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Seth Wand a Titan


Hubcap Diamond
Staff member
Seth Wand is now a Titan. He is replacing Daniel Loper who suffered a ruptured spleen last week.

Good luck Wando.
Maybe he'll finally get the chance he's deserved since the first day he was a Texan.

Coaching/front office politics have kept him off the field for the past two years. I would be interested to know at the end of the season his comparison/contrast between the Titans and Texans organizations.

I wish that over the past four seasons Houston had more "turnstile" like Wand to replace all the Salaams and Rileys who have played the Texans line.

Also, I think he will help out an organization with Haynesworths and Pacmen. They could use some more even-keel players.
wow...the Titans take our rejects and still beat us. ;)

Good luck Wand! I met him at the All Access, and that dude is a bear.
Robaire was axes for money, and Seth was axed for not being a Bronco/Kubiak draftee. They're still good players, and I hope only the best for them.
Titan "Tack" Fan;493218 said:
So, is this guy good?

He has potential, just has not got to that point yet. I think if the coaches work with him he will be a good player. Good luck to him except 2 games a year. Mario owned him in practice from what I hear.
Titan "Tack" Fan;493218 said:
So, is this guy good?

He's better than he is given credit for here. He has been a convenient scapegoat. He was drafted as a project and received poor coaching.

He started all 16 games of his second year (2004) and then was replaced at the start of the next training camp by Victor Riley who was obviously a worse player. The coach repsonsible for this switch was Joe Pendry, who was possibly the worst thing that ever happened with the Texans. 2004 was our best offensive year, 2005 was pathetic. Benching Wand was the only change made on the offensive line between 2004 and 2005.

Some people attribute his benching to politics. He was a "Casserly guy" and Casserly and the coaches were having a power struggle. (IMO)

He played significant time only one year of the Texans four year history, so his contribution to the continuing woes of the Texans o-line should be viewed accordingly. Again, he played the key left tackle spot in our best offensive season.

He is big - 6' 7" 320 lbs. - and very quick and mobile; very athletic. He has all the physical skills necessary. With Munchak as his coach I think you may be pleasantly surprised.
He is big - 6' 7" 320 lbs. - and very quick and mobile; very athletic. He has all the physical skills necessary. With Munchak as his coach I think you may be pleasantly surprised.

So you seem to think Munch is going to do for Wand what many think Kubiak
is now in the process of doing for Carr ?
Well Mike Sherman is known as a OLine expert himself, and I watched him and
Wand have a 20 minute one-on-one conversation in the middle of the practice field during a TC practice this past summer. IMO, Kubiak and Sherman gave him every opportunity including intensely communicating with
him on what it took for him to succeed in this league, but decided he didn't
have what it took.
And you mention his athleticism, well that's a job description for Kubiaks ZB
system so I don't think Wand was at a disadvantage in what Kubiak was running here.
I'm going to be surprised if Wand makes it as a long-term starter with any team in this league.
A solid athlete though I question his mean streak and ability to execute technique-wise. As Runner pointed out though, he was on a deadline to produce in camp against then-favorite Spencer and his "formative" years under Capers and Co. can safely be disregarded. Perhaps with more coaching and work he will become better. Have to say though, of all the teams he could have gone to, I wish it wasn't the Tacks.
So you seem to think Munch is going to do for Wand what many think Kubiak
is now in the process of doing for Carr ?
Well Mike Sherman is known as a OLine expert himself, and I watched him and
Wand have a 20 minute one-on-one conversation in the middle of the practice field during a TC practice this past summer. IMO, Kubiak and Sherman gave him every opportunity including intensely communicating with
him on what it took for him to succeed in this league, but decided he didn't
have what it took.
And you mention his athleticism, well that's a job description for Kubiaks ZB
system so I don't think Wand was at a disadvantage in what Kubiak was running here.
I'm going to be surprised if Wand makes it as a long-term starter with any team in this league.

I don't see why a change of scenery and fresh coaching might not do for Wand what it has done for many, many players in the league before: take a borderline career to a solid career.

I know Wand had a famous conversation with Sherman at the end of practice one time in camp. Do you know who initiated it? What it was about?

Conversations and training camp aside, what did you think of Wand's on-field performance during pre-season? He performed just as well as Spencer, but Kubiak went with Spencer's higher potential upside and Salaam's ability to play on both sides. That was certainly Kubiak's decision to make as head coach. I wonder if it was either an easy decision or unanimous among the coaches though. Since Wand was cut a day after everyone else, I think it was probably a tough decision.

That leads me to believe Seth wasn't a total bust, and conservatively might be an average player in the league. Even average left tackles are hard to come by. He could very well have a successful career; I don't think that is completely unimaginable.

