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McNair Traded to Ravens

TexanFan881 said:
Steve McNair has been traded to the Baltimore Ravens pending a physical (which has already stopped one trade this year, but unlikely to here) for what is believed to be a 4th round pick. If it is the Titans got a good deal out of it with them having depth at QB and the Ravens got a good deal out of it with their new starting QB. It's a win-win for both teams.,0,3435498.story?coll=bal-home-headlines
Good for Steve. Now I can be a McNair fan again!
The Ravens pull in a massive upgrade. This could make the AFC North a real QB battle between Palmer, McNair, and Roethlissberger.
Does anybody think they have enough pop to take the AFC with McNair?

( the Ravens )

I think this is the first time they have had a Quarterback since Bert Jones played there.
Thats funny that he goes back to the division where he played the Steelers regularly. This is going to be interesting.
Oblivion said:
If Jamaal Lewis can comeback, they might have a SB run in them. I hope they kick the Steelers arse!

I think they should be OK even if Lewis can't return to his previous form. After all, they do have Mike Anderson, and although he is getting up there in years, he still had a productive year last season, albeit in the Denver running system. If Anderson plays near last year's level and Lewis at least plays respectably, the Ravens should have a decent running game.
Means we will be seeing Young sooner rather than later. You could make an argument for sitting Young behind McNair. It's a lot harder to make that argument for Volek. Volek isn't bad, but you can bet they are going to be pressing to put Young out there that much sooner now.
Volek did better than McNair did last year, he will be the starting QB while Vince Young learns behind worked for Carson Palmer and Eli Manning...I don't see the Titans rushing him in there.
PowerfulDragon said:
Ravens @ Titans Sun, Nov 12 1:00 pm.

Games like this one make me wish I had the NFL Ticket!

Good luck to McNair, though! I've always liked and respected him, and couldn't help but follow his career since he was originally drafted as a Houston Oiler.

I hope he finds big success with the Ravens (even though I'm not a big fan of the owner...but he's no worse than Bud).
PowerfulDragon said:
Ravens @ Titans Sun, Nov 12 1:00 pm.

Think McNair will try to send the Titanics a message ? I hope they beat the $h.. outa the Titanics and run up the score in the process .
Just more proof for V.Y. to hightail it out of Nashville once his rookie contract is up. Bud has zero loyalty.
He burned Houston and now McNair.
I wish Steve the best.
To hell with Bud! :crutch:
Blu said:
Just more proof for V.Y. to hightail it out of Nashville once his rookie contract is up. Bud has zero loyalty.
He burned Houston and now McNair.
I wish Steve the best.
To hell with Bud! :crutch:

I think you are being a little too harsh, this is a business and about winning.

I totally agree with your Bud statement, just not how you got there.
I have to admit that I always liked McNair but him being a Budman kept me from rooting for him. Now that Bud has screwed him over and McNair is on a team I consider neutral I'll root for him again.

As for it being "just business"...McNair signed extensions to lower his cap number twice if I recall correctly. That was a move to help the TEAM win. Most of the time you do that, some of the money because a bonus and the rest gets loaded into the final year. He ended up with a unrealistic cap number for this season ($23 million). His repayment for his loyalty was being locked out of the team facilities because they never intended on paying him the money in the contract for the final year. That's not just business. It's showing a lack of loyalty to an employee that was nothing but loyal to you. Sad really.
I feel sorry for Steve McNair, he gave up his body for that team, an he gets repayed but them not even letting him practice in the weight room, what a team, Im happy Bud moved his sorry ass out of Houston
El Tejano said:
Volek is pretty good though.

I think it was Vinny who said this first, but Volek just reminds me of another Cody Carlson. Good as the backup, but no so hot as the full-time starter. We may see VY by game 10 this year.
Carr2Johnson said:
I feel sorry for Steve McNair, he gave up his body for that team, an he gets repayed but them not even letting him practice in the weight room, what a team, Im happy Bud moved his sorry ass out of Houston

For a while, the Titans seemed to become a class organization in spite of Bud. Now, it appears the organization is back to what we are accustomed to.
Blu said:
Just more proof for V.Y. to hightail it out of Nashville once his rookie contract is up. Bud has zero loyalty.
He burned Houston and now McNair.
I wish Steve the best.
To hell with Bud! :crutch:

I have to agree w/ you on this one. I was hurt that the Oilers left - even though I don't put all of the blame on Bud. But thhe way they did Steve McNair was just horrible. Well he'll be playing for another one of my hometow teams, the Ravens. At least we won't have to play against him twice a season.
jerek said:
Means we will be seeing Young sooner rather than later. You could make an argument for sitting Young behind McNair. It's a lot harder to make that argument for Volek. Volek isn't bad, but you can bet they are going to be pressing to put Young out there that much sooner now.

Some on this board would say that he is replacing the wrong QB from FSU.

