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Official Tailgating Answers


Dance Lindsay!
...and some unofficial ones:

1. Pedestrian traffic is to be let in at 8:30. This is to keep the roads clear while the cars come in. There is discussion about whether to allow people into Platinum earlier.

2. Each lot will have a certain colored mark for each game. Problem scenario: you walk into Blue and get marked, walk to yellow and get marked, but when you get back to blue you already have the blue mark. If you speak with game day personnel, they should let you back in after a few questions.

3. For pre-10 AM will call you will need to enter the Fanin/Rail pedestrian entrance to go get your tickets.

4. The Texans have nothing to do with the Astroworld stuff. Speculation is that they are not doing things by the books - porta cans, police, fire, etc. So buyer beware.

5. Scalping is against City of Houston ordinance - whether on or off Reliant property.

6. Pedestrian entry ways were chosen to keep people from crossing major roads as best as possible. They understand it is not perfect and will adjust as necessary.
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...and some unofficial ones:

1. Pedestrian traffic is to be let in at 8:30. This is to keep the roads clear while the cars come in. There is discussion about whether to allow people into Platinum earlier.

2. Each lot will have a certain colored mark for each game. Problem scenario: you walk into Blue and get marked, walk to yellow and get marked, but when you get back to blue you already have the blue mark. If you speak with game day personnel, they should let you back in after a few questions.

3. For pre-10 AM will call you will need to enter the Fanin/Rail pedestrian entrance to go get your tickets.

4. The Texans have nothing to do with the Astroworld stuff. Speculation is that they are not doing things by the books - porta cans, police, fire, etc. So buyer beware.

5. Scalping is against City of Houston ordinance - whether on or off Reliant property.

1. Sucked!!

2. I have no idea what that means, other than the fact I'ma little scared of leaving Blue Crew to visit tailgates in other lots.

3. No issue there... I think. :thinking:

4. Meh, no worries for us! (Us, being Blue Crew)

5. I actually found this out the hard way... At an Astros game, years ago.
2. I have no idea what that means, other than the fact I'm a little scared of leaving Blue Crew to visit tailgates in other lots.

So you had a red mark on your ticket from going into blue on foot. If you go to yellow maybe you get a blue mark. When you come back to blue, the gate person would say 'wait you already have a red mark.'

An explanation of where you have been and where you are going should be fine to get you back into blue.
So you had a red mark on your ticket from going into blue on foot. If you go to yellow maybe you get a blue mark. When you come back to blue, the gate person would say 'wait you already have a red mark.'

An explanation of where you have been and where you are going should be fine to get you back into blue.

That is as long as the yellow shirts at the gates have any idea about what the policy is. The Texans need to make sure that:
A. Here is the policy...(Whatever it maybe)
B. The people working in the lots know (and follow) that policy.
C. Let the fans know what that policy is.
D. Give fans a way (phone #, textmsg, etc,) to get questions answered on this policy when there is a question on the policy.
Red/Blue/Yellow marks on your tickets


If you've got a game ticket you should be allowed into any lot. The welfarte recipients that park cars/work the gates use no logic. They do seem to like their new found sense of authority.

So you had a red mark on your ticket from going into blue on foot. If you go to yellow maybe you get a blue mark. When you come back to blue, the gate person would say 'wait you already have a red mark.'

An explanation of where you have been and where you are going should be fine to get you back into blue.

I hope so, my friend. I'm just not really happy with some of the changes...

Oh, and I will say it again; I'm happy with the spirit of these new rules - keeping the thugs and hoodlums out. I just think that the policies being enforced are more knee-jerk reaction. I know the Texans said they were working on this issue for awhile now, and that's all good. My problem is this: If they have been working on it for so long, why is it FAIL? I mean FAIL in certain regards. Apparently it (the new policy) had a dramatic effect on the silliness that had ensued at both the Colts game and more importantly the 'Gurls game. That's a good thing!!!

I still want something in order for tailgates like Raging Bull, who have several volunteers that don't have tickets to go into the game and yet tend to pits during the game...

If that makes sense!
That is as long as the yellow shirts at the gates have any idea about what the policy is. The Texans need to make sure that:
A. Here is the policy...(Whatever it maybe)
B. The people working in the lots know (and follow) that policy.
C. Let the fans know what that policy is.
D. Give fans a way (phone #, textmsg, etc,) to get questions answered on this policy when there is a question on the policy.

We just got alot of Idont know/I'll have to check with my supervisor BS.

If the Texans are going to change the rules in the middle of the season atleast their employees should know and be able to explain the changes. I guess that's too much to expect.

The great fans of the HOUSTON TEXANS deserve better. Both in the customer service areas and the product on the field.

Oh well when you're assured of sellouts apparently you can treat the paying customers any way you want.

Thanks Uncle BoB
Nobody is marking my ticket, They are all collector items for me. I will not let a yellow coat sharpie my ticket. :bat:

That's a really good point. I keep all of my tickets in prestine condition. That said I now have a red mark on the back of my ticket v. the Giants! Oh well, I have 80+ (and add an extra 5 roadies) that have no sharpie marks!

So you had a red mark on your ticket from going into blue on foot. If you go to yellow maybe you get a blue mark. When you come back to blue, the gate person would say 'wait you already have a red mark.'

An explanation of where you have been and where you are going should be fine to get you back into blue.

Red/Blue/Yellow marks on your tickets


If you've got a game ticket you should be allowed into any lot. The welfarte recipients that park cars/work the gates use no logic. They do seem to like their new found sense of authority.


I hope we can come and go as we need through the lots. I am coming in for the Chiefs game and bringing my father in law and I have yellow parking. I wanted to walk over and visit the blue crew.
5. Scalping is against City of Houston ordinance - whether on or off Reliant property.

Unless it's an approved vendor like StubHub, of course! Scalping is scalping, regardless if it's been approved by the organization because it's advertising revenue. Gotta' love sanctioned hypocrisy as official policy.
Unless it's an approved vendor like StubHub, of course! Scalping is scalping, regardless if it's been approved by the organization because it's advertising revenue. Gotta' love sanctioned hypocrisy as official policy.

Folks on here commonly say scalping is legal if off Reliant property.
Folks on here commonly say scalping is legal if off Reliant property.
And, generally speaking, they're correct.

Section 40.8 of the city's Code of Ordinances forbids the selling of merchandise only on public property. You can sell tickets for any price you want as long as you aren't on public property. Link
And, generally speaking, they're correct.

Section 40.8 of the city's Code of Ordinances forbids the selling of merchandise only on public property. You can sell tickets for any price you want as long as you aren't on public property. Link

I haven't looked into it the laws, but a cop told me last night they arrested folks in the Astroworld lot for scalping.
I don't understand the marking the ticket BS. If you have a ticket, you're allowed on property, right? Sounds like they still have their heads between their legs because of the Cowboys. Sad. Pathetic. Over-reacting bunch of BS.
I don't understand the marking the ticket BS. If you have a ticket, you're allowed on property, right? Sounds like they still have their heads between their legs because of the Cowboys. Sad. Pathetic. Over-reacting bunch of BS.

They're trying to avoid:

Bill goes in and gets 10 people's tickets who also walked in and passes them throught the fence to get another 10 folks in.

Right or wrong, that's their reasoning.
Well Bill does all the other stuff too why would he not use you. All the rest of us drive in and we do not take a taxi, you could be getting out and bringing in your scalping buddies to infilterate our pristene Platinum enviroment
They're trying to avoid:

Bill goes in and gets 10 people's tickets who also walked in and passes them throught the fence to get another 10 folks in.

Right or wrong, that's their reasoning.

They can still do that anyway. They don't mark the tickets of those who drive in. (Oops, don't give 'em ideas) The 10 or so people in our group could have passed tickets "through the fence" or whatever just the same. They are over-reacting their asses off on this deal. When you enter Reliant Park are you behind the Iron Curtain now? Geez!
They can still do that anyway. They don't mark the tickets of those who drive in. (Oops, don't give 'em ideas) The 10 or so people in our group could have passed tickets "through the fence" or whatever just the same. They are over-reacting their asses off on this deal. When you enter Reliant Park are you behind the Iron Curtain now? Geez!

Speedy, just playing the Devil's Advocate... does any of this effect you, the new policy? If not, it should not matter... So I assume it does have a direct effect on you...please explain.
There are a lot of people who complain about it, that do not have tickets, and expect to have a free party on private property..Since you do, how does it matter in your case?
I am just saying for those who are still complaining, what is the direct effect it has on you? Cannot get into the lot? Cannot bring 10 friends, cannot ... what else??
Go to a park and set up a tv and grill and party, go to Astroworld lot, same thing, what is the reason that not being allowed on the property is such a big deal...
I am just trying to get a first hand reason why it continues to grip people like this. Being told that non ticket holders can no longer participate really is that big of a deal, then you have an option... get season tickets.. spending all that money on set ups and food and drinks, shoot, for the cost of that per game, that gets you IN a seat inside, not out watching it...
Section 40.8 of the city's Code of Ordinances forbids the selling of merchandise only on public property. You can sell tickets for any price you want as long as you aren't on public property.

