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Orlovsky or Grossman?

Who should be the 2nd string quarterback?

  • Dan Orlovsky

    Votes: 59 65.6%
  • Rex Grossman

    Votes: 31 34.4%

  • Total voters


Bucco Bruce
As I was surfing, I noticed a poll asking who you would want to be the 2nd string quarterback. I voted for Orlovsky, and was shocked to see that I was very much in the minority!

So I decided to ask the die-hards here on Texans Talk, Orlovsky or Grossman?

had a super bowl but lost evan tho he cant catch but hey hes not a wr

i rather have experince then some 1 that runs out of the endzone no mater how good of an arm he has

vote grossman 4 number 2 spot!
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Let's see what DanO can do now that he's out of QB hell...aka...Detroit. I've seen Grossman's act.
dan is infamous for that running to the back of the end zone thing, but he was pretty productive when he played despite being on the worst team the nfl has had in decades.
I voted Dan O

I believe he has untapped potential and Kubes is the coach to help him reach it.
As of now I go with Dan because he was signed earlier and may have a firmer grasp of the playbook but if Grossman is around he should get as equal as a look.
I voted for Grossman for two reasons. First I thought it was kind of sad that only 3 people had voted for him at the time I saw the poll and I want him to feel like we're behind him 100%. The second reason was that I really don't think it will make much difference in the long run.
dan is infamous for that running to the back of the end zone thing, but he was pretty productive when he played despite being on the worst team the nfl has had in decades.

Especially with all those Ws he has as a QB!:foottap:
I know that the detroit team was terrible but he was part of the problem

His Stats:
55% Comp rate
8 Tds 8 Ints
1679 Passing yards
29 rushing yards
71 QB rating
In 5 years!
And one epic fail of a safety.
0 Career wins

I want to like the guy because he is a Texan and there is a chance he could be our QB at some point(lets hope not) but I do not see good things happening with him on the field.

I know Rex's stats are not much better but at least he has experience and has won an NFL game and has played through the playoffs to the superbowl.

As you can imagine, Rex got my vote.
In 5 years!
0 Career wins

He has only been in the league for 4 years.
He has only started 7 games and on a team anyone would describe as dysfunctional.

I think Kubiak sees something between his ears and on QB's, I'll trust Kubiak. Sage was a scrapheap backup who couldn't beat out scrapheap starters until Kubiak got hold of him.
He has only been in the league for 4 years.
He has only started 7 games and on a team anyone would describe as dysfunctional.

I think Kubiak sees something between his ears and on QB's, I'll trust Kubiak. Sage was a scrapheap backup who couldn't beat out scrapheap starters until Kubiak got hold of him.

Ya my bad this will be his 5th year..

Ya the amount of games he has played in also says something...especially sinc he was with the horrible lions his whole career think he would have got to play in more games.
Ya my bad this will be his 5th year..

Ya the amount of games he has played in also says something...especially sinc he was with the horrible lions his whole career think he would have got to play in more games.

The Lions O-line had been terrible.
The last 3 years they allowed a bunch of sacks:
63, 53, and 52.

Dan O. was playing behind Jon Kitna, who was decent, but not exactly mobile. He got the start when Kitna hurt his back, and the Lions played better. They were especially competitive in the 5 games before his thumb injury.

But then he injured his thumb, and the Lions had to talk Culpepper out of retirement.

Dan was the most mobile of the trio.
He took 14 sacks in 8 games (6 of them against the Vikings.)
Kitna, Culpepper, and Stanton had a combined 38 in 8 games.

Against the Vikings, DT Kevin Williams sacked Dan Orlovsky for the fourth time as he tried one last desperate throw to the end zone with four seconds remaining in the game and his team down by two.
He never had a chance as the RT was beaten so badly.
Earlier, CJ fumbled the ball at the Vikes' 30 after a long completion.

Against us, he burned Faggins for that 96 yd TD pass.
He had 265 yards passing total.
They lost 21-28. Our offense controlled the ball for over 40 mins.

