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Most QUESTIONABLE 1st round pick


There must be something seriously wrong with C. Rogers up in Detroit that we don't know about b/c the M. Williams pick left me totally like :shocked

The jags matt jones over mark clayton also was very :loser
The Mike Williams pick was questionable but think how good their offense will be with those 3 recievers and Kevin Jones. Harrington has no excuse this year if he does poorly, they have one of the best recieving bunch in the league. Dont forget Marcus Pollard too..

Matt Jones is a boom or bust pick IMO, if he does well they are praised if he cant make a smooth transistion then it was a wasted pick. He has lots of potential but he has never been a reciever so it may end up blowing up in their face. I think Drew Bennett has been the best transistion player as of late and if I am not mistaken the guy that coached him at Tennessee is now one of the Jags assistants.
TexansNeedRBin05 said:
Is Matt Stevens the big TE/QB that Tory Holt said needed to lose weight?

I am so confused...are you talking about the horrible FS that the texans had Matt Stevens or the QB/WR/TE Matt Jones from Arkansas that the Jags drafted? :confused:
What makes me mad is that we could have moved back in the mid twentys and we could have gotten a first round pick next year. Why didn't we?
I'd say either Chris Spencer to the Hawks or the Lions taking Williams, they had way more needs than another WR. But thinking of them in a few years when all the contracts are adding up and they are in cap hell brings a smile to my face. :heh:
there are at least a dozen questionable picks, we'll just have to wait & see how they play out. Biggest gasp had to be Mike Williams going to Detroit, biggest risk Matt Jones #21 (guess Reggie Williams is not working out) & biggest reach was Oakland trading up to get Fabian Washington just because of his combine speed :confused:
beerlover said:
biggest reach was Oakland trading up to get Fabian Washington just because of his combine speed :confused:
When you get right down to it, Matt Jones probably does not go in the
first round without his combine speed. I know he was a tremendous football player at Arkansas and as QB led his team to many victores. But had he run 4.6 something instead of around 4.4, he probably doesn't get near the media and team attention and do we really think the Jags or anyone else takes him in round 1 ? He's a very impressive athlete and tempting to
take, but he will play a position he's never played before. And there is really
very few assets more valuable to an NFL team than its #1 Draft pick. He might be great, but its still a huge risk to take with such a valuabe asset.
G-Man said:
What makes me mad is that we could have moved back in the mid twentys and we could have gotten a first round pick next year. Why didn't we?
Because the team behind us, i forgot who it was, was very interested in T.J. and since he was Dom and Charlie's guy they didn't want to risk loosing him.
to me the most questionable pick was Troy Williamson at #7 I couldnt believe Minnesota didnt take Mike Williams i guess they wanted vertical passing speed more than a big reciever that has exceptional hands and body control.
I agree there with the Minn. pick. I was a bit confused. Culpepper seems to like to throw it up from time to time and no better to do that with than a M. Williams.

Detroit are dopes when clearly there is a big need to improve that defense especially at LB.

As far as TJ goes I'm not convinced we wanted him. I think our jaws dropped when carolina took T. Davis b/c that picked kinda took me as well with carolina having much greater needs.

It was almost impossible to move DOWN in this draft don't ya'll agree? I mean it seems like NOBODY wanted to move up.
TexansNeedRBin05 said:
Is Matt Stevens the big TE/QB that Tory Holt said needed to lose weight?

Completely agree here, didn't Jacksonville draft him? Its not like its someone with no holes to fill that has the room to take a chance on the kid. They have obvious problem areas on that team which could have been filled in the first round, and choose instead to take the longshot?
I agree there WWJD. That was a bit shocking but what was said about the pick was that they got him so they could put newberry inside at guard where he originally plays.

