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Official Take the OLT Thread


Hall of Fame
I like Joe Thomas a lot. Watched the last two games and think he is a great prospect. Two things I noticed while watching him. First if you'll notice, they rarely cover the guy with a TE. On pass plays, he not only covers his responsiblities, if you watch his head, he's checking out the other five guys blocking in the pocket,befor he goes gets his assignment. In other words he is so good in pass prtection he has the time to make sure the pocket is ok, then he goes and takes care of his business. Just a very , very speciall guy. Watch the Wisconsin Highlights tonight, on the screen pass to #43, watch 72's head. I'm very impressed. I was worried about the knee. But it looks ok to me.

Saw #55 Cooley a couple of games for So. Mississippi. He looks like a zbs canidate to me. I know we're loaded at gaurd right now. Just saying. Very quick feet with very nice guns. Nice rump, very quick feet. Gets to the second level with easy . Makes great blocks there and seals the seam with attitude and athority. If he's close to a 5.0 forty and does the cone drills in the top five, I'd like to see him on the team. If we don't take him I bet he ends up with Denver.
Well, the top guys are:

Thomas, Gaither, Baker, Brown.

Thomas and Gaither I have rated higher than D'brick was last year. I have Gaither over Thomas. Baker is very similar to Winston Justice last year in that they are both insanely, athleticly, gifted OLTs who have yet to put it together really. Brown is more along the lines of McNeil from Auburn. Brown is a house who is pretty steady, but I thought McNeil was a better prospect than I think Brown is. All 4 of these guys have 1st round talent. Thomas and Gaither have top 10 talent, and one will probally go top 5.
We arnt going to be drafting in the top 5, top 10, and possibly outside of the first half. Better start looking at good players, not the absolute elite of next years draft class because we arnt going to be in a position to draft them (thankfully!)
Don't we have our future tackles in Winston and Spencer? I never thought I'd say this, but our biggest need isn't on the offensive line. Secondary is. Then linebacker. Then a running back. Then maybe O-line.
Don't we have our future tackles in Winston and Spencer? I never thought I'd say this, but our biggest need isn't on the offensive line. Secondary is. Then linebacker. Then a running back. Then maybe O-line.

I'm not going to dooms day Spencer. Will say if he comes back to near what he was by the spring mini camp, I'll be amazed. There's a reason Eric has not beaten out either Salaam or Weigert for playing time. Unlike previous years there are great prospects on the board this draft. Salaam was never ment to carry the o-line, not for ten or twelve games any way. Salaam was ment to be just a capable back up when someone got nicked for a couple of games.

Therefor, if you have three prime canidates, four if Gaither comes out, at a position that is dubious at best...has been dubious since Boselli spit the bit, it seems to me that you take the best guy on the board. You never know when this type of opportunity will come again. I mean some of us have been waiting for five years to do this. Always be stud RB's, Free Safties, LB's in the draft. But this situation is rare to have this many prime OLT's bunched together. We'll be in a position to get one. We should do it. But hey, that's just me. After Carrs preformance this season with adiquate tallent around him, it seems to me you would want to lock that in for the next several years. Dominate tackle seals the deal with our offensive line. JMHO. Not sure you can say that with all day or the defensive pick. Will they solidify their portion of the team that we won't have to worry about it for several years ? I think the d is more than one pick away don't you ? We get the tackle we'll be in the middle of the pack in offensive production. That'll be a big piece for the '08 play off run.
We arnt going to be drafting in the top 5, top 10, and possibly outside of the first half. Better start looking at good players, not the absolute elite of next years draft class because we arnt going to be in a position to draft them (thankfully!)