Against the Skins, the Lions had no running game outside of Dan O, they went 13-30 yds.
Earlier, the Skins' Randy Moss had returned a punt for an 80-yd TD.
Lions trailed by 8 points.
The Lions had the ball at their 22 with less than 2 mins to go and no TO left (they had burned them on what the announcer said "silly defense".)
Dan O. was 16 for 27 at this point, with 2 dropped pass.
They started the drive with another one, a would-have-been 12-yd completion.
Two plays and a first down later, Dan O. completed a pass to Smith, who was stupid enough to turn back inside trying to get a couple extra yards instead of getting out of bound.
On 2nd down, with less than a min remaining, he had to "basically" throw the ball out of bound. That play had a chance of success for a first down on the sideline with more time.
On 3rd down, the receiver ran an inside slant.
He got past the first down marker and would have had a first down if he had continued his route; instead, he turned upfield inexplicably.
Almost an INT as the DB was right close to him.
On 4th down, the linebacker London Fletcher tackled Calvin Johnson a yard short of the first-down marker with 48 seconds remaining. CJ was impeded by the umpire; he couldn't run his route a little deeper. And with not much time left, he was looking to head for the sideline; otherwise, he would have looked to absorb the contact and turned upfield, working for the first down instead of trying to accomplish two tasks simultaneously.

Against the Bears, trailing by 4, Dan O's pass was knocked down by the safety in the end zone as time expired. The receiver was there.
The Lions had marched 69 yds (from their 13) in less than a min before that incompletion.
Again, the Lions had no running game, 24 carries for a meager 51 yds.
The receiver (Gaines) had fumbled the ball in the previous series after a first down catch at the Lions 48.
I voted Dan-O due mainly to potential. He seems smart and willing to learn more about the position. IMO, he's a fresh block of clay for Kubiak to mold.

I think Grossman is worse than Sage when it comes to the number of good plays vs the number of bad plays.
where is the "if matt gets injured lets just forfeit so we don't have to watch rex grossman or dan orlovsky qb" option in the poll.
I voted Dan-O due mainly to potential. He seems smart and willing to learn more about the position. IMO, he's a fresh block of clay for Kubiak to mold.

I think Grossman is worse than Sage when it comes to the number of good plays vs the number of bad plays.

Well, other than that running out of the back of the end zone thingy... But I voted Orlovsky too.
I voted for Dan-O also just because I have seen Grossman and I couldn't stand the way he just threw the ball up in the air without seemingly having a clue as to where it was going to land.
Of course, it would be nice to see some of those deep jump balls heading towards AJ.:thinking: Hmmm, maybe I should change my vote
Too early to tell! Aug 15 we will see what we have got! DanO has some skills. They moved the ball on us quite well. I remember being scared in that game. that we were going to be their only win!
I think that Rex has been humbled enough to "calm down" and stop making such weird decisions. He also has the experience.

So I will vote like Obama.... "PRESENT"!
Especially with all those Ws he has as a QB!:foottap:
I know that the detroit team was terrible but he was part of the problem

His Stats:
55% Comp rate
8 Tds 8 Ints
1679 Passing yards
29 rushing yards
71 QB rating
In 5 years!
And one epic fail of a safety.
0 Career wins

I want to like the guy because he is a Texan and there is a chance he could be our QB at some point(lets hope not) but I do not see good things happening with him on the field.

I know Rex's stats are not much better but at least he has experience and has won an NFL game and has played through the playoffs to the superbowl.

As you can imagine, Rex got my vote.

Finally a voice of reason. I was really worried about the back up qb going into this season. DanO had me worried because he played for the0-16 Lions. I know that it wasnt all his fault but around here the Qb play has been blamed for the Texans lack of success. Dano's defenders are saying its not his fault he had no line the defense sucked and he had no running game. Sound familiar? It should to Texans fans, because it was some of the things said about HWWNBN. No line bad team etc....those excuses were good for an expansion team and rookie quarterback but not for a team on the cusp of the playoffs.
I was afraid that people felt comfortable in handing over the reigns of the team to a guy most famous for running out the endzone and leading a team to the 0-16 regular season record. The guy has got to have some really bad habits and juju around him and after last year I dont think the Texans need that. Sage was reliable , even despite the Rosencopter play, we knew what we had with him. Dano not so much. I feel that Rex is better equiped to be our backup because of his experiance as a starter. He will have the weapons in Houston he didnt have in Chicago and I think with his big arm and experiance could help us in the event Schaub goes down.
One of Kubiak's greatest attributes is QB development. Grossman is better than Sage (PRE-TEXANS) & came along ways in three years so expect similar results for Rex both have leadership & mental make-up needed. Dan Orlovsky has franchise QB potential, could be very similar to Schaub once Gary puts his mark on him, given his contract & commitment from Texans he should have significant trade value as a potential #1 for another franchise.

