SHOULD be the coach if McNair doesn't want to pay two coaches at the same time.

If you can get someone to keep the same offensive potency and put an emphasis on defense, motivation, and preparedness, then you obviously get that guy.

That's why I didn't vote, because the conditions are stupid.
To answer the question, you give these conditions on our responses but the fact of the matter is that a response cannot be given without taking those conditions into consideration.

Should he be the coach? Probably not. But he SHOULD be the coach if there isn't anyone better, and he SHOULD be the coach if we're headed into a lockout, and he SHOULD be the coach if McNair doesn't want to pay two coaches at the same time.

If you can get someone to keep the same offensive potency and put an emphasis on defense, motivation, and preparedness, then you obviously get that guy.

That's why I didn't vote, because the conditions are stupid.

There are already coaches out there who would be a improvement, so you can go ahead and scratch off the "only if there's someone better" excuse. A sub .500 mediocre coach is not irreplaceable.
To answer the question, you give these conditions on our responses but the fact of the matter is that a response cannot be given without taking those conditions into consideration.

Should he be the coach? Probably not. But he SHOULD be the coach if there isn't anyone better, and he SHOULD be the coach if we're headed into a lockout, and he SHOULD be the coach if McNair doesn't want to pay two coaches at the same time.

If you can get someone to keep the same offensive potency and put an emphasis on defense, motivation, and preparedness, then you obviously get that guy.

That's why I didn't vote, because the conditions are stupid.

Nobody cares whether you voted. If a guy wants to start a poll he has a right to do so without your permission and/or approval. What gives you the right to determine whether this should be a democracy or not?
Nobody cares whether you voted. If a guy wants to start a poll he has a right to do so without your permission and/or approval. What gives you the right to determine whether this should be a democracy or not?

Nothing gives me the right. But it is a message board, and I have just as much right to post on any thread or topic I please.
Hey, there is a Team Chin to go with my Team Gruden.

For years, that's who I wanted...but for some reason people try to dog the guy, because he was able to win a SB with another man's players, which isn't as easy as some people think (and then they leave out how he played against the team he built in the same SB).

Jon Gruden is a hard ass and a workaholic....he demands discipline and execution.....and his offense is already in place. He would be PERFECT for this team.
My answer is purely based on the fact that he's had plenty of time & it appears we are still suffering from the same problems; some before him & some new.
Can you explain this? Are you just looking at it financially from McNair's perspective or is there something else you're thinking about?

Both. Why hire a guy on January 10th when we don't know the future of the league, the cap situation, etc? It would be dumb to commit to a whole new regime. And it's not like the players can just work out with the new coach and learn things while games aren't being played, they'll be on strike. No benefit whatsoever.

I'm telling you, he's McNair's Gestopo....he's even looking out for McNair's pocket book. :)

Yeah, God forbid I care about the financial well-being of my favorite team. Why would I want my team to waste money for no reason? I'm not like the government.

....if we knew the answer to all the unknowns, then I'd probably rid of Kubiak too. But, wanting a new coach to bring in a different mentality is not the same as slamming Kubiak over EVERY SINGLE thing.
I'm hurt! LOL

In all honesty, I'm not surprised at all the emotion around here. We all know for all intents and purposes this season is over with as of today and the rest of the games will be empty. It's sad because we've put up with this **** for a long time now. A lot of us go back decades with the old Oilers.

Not suprising folks are jumping in each others **** because of that, and also because on the internets we are all experts. :)
I voted 'no' for the simple reason that I think we could do better as far as coaching goes. I'd rather get 4-6 wins next year with a new head coach who seems to have potential than another 8-8 season with Kubiak. Seriously, this is getting rediculous.
In all honesty, I'm not surprised at all the emotion around here. We all know for all intents and purposes this season is over with as of today and the rest of the games will be empty. It's sad because we've put up with this **** for a long time now. A lot of us go back decades with the old Oilers.

Not suprising folks are jumping in each others **** because of that, and also because on the internets we are all experts. :)

Been a Houston football fan since 1967, you and I have experienced way too many heartaches to number. At the same time, I gotta say, I've become quite skilled at just making myself numb with alcohol :)
Yeah, God forbid I care about the financial well-being of my favorite team. Why would I want my team to waste money for no reason? I'm not like the government.

Umm does coaching salary count against the cap??? :thinking: I don't think so...

We've given McNair PLENTY of money and he hasn't shown us one single playoff year. If he seriously is thinking about keeping a coach, because he might lose some dollars, then this team is in more trouble than I thought.

If McNair doesn't fire Kubiak at the end of the season my confidence in his ability to bring a winner to this city will be extremely shaken.
Not suprising folks are jumping in each others **** because of that, and also because on the internets we are all experts. :)

People are going at eachother, because we still have a couple of officer Barbrady's around here who act like this team isn't a terd sandwich and they get upset when other fans won't bury their heads in the sand along with them.

35-0 now...
Umm does coaching salary count against the cap??? :thinking: I don't think so...

We've given McNair PLENTY of money and he hasn't shown us one single playoff year. If he seriously is thinking about keeping a coach, because he might lose some dollars, then this team is in more trouble than I thought.

If McNair doesn't fire Kubiak at the end of the season my confidence in his ability to bring a winner to this city will be extremely shaken.

No it doesn't count against the cap, but that doesn't mean the team should just throw money after anything that moves. You sit there and you say how it's not our money being used so we shouldnt care if he has to pay two coaches , then you also state in this post that it is us giving McNair the money. Well, which is it?
Both. Why hire a guy on January 10th when we don't know the future of the league, the cap situation, etc? It would be dumb to commit to a whole new regime. And it's not like the players can just work out with the new coach and learn things while games aren't being played, they'll be on strike. No benefit whatsoever.