The more QUESTIONABLE pick out of the big easy was Adrian McPherson....????
Clarrett to the Broncos in the third was a bit shocking as for the 1st round Matt Jones has a huge upside but I think 21 was a bit early, can't believe he went before Clayton.
NederlandTexan said:
If Mike Williams had fallen to 13, and we drafted him, would this board have erupted like it did when we didn't take DJ? :hmmm:

I think it wouldnt have as much as it did. I do think alot of the people on here would of been ok with Mike Williams
Most questionable 1st round pick has to be Matt Jones QB/WR. To pick someone in the first round just because of combine numbers is silly. Does he have POSSIBILITIES.....sure, but you don't burn a 1st for them. Even a second would have been questionable. The Jags rolled the dice on this one and frankly, I hope they come up snake eyes on it.
outofhnd said:
to me the most questionable pick was Troy Williamson at #7 I couldnt believe Minnesota didnt take Mike Williams i guess they wanted vertical passing speed more than a big reciever that has exceptional hands and body control.
Everyone here was getting real excited about us taking Williamson because he has tremendous speed, but I wondered what else he had ? Well we got that same speed with our a second day pick and he can also run back kickoffs and punts.
Detroit picking Mike Williams was an awsome pick. They are now loaded at WR. Why is it so many people think that once you get one great player at a position that you should stop trying to get more to go with him? They have three #1 WRs to put on the field at once, that is alot better than having just one to run out there. That was a great pick for them. They need to find a QB now though. Matt Jones was a no-brainer 1st round pick. He deserved to be picked in the 1st round.
Oilers/Texans said:
Detroit picking Mike Williams was an awsome pick. They are now loaded at WR. Why is it so many people think that once you get one great player at a position that you should stop trying to get more to go with him? They have three #1 WRs to put on the field at once, that is alot better than having just one to run out there. That was a great pick for them. They need to find a QB now though. Matt Jones was a no-brainer 1st round pick. He deserved to be picked in the 1st round.

I don't mind Detroit spending top dollar for 3 WR's... I can't wait until 3-4 years when they can't afford one or two of them....Teams around the league are going to say "thanks for developing them for us "
Wolf said:
I don't mind Detroit spending top dollar for 3 WR's... I can't wait until 3-4 years when they can't afford one or two of them....Teams around the league are going to say "thanks for developing them for us "

Yeah, unless they rework the contracts and keep them around even longer.
I don't think Detroit taking Williams was a bad pick at all. He was a projected top 5 pick, possibly even #1 and to get him where they did was a solid pick. Sometimes you have to take the best player available, not only address your needs. You can address those needs in other ways if you have star quality players in the mix.
I've heard on ESPN that the feeling is that the one Lions receiver Rogers is not well. I think he has some bad shoulder or something. I guess Williams is a good insurance policy in case that's true.
I think trying to get 3 WR's the ball enough is going to be a chore. I mean is there enough balls to go around????

I think Rogers career is in jeopardy. Do you remember the WR Miami drafted out of The U that year who was suppose to be so great....NEVER PLAYED A DOWN FOR 3 YEARS STRAIGHT. I think that's the feeling you get there.
beerlover said:
there are at least a dozen questionable picks, we'll just have to wait & see how they play out. Biggest gasp had to be Mike Williams going to Detroit, biggest risk Matt Jones #21 (guess Reggie Williams is not working out) & biggest reach was Oakland trading up to get Fabian Washington just because of his combine speed :confused:

just to follow up here is a link from NFL Coutdown reviewing the Jaguars draft :homer:
Let's face it. Can we really say there was any CLEAR anything in this draft?

QB- No clear best.

RB- ''

WR- ''

OL- ''

LB- DJ I guess u can call him the clear best at that position.

DB- No Clear

DL- No Clear.

This was a draft of clear PREFERENCE per team.
Texas_Thrill said:
Let's face it. Can we really say there was any CLEAR anything in this draft?

QB- No clear best.

RB- ''

WR- ''

OL- ''

LB- DJ I guess u can call him the clear best at that position.

DB- No Clear

DL- No Clear.

This was a draft of clear PREFERENCE per team.
QB- Alex Smith

OL- You're kidding right? Alex Barron, by a mile. Forget the N.O. reach for Jammal Brown

DL- True, but TJ was the best DT by a wide margin

It just seemed to me that there were a lot of unproven commodities and reaches this year. Let's hope some of the Texans gambles pay off big!
Texas_Thrill said:
Detroit are dopes when clearly there is a big need to improve that defense especially at LB.
not really, when you consider they have the ultra athletic Boss Bailey, their leading tackler Earl Holmes, and the talented Teddy Lehman.