therefore if both develop as expected Rex gets my vote & will probably wind up being the back-up to Schaub while Orlovsky could bring us a higher draft pick than Sage :specnatz:
Orslovski but I am predicting Schaub will be healthy and we will see the Other QBs becaude we are so far ahead it is mop up time.
Especially with all those Ws he has as a QB!:foottap:
I know that the detroit team was terrible but he was part of the problem

His Stats:
55% Comp rate
8 Tds 8 Ints
1679 Passing yards
29 rushing yards
71 QB rating
In 5 years!
And one epic fail of a safety.
0 Career wins

I want to like the guy because he is a Texan and there is a chance he could be our QB at some point(lets hope not) but I do not see good things happening with him on the field.

Was Sage a decent backup QB for us? I think he was a pretty reliable backup in 07. Probably not so much in 08, but average.

Sage's stats at Miami before coming to the Texans.

54% Comp rate
6 Tds 6 Ints
776 Passing yards
5 rushing yards
73 QB rating
In 4 years!
And one epic fail of a fumble.

Looks like Dan-O did better with a bad team than Copter did with an average to just below average team.
I dont like either of them at this point .... ask me again when we see them line up against another team in preseason. I just hope and pray that Schaub doesnt get hurt again.

I don't have a "favorite" to win the job, but I'm really happy that we picked up a draft pick for Sage and have a big battle for back up QB with 2 guys who will likely be every bit as good a replacement QB that Sage was for us.
Orlovsky at least showed that he was the biggest improvement on a very bad team. Physically he has the skill set. There is nothing to suggest that Kubiak can't improve him more. Every QB under Kubiak's has improved. I think we're in a good situation regardless. Orlovsky gets my vote.
I think whoever wins it should be the 2nd stringer. However, I chose Dan O, because I think we know what we're getting with Rex mostly, and we have already experienced that as a fan base. Dan O is still an unwritten book, so to speak.
Was Sage a decent backup QB for us? I think he was a pretty reliable backup in 07. Probably not so much in 08, but average.

Sage's stats at Miami before coming to the Texans.

54% Comp rate
6 Tds 6 Ints
776 Passing yards
5 rushing yards
73 QB rating
In 4 years!
And one epic fail of a fumble.

Looks like Dan-O did better with a bad team than Copter did with an average to just below average team.

This take on Sage get's me laughing. Ironic that Shaub's stat's prior to the Texans are VERY comparable to Sage? In fact, their stats while at the Texans would be verry tough to compare and tell which are better. So, by reasons of decuction, I could conclude, using your take, that Dan-O should be starting.

Back on track to the Dan/Rex poll... I voted Rex. Experience wins out in my book when it comes to a backup. This notion that Dan did more with less is not enough to impress me either way. Sure, Dan was on a bad team.. I don't see what tools Rex really had to say he was on a good team. That was a team that went to the superbowl due to their defense and ST. He had no real big play recievers. He had an above average at best running back. Historically, what has Chicago ever shown that would lend to being tagged as an organization that produces any real talent at QB. Problably going back before I was born. At least Dan-O had Charles J to throw to.

Either of these guys are walking into a situation that they will greatly benefit from "if/when" they get the opportunity to play. I'm again, opting to go with experience, when all things considered, these guys have a lot to prove in what is likely the first environment that they have a fair chance of proving anything.
This take on Sage get's me laughing. Ironic that Shaub's stat's prior to the Texans are VERY comparable to Sage? In fact, their stats while at the Texans would be verry tough to compare and tell which are better. So, by reasons of decuction, I could conclude, using your take, that Dan-O should be starting.

