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Platinum Parking (OH OH!!!!!)

Bull Pen 1

All Pro
Wow, did you see the new parking prices?

Platinum $400.00 each.......$100.00 increase
Blue $250.00 each........$50.00 increase


Also Bull Pen tickets went up from $560.00 a year to $600.00 a year.
Wow, did you see the new parking prices?

Platinum $400.00 each.......$100.00 increase
Blue $250.00 each........$50.00 increase


Also Bull Pen tickets went up from $560.00 a year to $600.00 a year.

Wow, did you see the new parking prices?

Platinum $400.00 each.......$100.00 increase
Blue $250.00 each........$50.00 increase


Also Bull Pen tickets went up from $560.00 a year to $600.00 a year.
Tickets I can see, the parking increase is simply too high a % to easily justify.

There is no reason to be raising the Parking prices IMO! I'm ok with the Ticket price increase.

PS....The Platinum increase is only $50 - from $350 to $400.
The fancy folks who arrive late want to eliminate the riff-raff from their parking lot. All those tents, grills, and damn kids running around encumber their access to their parking spaces.

A few strongly worded phone calls to the Texans front office and a tidy $100 increase request from the Grey-Poupon crowd should clear out a bit more space for them.

There is no reason to be raising the Parking prices IMO!

They have to pay the lot attendants that are forced to stand in threes, the guy who checks your hangtag 20 feet after you get it scanned and the guy that has to look for you in the tailgate to check your tag in the platinum lot even though the spaces are assigned (if there is someone parking in the wrong spot, they will stand out like a sore thumb). Also, the cop that raced through the platinum lot needs new tires after burning the treads off the golf cart.

They did such a wonderful job last year that they want a pay hike.
I wanna see a show of hands here.

Who here thought the Texans would not raise the prices one bit this year?

They raised the Bull Pen seats $4.00 a game. wow

I think raising the parking prices $5.00 a game is a bit much and the Texans will hear it.
I wanna see a show of hands here.

Who here thought the Texans would not raise the prices on bit this year?

They raised the Bull Pen seats $4.00 a game. wow

I think raising the parking prices $5.00 a game is a bit much and the Texans will hear it.

When you say it like that - $4 here, $5 there - it doesn't sound like much. But it sure adds up quick.
They have to pay the lot attendants that are forced to stand in threes, the guy who checks your hangtag 20 feet after you get it scanned and the guy that has to look for you in the tailgate to check your tag in the platinum lot even though the spaces are assigned (if there is someone parking in the wrong spot, they will stand out like a sore thumb). Also, the cop that raced through the platinum lot needs new tires after burning the treads off the golf cart.

They did such a wonderful job last year that they want a pay hike.

Hey, what I miss is the police officer who stood out on Kirby, and would get you a clean shot out of the parking lot straight to 610. Now they close that exit early.
Does anyone know comparable ticket season ticket costs like for Greenbay, New England or Indianapolis? Are they are the same as ours?
I have THREE words to say about the parking price increase! PISSES ME OFF!!:wild: Yes, I think GW got it right. The powers that be would like to have the entire Platinum area for their suit and high heel bunch! Eventually, they will succeed. $50 a game to just PARK!!!!!! At that rate I think we should be allowed all night tailgating!!!!:)
$50 a game to just PARK!!!!!!

When you put it that way, it is mind-boggling.

I can think of no other industry that consistently raises prices after a perpetual bad product. Seriously, we've never had a winning season after six years, but our prices keep increasing. I really hate to think how much of an increase a winning season, much less playoff appearance, will be.
$50 a game to park? Per spot? Boy oh Boy...that walk over from Yellow doesn't seem so bad to me! Costs me $100 PER SEASON...per spot...

The writing is on the wall now...the 'Blue Crew' is about to become the 'Yellow Crew'!:whip:
I'm beginning to think a TRAIN ride might not be so bad. Do a little tailgating off Reliant property, hop on the train for 5 bucks, and be HAPPY!!!
$50 a game to park? Per spot? Boy oh Boy...that walk over from Yellow doesn't seem so bad to me! Costs me $100 PER SEASON...per spot...