Well I don't know if Vegas has a Salaam line yet. What I will say if his legs hold the rest of the season, you'll be a bloody Einstien. If Eric is starting or they move Pitts back outside because of injury, my money says we'll be in the upper third of the draft. We'll be close enough to close this five year old festering wound and stop the hemorhaging. I know there's a lotta Carr hate out there, but come on how many years do we leave the guy dangeling to the whipping post ?
Time to solidify the line. Bite the bullet. Get 'er done.
the reason why the Texans look & LT with their 1st pick is that 2007- its a deep year for them headed by Joe Thomas (who will be gone by the time the Texans draft, hopefully in the sense the Texans are a better team now & pick outside). Of couse it all hinges on the underclassman who declare intentions to enter the draft. But the very real possiblity exists that when the Texans pick the best player it will actually be a LT, which is still a need. Win the war in the trenches & the Texans continue to win more games ( DT in the 2nd or 3rd would be kinda nice too).
Well, lets break down the potential talents in the draft as we see it thus far.

I'll assume we are picking 12th for good nature. This is where I think they will fall ahead of the 12th pick.

QB: Locks: Quinn, Bohm. Bubble: Stanton, Henne, Smith
RB: Locks: AP, Lynch. Bubble: none IMO
WR: Locks: Johnson, Jarrett Bubble: Rice, Ginn, Smith, Swede, Sazmenjadzjeda or w/e.
TE: Locks: none. Bubble: Olsen
OT: Locks: Thomas. Bubble: Gaither, Brown, Baker
OG: Locks: none Bubble: none 1st round potential: OG from UT
DE: Locks: Adams Bubble: Moses
DT: Locks: none Bubble: Okam, guy from OSU
LB: Locks: Plouz Bubble: Willis, Blades, Davis
S: Locks: none Bubble: Landry, Merriwehter, Griffin

So I count 9 locks by my list, and you know there will be players that rise like the sun at the combine. Gaither will be one of them, but my point to this thread was that even drafting around 12, we can still get our stud OLT.
Well, lets break down the potential talents in the draft as we see it thus far.

I'll assume we are picking 12th for good nature. This is where I think they will fall ahead of the 12th pick.

QB: Locks: Quinn, Bohm. Bubble: Stanton, Henne, Smith
RB: Locks: AP, Lynch. Bubble: none IMO
WR: Locks: Johnson, Jarrett Bubble: Rice, Ginn, Smith, Swede, Sazmenjadzjeda or w/e.
TE: Locks: none. Bubble: Olsen
OT: Locks: Thomas. Bubble: Gaither, Brown, Baker
OG: Locks: none Bubble: none 1st round potential: OG from UT
DE: Locks: Adams Bubble: Moses
DT: Locks: none Bubble: Okam, guy from OSU
LB: Locks: Plouz Bubble: Willis, Blades, Davis
S: Locks: none Bubble: Landry, Merriwehter, Griffin

So I count 9 locks by my list, and you know there will be players that rise like the sun at the combine. Gaither will be one of them, but my point to this thread was that even drafting around 12, we can still get our stud OLT.

Thank You. I agree. If the Scouts settle on a roll of the dice third round guy, with this much tallent at a need position, I'll be very surprised. I just don't think , by everything Kubes has done so far, that he's going to wait five years. I believe he's going to lock down that line this year. Grab what ever Defensive tallent he can, where he can. and Ball controll and make a run at a wild card next year. But to do that...he has to lock down the o-line...first. Which means grabing someone for solid OLT insurance for Spencer. If Spencer comes back @ 100 % it'd mean we're three deep at both tackles and the left gaurd positon....with superior tallent. It won't matter which beast we play where. Waiting for Winston to come around and depending on the grey beard I don't think will be in his cards. We'll see. JMHO.
Thank You. I agree. If the Scouts settle on a roll of the dice third round guy, with this much tallent at a need position, I'll be very surprised. I just don't think , by everything Kubes has done so far, that he's going to wait five years. I believe he's going to lock down that line this year. Grab what ever Defensive tallent he can, where he can. and Ball controll and make a run at a wild card next year. But to do that...he has to lock down the o-line...first. Which means grabing someone for solid OLT insurance for Spencer. If Spencer comes back @ 100 % it'd mean we're three deep at both tackles and the left gaurd positon....with superior tallent. It won't matter which beast we play where. Waiting for Winston to come around and depending on the grey beard I don't think will be in his cards. We'll see. JMHO.

Yes. I agree.

What I was getting at as well is that some of those "bubble" players will be highly sought after players come draft day.

