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Mike Flanagan interview on 790 AM


Hall of Fame
I only got the last minute or so. Did anyone else get a chance to listen to it? All I heard is that he's sure that David Carr won't get sacked as much just by the new coaching staff alone. I wish I had known he was going to be interviewed. Maybe it'll come out as a podcast later today.
heard it ..... 80% of the interview concerned Brett Favre and whether or not he's coming back ....

says the line will be better, before any new players are added, just because of the new coaches .... thinks he can bring veteran leadersip to the line ... likes the coaching staff .... nothing of note really ....
Frak The Jags said:
So, did everyone know how much our coaching blew ?

I think it was kind of hard to miss. You can't find twenty people in here who will agree about what they all just saw in the same game but nearly every poster on this board knew how bad our coaching was.

It might be one of only a handful of things we'll all ever be in agreement on.
Frak The Jags said:
So, did everyone know how much our coaching blew ?

The full effect of it hit me when I heard about the debacle prior to the season opener in Buffalo last year (scrapping the playbook on the eve of the game, basically). But the signs were already there in October '04 - the Denver game at Invesco was the beginning of the end.
aj. said:
The full effect of it hit me when I heard about the debacle prior to the season opener in Buffalo last year (scrapping the playbook on the eve of the game, basically). But the signs were already there in October '04 - the Denver game at Invesco was the beginning of the end.

Yup, Denver was a tough one to sit through. The only good thing I can remember was tailgating with you, Joe and Barrell Man. What's this about scraping the playbook before the Bills game? Didn't here about that.
aj. said:
The full effect of it hit me when I heard about the debacle prior to the season opener in Buffalo last year (scrapping the playbook on the eve of the game, basically). But the signs were already there in October '04 - the Denver game at Invesco was the beginning of the end.

Scrapping the playbook? I don't remember anything about that...
Big B Texan Fan said:
I cannot remember if Carr said it or Capers or Casserly but someone said it on the air.

Holy crap...if that's wonder we were such a feaking circus last year and the players gave up. What a bunch of MOOORRROOONNNNS.
Details are sketchy now but it came out after the Palmer firing. They had been trying a bunch of new o-line stuff in preseason, all geared toward protecting the QB. Long story short it failed miserably and days before the season opener at Buffalo, they basically threw everything they had worked on in preseason in the trash and reverted back to some of the '04 stuff. Needless to say, Palmer and Pendry weren't a match made in heaven, and Capers mismanaged it all.
Runner said:

ROFLMAO! awesome picture. yeah the fact that the playbook was scrapped, and the change of OC's, that sure didnt help. besides, i refuse to believe that our offensive line personel was THAT bad seeing as how we have kept pitts now for his 5th season, wiegert for his 4th, and mckinney for his 5th. thats 3/5 of our line. capers and his staff were a joke. conservative offense, no organization in offense (change of playbooks), conservative defense and misuse of the defensive personnel (4-3 personnel playing 3-4)....yeah the change in coaching staff + players added to roster = 6 more wins (3 by the coaches, 3 by the personnel)
Anyone notice the dejection on Carr's face after just the first possession? Sure anyone else might have been pissed and brushed it off and said we'll get it next series. But that look just carried on throughout the game. Maybe it was the fact that the playbook was scrapped and there really wasn't anything set in stone for them to do on offense and he had the feeling it was going to be a long season for him and the offense. Just a thought.
HoustonFan said:
Anyone notice the dejection on Carr's face after just the first possession? Sure anyone else might have been pissed and brushed it off and said we'll get it next series. But that look just carried on throughout the game. Maybe it was the fact that the playbook was scrapped and there really wasn't anything set in stone for them to do on offense and he had the feeling it was going to be a long season for him and the offense. Just a thought.

Well if he was thinking that, he got it right.

Carr's gotta be the happiest QB in the league right now. He's got a coach who's worked with John Elway and Steve Young. He's got 2 very good WR's now in AJ and Moulds. He's got a real tight end in Putzier. And he's very likely to have Reggie Bush along with DD in the backfield.
TexanSam said:
Well if he was thinking that, he got it right.

Carr's gotta be the happiest QB in the league right now. He's got a coach who's worked with John Elway and Steve Young. He's got 2 very good WR's now in AJ and Moulds. He's got a real tight end in Putzier. And he's very likely to have Reggie Bush along with DD in the backfield.

Or he could be nervous because he's got amazing compliments for him and if he screws up everyone's going to know the whole time it was just him...
There was a playbook?

How hard is it to coach "Run the ball, run the ball, and dump off to the RB on 3rd down...and really try to SELL the play-action fake this time, o.k. David?"

(hand over my mouth making a long and sustained wet farting noise)
Great thread and good times.

Since we're going down memory lane...

How 'bout Capers quotes after Carr and the first string offense only played a series or two in the early preseason games... "We know what we've got."

Or the Patriots-esque ideas like playing Robaire Smith at fullback in goal line situations.

Victor Riley playing the most important position on the offensive line (or any other position for that matter). In case you guys were wondering, he's not even in the NFL anymore.

I'm still wondering how Capers got 7 wins in 2004.
You can tell how much a bad scheme can affect an O-Line, just look at the Colts line in the AFC Championship vs Pitt.. They fell apart and it was mainly due to bad blocking schemes.
edo783 said:
Yup, Denver was a tough one to sit through. The only good thing I can remember was tailgating with you, Joe and Barrell Man. What's this about scraping the playbook before the Bills game? Didn't here about that.

Playbooks are overrated anyway ;)
the wonger need food said:
Great thread and good times.

Since we're going down memory lane...

How 'bout Capers quotes after Carr and the first string offense only played a series or two in the early preseason games... "We know what we've got."

Or the Patriots-esque ideas like playing Robaire Smith at fullback in goal line situations.

Victor Riley playing the most important position on the offensive line (or any other position for that matter). In case you guys were wondering, he's not even in the NFL anymore.

My favorites were the "preseason doesn't mean anything" and the "it takes time for the o-line to gel" denial threads.
How hard is it to coach "Run the ball, run the ball, and dump off to the RB on 3rd down...and really try to SELL the play-action fake this time, o.k. David?"

Don't forget about the old "Quick screen to the WR three times in a row".

Ok. It didn't work the first time but they won't be expecting the exact same play, in the exact same formation. Right? :ok: