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My post game post.


Utopian Dreamer
Usually I try to avoid message boards right after a loss because usually it is a bunch of scapegoating and overreaction. There's usually overreactions after wins too, but generally those aren't quite as brain bleach annoying.

If you want an oasis of reasonable thought + something a little funny, please feel free to visit my most recent blog post.

Saints over Texans post game discussion post

It doesn't trying to create some global theory of Texans + Kubiak +scapegoat player suckage. Doesn't blame things on conspiracies, UFOs, Yetis or the Bermuda Triangle. Doesn't overly parse post game comments, whine, or is otherwise in need of a tissue. Lots of sensible comments there, and I'd invite you to add yours.

We live in a time of hypercritical thought. You read reviews of restaurants, doctors, consumer products, etc. This MB would likely shut down if people weren't commenting and complaining about stuff. I have a blog that is all about trying to figure out what is happening. Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." Yeah yeah yeah and yeah.

But sometimes I think that in mine and our drive to analyze, we lose the sense of just watching something. Seeing how it turns out. The Texans are still in the drivers seat of the AFC South, with a defense that is evolving, and an offense that is missing it's #1 and #2 running backs.

How about we see how this story turns out? :cow:
Usually I try to avoid message boards right after a loss because usually it is a bunch of scapegoating and overreaction. There's usually overreactions after wins too, but generally those aren't quite as brain bleach annoying.

If you want an oasis of reasonable thought + something a little funny, please feel free to visit my most recent blog post.

Saints over Texans post game discussion post

It doesn't trying to create some global theory of Texans + Kubiak +scapegoat player suckage. Doesn't blame things on conspiracies, UFOs, Yetis or the Bermuda Triangle. Doesn't overly parse post game comments, whine, or is otherwise in need of a tissue. Lots of sensible comments there, and I'd invite you to add yours.

We live in a time of hypercritical thought. You read reviews of restaurants, doctors, consumer products, etc. This MB would likely shut down if people weren't commenting and complaining about stuff. I have a blog that is all about trying to figure out what is happening. Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." Yeah yeah yeah and yeah.

But sometimes I think that in mine and our drive to analyze, we lose the sense of just watching something. Seeing how it turns out. The Texans are still in the drivers seat of the AFC South, with a defense that is evolving, and an offense that is missing it's #1 and #2 running backs.

How about we see how this story turns out? :cow:

I read your blog earlier today!!

That said, some of the responses on this message board today have been awesome!! Texan fan on Texan fan verbal violence has been relatively entertaining!

WOW!!! We lost one out of 16 to a very good team that's only like two years removed from the Super Bowl..

The loss is soooo bad that it would have Doctor Peter Venkman worrying about "Cats and dogs, living together, mass hysteria"!!!

Meh!! Let's move on and get ready for the Steelers!
No Moral Victories BUT we did put up 33 on the saints in their house, and we had them, i mean we were ...... this close. Defense needs to learn to shut the door, and offense needs to start finishing drives. Kubiak needs to lighten up and take a few risks. All that said we played well and even though we lost i was still happy with the team and how they played for the most part. Nothing wrong with 15-1 IMO ;)
Usually I try to avoid message boards right after a loss because usually it is a bunch of scapegoating and overreaction. There's usually overreactions after wins too, but generally those aren't quite as brain bleach annoying.

If you want an oasis of reasonable thought + something a little funny, please feel free to visit my most recent blog post.

Saints over Texans post game discussion post

It doesn't trying to create some global theory of Texans + Kubiak +scapegoat player suckage. Doesn't blame things on conspiracies, UFOs, Yetis or the Bermuda Triangle. Doesn't overly parse post game comments, whine, or is otherwise in need of a tissue. Lots of sensible comments there, and I'd invite you to add yours.

We live in a time of hypercritical thought. You read reviews of restaurants, doctors, consumer products, etc. This MB would likely shut down if people weren't commenting and complaining about stuff. I have a blog that is all about trying to figure out what is happening. Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." Yeah yeah yeah and yeah.