I left out CB: Locks: Hughes Bubble: Carson, Hall

If you assume that those 10 "locks" are taken ahead of our pick if we were to have 12, then just play along that 2 of those countless bubble picks were to be taken somehwere in there. For instance, I do not think Landry is top 12 talent, but he will probally go there because of his hype and its often a position of need...see AJ Hawk last year. Was not the 5th best prospect.

I again do not see Spencer as a LT, but more as a RG. Thomas and Gaither are my picks for LT. Both are studs, and if the cards fall right, one of them could fall right into our laps.
For some reason, I doubt that we draft an OT in the first round, especailly since we just drafted 2 talented ones, say what you want about Winston, but he is a rookie and I dont doubt that he grows into a solid starter. As far as Charles Spencer, he broke his leg but just like Winston he is young, and I dont doubt that he can return full strength from his injury.

Another thing, I dont think that Kubiak is that worried about the O-line, and right now, Im not either. We have 5 starters on the line, most of which havent played together for more than 6 games, and all of them are in a new zone system. Wait until the end of the year and see how the running game is by then. When the O-line has had time to gel and develope trust in one another we will really be able to make an accurate assesment.

Another reason I dont think that Kubiak takes a LT is because if he really had thought that we needed one he would have traded down and taken Ferguson, who was a much better prospect than any of these OTs. Hes been a productive starter for the Jets since he stepped on the practice field.
Another reason I dont think that Kubiak takes a LT is because if he really had thought that we needed one he would have traded down and taken Ferguson, who was a much better prospect than any of these OTs. Hes been a productive starter for the Jets since he stepped on the practice field.

We couldn't find anyone who wanted to trade up for Bush. Fergueon, while a great prospect, is not better than Thomas or Gaither. Both would have gone ahead of him if all were seniors the same year. Fergueson has struggled a little, giving up 5 sacks before today, but he is a rookie and will be fine for years. That said, we can get a guy better than that this year.

I broke down how the draft might go with the first 12 picks. If we are indeed picking around there, it is very possible that an OLT is BPA.
Don't we have our future tackles in Winston and Spencer? I never thought I'd say this, but our biggest need isn't on the offensive line. Secondary is. Then linebacker. Then a running back. Then maybe O-line.

I think we should continue to take good prospects and continue to build depth. Now is not the time to rest on our Laurels. Salaam looks good, and I'd be fine if he were going to provide depth with us for years to come. But I wouldn't pass on good talent at value spots.
Salaam was never ment to carry the o-line, not for ten or twelve games any way. Salaam was ment to be just a capable back up when someone got nicked for a couple of games.

.......... since Boselli spit the bit,

Always be stud RB's, Free Safties, LB's in the draft. But this situation is rare to have this many prime OLT's bunched together.

I think the d is more than one pick away don't you ? We get the tackle we'll be in the middle of the pack in offensive production. That'll be a big piece for the '08 play off run.

Great points, all good points. But a couple of questions. What do you mean spit the bit.... usually that means the person in question bucked the system, didn't like the coaching he was getting, and either just quit, or was ousted...

Second.... I believe once we get our run game going, and I think the OL is very close, our OL will start looking like probowlers. & we'll be able to get good production without blue chip OLmen.

Of course, we should wait till the end of the year, to see if that is the case before we right off BPA. But looking at our team now, I can't imagine we wouldn't go for the best DB as early as we can.
Been a while since you bridled a horse TK ? It means he couldn't answer the bell. Wouldn't or in this case couldn't take the bridle's bit in his mouth. The running isn't going to get going, that is the point. We're close. We saw in preseason what it could be. Went against some good deffenses the first six and saw what it was. Especailly, when one of our off the crap heap RBs whipped out Spencer. Salaam has done his job and done it well. Not banging on Salaam. Seeing ahead, I don't know what they'll do if Salaam goes down. I believe once Salaam goes down, and I'm banking on the wear and tear of the NFL on thirty something legs, the weaknesses in our o-line and CC's lack of evaluating tallent, wiil be exposed. We'll see. My thought is we're close to fixing one thing, the o-line. We take the young tackle to back up Spencer, the o-line should be a lock in '07. And these guys are so tallented, they are almost pulg and play. There are remedies to fix that problem within out grasp .... now. My book says if one of the three Slips to us we sould take that solution. Get one thing fixed this off season. TK I see what you are saying. If they spend all seven picks on Defnse I'll shut up. But when Ross is one of the DB leaders this year, tells me this is a down year for DBs. We'll see what happens today. On paper it should be a gimme. We'll see. They should, a good nfl o-line should, be able to control the ball on the road to keep the young QB phenom on the bench so he can't hurt you. We'll see. Just saying that option is rarely availble to Kubes. I think that is the option he will choose next draft. Just trin' to head off the heart ache of them not taking All Day.
I think we should continue to take good prospects and continue to build depth. Now is not the time to rest on our Laurels. Salaam looks good, and I'd be fine if he were going to provide depth with us for years to come. But I wouldn't pass on good talent at value spots.

