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Moan and Groan


All Pro
Wow. You guys continue to amaze the **** out of me. What was our record last year? 2 wins right? Our coach has been here how long? A little over half a season? What did everyone expect? It's not like we were 8-8 last year and pushing for the playoffs, fired the coach and now it's a disaster. 2 freaking wins last year. I understand everyone's ticked off and wants Carr's head on a plate and want Sage to save the world but it's not going to happen. Anyone who thought this team was going to have a winning record this year and is mad that they don't needs to shake out they're freaking headgear cause you weren't right to start with.

It's freaking hard to be a fan right now, I know. For chrissakes I think I'm the only H-Town fan out here so I know it sucks. If you want to be all pissed about everything then have at it but you can't start throwing people under the bus when it's the first year of a new system. Should Carr be further along, yes. But how far along would you be with 200+ hits on your butt over the last few seasons?

Maybe I'm just complaining about the complainers but geez, looking at some of the posts on here you would think we were on the cusp of a playoff berth.

First year coach after 5 years of poop = starting over.

Like it or not that's the way it is. Maybe I'm just cynical and don't expect a lot. I hate following a loser but at least I don't get worked up thinking they're going to win every week, and when they don't have a freak out like I didn't know it was going to happen.

Go ahead and boo me, not like it hasn't happened before. I just think people are getting ahead of themselves as to where this team should be in their head versus where it should be in reality.
Wow. You guys continue to amaze the **** out of me. What was our record last year? 2 wins right? Our coach has been here how long? A little over half a season? What did everyone expect? It's not like we were 8-8 last year and pushing for the playoffs, fired the coach and now it's a disaster. 2 freaking wins last year. I understand everyone's ticked off and wants Carr's head on a plate and want Sage to save the world but it's not going to happen. Anyone who thought this team was going to have a winning record this year and is mad that they don't needs to shake out they're freaking headgear cause you weren't right to start with.

It's freaking hard to be a fan right now, I know. For chrissakes I think I'm the only H-Town fan out here so I know it sucks. If you want to be all pissed about everything then have at it but you can't start throwing people under the bus when it's the first year of a new system. Should Carr be further along, yes. But how far along would you be with 200+ hits on your butt over the last few seasons?

Maybe I'm just complaining about the complainers but geez, looking at some of the posts on here you would think we were on the cusp of a playoff berth.

First year coach after 5 years of poop = starting over.

Like it or not that's the way it is. Maybe I'm just cynical and don't expect a lot. I hate following a loser but at least I don't get worked up thinking they're going to win every week, and when they don't have a freak out like I didn't know it was going to happen.

Go ahead and boo me, not like it hasn't happened before. I just think people are getting ahead of themselves as to where this team should be in their head versus where it should be in reality.

Great Post Txn_in_VA...I mean NC. Its obvious these the team is getting on the Kubiak bus and things are getting better. Just takes time and mostly importantly; players. Our talent level is near (if not) league bottom. Can't do anything about that in a year. Guess it's time to stay awau from the board for another week or so. Wonder if we could have board for realistic fans?
Wow. You guys continue to amaze the **** out of me. What was our record last year? 2 wins right? Our coach has been here how long? A little over half a season? What did everyone expect? It's not like we were 8-8 last year and pushing for the playoffs, fired the coach and now it's a disaster. 2 freaking wins last year. I understand everyone's ticked off and wants Carr's head on a plate and want Sage to save the world but it's not going to happen. Anyone who thought this team was going to have a winning record this year and is mad that they don't needs to shake out they're freaking headgear cause you weren't right to start with.

It's freaking hard to be a fan right now, I know. For chrissakes I think I'm the only H-Town fan out here so I know it sucks. If you want to be all pissed about everything then have at it but you can't start throwing people under the bus when it's the first year of a new system. Should Carr be further along, yes. But how far along would you be with 200+ hits on your butt over the last few seasons?

Maybe I'm just complaining about the complainers but geez, looking at some of the posts on here you would think we were on the cusp of a playoff berth.

First year coach after 5 years of poop = starting over.

Like it or not that's the way it is. Maybe I'm just cynical and don't expect a lot. I hate following a loser but at least I don't get worked up thinking they're going to win every week, and when they don't have a freak out like I didn't know it was going to happen.

Go ahead and boo me, not like it hasn't happened before. I just think people are getting ahead of themselves as to where this team should be in their head versus where it should be in reality.


today is the first day I put some posters on ignore and boy that helps.. I don't mind the disagreements, but when arguments have no substance, it is too much

how can someone neg rep the humping stormtrooper?
A bright light of optimism and reality amongst the vast wasteland of moronic cesspools of doom. Please go read the other postings and follow the herd mentality, nothing about reality should EVER be posted here, it gives the minions a sense of insecurity, and is therefore is against MB policies. :rofl:
Wow. You guys continue to amaze the **** out of me. What was our record last year? 2 wins right? Our coach has been here how long? A little over half a season? What did everyone expect? It's not like we were 8-8 last year and pushing for the playoffs, fired the coach and now it's a disaster. 2 freaking wins last year. I understand everyone's ticked off and wants Carr's head on a plate and want Sage to save the world but it's not going to happen. Anyone who thought this team was going to have a winning record this year and is mad that they don't needs to shake out they're freaking headgear cause you weren't right to start with.

