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Reggie did it to himself........


Think about some of the statements that Bush has make during the week.
from the Conan O'brien show he said something along the lines of how he has to start to get used to losing if he is selected by the texans. When asked what he liked best about being projected to be in houston and what did he like best about the Idea, "No state tax." With that kind of attitude during the week of the draft, I don't blame them for picking Williams.
My belief is that the Texans did in fact make the right choice, but even if they dropped one spot for lets just say a thrid or second next year. I think it would of been better to get something, rather than nothing. Besidwe that we should have a pass rush next year, but we still need O-line and secondary help in my opinion. With that secound pick where should we go? I don't like the idea of getting a RB and move up. Let's stay pat for once and save our draft picks and get BPA. Good Pick TEXANS!:redtowel:
TheOgre said:
McNair signed off on this, but this was clearly a Kubiak decision.

Exactly. Bush is going to make millions and be able to decide his success on the field. McNair has made us look like fools. I don't know that I can tolerate any more draft coverage - they are already hammering us and the draft hasn't even started...
maybe it will work out better for us, maybe reggie will turn into a T.O. type of guy, and i dont think we need that, and from some of his comments, the maddness has just begun
well i think anything you hear on the connan o'brien show you have to take with a grain of salt. it's a late show that is watched for it's entertainment value and most things talked about aren't taken very seriously. now i will say that i like mario but it's hard for me to think that we did the right thing in passing on reggie. i could live with a bush bust but i don't think i can if mario flops. i think the front office made a mistake to not even talk to reggie for the 24 hours before the draft and they care to much about getting someone signed before the draft. i think we should have looked at what the colts are doing and what the rams did when they built the offense through the draft and then work on the defense through free-agency. i like what we did in the other rounds and hopefully it works out.