The writing is on the wall now...the 'Blue Crew' is about to become the 'Yellow Crew'!:whip:

Wow, yellow is still down at $100? I'd totally jump ship if it wasn't for having to line up...
I'm beginning to think a TRAIN ride might not be so bad. Do a little tailgating off Reliant property, hop on the train for 5 bucks, and be HAPPY!!!

Much rather do that ^^^^^^^ than go with 'Yellow Crew'... *pukes* Don't like the sound of that at all....
Wow, yellow is still down at $100? I'd totally jump ship if it wasn't for having to line up...

It was last season. I would not be suprised if it went up a bit this year. We still line up at 6:45 AM...waiting until 8 isn't so bad. Sure I'd love the extra hour...but is it really worth $40 bucks more...per spot...per game?

I have 5 spots on my account alone...that would cost us an extra 4K just to park for the season. Hardly seems worth it to me.
It was last season. I would not be suprised if it went up a bit this year. We still line up at 6:45 AM...waiting until 8 isn't so bad. Sure I'd love the extra hour...but is it really worth $40 bucks more...per spot...per game?

I have 5 spots on my account alone...that would cost us an extra 4K just to park for the season. Hardly seems worth it to me.

Because of my assigned spot, I have room for a 20x20 tent, grill, and a little more room to boot - all with 1 pass.

I like being able to tailgate at 7 AM and smile at the folks in like for the Blue lot.

The assigned spot is GREAT - if someone in my group is running late, which they ALWAYS are, we can show up 15 minutes after the lot opens and still get the usually spot.

Pricey, but it does have its perks.
I think y'all should just adopt the Brown Lot. It is pretty slow now. Plus it is right next to the Yellow Lot if you wanna wander.
Much rather do that ^^^^^^^ than go with 'Yellow Crew'... *pukes* Don't like the sound of that at all....

You could still be the "Blue Crew". It's not like the parking lot color has anything to do with your name these days. :whistle:
I thought it was going up to $40/game in Plat.

My season tix for the Oilers in their last year in '96 (great seats - 4th row Mezz, redzone sideline) were only about $37/game/seat. Now it's more to park in some areas. We benchmarked Invesco/Mile High when we were up there a few years ago and that area just south of the stadium (where BarrelMan tailgates) was somewhere in the vicinity of $35/game then.

The good beer at Reliant already costs $8.50 (Shiner Bock, SA Texas Wheat, etc). But you only need to drink 2. At least that works for me.
I thought it was going up to $40/game in Plat.

My season tix for the Oilers in their last year in '96 (great seats - 4th row Mezz on the sideline) were only about $37/game. Now it's more to park in some areas. We benchmarked Invesco/Mile High when we were up there a few years ago and that area just south of the stadium (where BarrelMan tailgates) was somewhere in the vicinity of $35/game then.

The good beer at Reliant already costs $8.50 (Shiner Bock, SA Texas Wheat, etc). But you only need to drink 2. At least that works for me.

It is.....

It is now $40.00 per game and then Gma suggested eventually it would reach $50.00 per game.
Eventually, they will succeed. $50 a game to just PARK!!!!!!
So let me get this right, prices keep going up and up. You don't like it. Guess you could sit at home and watch some other NFL team and complain about not having a team to cheer for and not having to pay for anything but your food and drinks at home with no gameday atomsphere, yeh our team has stunk it up, but one day, yes one day they are gonna be in the hunt and playoffs........
How much fun will that be?????????? It will be worth it..... to me... so complain. But I bet most all of you will pay it because you want to be part of our team getting to that ultimate goal - the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what, almost everyone that posts here has invested alot of money and time supporting this team, gotta hang............:fans:
So let me get this right, prices keep going up and up. You don't like it. Guess you could sit at home and watch some other NFL team and complain about not having a team to cheer for and not having to pay for anything but your food and drinks at home with no gameday atomsphere, yeh our team has stunk it up, but one day, yes one day they are gonna be in the hunt and playoffs........
How much fun will that be?????????? It will be worth it..... to me... so complain. But I bet most all of you will pay it because you want to be part of our team getting to that ultimate goal - the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what, almost everyone that posts here has invested alot of money and time supporting this team, gotta hang............:fans:

Just because most of us will be backing up the Brinks truck to Reliant, at least I will for as long as I can afford to, doesn't mean I have to be happy about the money grubbing NFL continuing to try and price it's fans out of the game.

As mentioned, what happens when they make the playoffs? Is it going to be $75 to park? What if they go to the Super Bowl?

In 7 years, my 500 section tickets have gone from $35 to $50. Remember, that's for a team that has gone 32-64. What's it going to be in the next 7 years and say they turn that record around and have 5 or 6 winning seasons with a few playoff appearances. Am I looking at $90 nosebleeds and $60 parking?

I'll be there in '08, and I'll be screaming and cheering my team onto victory. And I'll be tailgating and having a blast like I have for the previous 60 tailgates. But in January, I can be pissed that a team that's only won 1/3 of their games is, IMO, getting a little too full of themselves with these increases.
Here's what I propose...

The Blue Crew 'succumbs' to the Texans ticket gouging for parking and relocates to the Yellow Lot. As a precondition of the move, they get the Texans to agree to open the Yellow Lot at 7 AM instead of Platinum. No one parks there until 11:30 anyway.

Once you are out there....the tailagates merge into one big mega party like nothing the NFL has EVER seen.

The Texans becoame known as the #1 talgate city in the world...and an example in world peace simply based on how the different lots could 'get along'. :)
OK all you math wizzards!!! Last I checked $400 devided by 8 home games = $50.00 per game, TO PARK!!! NOT $40.00!!!:)
OK all you math wizzards!!! Last I checked $400 devided by 8 home games = $50.00 per game, TO PARK!!! NOT $40.00!!!:)

Powers to be have found out we have been having a little more fun in our lots than in our seats!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now we're paying for it!:texflag:
Looks like all lots went up 50 dollars a year. We have parking in Red lot and its gone up to 300 this year and was 250 last year. I already sent an email saying I don't want red lot and will settle with either plat. or blue lot. Looks like for 2 seats and parking you're looking at close to 1500 a year or more just for tickets and parking. Wonder if the price of PSL's went up as well?
With my seat tickets going up $4.00 per game ($8.00) and parking going up $5.00 per game (or total $13.00 per game), that's a price increase of about 7.5%...

Here's what I propose...

The Blue Crew 'succumbs' to the Texans ticket gouging for parking and relocates to the Yellow Lot. As a precondition of the move, they get the Texans to agree to open the Yellow Lot at 7 AM instead of Platinum. No one parks there until 11:30 anyway.

Once you are out there....the tailagates merge into one big mega party like nothing the NFL has EVER seen.

The Texans becoame known as the #1 talgate city in the world...and an example in world peace simply based on how the different lots could 'get along'. :)

No thank you. I parked in yellow for the Broncos game, and it took us two hours to get out of the parking lot after the game. That's a traffic nightmare over there.
I have no problem with price increases as long as there is value, based on customer feedback, being provided. For me, that would be more port-a-potties and accountability with the yellow jackets on the front (training) or back end.
No thank you. I parked in yellow for the Broncos game, and it took us two hours to get out of the parking lot after the game. That's a traffic nightmare over there.

You leave right after the game? That's two more hours of tailgating goodness!

We stay until the coppers politely ask us to leave. Pack up, hit Main St., and never experience any traffic.

BTW, have the Texans already sent out invoices for tickets & parking? I want to make sure I haven't missed anything, because I have yet to see an invoice from them.