Salaam had either 4 or 5 false starts against the Titans
Kubiak came from Denver where they do not use high round draft picks on Olinemen. 1st and 2nd rounders in the Denver system have been high profile impact athletes such as WR, QB, LB, DT, Safety, CB. They don't even generally use high picks on RB's because with the zone blocking scheme that Kubiak runs here in houston you need more athletic olinemen that can be found in later rounds and RB's that can make 1 cut to the hole and run north and south (plus with Lundy playing well and the hopefull return of Davis next year we are ok at RB). I think that you can expect us to use our first 2 or 3 draft choices on the defensive side of the ball, unless there is some amazing talent left on the board in the 2nd or 3rd round. We can expect prolly a player in the Secondary , another LB, and hopefully another DT in the first 3 rounds or some combination of them because I feel like those are our biggest weaknesses.
Kubiak came from Denver where they do not use high round draft picks on Olinemen.

Except their 1st round RT.

They don't even generally use high picks on RB's

Depends on your definition of high--top half of the 1st certainly not but they have used 2nds on Tatum Bell and Clinton Portis and Kubiak was trying to trade into the 1st this year for DeAngelo Williams.
Again, I'll say: Denver has the luxury of drafting later round "project" lineman and developing them, similiar to what we attempted to do with Wand. They have this luxury because they have a very good offensive line ahead of those projects. Their starters are very good and dont need to be developed. They are studs for the system. We do not have anyone of that caliber, or really even close. Pitts is our best lineman...what does that tell you?

I don't think Kubiak is against taking a RB early. I don't think he'll take one this year with our first pick because of our obvious need of DBs but if someone like Bush were to be available in the second round, I think Kubiak would draft him. I really feel defense is easier to teach, and it's more instinctive to many players. When guys like Meco slip to the second each year, you know there will be talent like that in the same area next year that slips as well.

I still want Gaither with our #1 and a trade up for Hughes or Landry. I still need to study the Fresno St. CB more because his team sucks as a whole, but I need to review his individual play. I also want to look at their C, as he is supposed to be pretty good.
Salaam and Weigert were both exposed today. Neither one starts for any other team.

Nobody has objections? odd...

First, there aren't many tackles in this league that can block every DE in the NFL. Usually your RT/LT will excell at blocking a certain type of guy, or even a particular guy, and be avg at best at guarding the rest of the league.

I think it is obvious that Wiegart can't handle KVB....

I think it is obvious that Salaam had some issues as well.

I still believe Salaam has played well for us, as a starter, and have no problem with Kubiak saying he is the best LT we have on the team at the moment.

I don't know if Salaam can handle the whole season...... or even next week. But poor play will not be ther reason he is asked to sit down if he is asked to sit down in the future.

But I think we should all be thankful that he goes out there at less than 100% to give us a chance to win. I'm sure Kubiak is.
first, nobody is questioning Salaam's effort its talent & the futue of the Texans offensive line related to this thread thats being discussed. If the Texans have the chance to grab a conerstone player like Thomas or Gaither they should do it, its a need, its possibly the bpa & top LT's command top pay that reflect high draft pick money.

