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No integrity in college replay


Windmill cancer survivor
Contributor's Club
College replay will make a conspiracy theorist out of me yet.

Gotta be something more than just incompetance. Every single weekend, I see instances where I see absolute clear cut video evidence of how a play should be ruled, and I only need to see the replay one time on my TV because it's so obvious, like if when the ball goes 10 yards on an onside, or if the receiver gets his foot down when making a catch, or if the ball is tipped on a pass, etc.

Plays where there is obvious unmistakeable video evidence to anyone who sees it . .

. . and yet these so-called 'replay officials' rule it differently.

Replay needs to be abolished. It was meant to correct bad calls, not back them up.
I think they should let the referees make the call instead of a replay official. Do it like the NFL.
It seems like they're not really overturning calls.

Makes me think that they've been instructed not to overturn calls unless they are 110% positive the wrong call was made.
Makes me think that they've been instructed not to overturn calls unless they are 110% positive the wrong call was made.
Even when there is obvious video proof that the wrong call was made?

Yeah, that makes sense.:rolleyes:

I've never been a fan of Bob Stoops, but man alive, his team is getting screwed. And that Iowa State/Nebraska game tonight was a crime, too!:brickwall
Looked like a lateral to me. If it isn't a forward pass, gotta be a latteral. Oregon game was bad. And I do have Orange colored glasses on. But, looked like a good call to me. Thought that most folks would miss the pass interference penaty because it happened very early in the play. Our young QB stomped your young QB. And our d line punked the OU d-line. Live with it Dorthy.
I didn't care who won that game. I wasn't rooting for anyone. I'm talking about replay officials.
Even when there is obvious video proof that the wrong call was made?

Yeah, that makes sense.:rolleyes:

I've never been a fan of Bob Stoops, but man alive, his team is getting screwed.

The footage that I saw had the ball being passed from the same yard line and ended up at the same yard line. Looked like a lateral to me.

If Stoops would have spent more time actually coaching the game than jawing with the Line Judge , he might have been able to make something happen.

Adrian Peterson's fumble was a little questionable...

Still wouldn't have helped him win....
The footage that I saw had the ball being passed from the same yard line and ended up at the same yard line. Looked like a lateral to me.

If Stoops would have spent more time actually coaching the game than jawing with the Line Judge , he might have been able to make something happen.

Adrian Peterson's fumble was a little questionable...

Still wouldn't have helped him win....

Look, just forget about the Texas game, OK? What about ISU/Nebraska, or the Washington game, or the West Virginia game?

Do away with replay, and let the zebras on the field ***k it up instead.
The Big 10 pioneered it. Had if before NCAA widely used it.

Now, I agree, I see replay calls every week that AMAZE me for doing the opposite of the video evidence, etc.

Apparently the other conference don't rule like the Big 10 :-)
That was not a lateral and had it been thrown by a Longhorns player you :homer: 's would be livid about it.

Yeah, but it was not thrown by an UT player so now the OU :homer: 's are pissed. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. Stoops looked like he was about to explode on the sidelines. OU got pretty sloppy at the end, they had a few false start and holding penalties that I think hurt them more then that one penalty. Though I can appreciate Stoop's position on instant replay.
personal opinion on replay on college or pro level. We have seen many replays that should have been overturned and hasn't. Just makes me wonder what the media would do if replay was overturning atleast one or two calls a game on EVERY game.

if the overturning of calls started becoming more and more regular. where does the officiating(NFL or College) go from there?

Bottom line is that I think the officials do a good job but with the advancement of TV and all the cameras/camera angles that TV crews bring these days we see more and more of their mistakes , officials need to become better and who knows maybe they need a couple more at different spots. (but we'd see more roadkill zebras in a game)
That was not a lateral and had it been thrown by a Longhorns player you :homer:'s would be livid about it. Please take off your burnt orange glasses and watch the replay again. The ball landed on the same line as it was thrown after it was batted backwards by the RB. I haven't seen a more clearly forward pass called a lateral than this one. Certainly the ball had was thrown more across the field than forward but the key here is there was a forward component in its trajectory. That makes it a forward pass not where the ball lands you stupid refs.

Yeah well starts and ends on the same yard line, that's a latteral in my rule book. Et.Al. the ball did not break the plane moving forward. Doesn't matter if it's Colt or Taylor. A= I am a homer with respects to the horns. I also posted I think after the O.U. game, that this is a three loss team . Can't I be a homer and objective ?
It was a forward pass. The ball leaves Thompson's hand from behind the 12 yd line and hits Peterson's hand just in front of the 12 yd line. Forward pass.

Still don't think it matters because it didn't change the outcome of the game. Just increased Texas winning margin.

And Peterson did fumble.
UH also got screwed on 2 plays vs. Miami that were CLEARLY called WRONG by the ACC replay official...hmm

The NCAA should rule that ONLY NCAA approved replay officials will be used. No conference replay officials because we already have numerous cases where they are showing a clear bias for their conference..whether money is involved under the table or not..
Yes, Thompson was standing on the same yardage marker that Peterson was.

The point where he released the ball was close to half a yard behind AD, thus making it a forward pass.

Surely all the critizing of Carr and VY's release points on this board would have taught ya something.