Back on track to the Dan/Rex poll... I voted Rex. Experience wins out in my book when it comes to a backup. This notion that Dan did more with less is not enough to impress me either way. Sure, Dan was on a bad team.. I don't see what tools Rex really had to say he was on a good team. That was a team that went to the superbowl due to their defense and ST. He had no real big play recievers. He had an above average at best running back. Historically, what has Chicago ever shown that would lend to being tagged as an organization that produces any real talent at QB. Problably going back before I was born. At least Dan-O had Charles J to throw to.

Either of these guys are walking into a situation that they will greatly benefit from "if/when" they get the opportunity to play. I'm again, opting to go with experience, when all things considered, these guys have a lot to prove in what is likely the first environment that they have a fair chance of proving anything.

I think you missed my point :hmmm:
Which Grossman are we gonna get?

Finally a voice of reason. I was really worried about the back up qb going into this season. DanO had me worried because he played for the0-16 Lions. I know that it wasnt all his fault but around here the Qb play has been blamed for the Texans lack of success. Dano's defenders are saying its not his fault he had no line the defense sucked and he had no running game. Sound familiar? It should to Texans fans, because it was some of the things said about HWWNBN. No line bad team etc....those excuses were good for an expansion team and rookie quarterback but not for a team on the cusp of the playoffs.

The only problem is David Carr and Dan aren't comparable....atleast with how you're trying to compare them...

How many years did we see David Carr stink it up and how many times did we say he was a complete sack magnet? How many times did we see another QB play behind that same line and then the line look MUCH more competent? Well Dan was that other QB last season....3 QBs played behind the same Detroit Lions Oline....when Dan lined up behind center the line improved alot and looked ALOT better (outside of his very first career start in his NFL career). So I really don't understand your "David Carr" really doesn't fit here at all.

I was afraid that people felt comfortable in handing over the reigns of the team to a guy most famous for running out the endzone and leading a team to the 0-16 regular season record. The guy has got to have some really bad habits and juju around him and after last year I dont think the Texans need that. Sage was reliable , even despite the Rosencopter play, we knew what we had with him. Dano not so much.

If you're a sage fan you should be a Dan fan, before Sage got here he was the same QB Dan is without Kubiak.....seriously go pull up Sage's #s as a starter before he got here (passing %, TD/INT ratio, and QB rating) and compare them to Dan's they're identical.

Dan is young and has MUCH more upside than Sage.

I feel that Rex is better equiped to be our backup because of his experiance as a starter. He will have the weapons in Houston he didnt have in Chicago and I think with his big arm and experiance could help us in the event Schaub goes down.

I was stationed up near Chicago during Grossman's time there......he sucks. He's David Carr, except instead of taking a sack he just fires off stupid passes, both players can't read a defense to save their lives.

Here are the headlines we'd get up there on a weekly basis....."GROSS-MAN".

Grossman is like 30 and he is what he is.......a crappy QB who can't be counted on for a extended amount of time.
I think Kubiak sees something between his ears and on QB's, I'll trust Kubiak. Sage was a scrapheap backup who couldn't beat out scrapheap starters until Kubiak got hold of him.

Couldn't the same argument be used for Grossman?

\Granted the Bears offense was better than the Lions, It's not like the Bears had a whole bunch of offensive weapons around Grossman either...
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I'm gonna take Grossman. Simply because of experience.

I think that in the long term (and quite possibly short term) Dan O may be the better QB because from what I hear he has some nice physical attributes....

But as of right now, I think that Grossman with Kubiak's coaching will be better than Dan O with Kubiak's coaching...

This offense isn't built on a single player having to do extraordinary things...This offense is probably more "team oriented" than some other offenses being that the scheme is the main component to making the offense go...

From what I've seen out of Grossman, he isn't really a risk taker...He's had some very good games in this leauge, and with our offense being as QB friendly as it is, I think he could be a hell of a back-up/fill in guy...JMO..
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Which Grossman are we gonna get?


Which Orlovsky are we gonna get the one that helped lead the Lions to an 0-16 record or the Orlovsky who didnt win a game? That is my main concern.