I do think good coaching can make a difference. Is Munchak going to do for Wand what Kubiak is doing for Carr? No - that would take a franchise level signing bonus and another 1 1/2 years of development. :)

You've always been pretty much of a Wand supporter if I recall correctly - maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised too.
I don't see why a change of scenery and fresh coaching might not do for Wand what it has done for many, many players in the league before: take a borderline career to a solid career.
I know Wand had a famous conversation with Sherman at the end of practice one time in camp. Do you know who initiated it? What it was about?
Conversations and training camp aside, what did you think of Wand's on-field performance during pre-season? He performed just as well as Spencer, but Kubiak went with Spencer's higher potential upside and Salaam's ability to play on both sides. That was certainly Kubiak's decision to make as head coach. I wonder if it was either an easy decision or unanimous among the coaches though. Since Wand was cut a day after everyone else, I think it was probably a tough decision.
That leads me to believe Seth wasn't a total bust, and conservatively might be an average player in the league. Even average left tackles are hard to come by. He could very well have a successful career; I don't think that is completely unimaginable.
I do think good coaching can make a difference. Is Munchak going to do for Wand what Kubiak is doing for Carr? No - that would take a franchise level signing bonus and another 1 1/2 years of development. :)
You've always been pretty much of a Wand supporter if I recall correctly - maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised too.
First off, I hope I'm wrong about Wand. Like him, I'm origionally from MO and
what family I have left up there resides in Springfield, MO. which is Wand's
hometown. I'm not acquanted with him, but know someone who knows his family and speaks very highly of him. I hope Seth succeeds wildly with the
the Titans or another team in the NFL.
I have no idea about the subject matter of the conversation Wand and his line coach had, except that it went on so long and appeared so intense and intimate that one might speculate that it was more than just a professional meeting. But I suspect young Seth has gone thru a lot of soul searching the
last couple years here in Houston.
Kubiak and Sherman both made several very upbeat, on the record statements about Wand. In particular, I remember Kubiak saying that Wand
was a prototype pyhsical specimen that they looked for in OTs. Everyone
seems to think he has the physical tools to play at this level. And Wand
appeared to play relatively well in the preseason. And god knows we need
all the help we can get in the OLine, so its not like there weren't opportunities here at his position.
And re fresh coaching, well Wand just got that this year after 3 years with
the previous regime, and the results appeared to be the same.
But like I said, I hope I'm wrong about Seths chances up in Nashville.
All that said, after Spencer was injured for the year, and we were in desperate need for a LT........ we go after someone else......

Something about Wand didn't fit with the Houston Texans.
Spencer was a little better, even as a rookie, but Seth Wand should still be on this team. He was our 2nd best LT this past preseason, by a small margin from being our best, and he would have been our 3rd best OT in the long run (out of what we presently have). I don't know how good he'll be right at first, but the Titans will be glad they got him. At the very least he'll be a long term, servicable backup.
Did the Titans actually sign Wand? If not, would he consider re-signing in Houston? I was never one of Wand's biggest fans, but the Texans are in trouble at tackle.
the Texans are in trouble at tackle.

I dunno, but you'd think somewhere about here that Kubiak would finally toss Chester's name in the mix of possibilities at OT.
Afterall, he's moved Weaver inside on occasions, and might have to start him there with T. Johnson going down for perhaps the balance of the season.
Kubiak seems to have one set of rules for his defensive line guys vs.
the offensive line players, atleast in being more flexible with the DLine guys vs. the OLine group
Who is Pitts' backup at LG anyway? I agree. We're in deep doodoo at LT and Pitts can surely handle it, if the dropoff at LG isn't just atrocious or anything.
Who is Pitts' backup at LG anyway? I agree. We're in deep doodoo at LT and Pitts can surely handle it, if the dropoff at LG isn't just atrocious or anything.

The biggest mistake the Capers' Crew ever made on the OLine, I think was shuffling Tackles to Center, guards to tackle, and Centers to guards....

weakening not only one position, but multiple positions with each move.

Where was all the pressure coming from last year?? right up the middle. Where's all the pressure coming from this year??

Salaam hasn't been our worse OLman this year. That guy won't be playing for the rest of the season, hopefully we'll have that spot fixed this weekend.

It's cool if you don't like Salaam...... he won't be going to the probowl this year, but he's been fairly solid as an LT, and he's been getting beat up and pounded, and he's been playing hurt, for you & me..... for our team & Kubiak beleives he's our best option, even when he is hurt.

I agree Salaam is kinda old...... and it might be some kind of a miracle if he makes the whole season. But if David continues to improve, being decisive, making good quick decision, and using/feeling the pocket like he did last week, he'll make the LTs job alot easier, and Bedell or whoever will be able to fill in just fine.
Well, I don't totally disagree, TK. It may be that Pitts' development at LG is more important than our record this year. Too bad Spencer got hurt. I won't bring up that other guy. :)