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Other Cb...........


There was a CB last year if I remember right by the name of Ahmad Plummer of the 49ers that the Texans liked. Now that he was released why wouldn't they bring him in so that P-buc and he can fight over it. Has he signed with anyone else? If I remeber right he looked good.
Lets finish off the oakland transfer, and pick up Woodson. ;)

If he wasnt so pricey, I would actually.
Woodson is too old...P-Buch will be alot better this year but I would like to bring someone good in for him to compete with so he will realize his spot is on the line. Then we will see the best of him again.
The CB spot needs to be addressed in FA because of the talent available at other positions in the first few rounds of the draft. P-Buc is not it and Dunta is a #2 CB, not a #1.
Texas said:
Woodson is too old...P-Buch will be alot better this year but I would like to bring someone good in for him to compete with so he will realize his spot is on the line. Then we will see the best of him again.

Hopefully he realized his spot's on the line last year when he was benched for superstar Pettey Faggins...
SESupergenius said:
The CB spot needs to be addressed in FA because of the talent available at other positions in the first few rounds of the draft. P-Buc is not it and Dunta is a #2 CB, not a #1.

Another brilliant Sesism. I'm quite sure 31 other NFL teams beg to differ.
SESupergenius said:
P-Buc is not it and Dunta is a #2 CB, not a #1.

You were building credibility in the first part of the sentence, then you had the add the 'and'.

According to your logic, DRob is at best the 33rd best CB in the league.

I like the idea of going after Dyson. Any idea of the type of money he would command?
HomeBred_Texan said:
Give me a break. You are ignorant beyone beleif. Sir that pot some more moran...:stirpot:
Dang, either you are just plain "ignant" with your spelling (and trust me my forum typing skills are bad, but 3 mispellings in a sentence has to be a record.) or I rung your bell. Maybe milk came out of your nose when you read that. Either way, Dunta didn't impress me at all last year, got beat often and made bonehead plays. There isn't a player on this team that can't be taken to the fire, and with only 1 interception all year on a defense that was on the field way to much, I'd say there is something lacking there.

Porky said:
Another brilliant Sesism. I'm quite sure 31 other NFL teams beg to differ.
Sure it's an SESism, i'd pit those against the fat you put out any day. I've had quite a few of my SESisms come to light the last few years, they are not hot-headed takes and jabs, just simple matter-of fact lines.

kcwilson said:
You were building credibility in the first part of the sentence, then you had the add the 'and'.

According to your logic, DRob is at best the 33rd best CB in the league.

I like the idea of going after Dyson. Any idea of the type of money he would command?
Dunta is not a CB I'd want to be going up against the #1 receiver for the opposition. He belongs at the RCB spot, not the LCB where Glenn was. It's not that he's the #33, he just isn't the shutdown CB. His numbers dropped off significantly last year and he just didn't make plays. You can't debate that. If Carr or anyone else has a down year, they are held to fire, no reason Dunta shouldn't either.