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Question from First-Time Game Goer


Practice Squad
I posted this on the Houston texans boards, so i thought I'd post it here as well:

OK, I may have been absent for a season or two, but I've been a member of these boards for a few years now. HOWEVER, this weekend will be a lifetime first game for my wife and me.

Ironically, she is a Cowboys fan, and I am a Texans fan, so don't hate (too much )...

Here is my question. Since I've never been to a game, I am a complete noob when it comes to the whole tailgating culture. We were living in the Kansas City area, and even though KC is supposed to be a big tailgating town, we still never went (neither of us were KC fans)... My question is this: Is there any tailgating for a preseason game? I have a maroon lot pass - is there anything going on worth mentioning that we could show up early for?

Love for the Texans, love for the boards! Thanx in advance for any answers and tips to know beforehand!

Addendum: if I'm in Maroon, can I walk around in the other lots as well? Also, where is the "Comcast" gate?
Yes there is tailgating in all lots. You are more than welcome to walk around. The yellow lot has some fine tailgaiting as well as in the Platinum/Blue lots also. I think you will find many people will welcome you to their tailgates. In the yellow lot you can find "Shotgun 30" and other groups, in the Platinum lot you will find the "Blue Crew", a bunch of great Texans fans and tailgaters. I don't think you can go wrong in any of the group tailgates in the yellow lot....
Well congrats on coming to your first Texans game...What's taken ya so long?!! Anyways, you can walk around to any lot you want and check them all out, as there are people tailgating in each one of them.
We tailgate in the Orange lot, which the maroon lot is close to, so if you wish, you guys are more than welcome to crash ours.. if you like Brisket, Ribs and Sausage that can grab a plate or two and a few beers. Most everyone is hospitable, and you won't be disappointed.
And as for the gate, that isn't that important, just go to the one closest to you, you can get to your seats from then on.. the gate is the one that would be closest to your seats.. but it doesn't matter.
I hope you have a great time this Saturday !!
Well congrats on coming to your first Texans game...What's taken ya so long?!!

Well, i left the Houston area when i joined the army. Went to Desert Stormn and got re-assigned to Fort Leavenworth, KS - where I met my wife. Been there until June of last year. By that time, the Oilers were now the Titans
and a new team was formed. the timing was just right with this game.

Most everyone is hospitable, and you won't be disappointed.

As a fair warning, it is *her* birthday, and I want to tell her that she can wear her Cowboys jersey to the game. But i also want to know that she's not gonna get harassed for doing so - as much as I am going to enjoy my first Texans game, i want her to enjoy her first Cowboys game even more. If we come by, please keep this in mind - and yes, I would love to meet you and yours, and have a few slabs o' meat and cold ones and "break bread"!

And as for the gate, that isn't that important, just go to the one closest to you, you can get to your seats from then on.. the gate is the one that would be closest to your seats.. but it doesn't matter.
I hope you have a great time this Saturday !!

Thankj you so much for this info - i couldn't tell if the gate on the tix meant "parking" gate or "seating" gate!
Well, i left the Houston area when i joined the army. Went to Desert Stormn and got re-assigned to Fort Leavenworth, KS - where I met my wife. Been there until June of last year. By that time, the Oilers were now the Titans
and a new team was formed. the timing was just right with this game.

Desert Storm vet... Nice, I am as well.

As a fair warning, it is *her* birthday, and I want to tell her that she can wear her Cowboys jersey to the game. But i also want to know that she's not gonna get harassed for doing so - as much as I am going to enjoy my first Texans game, i want her to enjoy her first Cowboys game even more. If we come by, please keep this in mind - and yes, I would love to meet you and yours, and have a few slabs o' meat and cold ones and "break bread"!

She might get a little ribbing, but it is all in good fun, and there will be a few others at our tailgate, so nothing for her to worry about. She will get called out walking from the lot more so than at our tailgate.

Thankj you so much for this info - i couldn't tell if the gate on the tix meant "parking" gate or "seating" gate!

The gate on the ticket is for seating.. your maroon parking pass gets you into the lot.. which being a rookie.. the entrance is off of Fannin..So just get there early, and the both of you come by to have a great time. PM me and I can give you specifics
you should not get harrassed but if you do there is a number on your ticket, and lite blue shirts walking around for your help. We seriuosly frown on the bad treatment of opposing fans
She won't get harrassed, but expect a little opposing fan ribbing to happen. Gates open 4 hours before the game, so plenty of time to do your tailgating and visting. Everyone has a great time (even if some are wearing opposing team colors) - it's like a big friggin neighborhood block party.

I would suggest if you are going to visit another person's tailgate for food to bring some drinks of choice to return the favor. Not necessary per se - but it's a nice gesture.
Man, it's been super busy at work, and this is the first time since the game that I had a chance to jump on here!

Hobie, my wife and I had the mostest awesomest time that night. thank you so much for accepting us into your tailgate party! The food was awesome, the people were the best, and the experience has been unforgettable. Someone who commented on my FB status about the game said that after going there, i would not want to just sit there and watch it from home on TV anymore - well, he was right!

When we get to make it out to another home game, I will stop by your spot again. Maybe in the future, I'll have my own little spot to host you in return!

BTW, my wife said it was the ******iest birthday present ever, but she had a blast accepting it!

Man, it's been super busy at work, and this is the first time since the game that I had a chance to jump on here!

Hobie, my wife and I had the mostest awesomest time that night. thank you so much for accepting us into your tailgate party! The food was awesome, the people were the best, and the experience has been unforgettable. Someone who commented on my FB status about the game said that after going there, i would not want to just sit there and watch it from home on TV anymore - well, he was right!

When we get to make it out to another home game, I will stop by your spot again. Maybe in the future, I'll have my own little spot to host you in return!

BTW, my wife said it was the ******iest birthday present ever, but she had a blast accepting it!


You are welcome and I am glad you both had a great time!! You guys are always welcome over at anytime you are there !
This has also been my first year going to games and have season tickets....the season opener will be my first Noon game. Can someone tell me what time gates open? Want to be sure to get my morning beers in..:boogie:
This has also been my first year going to games and have season tickets....the season opener will be my first Noon game. Can someone tell me what time gates open? Want to be sure to get my morning beers in..:boogie:

Well depends on what lot you are in, Platinum opens at 7:00am and the rest at 8:00am..