It's freaking hard to be a fan right now, I know. For chrissakes I think I'm the only H-Town fan out here so I know it sucks. If you want to be all pissed about everything then have at it but you can't start throwing people under the bus when it's the first year of a new system. Should Carr be further along, yes. But how far along would you be with 200+ hits on your butt over the last few seasons?

Maybe I'm just complaining about the complainers but geez, looking at some of the posts on here you would think we were on the cusp of a playoff berth.

First year coach after 5 years of poop = starting over.

Like it or not that's the way it is. Maybe I'm just cynical and don't expect a lot. I hate following a loser but at least I don't get worked up thinking they're going to win every week, and when they don't have a freak out like I didn't know it was going to happen.

Go ahead and boo me, not like it hasn't happened before. I just think people are getting ahead of themselves as to where this team should be in their head versus where it should be in reality.

I understand what your saying, but its now time to have higher expectations.....why should we as Texan fans continue to settle.....why. Why should we continue to make excuses, I'll continue to give Kubiak a pass, but I'm done with Carr, he's not a championship QB....move on.

even on a bad team you look for flashes....Yao Ming showed flashes....Carr has been doing the same thing for 5 years. The Texans as a team have shown flashes, but that was in spite of Carr. Its time to groom a replacement.

Put it this way........tell me one thing we should be positive with Carr......and don't say comp% in trash time. When has Carr stepped up and made that "Drive" to win a game. When we win its because our defense has a great day not our offense,

Texan fans as a whole should have higher expectations for a #1 ovrl. pick......He's done in Houston
Losing is contagious, even to fans....I didn't expect the Texans to be good this year, BUT as a fan it does frustrate me when they stick with the same QB who didn't prove anything in his first 4 seasons....long live pissing and moaning!
A bright light of optimism and reality amongst the vast wasteland of moronic cesspools of doom. Please go read the other postings and follow the herd mentality, nothing about reality should EVER be posted here, it gives the minions a sense of insecurity, and is therefore is against MB policies. :rofl:

Whats the follow herd mentality.....supporting a QB that hasn't progressed or is the reality actually waking up and realizing Carr in Houston is a failed project.

For christ sake my name is Carrbomb, and I realize its a failed project. He's constantly outperformed by 1st year starters.
First 5 posts and then the thread had to digress,back to the old "off with his head" to replace coherent thought processes.
Does my posting state in anyway that I support Carr? :) It commends Tx in VA for his understanding that this team is exactly what he states it to be. A 2 and 14 squad, that has shown some improvement over last year. Now, will I jump on your shoot David Carr bandwagon? Nope, but I'm bright enough to see he is definitely part of the issue. Can Kubiak save him? I have my doubts, but I'm unwilling to make a commitment to his demise just yet :) As the officer said at the scene of the accident..."Move on, nothing to see here!" :)
I really hate to say this, but even 7 year old none patient son has more patience then alot of people here. "They need time and practice dont they daddy" to which I respond 'yes'. A new leader needs to learn the players on a team, thier strengths and weaknesses. From there, he can determine who to pick up and who can mold into a position. Kub has 1/2 season under his belt, and more wins then last year, more players look more refined and better vision, but it takes a huge window to get this working. How in the bloody blank we can give Capers 4 years, and think Kube can take us to the superbowl in 8 weeks is beyond me.

We are getting better. We are looking for the most part, better. Yes, we have a long way to go... but we have to give people time to get better. Patience my friends.. It will get better... from my vision and call to the physic hotline (kidding), it will get much better.
I understand what your saying, but its now time to have higher expectations.....why should we as Texan fans continue to settle.....why. Why should we continue to make excuses, I'll continue to give Kubiak a pass, but I'm done with Carr, he's not a championship QB....move on.

even on a bad team you look for flashes....Yao Ming showed flashes....Carr has been doing the same thing for 5 years. The Texans as a team have shown flashes, but that was in spite of Carr. Its time to groom a replacement.

Put it this way........tell me one thing we should be positive with Carr......and don't say comp% in trash time. When has Carr stepped up and made that "Drive" to win a game. When we win its because our defense has a great day not our offense,

Texan fans as a whole should have higher expectations for a #1 ovrl. pick......He's done in Houston

I disagree with you on several points.

Kub isnt given a pass, he is given TIME to be a first time head coach and make mistakes like the next guy. In addition, he was given a huge task to make something out of a bad team... I didnt say individual, I said bad team.