But sometimes I think that in mine and our drive to analyze, we lose the sense of just watching something. Seeing how it turns out. The Texans are still in the drivers seat of the AFC South, with a defense that is evolving, and an offense that is missing it's #1 and #2 running backs.

How about we see how this story turns out? :cow:
Wow, Stephanie, just wow. I have always read your posts but to be honest I read this one three times before responding. You come across as arrogant with the only location with "rational thought". Have not seen any UFO or Yeti comments on this board, except yours. Sure after a loss or sometimes without one some folks have hypercritical comments but if I do not want to read them, I just skip and go on. First thing that popped into my mind after reading your post was "she is starting to believe her own clippings".

Sure hope I am wrong but then I will defend your right to say what you want like I do others.
Usually I try to avoid message boards right after a loss because usually it is a bunch of scapegoating and overreaction. There's usually overreactions after wins too, but generally those aren't quite as brain bleach annoying.

If you want an oasis of reasonable thought + something a little funny, please feel free to visit my most recent blog post.

Saints over Texans post game discussion post

It doesn't trying to create some global theory of Texans + Kubiak +scapegoat player suckage. Doesn't blame things on conspiracies, UFOs, Yetis or the Bermuda Triangle. Doesn't overly parse post game comments, whine, or is otherwise in need of a tissue. Lots of sensible comments there, and I'd invite you to add yours.

We live in a time of hypercritical thought. You read reviews of restaurants, doctors, consumer products, etc. This MB would likely shut down if people weren't commenting and complaining about stuff. I have a blog that is all about trying to figure out what is happening. Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." Yeah yeah yeah and yeah.

But sometimes I think that in mine and our drive to analyze, we lose the sense of just watching something. Seeing how it turns out. The Texans are still in the drivers seat of the AFC South, with a defense that is evolving, and an offense that is missing it's #1 and #2 running backs.

How about we see how this story turns out? :cow:

Ward is not the #2 anymore in my opinion. Even if Ward comes back. Tate will get the backup carries. No doubt in my mind.
Wow, Stephanie, just wow. I have always read your posts but to be honest I read this one three times before responding. You come across as arrogant with the only location with "rational thought". Have not seen any UFO or Yeti comments on this board, except yours. Sure after a loss or sometimes without one some folks have hypercritical comments but if I do not want to read them, I just skip and go on. First thing that popped into my mind after reading your post was "she is starting to believe her own clippings".

Sure hope I am wrong but then I will defend your right to say what you want like I do others.

There is rational thought here. There is irrational thought here. There is, as Bill likes to say, fan on fan verbal violence here which he finds entertaining.

Did not mean to suggest that my thoughts were only rational ones. I would hope that I have built good will over years with folks, for people to give me benefit of doubt and not to assume the worst about my intentions or nature. Just meant to share a funny, not strike a nerve. Apologies.

It's always a risk communicating via just words that meaning, nuance are missed because you can't see faces, hear tone of voice, nor do you know the person well.

Some people do not care for fan on fan verbal sparring as entertainment. That's why some folk disappear after losses.

But thank you for your honesty. I will be more careful in how I word things if I leave links here for the interested, especially during the touchy times after losses. Just wanted to leave the general thought that hyper analysis can reduce our pleasure of experiencing things. Worry about that myself sometimes.
Ward is not the #2 anymore in my opinion. Even if Ward comes back. Tate will get the backup carries. No doubt in my mind.

May be the case. Tate with pass catching, pass pro, positive yards didn't act like a 2 last week. Superdome a hard place to play but boy Foster was missed.
May be the case. Tate with pass catching, pass pro, positive yards didn't act like a 2 last week. Superdome a hard place to play but boy Foster was missed.

for sure, i recall 2 big drops by tate in the 4th, that would of lead to at least a 1st, and he just flat out dropped them. That cant happen
What's really going to make this loss terrible, is that the Saints will lose to somebody.

Those Bucs, who ain't no better than we are.

The Vikings... Maybe the Coltless Mannings...


When they should have lost to us first.
There is rational thought here. There is irrational thought here. There is, as Bill likes to say, fan on fan verbal violence here which he finds entertaining.

