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My cry to our Texans.

El Tejano

Hall of Fame
First off I want you to know I am a die hard Texan. I jumped in this thing with both feet and I am willing to keep going with the franchise even though some decisions have been pretty crazy.

You Texans are my team and over the past 5 years all I've dealt with is criticsm about how I like a bad team. I go to work and hear it, I stand in line at the grocery store wearing my Texans gear minding my own business and I hear it.

Recently, I haven't even been given the chance to see yall play on a consistent basis because I live in Austin, Tx and they decide to show The Titans because we aren't winning and because Vince Young now plays for them. No radio station broadcast your games and I just can't make it to a pub because my Sundays are already busy except for those 3 hours I look forward to rooting for my team win or lose. Out of the 4 wins we had, I only got to see 2 of them.

What I am saying here is I want you to play your heart out this Sunday. You still have much going for you and this season can be sustained as a non losing season with a win this Sunday. Many are waiting for you to fail so they can say they told you so. Others like myself have felt like they are tired of supporting Carr, others have clearly stated they are done with you altogether. I on the other hand am staying with you because I am a fan and I don't even live in Houston.

I know yall can put the bad behind you and keep going. I'm not sure what is going on with Carr but I will continue to put my feelings aside and support the man as long as he is our QB for out team. It is now a 4 game season and this is opening day. Many said you couldn't beat Jville and you did twice with a booty stomping in Reliant and a defensive battle on the road.

If you have no reason to play (you probably don't belong here) please make me and fans like me be that reason. Please remember that humiliation we all go through and give us something to believe in.

El Tejano.
I feel your pain, El Tejano. It's rough being a Texans fan. That's a whole lotta' losing to endure!

We shall prevail, though! I have confidence that Coach Kubiak will make the decisions that brings winning to this city. It just takes time to build a good team out of a 2-14 meltdown, so patience is in order.

I'm far from a blind homer, but I am a diehard fanatic. :texflag:
I feel your pain, El Tejano. It's rough being a Texans fan. That's a whole lotta' losing to endure!

We shall prevail, though! I have confidence that Coach Kubiak will make the decisions that brings winning to this city. It just takes time to build a good team out of a 2-14 meltdown, so patience is in order.

I'm far from a blind homer, but I am a diehard fanatic. :texflag:

I have all the faith in the world that Kubiak can become a winning coach here in Houston. He has some serious decisions to make this offseason. After this past years offseason, I'm sure they'll be beneficial to our team.:bananasplit:
El Tejano you are not alone, there are thousands of us that share your pain. We shall stick together and reap the benifits in years to come.