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Pats @ Ravens


Anyone giving Baltimore a snowball's chance in hell?

I'm not.

However, I'm interested to see if Troy Smith gets any reps this game.
Boller is playing well, but he is taking a beating back there. If he was as durable as Schaub, he would be out of the game already. They'd better protect him better or we may just see Troy Smith.
In my pickem league the line was NE by 20.5.
So my choices were:
1. take NE(ie i believe they will win by at least 20.5)
2. take Balti(ie believe Baltimore wins or loses by less then 20.5).

I took The Ravens.
I'm sorry but this is not the greatest team of all time. This defense is above average at best. They got burned last week and now they are getting rushed all over. This is a great team, but the best of all time?
This is the second week that teams with about a snowballs chance in hell is making the Patriots look more like a good team instead of the greatest ever.

A TD now by the Ravens would be sweet.
Up by 6 points for 1st place in FF.

I have Moss playing, my rival has Brady playing.

This is frustrating!
I hate football.
I think we may have finally found a team that shoots its self in the ass more than the Texans. The Ravens should have won this football game.
Bet the Ravens would really like that timeout back to use on their current drive, seeing as they only have one left. Of course, they wouldn't need it if they hadn't used it.