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"Sage has starting ability" -- Kubiak

[[Gary Kubiak]] said:
Well if your ready to bench the 8 million dollar QB for a 2nd stringer, glad your not kubes. Least Give Davie Franchise a chance to choke on games that matter.

Vinny, if your so sure Carr will choke, then you got nothingto worry about, he will be bench mid september.... Kubes aint Capers, he is the real thing. Happy? Sheeeeshhhhhh.....

All this Carr Bashing gives me a head ache, cause some people actually tries to hard

Let Carr choke on the first 3 games , then we can put Sage. LMAO at some people here.

You know, I think that some of the fans are hoping Carr fails, so they can see Sage "the savior" Rosenfels. I believe in starting the best player. Maybe Sage will get his shot, but I think Carr will perform well using the bootlegs. I still think the greatest test will be against Indy as Freeny is chasing Carr on the bootlegs. If he proves he can successful against Indy, then I am convinced he can handle the starting position.
Runner said:
I don't have a problem with having faith in Carr one last year, but I would like to see the staunch Carr supporters have the same faith in P-Buc, Weary, Babin, TJ, Wand, et. al. Most of them haven't had half the chances Carr has had, they've have had the same bad coaching, and haven't really been any worse on the field overall. Carr gets defended to the hilt, but a lot of these players just get called busts. Why the double standard? That is what I find annoying.

Personally, I hope all of the players on our roster succeed in spite of what they've done/haven't done in the past.

With the exception of PBuc, I think they do get some/most of the slack that Carr does, at least from me. PBuc probably would also if not for the "Ole" play. Most of what I see of those defending Carr is typically in response to direct attacks by the UT/VY/Carr hater Jihadies who contantly attack him, often with just made up stuff "the coach is thinking" type stuff. The difference is that I see those that support Carr admitting that he does some stuff wrong, but if you look at the Jihadie's post, every thing is his fault and nothing is anything but his fault. Occasionaly they will say " Yes I saw that, BUT" and that means ignore everything I said before, here is what I believe. There is a thread on the boeard here that talks about percieveing what we whant to be reality coloring how we see things.
cbnjwill said:
just curious what david carr has done over the last four seasons to warrant having faith in him?

3500 yards passing in one season, a positive touchdown to interception ratio the past two seasons, over 60% completion rate the past couple of years, AND he has done the things the coaches have asked of him. The problem was that Capers & Co weren't asking a lot of him. They wanted him to be Trent Dilfer and that's what they got. They just didn't give him the Ravens D on the other side of the ball.
edo783 said:
a) With the exception of PBuc, I think they do get some/most of the slack that Carr does, at least from me. PBuc probably would also if not for the "Ole" play.
b) There is a thread on the boeard here that talks about percieveing what we whant to be reality coloring how we see things.

a) They are starting to get the slack because their performance has been good to very good in the pre-season games. They've actually shown they are better than popular misperception. Had I believed most camp reports and other threads before the games started, I would have thought some of these players were going to get blown up on every single play.

I think it's time to move past the ole play and see how P-Buc does now. That is a good example of my point.

b) I know - I repped that thread. It explains a lot. Here it is:
Marcus said:
Tale Gator said:
I'm not sure Kubiak's direct quotes about Carr's play equate to bashing -- they are more for motivation IMO.
I agree. Kubiak was quoted as saying that Carr's play was shaky, and I agree with him, he was. Just agreeing with the head coach, that's all.

There is a very good bright side to this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from Kubiak's comments, I take it that Kubes sees the very same negative things about Carr as we do . . . the happy feet, the indecisiveness, etc.

Obviously Kubiak is a Carr hater. :whistle:
[[Gary Kubiak]] said:
Well if your ready to bench the 8 million dollar QB for a 2nd stringer, glad your not kubes. Least Give Davie Franchise a chance to choke on games that matter.

Vinny, if your so sure Carr will choke, then you got nothingto worry about, he will be bench mid september.... Kubes aint Capers, he is the real thing. Happy? Sheeeeshhhhhh.....

All this Carr Bashing gives me a head ache, cause some people actually tries to hard

Let Carr choke on the first 3 games , then we can put Sage. LMAO at some people here.
I never mentioned benching Carr. I just see a double standard. I haven't said anything about Carr choking either. Those are your words, so don't strawman me. I want Carr to play well since I'm a fan of this team but I'm sick of watching a bad passing team 5 years in to this. I also would like to discuss what I see with our fans and don't feel compelled to post observations that I don't believe in.
The only person I have faith in is GK. Whomever he puts in the starting postion whether that be on Offense or Defense is fine with me. I know that an important player like David Carr needs a little time to adjust to the system or game from what he has gone through in the past, however, if by mid- season if he isn't making quicker and smarter descisions with were he is going with the ball and shown the ability to stop locking into his WR's, then put someone else in to get the job done. I'm freaking tired of excuses by now as many of you are and just want to see results and that's the bottom line. I'm tired of waiting for anyone's potential to just appear after they have been given plenty of time to show it off. You either have the ability and are coachable enough to learn how to unleash it (espeacilaly now with GK as HC) or you move your *** out of the way. You do whatever is best for the team, because you want what is best for the team. Sometimes in life you have to loose things in order to appreciate where you were. Let's hope that if things play out like that it would be enough for DC to get his **** together! And if not, GK was smarter than all of us in testing DC's will to succeed by replacing him. And if things pan out like this, then that should be enough for us as fans to see DC for who he truly is or never was!
Goldeagle said:
I think Babin, P-Buc, and the rest are getting their second chances with Carr now.

They definitely are, from Kubiak and crew..... not from the casual fan on the MB though.
thunderkyss said:
that's like asking if there is a God....... you can't prove it.... but when you know, you know.

Carr worship jumps shark. Whatever you do don't say anything bad about DC -- he might be listening...
Tale Gator said:
Some direct quotes from Kubiak I feel are good for discussion -- Kubiak is thinking some of the same things we are talking about on the boards. That Kubiak described Carr as "Shakey" last night during the half time interview was surprising.

"He's very composed, he's a great leader and he understands coverages."


Houston Chronicle/ full article


"I told David that the Rams have an aggressive defense, and when they come after us, he's got to make those plays," Kubiak said. "I felt there were seven or eight times when we could have made plays.

"I was disappointed in some things early, but he battled back. He knows I'm just trying to make him better."


Houston Chronicle/ full article

No one is exempt from Kubipsychology.
Texans_Chick said:
My view of this is that I am cool with whatever Kubiak does with all things quarterback.

He sees the game tape. He knows what is supposed to happen. He's seen all the practices etc.

And he is not dealing with widgets but rather human beings. He knows that.

So, I am guessing that he will make whatever is the best decision based on the best information, team dynamics and what will make his football team better in the long run.

Talk radio is going to be unlistenable because people will go beyond what was on the field and exaggerate some, but just for me, what is cool with Kubiak as it relates to quarterbacks, is 100% cool by me.

I agree 101% ........