Khari, :stirpot: smilie just ain't good enough here. Can you put something together that has one smilie opening another smilie's old wounds? :)
Kaiser Toro said:
Some on this board would say that he is replacing the wrong QB from FSU.

Khari, :stirpot: smilie just ain't good enough here. Can you put something together that has one smiley opening another smilie's old wounds? :)
I've been wondering if we can make our own smilies and submit them, and how that would be done if possible. Mostly cuz I wanted to make an apples to oranges smiley, a Kubiak one, and (If possible) I had even invisioned a "Smiley Theatre" In which I (Given the proper time and boredom) would make texans smiley mini movies highlighting certain players (Like Dunta (using number 23) crashing into a bigger smiley (Fullback). Probably not though :crying:
Brandon420tx said:
I've been wondering if we can make our own smilies and submit them, and how that would be done if possible. Mostly cuz I wanted to make an apples to oranges smiley, a Kubiak one, and (If possible) I had even invisioned a "Smiley Theatre" In which I (Given the proper time and boredom) would make texans smiley mini movies highlighting certain players (Like Dunta (using number 23) crashing into a bigger smiley (Fullback). Probably not though :crying:

I know what you mean brah. I have lobbied hard for a smilie taking his brain out of his head and then playing something like catch or kick the can with it. I am going to need a bigger budget to make this dream happen. :mario:
What's the mood of the Titans board? Anyone check it out? (I would, but don't want to get my cpu dirty with that particular cookie ;))

Just imagine (in the twilight zone) that the Oilers never moved. This would be just another sad story in a long, sad Oilers history with Bud Adams. To be honest, I'm kinda' looking at a silver lining and glad it's not here. I'd be pretty upset if I was a fan and lost a player that's meant so much to the team. Dude is a warrior, and led them to their one and only Superbowl appearance in that franchise's history. And considering it's mostly a history of huge chokes, that should mean a lot.
Revolution said:
For a while, the Titans seemed to become a class organization in spite of Bud. Now, it appears the organization is back to what we are accustomed to.
Bud didn't renew Jeff Diamond's contract in 2004 and then took over as team president.

I feel sick.
This is one of those times where I pull out my little checklist of things that Titans fans in Nashville have coming to them and I cross one off the list. Today I'm going to put a big fat check next to the line that reads "Watch a franchise legend (like Earl Campbell for instance) get sent packing instead of spending his entire career with the team."

That's one more off the list. I really enjoyed checking off "See team post a losing season" (2004) and then "see team do it again" (2005). I'm looking forward to checking off "see them do it three years in a row" this coming year.

When Bud freaks out and fires Jeff Fisher I'll mark off "Watch beloved coach get his walking papers for no apparent reason" and that will be satisfying.

The best one so far though has been "Watch team get swept by obviously inferior opponent ( in this case the Texans in 2004)." That was a fun day.
Double Barrel said:
This would be just another sad story in a long, sad Oilers history with Bud Adams. To be honest, I'm kinda' looking at a silver lining and glad it's not here. I'd be pretty upset if I was a fan and lost a player that's meant so much to the team. Dude is a warrior, and led them to their one and only Superbowl appearance in that franchise's history. And considering it's mostly a history of huge chokes, that should mean a lot.
Sounds alot like Warren Moon, minus the Superbowl lost (1 yrd short...:yahoo: ).
It's just too bad the Ravens overpaid for him. If they are giving up a 4th round pick that is too much. The Titans had no choice but to cut him and would have received nothing. They had no leverage at all. The Ravens should have given a 6th round at most.

As for Steve himself, all those years of Tennessee blue have left a nasty stench on him as far as I'm concerned.
Double Barrel said:
What's the mood of the Titans board? Anyone check it out? (I would, but don't want to get my cpu dirty with that particular cookie ;))

Just imagine (in the twilight zone) that the Oilers never moved. This would be just another sad story in a long, sad Oilers history with Bud Adams. To be honest, I'm kinda' looking at a silver lining and glad it's not here. I'd be pretty upset if I was a fan and lost a player that's meant so much to the team. Dude is a warrior, and led them to their one and only Superbowl appearance in that franchise's history. And considering it's mostly a history of huge chokes, that should mean a lot.

It would be a really sad day, but we would have Vince Young!
Carr2Johnson said:
It would be a really sad day, but we would have Vince Young!

I'll take Bob McNair & Mario Williams any day over Bud Adams & Vince Young.

I like VY and all, but nobody can tip the balance in favor of Bud as far as I'm concerned. And Titans fans be warned, Young is only there until Adams decides to dispose of him accordingly.

I understand the NFL is a business. BUT, how you conduct that business is a different matter altogether. Bud has never had any class about these things. Books have been written about his 'legacy', and frankly, it's one I'm glad does not involve the city of Houston anymore.

Good riddance, Bud, and GOOD LUCK, STEVE!
Double Barrel said:
it's one I'm glad does not involve the city of Houston anymore.