Did not mean to suggest that my thoughts were only rational ones. I would hope that I have built good will over years with folks, for people to give me benefit of doubt and not to assume the worst about my intentions or nature. Just meant to share a funny, not strike a nerve. Apologies.

It's always a risk communicating via just words that meaning, nuance are missed because you can't see faces, hear tone of voice, nor do you know the person well.

Some people do not care for fan on fan verbal sparring as entertainment. That's why some folk disappear after losses.

But thank you for your honesty. I will be more careful in how I word things if I leave links here for the interested, especially during the touchy times after losses. Just wanted to leave the general thought that hyper analysis can reduce our pleasure of experiencing things. Worry about that myself sometimes.
Thanks for your response. This is why I put the last sentence in my first posted response. I have always respected your opinions. The verbal violence I try to avoid also. Never understood why we cannot disagree without name calling and sometimes threats. You & I are good.
There is rational thought here. There is irrational thought here. There is, as Bill likes to say, fan on fan verbal violence here which he finds entertaining.

Did not mean to suggest that my thoughts were only rational ones. I would hope that I have built good will over years with folks, for people to give me benefit of doubt and not to assume the worst about my intentions or nature. Just meant to share a funny, not strike a nerve. Apologies.

It's always a risk communicating via just words that meaning, nuance are missed because you can't see faces, hear tone of voice, nor do you know the person well.

Some people do not care for fan on fan verbal sparring as entertainment. That's why some folk disappear after losses.

But thank you for your honesty. I will be more careful in how I word things if I leave links here for the interested, especially during the touchy times after losses. Just wanted to leave the general thought that hyper analysis can reduce our pleasure of experiencing things. Worry about that myself sometimes.

Maybe you can just drop off a knife next time and let them just cut their wrists and get it over with. Some people seem to forget its not life or death it's just a football game. A pretty darn entertaining one also. Would have been better if we won but alas we didn't so you/we have to put up with the I'm going to make everyone as miserable as I am crowd. Hopefully we'll win against the Steelers and for those not bled out yet we can possibly get a better mood in here going.
Wow, Stephanie, just wow. I have always read your posts but to be honest I read this one three times before responding. You come across as arrogant with the only location with "rational thought". Have not seen any UFO or Yeti comments on this board, except yours. Sure after a loss or sometimes without one some folks have hypercritical comments but if I do not want to read them, I just skip and go on. First thing that popped into my mind after reading your post was "she is starting to believe her own clippings".

Sure hope I am wrong but then I will defend your right to say what you want like I do others.

This might help

Or try some of this

If neither of those do it for you, click this one
May be the case. Tate with pass catching, pass pro, positive yards didn't act like a 2 last week. Superdome a hard place to play but boy Foster was missed.

That was a critical drop. He catches that swing pass we get a first down and give our defense more time to rest and leaves N.O. with less time to score. Who knows maybe we get a score out of it.

Instead the very next play was the INT which gave the ball to N.O. on our side of the 50; not to mention swinging the momentum over to the Saints.

oh well...
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

On to the Steelers.
Stephanie, I generally like your blog, but, as I said yesterday, I can't - and won't - apologize for being bummed out by a loss. I can't. I'm just not wired that way. Yes, there were some fantastic things yesterday, like James Casey. But it's still a loss, and that is upsetting to a lot of fans.

Yep, things will blow over. But for now, a lot of people are bummed out. And that's ok.
Stephanie, I generally like your blog, but, as I said yesterday, I can't - and won't - apologize for being bummed out by a loss. I can't. I'm just not wired that way. Yes, there were some fantastic things yesterday, like James Casey. But it's still a loss, and that is upsetting to a lot of fans.

Yep, things will blow over. But for now, a lot of people are bummed out. And that's ok.

Never said you shouldn't be bummed out by a loss. I am bummed out by that loss. My blog said I was too grumbly to talk much.

Just an attempt at making people feel better though with a misery loves company thing. FAIL.
What's really going to make this loss terrible, is that the Saints will lose to somebody.

Those Bucs, who ain't no better than we are.

The Vikings... Maybe the Coltless Mannings...


When they should have lost to us first.

Uh...they lost to the Pack week 1.