2. Carr aint done at anything but your mind. You cannot tell me with any sight that Carr hasnt shown much better poise, progress, production, and vision. He has VASTLY improved from his preformance last year, and just because we aint winning games yet, does not mean it not coming. I am one of Carr's harshest critics here for the last 3 years. He has shown alot more this year then he ever has. We need to see if e continues to improve. I am not saying we should give him 5 more years, but he should finish out this year at this level, and start next on a higher note.

3. Dont give me crap about trash time. There is no such thing. Football is football and if I can intercept your ball 50 times, I will. Trash time comments are an attempt to say there are times football isnt football. Bull. I could see 48 to 3 with 4 minutes left being this so called trash time, but we havent been there except once, and it wasnt that bad, AND Carr has repeatable good completion rates. Arguement doesnt show valid.
Holy $#@%^& the Titans ar losing to the Giants 21 to 0 at half, that can only mean 1 thing it's David Carr's fault!
I disagree with you on several points.

Kub isnt given a pass, he is given TIME to be a first time head coach and make mistakes like the next guy. In addition, he was given a huge task to make something out of a bad team... I didnt say individual, I said bad team.

2. Carr aint done at anything but your mind. You cannot tell me with any sight that Carr hasnt shown much better poise, progress, production, and vision. He has VASTLY improved from his preformance last year, and just because we aint winning games yet, does not mean it not coming. I am one of Carr's harshest critics here for the last 3 years. He has shown alot more this year then he ever has. We need to see if e continues to improve. I am not saying we should give him 5 more years, but he should finish out this year at this level, and start next on a higher note.

3. Dont give me crap about trash time. There is no such thing. Football is football and if I can intercept your ball 50 times, I will. Trash time comments are an attempt to say there are times football isnt football. Bull. I could see 48 to 3 with 4 minutes left being this so called trash time, but we havent been there except once, and it wasnt that bad, AND Carr has repeatable good completion rates. Arguement doesnt show valid.

First of all when I say Kubes should be given a pass that does mean time

second I have been Carr's bigest supporters and I've waken up, yes he has played better, but he isn't the right QB. he is a game manager

lets see

Billy Miller
whoever's there to catch his underneath pass,

This offense is clogged up and its not the weapons, their are QBs that would die to have the weapons he have

3rd there is trash time in football........anybody who has played football knows.....there is trash time in football, its called not getting burned deep and giving up the big play...........trash time = prevent defense = Carr shines
First of all when I say Kubes should be given a pass that does mean time

second I have been Carr's bigest supporters and I've waken up, yes he has played better, but he isn't the right QB. he is a game manager

lets see

Billy Miller
whoever's there to catch his underneath pass,

This offense is clogged up and its not the weapons, their are QBs that would die to have the weapons he have

3rd there is trash time in football........anybody who has played football knows.....there is trash time in football, its called not getting burned deep and giving up the big play...........trash time = prevent defense = Carr shines

1. We see eye to eye on Kub then

2. Carr was messed over by Capers. He was put on a pedistal he didnt earn. He wasnt held accountable. It always was someone else. Kub has started to show Carr this isnt the case. A good benching is always a wakeup call to a QB. He is holding him accountable, even when he plays a decent game. He is learning from someone he should have had (a mentor, not a suckup) when he first started. I dont know if he will ever be a pro-bowler.. But I do think we need to give him at least the rest of the year to show his worth.

3. From someone who did play football for 4 years, that is called conservative play to protect a win, not trash time. If you have been watching, we did it for 4 years under Capers. Trash time refers only to you know you have the win, its 4 minutes left, 24+ point difference, and nothing they can do short of God coming in for a visit will let them win. Then you can call it trash time. We have only had one or two time that has happen this year, and completion rate does not add up even with those time.
3rd there is trash time in football........anybody who has played football knows.....there is trash time in football, its called not getting burned deep and giving up the big play...........trash time = prevent defense = Carr shines

not picking on you but that also is what Sage had against the Titans..but to some on this board he seems to be the next coming.

CB, not saying you are saying that, but others are.

IMO if Carr wasn't doing what Kubiak is wanting, he would be benched..
i always figured it would take time, and i see some positives with the defense. david carr on the other hand cant always rely on coaches pointing out his flaws. he is a professional. nobody is stopping him from watching game film and correcting some things. i just dont like seeing people blaming carrs problems on the fact that the OC, QB coach, and head coaching positions have been a revolving door in the 5 seasons. carr is still making rookie mistakes.
not picking on you but that also is what Sage had against the Titans..but to some on this board he seems to be the next coming.

CB, not saying you are saying that, but others are.

IMO if Carr wasn't doing what Kubiak is wanting, he would be benched..

I don't like Sage, he's already been given chances and failed

I'm just frustrated and had to vent.