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New to the site


Sup guys new here, I have made a couple of posts already but wanted to introduce myself in the right section. I post frequently in the official MB. Got no problems but sometimes it gets slow, I notice the traffic here is fast so thought I'd join.

I have also bought tickets for games from season ticket holders so I want to see if that can be done here too.

I don't like personal attacks, unless another teams fan attacks another Texan fan, then it's on, don't care if I get banned. Looking forward to posting more and making new MB friends.
Welcome to the board, man.

I used to be over on the board but they pissed a lot of us off several years ago and I migrated over here with a bunch of the other regulars from over there.

I don't ever go over there anymore and haven't for years.
Sup guys new here, I have made a couple of posts already but wanted to introduce myself in the right section. I post frequently in the official MB. Got no problems but sometimes it gets slow, I notice the traffic here is fast so thought I'd join.

I have also bought tickets for games from season ticket holders so I want to see if that can be done here too.

I don't like personal attacks, unless another teams fan attacks another Texan fan, then it's on, don't care if I get banned. Looking forward to posting more and making new MB friends.
welcome aboard. Just remember that Billy, don't be a hero isn't just a song from the 70's.
Welcome to the board, man.

I used to be over on the board but they pissed a lot of us off several years ago and I migrated over here with a bunch of the other regulars from over there.

I don't ever go over there anymore and haven't for years.

I noticed there are a lot of people that used to post over there here now. That's cool.

welcome aboard. Just remember that Billy, don't be a hero isn't just a song from the 70's.

Lol not trying to be a hero, just got everyone's back here. Thanks for the welcome.
Welcome revan. :texflag:

I would think you will see many ticket opportunities as the season approaches and thoughout the season. Much luck!

I hope you enjoy your move here! :worldpeace:
Welcome to our lair! :D

I will be your tour guide.

Please keep all hands, feet, and genitalia INSIDE the vehicle at all times.
:facepalm: Bill!
Welcome revan. :texflag:

I would think you will see many ticket opportunities as the season approaches and thoughout the season. Much luck!

I hope you enjoy your move here! :worldpeace:

Can't wait, to start shopping for tickets, thanks bro.

Welcome to our lair! :D

I will be your tour guide.

Please keep all hands, feet, and genitalia INSIDE the vehicle at all times.
:facepalm: Bill!

Lol will do sir. :fostering:
Sup guys new here, I have made a couple of posts already but wanted to introduce myself in the right section. I post frequently in the official MB. Got no problems but sometimes it gets slow, I notice the traffic here is fast so thought I'd join.

I have also bought tickets for games from season ticket holders so I want to see if that can be done here too.

I don't like personal attacks, unless another teams fan attacks another Texan fan, then it's on, don't care if I get banned. Looking forward to posting more and making new MB friends.

Welcome get a haircut ya hippie.

Sup guys new here, I have made a couple of posts already but wanted to introduce myself in the right section. I post frequently in the official MB. Got no problems but sometimes it gets slow, I notice the traffic here is fast so thought I'd join.

I have also bought tickets for games from season ticket holders so I want to see if that can be done here too.

I don't like personal attacks, unless another teams fan attacks another Texan fan, then it's on, don't care if I get banned. Looking forward to posting more and making new MB friends.

I know you!! Lol!

Good seeing you over here. I'll be honest, my timeout from HTMB was a blessing in disguise. This place is a lot more informative w/ members that attempt to have knowledgeable discussions as opposed to acting as if the Texans have no faults & all is well all of the time. The mods over here also seem to have a bit more sense & don't act like dictators that are itching to suspend accounts at every opportunity. It's gotten to be a complete joke & silly over there as you can't write much of anything w/out getting a warning, infraction, or suspension. Needless to say, I prefer it over here but still visit over there keeping in mind that I'm entering a place that treats adults as if they are children & the mods/ dictators have their fingers on the suspension trigger. Next time I'm going to tell you how I really feel! Lol!

I think you will like it over here & it's good to see you. Enjoy!
Sup guys new here, I have made a couple of posts already but wanted to introduce myself in the right section. I post frequently in the official MB. Got no problems but sometimes it gets slow, I notice the traffic here is fast so thought I'd join.

I have also bought tickets for games from season ticket holders so I want to see if that can be done here too.

I don't like personal attacks, unless another teams fan attacks another Texan fan, then it's on, don't care if I get banned. Looking forward to posting more and making new MB friends.
Quote Revan, naver more
I know you!! Lol!

Good seeing you over here. I'll be honest, my timeout from HTMB was a blessing in disguise. This place is a lot more informative w/ members that attempt to have knowledgeable discussions as opposed to acting as if the Texans have no faults & all is well all of the time. The mods over here also seem to have a bit more sense & don't act like dictators that are itching to suspend accounts at every opportunity. It's gotten to be a complete joke & silly over there as you can't write much of anything w/out getting a warning, infraction, or suspension. Needless to say, I prefer it over here but still visit over there keeping in mind that I'm entering a place that treats adults as if they are children & the mods/ dictators have their fingers on the suspension trigger. Next time I'm going to tell you how I really feel! Lol!

I think you will like it over here & it's good to see you. Enjoy!

Dude I was wondering what had happened to you. Good to see you here. I haven't had any problems over, I just don't like how one can't mention the name of anyone that is not a Texan in the bullpen. I can understand starting a thread about a non Texan player but just throwing a name, that's getting too serious for a message board.

Quote Revan, naver more

Thanks buddy.