Unfortunately he still lives in Houston and will most likely be buried in Houston. Check this out.

Tennesse Sports Hall of Fame
( I think it was posted here already )

eheheh Ooooo . Man it's too early in the morning for this. You know... Bud is kinda like a pedophile or a sex offender. Nobody wants him living on their block cause you just KNOW he will do it again.

83 years old... ahh the one positive side of K.S. "BuD" Adams, Junior. Not much longer now, not long now...
TwinSisters said:
Unfortunately he still lives in Houston and will most likely be buried in Houston. Check this out.

Sounds like a good place to take your dog to his business.
Clearly the Titans have a great deal of confidence in the abilities of Young to trade McNair. VY won't start right off, but he will probably be the #2 now -- unless the Titans grab K. Collins.
Double Barrel said:
I understand the NFL is a business. BUT, how you conduct that business is a different matter altogether. Bud has never had any class about these things. Books have been written about his 'legacy', and frankly, it's one I'm glad does not involve the city of Houston anymore.

Good riddance, Bud, and GOOD LUCK, STEVE!

Exactly. The NFL is a business and it's a very public business. You can't hide your actions from anyone. The whole world gets to see how you do things in the NFL and Bud's either never understood that or never cared.

The worst thing Bud ever did to Houston was to take the Oilers away. Oddly enough the best thing Bud ever did for Houston was to take the Oilers away. How does that work?

I don't know, it's a mystery.
He's officically a raven now:

Steve McNair passed the Ravens team physical Thursday morning, according to the Baltimore Sun, completing the final step in the deal which sends the quarterback from Tennessee to Baltimore in exchange for a fourth-round draft pick in 2007. The Ravens have called a press conference for later Thursday afternoon to formally announce the deal.

Tale Gator said:
Clearly the Titans have a great deal of confidence in the abilities of Young to trade McNair. VY won't start right off, but he will probably be the #2 now -- unless the Titans grab K. Collins.

The Titans had zero choice on this (not to say they do not also have confidence in Vince Young) because McNair was going to carry a cap hit of $23 mil this year. Once the PO'd him by not offering any new money, McNair was as good as gone.
Double Barrel said:
What's the mood of the Titans board? Anyone check it out? (I would, but don't want to get my cpu dirty with that particular cookie ;))....

Pretty much similar to what's been seen around here when players went to other teams, especially during the VY threads - there's some "he's the enemy", a few "following to that team" and some "time to move forward with our new team". A random selection if you will... but one on there has some kinda mad crush on Steve, like scary mad.

Interestingly, quite a few aren't too happy with Bud and how it was handled... go figure. Less kum-ba-yah floating around now in the lean years.
El Tejano said:
So does that officially make no more originally drafted Houston Oilers no longer on the Titans.

I was wondering the same thing. I guess the only leftover is Jeff Fisher. Hope the Titans stink it up a lot longer and he gets fired. I'd love to root for him on an NFC team. He's a class act.
Tale Gator said:
Clearly the Titans have a great deal of confidence in the abilities of Young to trade McNair. VY won't start right off, but he will probably be the #2 now -- unless the Titans grab K. Collins.
I'm thinking is Bud planning out an excuse to fire Jeff Fisher. If VY is put into QB, he will surely struggle, which would cause the whole team to struggle.

Don't call Bud Adams the NFL's worst owner until you think of Al Davis...
geofb said:
It's just too bad the Ravens overpaid for him. If they are giving up a 4th round pick that is too much. The Titans had no choice but to cut him and would have received nothing. They had no leverage at all. The Ravens should have given a 6th round at most.

As for Steve himself, all those years of Tennessee blue have left a nasty stench on him as far as I'm concerned.

I think the Ravens gave up a 4th to have control over the situation. The Titans could have waited a few weeks to cut him. This way the Ravens have their QB in camp working with the team. But I agree the 4th was high for a guy in the twillight of his career. But you can't always get something for nothing.
The ravens are going to win alot of games next year...their defense is their defense....and now with a competent QB..Two stud RB's , a Talented recieving corps(McNair reuinited with Mason)..and jim fassel as the out
The ravens are going to win alot of games next year...their defense is their defense....and now with a competent QB..Two stud RB's , a Talented recieving corps(McNair reuinited with Mason)..and jim fassel as the out

Wow, did this come right off the ESPN page. The one thing we can always count on from them every off season is endless talk of the greatness of the Ravens. This team is over hyped every year for some unknown reason. The funny part is how the head coach is supposed to be an offensive genius who has relied on the defense for the whole time he has been with the team. The other myth is that of Ray Lewis, who has not been a dominant linebacker for at least 3 years. Somehow Ray is the defensive equivalent of Favre to the ESPN crew and boy do they love to talk about him. It is great that the Ravens are expecting all these over-the-hill ex-Titans to return them back to the Super Bowl.

For little different perspective, feel free to check out this review of the Ravens.