The Danos (those who like Dan Orlovsky as the backup) have made the point that he has a tremendous upside? How? do you mean that by he can only go up because you cant go any lower? that kind of upside? or do you mean upside because he is young and has all the tools to be good? Well when and where did he show those tools? I am not buying the argument that he made the Lions suck less than the other guys. whoopdie freaking dooo.
Now tell me how that is going to correlate to him Making the texans a better team and how can you trust him. (other than using upside or potential) The Texans dont need upside they need someone who can step in and win, if Schaub goes down.

If you comfrotable with Dano doing it..fine. I am not. I would like a qb that has won some games.I just want the Texans not to miss a step with either qb.

Before this continues..can we all agree that we put a moratorium on the Start Dan or start Rex threads. The years of the start Sage threads needs to be past us and I dont want it to be replaced with two threads touting the reasons why their guy should start. I think that would drive away whats left of my sanity.
Which Orlovsky are we gonna get the one that helped lead the Lions to an 0-16 record or the Orlovsky who didnt win a game? That is my main concern.

The Danos (those who like Dan Orlovsky as the backup) have made the point that he has a tremendous upside? How? do you mean that by he can only go up because you cant go any lower? that kind of upside? or do you mean upside because he is young and has all the tools to be good? Well when and where did he show those tools? I am not buying the argument that he made the Lions suck less than the other guys. whoopdie freaking dooo.
Now tell me how that is going to correlate to him Making the texans a better team and how can you trust him. (other than using upside or potential) The Texans dont need upside they need someone who can step in and win, if Schaub goes down.

If you comfrotable with Dano doing it..fine. I am not. I would like a qb that has won some games.I just want the Texans not to miss a step with either qb.

Before this continues..can we all agree that we put a moratorium on the Start Dan or start Rex threads. The years of the start Sage threads needs to be past us and I dont want it to be replaced with two threads touting the reasons why their guy should start. I think that would drive away whats left of my sanity.

Which Matty are we going to get LOL
all this banter making me hungry for some pre-season game time.

My subscription to NFL ticket renewed a couple of days ago! One week of vacation a few days away, off to the beach, then only a few more weeks left of nothing-ness.

I really like the QB situation better this year than years past, despite any mis-guided support I have for Sage. That may be a result of what really felt like a promising finish to last season after the horrible start. Matt came back, the Defense started to really compete at a high level.. If that can carry over.. I'm stoked!
I'm not really sure I should be in on a conversation about QBs. I was against the Schaub deal at first and thought Sage should have been the starter. I voted for Grossman, which ofcourse means Dan O will end up a better QB. LOL
Well, other than that running out of the back of the end zone thingy... But I voted Orlovsky too.

To be a bit fair to Dan-O, he said he thought he heard the whistle, but the lineman kept coming and he was just moving away from him while trying to figure out what was going on. Probably a convenient excuse, but........ I suspect the kid may have some stuff if given the chance and a bit of work by Kubes.
To be a bit fair to Dan-O, he said he thought he heard the whistle, but the lineman kept coming and he was just moving away from him while trying to figure out what was going on. Probably a convenient excuse, but........ I suspect the kid may have some stuff if given the chance and a bit of work by Kubes.

I'm a big Orlovsky fan but that is NOT what I heard. Where did you hear that?
To be a bit fair to Dan-O, he said he thought he heard the whistle, but the lineman kept coming and he was just moving away from him while trying to figure out what was going on. Probably a convenient excuse, but........ I suspect the kid may have some stuff if given the chance and a bit of work by Kubes.

That's not what I've read from him. From what I read, he simply wasn't aware that he'd stepped over the end line. THEN he heard the whistle and was wondering why they were blowing the whistle. THEN he looked down and realized he was going to be getting grief for the rest of his life.
That's not what I've read from him. From what I read, he simply wasn't aware that he'd stepped over the end line. THEN he heard the whistle and was wondering why they were blowing the whistle. THEN he looked down and realized he was going to be getting grief for the rest of his life.

THAT'S what I heard!
That's not what I've read from him. From what I read, he simply wasn't aware that he'd stepped over the end line. THEN he heard the whistle and was wondering why they were blowing the whistle. THEN he looked down and realized he was going to be getting grief for the rest of his life.

Mmm, sounds like I got it a bit wrong. That's what I get for trying to be a bit fair.:gun: