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Not sure what to think of this...


Brew Master
On Inside the NFL just now, Chis Collingsworth, Warren Sapp and Phil Simms ALL PICKED HOUSTON TO BEAT THE STEELERS!!
i dunno.. schaub gets confused rather easily, and the steelers will look to take AJ away with taylor and clark. THANK GAWD ARIAN IS BACK! Going off topic, does it seem like Schaub doesn't even attempt to read the defense? I can't recall and instance where he audibled out of a play based on what a defense was showing him... arrrrggg.
i dunno.. schaub gets confused rather easily, and the steelers will look to take AJ away with taylor and clark. THANK GAWD ARIAN IS BACK! Going off topic, does it seem like Schaub doesn't even attempt to read the defense? I can't recall and instance where he audibled out of a play based on what a defense was showing him... arrrrggg.

I don't think he's allowed to audible out of plays. The smartest man on the field is Kubiak, DON'T QUESTION IT.
i dunno.. schaub gets confused rather easily, and the steelers will look to take AJ away with taylor and clark. THANK GAWD ARIAN IS BACK! Going off topic, does it seem like Schaub doesn't even attempt to read the defense? I can't recall and instance where he audibled out of a play based on what a defense was showing him... arrrrggg.

I rarely see him audible..... i think he says that he gets a number of plays to choose from before he gets to the huddle....but rarely do I see him change the play once he calls it in the huddle......maybe I am wrong on that.....
It seems like Warren Sapp has some love for the Texans. He always seems to give us support. Maybe its cause of andre though
I rarely see him audible..... i think he says that he gets a number of plays to choose from before he gets to the huddle....but rarely do I see him change the play once he calls it in the huddle......maybe I am wrong on that.....

I think you are correct. He hardly ever audibles. I think someone posted a while ago that he is not allowed to audible?
I think you are correct. He hardly ever audibles. I think someone posted a while ago that he is not allowed to audible?

Schaub can audible.

Once upon a time, it was said that he could only audible into ONE type of play (meaning he did not have "full control" but rather was allowed to go to a certain play that was predetermined if he desired to do so pre-snap).

More recently, some people on here have said that there is a way that Schaub can audible that none of us would be able to easily pick up upon. Whereas Mr. Peyton Manning would wave his hands and stomp a foot, etc., and be very elaborate with his audible announcements...Matt Schaub has subtle ways of tipping off his guys as to what to do.

So, the short answer is "No, it's not true that Schaub cannot audible." The long answer involves lots more details than what I provided here, though. And there are a few people here who have the skinny on that.
The Texans are shaping up to be a very good football team this year, the meltdown on this board over their loss to an excellent Saints team last weekend notwithstanding.
Nobody worries about upsetting Dolphins.

That's because Dolphins don't rip your arms out of their sockets when they lose. Steelers have been known to do that.

Maybe they did when they were younger. "Chewbacca" is getting old. No one gets too scared any longer when he roars. I don't think they have the power to rip arms out of sockets, they're more likely to maybe dislocate your pinky. Still kinda painful but hardly life-threatening.

oh and thanks for the Star Wars reference (must spread rep); you know I'm a sucker for those:tiphat:
On Inside the NFL just now, Chis Collingsworth, Warren Sapp and Phil Simms ALL PICKED HOUSTON TO BEAT THE STEELERS!!

Going in to the 4qtr, but then.........................:vincepalm::vincepalm::vincepalm::vincepalm:
Schaub is allowed to audible. Kubiak and Schaub were asked about it several times last year.

Another one of our local urban myths. I remember Schaub being asked about this on a radio interview last year. The caller wanted to argue with him about it! The host just laughed and said if you can't believe the QB, then you're just living in lalaland.
Schaub is allowed to audible. Kubiak and Schaub were asked about it several times last year.

Not true. The one time he did, Ravens on MOnday night last year because his helmet radio went out, is when he lead the comeback against the Ravens. Ironically enough they got it working right before he threw the pick 6 and lost the game.:vincepalm:
Not true. The one time he did, Ravens on MOnday night last year because his helmet radio went out, is when he lead the comeback against the Ravens. Ironically enough they got it working right before he threw the pick 6 and lost the game.:vincepalm:

Do you have a legit source to back up the claim that it's not true?

I'm not calling you out, but there have been multiple interviews with Kubiak and Schaub that confirm that the QB is allowed to audible. I'd like to read/listen to anything that reveals otherwise outside of message board conjecture.
Not true. The one time he did, Ravens on MOnday night last year because his helmet radio went out, is when he lead the comeback against the Ravens.

Calling the entire play and an audible are not the same thing.

Do you have a legit source to back up the claim that it's not true?