QB: Locks: Quinn, Bohm. Bubble: Stanton, Henne, Smith
RB: Locks: AP, Lynch. Bubble: none IMO
WR: Locks: Johnson, Jarrett Bubble: Rice, Ginn, Smith, Swede, Sazmenjadzjeda or w/e.
TE: Locks: none. Bubble: Olsen
OT: Locks: Thomas. Bubble: Gaither, Brown, Baker
OG: Locks: none Bubble: none 1st round potential: OG from UT
DE: Locks: Adams Bubble: Moses
DT: Locks: none Bubble: Okam, guy from OSU
LB: Locks: Plouz Bubble: Willis, Blades, Davis
S: Locks: none Bubble: Landry, Merriwehter, Griffin

I'm just nit-picking, but:

1. Justin Blaylock (OG from UT) was considered by many to be a 1st-round lock in last yr's draft if he would have come out early. But you don't think he's a lock this year?

2. I don't know if you're referring to someone else, but the only Okam that comes to my mind is Frank Okam and he is from Texas, not OSU.

3. I would have to say that at least ONE (either Landry or Griffin) will be considered locks by the time the draft rolls around.:twocents:
I'm just nit-picking, but:

1. Justin Blaylock (OG from UT) was considered by many to be a 1st-round lock in last yr's draft if he would have come out early. But you don't think he's a lock this year?

2. I don't know if you're referring to someone else, but the only Okam that comes to my mind is Frank Okam and he is from Texas, not OSU.

3. I would have to say that at least ONE (either Landry or Griffin) will be considered locks by the time the draft rolls around.:twocents:

1. I dont consider any OG a first round "lock". It's possible, but I was merely doing top 12 projections, and I doubt that your glasses are that burnt. I listed him as a 1st round possibility, but with each new crop comes newer and better talent. Also, any OG that is a unanimous first round draft pick comes out immediatly. I didn't list him as first round talent. I'm not claiming to be an expert, but last year he had some questions about him, and he didn't come out for a reason. This year could always be different.

2. I wasn't refering to anyone else. I said in Frank Okam the DT from UT. Then, I seperated my thoughts with a comma, like so, and proceded to list my other projection. I don't know his name, but he is a DT for OSU. He is supposed to be on par with Okam from UT. I haven't studdied his individual game to this point in time, but I'll get to it. Until then, I'm just going to trust the professional scouts' word. OK? Thanks buddy.

3. Landry is likely the 1st FS drafted. I refuse to admit at this point that he is a top 12 talent. He has first round ability, but I do not think Griffin does. I do not wear glasses of any colors when evaluating talent. Griffing just seems like an undersized SS to me. He is great in run support and can hit yes, but his hips are slow and his head doesn't swivel when trying to locate the ball. I want a FS for this team, not an upgraded, more athletic, and higher profile C.C. Brown.
2. I wasn't refering to anyone else. I said in Frank Okam the DT from UT. Then, I seperated my thoughts with a comma, like so, and proceded to list my other projection. I don't know his name, but he is a DT for OSU. He is supposed to be on par with Okam from UT. I haven't studdied his individual game to this point in time, but I'll get to it. Until then, I'm just going to trust the professional scouts' word. OK? Thanks buddy.

Quinn Pitcock (sp?)
1. I dont consider any OG a first round "lock". It's possible, but I was merely doing top 12 projections, and I doubt that your glasses are that burnt. I listed him as a 1st round possibility, but with each new crop comes newer and better talent. Also, any OG that is a unanimous first round draft pick comes out immediatly. I didn't list him as first round talent. I'm not claiming to be an expert, but last year he had some questions about him, and he didn't come out for a reason. This year could always be different.

2. I wasn't refering to anyone else. I said in Frank Okam the DT from UT. Then, I seperated my thoughts with a comma, like so, and proceded to list my other projection. I don't know his name, but he is a DT for OSU. He is supposed to be on par with Okam from UT. I haven't studdied his individual game to this point in time, but I'll get to it. Until then, I'm just going to trust the professional scouts' word. OK? Thanks buddy.