BINGO!!! Scalping in and of itself IS NOT illegal. It just depends where you do it. You can't scalp tickets on the sidewalk, just like you can't set up a T-shirt stand (or a lemonade stand) on the sidewalk (or any other public property). If a cop wants to bust you for scalping, he's going to give you a ticket for selling in a public place without a vendors license.

Is Reliant Park pubic property? Maybe. Maybe not. I'd argue it's private property on game day since the Texans have total control of the premises via their lease. Good luck convincing some brain dead cop. I wonder what the judge would say.

One more thing: It may be illegal to sell in certain places, but it's never illegal to buy.

BINGO!!! Scalping in and of itself IS NOT illegal. It just depends where you do it. You can't scalp tickets on the sidewalk, just like you can't set up a T-shirt stand (or a lemonade stand) on the sidewalk (or any other public property). If a cop wants to bust you for scalping, he's going to give you a ticket for selling in a public place without a vendors license.

Is Reliant Park pubic property? Maybe. Maybe not. I'd argue it's private property on game day since the Texans have total control of the premises via their lease. Good luck convincing some brain dead cop. I wonder what the judge would say.

One more thing: It may be illegal to sell in certain places, but it's never illegal to buy.


I would say it is !! That's why the fence around the entire perimeter !! If it was not, then it would be wide open and just the stadium would be fenced in.
Taxpayer money might have helped pay for it but it does not make it ours.. shoot, taxpayer dollars pay for streets, but we don't have a right to hang out on them whenever we want...
Untill they make it illegal and shut down the ticket hubs ie stub hub, ebay, ticket connection etc they will never stop scalping. you can get a permit and sell on the sidewalk they do it all the time at the Astro games.
Well Bill does all the other stuff too why would he not use you. All the rest of us drive in and we do not take a taxi, you could be getting out and bringing in your scalping buddies to infilterate our pristene Platinum enviroment

Twice in 8+ years!! Albeit it back to back games. The majority of the times Gibbs, Bill #2 and I beat you there.
you can get a permit and sell on the sidewalk they do it all the time at the Astros games.

Are you talking about the guy who sets up shop in that parking lot right next to the B.U.S. or the guys directly across Texas Avenue from the Astros main box office? Those guys don't even need a permit. They are on private property.

BINGO!!! Scalping in and of itself IS NOT illegal. It just depends where you do it. You can't scalp tickets on the sidewalk, just like you can't set up a T-shirt stand (or a lemonade stand) on the sidewalk (or any other public property). If a cop wants to bust you for scalping, he's going to give you a ticket for selling in a public place without a vendors license.

Is Reliant Park pubic property? Maybe. Maybe not. I'd argue it's private property on game day since the Texans have total control of the premises via their lease. Good luck convincing some brain dead cop. I wonder what the judge would say.

One more thing: It may be illegal to sell in certain places, but it's never illegal to buy.


I haven't looked into it the laws, but a cop told me last night they arrested folks in the Astroworld lot for scalping.

nothing personal but you worry about what other people are doing to much. If a guy wants to sell a ticket for 1 million and he finds a buyer ...its none of my business. Just sayin. Yankee I thought you tailgate in Texans lot...why concerned yourself with the Astroworld lot?
Untill they make it illegal and shut down the ticket hubs ie stub hub, ebay, ticket connection etc they will never stop scalping. you can get a permit and sell on the sidewalk they do it all the time at the Astro games.

Good point Joe.....I know its illegal in North Carolina but its a state law.
Untill they make it illegal and shut down the ticket hubs ie stub hub, ebay, ticket connection etc they will never stop scalping. you can get a permit and sell on the sidewalk they do it all the time at the Astro games.

Don't press your luck. I nearly got arrested for trying to unload a ticket right there on Crawford. Fortunately the cop recognized that I wasn't a scalper and just someone trying to unload an extra ticket.

I wound up just giving that ticket away!
nothing personal but you worry about what other people are doing to much. If a guy wants to sell a ticket for 1 million and he finds a buyer ...its none of my business. Just sayin. Yankee I thought you tailgate in Texans lot...why concerned yourself with the Astroworld lot?

I could give two shiats about scalpers. But there were a lot of questions on here and I had an oppurtunity to talk to a gameday cop and some front office folks the other night, so I am passing along what I was told.
I could give two shiats about scalpers. But there were a lot of questions on here and I had an oppurtunity to talk to a gameday cop and some front office folks the other night, so I am passing along what I was told.

Hey Ryan, continue to pass on your conversations and / or experiences, as that makes us all more knowledgable. As I mentioned, I was almost arrested at an Astros game for merely trying to sell a duckett. I wasn't even try to make money off of it (trying to sell it at face value). Again, I wound up giving it away, as I hate to see any ticket for any sporting event - WASTED!!