The linebacker position wasn't really a need.
disaacks3 said:
OL- You're kidding right? Alex Barron, by a mile. Forget the N.O. reach for Jammal Brown
Sorry, but if he was a sure thing, he would have been the first O-lineman taken, so obviously he wasn't a sure thing.
The best situation - Matt Jones is a flop in Jax, so we trade for him with a future 7th rounder, say a couple hundred years down the road. Then he quickly develops, for example...overnight, and dominates the field for atleast the next decade. Really, if he develops, he could be a terror from the slot, as a TE, or as a wide out. If he can become an adequate blocker, things could get really nasty for DBs.

But a 1st round pick is really gambling the dice.
Youngstown Colt said:
Sorry, but if he was a sure thing, he would have been the first O-lineman taken, so obviously he wasn't a sure thing.
But you're forgetting the New Orleans factor, which can reduce simple choices to utter confusion! :wacko:
Texas_Thrill said:
Let's face it. Can we really say there was any CLEAR anything in this draft?

QB- No clear best.

RB- ''

WR- ''

OL- ''

LB- DJ I guess u can call him the clear best at that position.

DB- No Clear

DL- No Clear.

This was a draft of clear PREFERENCE per team.

How can you call DJ the clear best at his position when teams had a safety rated higher than him at linebacker?
I didn't call him the best i said and i quote myself "LB- DJ I guess u can call him the clear best at that position."

Read it again please. All I was saying was he was he was the best in regards b/c nobody knows what position davis will play.

The point was there no clear BEST in this draft at any position really.
canadiantexan said:
Clarrett to the Broncos in the third was a bit shocking as for the 1st round Matt Jones has a huge upside but I think 21 was a bit early, can't believe he went before Clayton.

Matt Jones is a calculated gamble. I thought he would sneak into the first after he posted his numbers. Clayton 5' 10", Jones 6' 3". You're right makes no sence to me either. Jacksonville will be heart breakers this season.

Anyone says he KNEW CC was going to draft TJ, who will be at best a journeyman,imho, is
equivocating. They got painted into a corner and BPAed. Might work out. I liked Castillio better.

someone said:
Detroit picking Mike Williams was an awsome pick. They are now loaded at WR. Why is it so many people think that once you get one great player at a position that you should stop trying to get more to go with him? They have three #1 WRs to put on the field at once, that is alot better than having just one to run out there. That was a great pick for them. They need to find a QB now though. Matt Jones was a no-brainer 1st round pick. He deserved to be picked in the 1st round.
Ah, I believe this is Arron Glenn/P-Burnt squared. Rodgers has to be hurt. They wanted to be dead solid sure about the #2. Mike Willams proves with out a doubt, if Jerry Rice is on the board again, a lot of teams will pass on him because of forty times. Numbers count as to where a guy will be drafted.
Height is all you can give for Jones being drafted over Clayton making sense? :ouch: seek help.

Clayton: Better at route running, quicker (not faster), more EXPERIENCED at WR which we all know is already a HARD transition to make in the NFL ....just ask Jax WR Reggie Williams from LAST year. Rookie WR's rarely do well in the NFL much less one that has NEVER played the position.

Nobody is saying you can't have more than 1 great player at a position but when you already have 2 not to mention some SERIOUS Defensive needs everyone has to wonder about that logic. They are pretty much saying to Rogers you can't stay healthy.

I agree with you on the TJ pick though. I think we thought DAVIS would fall to us or we wouldn't have traded down. I'm not ready to call him a journeyman but i find it so INTERESTING how everyone was saying dn't draft DJ b/c he played in a 4-3 but it makes sense we drafted TJ who ALSO played in a 4-3.
someone said:
Detroit picking Mike Williams was an awsome pick. They are now loaded at WR. Why is it so many people think that once you get one great player at a position that you should stop trying to get more to go with him?
Mike Williams will be running his routes from the slot whereas Rogers and the other Williams from UT will be doing what any receiver ought to be doing when they are top 10 pick overall - playing WR. You don't burn a top 10 for
a receiver who is gonna play the slot position, especially when you're top picks from the 2 previous years were receivers. No matter how good the Lions thought the USC receiver was, there is such a thing as being a little flexible instead of running the BPA concept into the ground.
Not to mention the fact the thing that could HELP harrington is a better Defense that way he can have more possessions during a game.

Apparently they are counting on Rogers getting hurt again for the year. I think rogers will be better in the slot b/c of his speed and size. Williams is a lot bigger and can fight the jams (so id like to think). Of course i've heard he had troubles fighting jams which makes no sense to me at his size but hey maybe he's a lover and not a fighter.