3. Landry is likely the 1st FS drafted. I refuse to admit at this point that he is a top 12 talent. He has first round ability, but I do not think Griffin does. I do not wear glasses of any colors when evaluating talent. Griffing just seems like an undersized SS to me. He is great in run support and can hit yes, but his hips are slow and his head doesn't swivel when trying to locate the ball. I want a FS for this team, not an upgraded, more athletic, and higher profile C.C. Brown.

Dude, first of all, no need to get snippy or sarcastic. I was just offering my opinion and I did misunderstand a little of what you were saying. If you were only projecting top 12 then I agree. I don't necessarily think any of the four players mentioned are locks for the top that was me not fully reading your post.

Anyway, Blaylock plays OT in college but he is projected as an OG in the NFL. So he may not necessarily be a unanimous 1st round projection as an OG and perhaps that's why he didn't come out early.

I don't even know what to say if you think Griffin is a similar player to CC. Griffin tackles better, runs faster, and is better in coverage. And isn't an upgraded and more athletic CC Brown the definition of a FS? Seems like that would mean he could cover, tackle and help in run support...exactly what you're looking for in a FS.
1. I dont consider any OG a first round "lock". It's possible, but I was merely doing top 12 projections, and I doubt that your glasses are that burnt. I listed him as a 1st round possibility, but with each new crop comes newer and better talent. Also, any OG that is a unanimous first round draft pick comes out immediatly. I didn't list him as first round talent. I'm not claiming to be an expert, but last year he had some questions about him, and he didn't come out for a reason. This year could always be different.

2. I wasn't refering to anyone else. I said in Frank Okam the DT from UT. Then, I seperated my thoughts with a comma, like so, and proceded to list my other projection. I don't know his name, but he is a DT for OSU. He is supposed to be on par with Okam from UT. I haven't studdied his individual game to this point in time, but I'll get to it. Until then, I'm just going to trust the professional scouts' word. OK? Thanks buddy.

3. Landry is likely the 1st FS drafted. I refuse to admit at this point that he is a top 12 talent. He has first round ability, but I do not think Griffin does. I do not wear glasses of any colors when evaluating talent. Griffing just seems like an undersized SS to me. He is great in run support and can hit yes, but his hips are slow and his head doesn't swivel when trying to locate the ball. I want a FS for this team, not an upgraded, more athletic, and higher profile C.C. Brown.

The reason that Blaylock stayed in college is because everybody does under Mack Brown.

In all of Mack Brown's time at Texas only TWO players have left early.
Kwame Cavil - was kicked off the team & got drafted by the CFL
Vince Young - one of the best college QBs of all time

That is called loyalty to the coach and the team. Michael Huff had it & was rewarded with the 7th overall pick.

You sound like either an Aggy or a Sooner based on what you have to say about the Texas kids.

Blaylock will be the first OG off the board. Griffin will be the second S. And if Okam leaves early for some reason then he will be the first DT taken.
You should probably watch a UT game before you put your draft hat on & grade their players.
You should probably watch a UT game before you put your draft hat on & grade their players.

I wear no glasses. I'm not an aggie, I'm not a sooner. I like KU, but I don't give a rats arse about our football program because we are bottom feeders. What I do like to do is evaluate talent all around. I offered my opinon. Its there, it won't change until I see enough proof to warent me doing so.
The reason that Blaylock stayed in college is because everybody does under Mack Brown.

In all of Mack Brown's time at Texas only TWO players have left early.
Kwame Cavil - was kicked off the team & got drafted by the CFL
Vince Young - one of the best college QBs of all time

That is called loyalty to the coach and the team. Michael Huff had it & was rewarded with the 7th overall pick.

You sound like either an Aggy or a Sooner based on what you have to say about the Texas kids.

Blaylock will be the first OG off the board. Griffin will be the second S. And if Okam leaves early for some reason then he will be the first DT taken.

Michael Huff was the better player with better instincts. I still don't think he was worth #7 overall, but he was deffinity a better prospect IMO than Griffin. I think Ross is a better prospect than Griffin as well. I like Blaylock and Okam, but I didn't grade Blaylock as a first rounder last year. This year, I put him on the bubble. That's as high as I can go with an OG. Everyone knew Okam was the best talent on the UT D-line last year, he just needed to be the main focus like he is this year.