I'm not calling you out, but there have been multiple interviews with Kubiak and Schaub that confirm that the QB is allowed to audible. I'd like to read/listen to anything that reveals otherwise outside of message board conjecture.

I think the confusion stems from a progression over time in developing Schaub. His first year starting for us Kubiak made a comment about not wanting to audible too much. Folks have taken that and run with it. But clearly Schaub has developed as a QB as a logical progression Kubiak has opened up the playbook and loosened the reins hence the more recent comments you and I have both heard.
Do you have a legit source to back up the claim that it's not true?

I'm not calling you out, but there have been multiple interviews with Kubiak and Schaub that confirm that the QB is allowed to audible. I'd like to read/listen to anything that reveals otherwise outside of message board conjecture.

Thats what I can find right now. I used to have a link, last year, to a more detailed article about it. From what I gather Schaub has ONE option if the called play doesnt look good. Usually a dump off to a RB or a quick slant. He proved in that Ravens game he could handle full control and personally I think they need to let him.
I guess I just can't see what's making us the favorites in this game. :shrug:

We are at home, can put up major points and no matter what happened 4th quarter last week our D is much improved.

The Steelers have a TERRIBLE O line, defense looks tired and old and Ben was almost killed the past 3 weeks.
We are at home, can put up major points and no matter what happened 4th quarter last week our D is much improved.

The Steelers have a TERRIBLE O line, defense looks tired and old and Ben was almost killed the past 3 weeks.

Sorry, but I ain't buyin in to this D just yet.

Sure, the media's saying they're old. They're currently #2 in the league and #1 against the pass. And before anyone says it was against the Seahawks and Colts, look at our 1st 2 games. They completely embarrassed us the last time we met.

Ben has been getting almost killed the past few years. He still makes plays

Thats what I can find right now. I used to have a link, last year, to a more detailed article about it. From what I gather Schaub has ONE option if the called play doesnt look good. Usually a dump off to a RB or a quick slant. He proved in that Ravens game he could handle full control and personally I think they need to let him.

DB wasn't asking about the headset issue at the Baltimore game he was asking about your assertion Schaub is not allowed to audible. You didn't provide anything on that. As for the Baltimore game, I sit front row home team side at the games and Schaub was often looking over to the the sidelines for signals not just calling his own plays but in any event that is play calling not audibles.

Edit - And as a matter of fact his communications were not totally out - they were intermittent. Just flipped on my DVR and it was on the 99 yard drive so mid fourth. Middle of the drive the commentators note he had been having difficulty with his helmet. A play or two later Schaub throws his hands in the air audibly says "I can't hear" and calls a timeout. That isn't a guy calling his own plays.

Now that I look back at the game this whole issue is funny because Jaws makes a comment about Schaub using audibles being one of the more active QB's making audibles in the league and used themon more than half the plays .
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Schaub can audible.

Once upon a time, it was said that he could only audible into ONE type of play (meaning he did not have "full control" but rather was allowed to go to a certain play that was predetermined if he desired to do so pre-snap).

Just to elaborate:
He is limited in the audibles he can call, but it is based on the play that was called in the huddle. If they're in a 2 tight end set, it doesn't make sense to audbile to something you'd run with a 4 WR set. It's a big misconception that Schaub can't audible. I imagine he does so frequently, he just does it in such a way that the defense has no idea if he is changing the play
DB wasn't asking about the headset issue at the Baltimore game he was asking about your assertion Schaub is not allowed to audible. You didn't provide anything on that. As for the Baltimore game, I sit front row home team side at the games and Schaub was often looking over to the the sidelines for signals not just calling his own plays but in any event that is play calling not audibles.

Edit - And as a matter of fact his communications were not totally out - they were intermittent. Just flipped on my DVR and it was on the 99 yard drive so mid fourth. Middle of the drive the commentators note he had been having difficulty with his helmet. A play or two later Schaub throws his hands in the air audibly says "I can't hear" and calls a timeout. That isn't a guy calling his own plays.

Maybe it was on one the sports talk local shows but i heard he is not allowed to audible but can only use his checkdowns.

So he patches what he hears on his radio and ad libs the rest. We suddenly became more active and moving the ball with ease. Either the biggest damn coincidence EVER or proves that he can do this. If he is controlled this much by Kubiak you think he lets him do much else?I will find the article from last year that had a full breakdown of this and describes it just as I said.
Just to elaborate:
He is limited in the audibles he can call, but it is based on the play that was called in the huddle. If they're in a 2 tight end set, it doesn't make sense to audbile to something you'd run with a 4 WR set. It's a big misconception that Schaub can't audible. I imagine he does so frequently, he just does it in such a way that the defense has no idea if he is changing the play

This is exactly what I heard Schaub say to the question about audibles.

He has plays within the chosen set that he can call depending on what the defense is showing him. Standard protocol stuff in the NFL.