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okay so....even though OSU is 9th and TEXAS TECH is 2nd.....I think that OSU is the better team. They have a great team all around. I think however, they need to be in sync both offensively and defensively to dominate. When they played Texas, they beat themselves. GO POKES!!!!




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I think Okie St is the better team.

But every dog has his day. And this could be Tech's year...

No doubt Tech is talented too.
UT did it but left way too much time on the clock for Tech. OSU needs to run the ball well and get stops on defense.
they can do that.....they just need to manage the clock better....i might have to find a place to invade my osu orange saturday night.....
Sure they CAN, but WILL they? The Red Raiders slew their big Dragon of folding late against Texas. If they keep w/ what works well and don't fall into a prevent, they could blow out anybody.
I think Oklahoma State can beat Tech but I doubt Ohio State could! The cowboys are a really well balance team and they've got some BIG receiving targets. I really do think they'll beat Tech but they've got to be playing their best, if they make too many mistakes, Tech's offense will be too much for them.

If OSU brings their A game, they will most likely win (even against Techs A game). If OSU brings their B game, they will lose unless there is a tech meltdown.

I would like to say congrats to tech on such a good season, but I really don't want to see them in the national championship game.
I thought I saw a stat that OSU was like 0-9 or 0-11 or 0-7 (some odd number) in not looking good
I thought I saw a stat that OSU was like 0-9 or 0-11 or 0-7 (some odd number) in not looking good

Isn't that the gambler's fallacy?

Tech was 0-whatever against #1 teams before last week....
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Well Texas has run their gauntlet. Techs turn. They've waited for the moment for as long as I have been alive. They have it all in front of them. Will they win out or will they screw the pooch ?

History ? It's been 1944 since OSU went on the road and beat TT. That there thingy is a lot of years.
it's not looking likely at the moment - TT up 28 14 at the half. This has been a fun game to watch.



See you @ 7a in the platinum, lets go TEXANS!!!!

Graham Harrell 40/50 456 yards 9.1 yards per 6 TDs 0 INT...word
okay so....even though OSU is 9th and TEXAS TECH is 2nd.....I think that OSU is the better team. They have a great team all around. I think however, they need to be in sync both offensively and defensively to dominate. When they played Texas, they beat themselves. GO POKES!!!!

What do you think now!!!!! Tech should be #1 but wont because of a flawed bcs system. Teck dominated a better team than Alabama got lucky to beat. Had LSU had a real QB and by real I mean someone with a pulse, they would of won that game easy. That was some of the worst QBplay I have ever seen. I know the kid was a true freshman but wow did he suck!
What do you think now!!!!! Tech should be #1 but wont because of a flawed bcs system. Teck dominated a better team than Alabama got lucky to beat. Had LSU had a real QB and by real I mean someone with a pulse, they would of won that game easy. That was some of the worst QBplay I have ever seen. I know the kid was a true freshman but wow did he suck!

I agree with you...Tech should be #1, especially after Saban's team BARLEY sqeeked by LSU.

I really watched Harrell tonight. That kid has great poise in the pocket. I never saw him get rattled when the line closed in on him.
I agree with you...Tech should be #1, especially after Saban's team BARLEY sqeeked by LSU.

I really watched Harrell tonight. That kid has great poise in the pocket. I never saw him get rattled when the line closed in on him.

Like the announcers said last night..."don't worry about the rankings".

If Tech wins out they will get to prove it on the field.

Here's to hoping they do it.
Harrell made some downright incredible throws. The ESPN guys showed the Crabtree TD against UT and I must say, I don't know how many NFL QBs could make that throw.
impressive performance indeed, yet I'm going to wait a couple weeks to see if they can add a exclamtion point in Norman :shades:
Fun game to be at, Tech's defense keeps impressing me. Everyone on D is playing solid football, and keeps forcing turnovers. Playing in Norman scares me, especially if Gameday decides to go there in 2 weeks. I'm sure they want revenge for last year as well. Tech's fate is in their hands though, let's see what happens.