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NFL to install Cameras in Locker Rooms


In its quest to keep fans in the stands, and give them a reason not to view games in high definition in their livings rooms, the N.F.L. will put cameras into all home team locker rooms next season. Then they will encourage the teams to use the video on their stadium scoreboards, to give fans who buy tickets an inside look at what goes on in the teams’ inner sanctums.

The N.F.L. is mandating the cameras, not making them optional, said Eric Grubman, the league’s executive vice president, during the opening panel of the IMG World Congress of Sports. Sports Business Daily first reported Grubman’s announcement from the panel.

Forcing the cameras on teams is probably a good idea, considering that notoriously secretive coaches would probably have strenuously resisted it as a suggestion, even though teams can use the video at their discretion and are unlikely to reveal any significant strategic details.

The league is also mandating that replays of important plays – fumbles, scoring plays, catches on the boundary – be shown in the stadium, even if the replay may not show an outcome that is favorable to the home team. In many stadiums, replays are withheld if they would help the away team, particularly because coaches have adopted the habit of looking at replays on Jumbotrons before deciding whether to challenge a play.
If they're gonna put cameras in the locker rooms - that will defintely bring the people from living rooms to the stadium... because that's obviously what the fan wants.
how about you just stop moving the game towards flag football .... is this a reality tv show or a sport?
What's the speed limit for Segway in the locker room?
Will there be fine similar to school zone limit that is strictly enforced? :foottap:
Some of the comments about this story are pretty funny...Eveything from NFL nanny state to accidentally seeing someones schlong up on the big screen during halftime or before the game...

I honestly don't know how I feel about this right now...
Seeing the players in the locker room wasnt even on my radar. How about airing the redzone channel on the jumbotron during timeouts and stoppage? How about adding wifi access for all fans to keep up with their fantasy teams and txt their friends smack talk?

Its not that hard to know what people want.
I don't like the idea of anything distracting them. How are they going to do this without giving anything away?
Some of the comments about this story are pretty funny...Eveything from NFL nanny state to accidentally seeing someones schlong up on the big screen during halftime or before the game...

I honestly don't know how I feel about this right now...

Visanthe Shiancoe thinks cameras in the locker room is a great idea.

Man....If something like that happens in an NFL stadium could they be held liable for child exposure laws or something? No?

No idea. This scene did go over the air on ESPN. Cable doesn't face the same decency standards as over the air or live entertainment. This would make the Janet Jackson incident pale in comparison, I would think.
Seeing the players in the locker room wasnt even on my radar. How about airing the redzone channel on the jumbotron during timeouts and stoppage? How about adding wifi access for all fans to keep up with their fantasy teams and txt their friends smack talk?

Its not that hard to know what people want.

yep...not hard for the average fan to figure out, but apparently beyond the comprehension of the NFL's collective brain trust.

Horrible idea. Hope it blows up in their faces.
What the hell do I want to see this for? What I want to see is the locker room for a woman's soccer team. This is bs.
Let me get this straight. The NFL is putting cameras in the locker rooms to show us what goes on in there thinking it makes people come to the games, while at the same time, the time when this show is supposed to be on the big screen is when the least amount of people are in their seats to see it.