OK, thanks. I was just curious. I totally disagree with you, because I think that the future of the Texans' cap situation is directly influenced by the person planning the future of the franchise. To me that's precisely the time to commit to the new regime. I don't see it as any different than hiring Dom Capers in January 2001 to oversee a team that wouldn't take the field until the fall of 2002. (Well, except that hopefully the next coach won't suck.)

Kubes will make a good offensive coordinator in someplace like Minnesota. I'm in favor of letting him get started in January 2011, regardless of the labor situation.
Both. Why hire a guy on January 10th when we don't know the future of the league, the cap situation, etc? It would be dumb to commit to a whole new regime. And it's not like the players can just work out with the new coach and learn things while games aren't being played, they'll be on strike. No benefit whatsoever.

wouldn't surprise me if bob did get a new regime even if there was a lockout.. hell they hired Capers in Jan 2001 and let him get his staff in place for a year in advanced

so anything is possible.

any benefit I could see if the Texans went after a big name.. the benefit of getting the coach before the another team does

as far as this thread poll.. I could see Kubiak staying IF they get a big name proven DC (kinda what sean Payton did for the Saints)
To answer the question, you give these conditions on our responses but the fact of the matter is that a response cannot be given without taking those conditions into consideration.

Should he be the coach? Probably not. But he SHOULD be the coach if there isn't anyone better, and he SHOULD be the coach if we're headed into a lockout, and he SHOULD be the coach if McNair doesn't want to pay two coaches at the same time.

If you can get someone to keep the same offensive potency and put an emphasis on defense, motivation, and preparedness, then you obviously get that guy.

That's why I didn't vote, because the conditions are stupid.

The conditions are simple.

They're based on his body of work. Sorry that isn't complicated enough for you.
To answer the question, you give these conditions on our responses but the fact of the matter is that a response cannot be given without taking those conditions into consideration.

Should he be the coach? Probably not. But he SHOULD be the coach if there isn't anyone better, and he SHOULD be the coach if we're headed into a lockout, and he SHOULD be the coach if McNair doesn't want to pay two coaches at the same time.

If you can get someone to keep the same offensive potency and put an emphasis on defense, motivation, and preparedness, then you obviously get that guy.

That's why I didn't vote, because the conditions are stupid.

Only performance on the field will show if a coach is better or know.
What we DO know, is Kubiak has not improved AS A COACH enough to
merit keeping him another season.
No it doesn't count against the cap, but that doesn't mean the team should just throw money after anything that moves. You sit there and you say how it's not our money being used so we shouldnt care if he has to pay two coaches , then you also state in this post that it is us giving McNair the money. Well, which is it?

??? Can somebody tell me what the hell this guy is talking about?

I said McNair has made plenty of money off of us......and he has, he has one of the most valuable franchises on the entire freaking planet. It's our money and then when we bought into his "Mecca of Mediocrity" it became his what's your point???

Also you're talking about the same team that wasted MILLIONS on Todd Wade, Robaire Smith, Eric Moulds, Ron Dayne, and Ahman freaking Green. Spending some green to upgrade the coaching
.. It's money well spent, hell it's a freaking bargain. :rolleyes: Even if he has to pay two coaches.....
he'll make all the money back when we go to the playoffs.
wouldn't surprise me if bob did get a new regime even if there was a lockout.. hell they hired Capers in Jan 2001 and let him get his staff in place for a year in advanced

so anything is possible.

any benefit I could see if the Texans went after a big name.. the benefit of getting the coach before the another team does

as far as this thread poll.. I could see Kubiak staying IF they get a big name proven DC (kinda what sean Payton did for the Saints)

Yep. I don't think a big name DC is going to come though.

I'd rather have Cowher than Gruden if I had to choose between the two. I'm a bit more confident in Cowher getting the most out of whats in place than Gruden. Then again, Gruden did well after taking over what Dungy built.

Holmgren is also an intriguing person, and so is Whisenhunt if Arizona fires him.
??? Can somebody tell me what the hell this guy is talking about?

I said McNair has made plenty of money off of us......and he has, he has one of the most valuable franchises on the entire freaking planet. It's our money and then when we bought into his "Mecca of Mediocrity" it became his what's your point???

Also you're talking about the same team that wasted MILLIONS on Todd Wade, Robaire Smith, Eric Moulds, Ron Dayne, and Ahman freaking Green. Spending some green to upgrade the coaching
.. It's money well spent, hell it's a freaking bargain. :rolleyes:

Yep, a ton of those guys were wastes.
Both. Why hire a guy on January 10th when we don't know the future of the league, the cap situation, etc? It would be dumb to commit to a whole new regime. And it's not like the players can just work out with the new coach and learn things while games aren't being played, they'll be on strike. No benefit whatsoever...

Just thinkin - and not directed at you, but it popped in the noggin when you posted. As this has been mentioned a few times - why not hire a new coach before a potential lockout? Some possible positives:

- gets a jump on other teams that may be thinking to not hire before a lockout

- give time to get the front office in shape and organized (do the coaches "work" if there's a lockout?). Time for McNair and the new staff to get on the same page with expectations.

- if a lockout, most likely wouldn't be an entire season - unless the nfl is interested in losing quite a bit of $$. Most likely a shortened season - which it could be just an extended preseason for us getting the schemes in place and players to adjust. Better than the same 'ol in a shortened season, we've already witnessed this.

edit - wolf said something similar above at post #43.... so there ya go.