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Mario Williams falling to #1 was a blessing

Who should the Texans have drafted #1 overall in 2006?

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Ole Miss Texan

Hall of Fame
Long offseason but we're almost to the draft. I went back and found Michael A. Smith's article before the '06 draft concerning the Texans #1 pick. A good read, especially today.

Just for fun, I wanted to do a poll and see peoples reaction to the draft. It's said you can't really get a full grade on a draft until at least 3 years down the road. Well boys and girls, this will be the 3 year anniversary of the historic day... the day hell froze over, it rained cats & dogs, and pigs started flying.

Here's the read!
Its a No Brainer. Mario Williams was the best choice for the first pick even though ill admit i didnt like it cuz i wanted V. Young but im glad i was wrong. We thankfully didnt get a RB who cant run between the tackles and would fit WR better. And Vince still has to prove himself although i cant give up on the hometown boy as for Ferguson i realy hav no idea who he is or plays for.
1a Mario Williams
1b D'brickawall Ferguson
255y Vince Young
255z Reggie Bust

as for Ferguson i realy hav no idea who he is or plays for.

The NY Jets LT.

Lulz @ the person voting VY. Is that you John?
Well, I'm so happy we chose Mario. I think he's pretty much the total package. Great pass rusher, great run stopper, great teammate, great person, etc. I think he fits what the Texans want on the field, in the locker room, off the field and in the community absolutely perfectly. I think Mario Williams and Andre Johnson are the two players on the Texans that are or can be the best at their positions in the entire NFL. From a franchise building standpoint as well, they're the two players I'd choose at their respective positions before anyone else.

I think Mario needs to be a life long Texan (Houston Texan) and we've gotta do everything we can to keep him here in Houston. It's so hard to narrow my favorite player down to just one guy, but I think the way Mario conducts himself on and off the field puts him at the top of my list. How fitting this would be my 5,000th post! ;)
Well, I'm so happy we chose Mario. I think he's pretty much the total package. Great pass rusher, great run stopper, great teammate, great person, etc. I think he fits what the Texans want on the field, in the locker room, off the field and in the community absolutely perfectly. I think Mario Williams and Andre Johnson are the two players on the Texans that are or can be the best at their positions in the entire NFL. From a franchise building standpoint as well, they're the two players I'd choose at their respective positions before anyone else.

I think Mario needs to be a life long Texan (Houston Texan) and we've gotta do everything we can to keep him here in Houston. It's so hard to narrow my favorite player down to just one guy, but I think the way Mario conducts himself on and off the field puts him at the top of my list. How fitting this would be my 5,000th post! ;)

Congrats on the 5000th, and double congrats for it being such common sense. Mario is our DE for the next ten years or so. He will go to the HOF, and he will be the first Texan inductee into the Texan (Bull)Ring of Fame.

That article is scarily good, considering the hostile Reggie loving atmosphere before the draft, and it is completely spot on.

The thing for me taht is important, is not Mario's on the field play. Everyone knows he is a beast on the field, and offenses have to scheme to make sure he doesn't ruin their day. The one thing that has impressed me over the last year is his head down, hardworking attitude, which will help our youngters and rookies keep their heads down, and keep players working hard, and behaving themselves off the field (its become a Texans philosophy in our short history to have 'good' guys).

Oh, and you KNOW when we're talking about the '06 draft its the offseason (or VY has been benched again...)!

Mario is the easy selection. Bush & Young haven't lived up to the hype, and Mario will be in the probowl for years... :brando:
I'm the second person to vote for Vince....... but let me explain.

Now, after just reading the post title, and then reading the question before I voted, there really was no explanation for what he was going for. Surely in hind sight, Mario Williams is the only answer that made sense, so surely, that's not what he was asking.

I figured(that's another word for assumed) that he meant if we had to do it all over again. IMHO, with the situation what it was, I still would've gone QB. Knowing what I know now, maybe Matt Lienart, maybe Jay Cutler.

And as another aside, we are today(each of us) the sum total of all the decisions we've made up to this point. Taking Vince #1 overall, might have changed everything about his career. He might have been the superstar some of us thought he might be, and Mario could be looking for a playing time on the Saints defense.... you never know.
I'm the second person to vote for Vince....... but let me explain.

Now, after just reading the post title, and then reading the question before I voted, there really was no explanation for what he was going for. Surely in hind sight, Mario Williams is the only answer that made sense, so surely, that's not what he was asking.

I figured(that's another word for assumed) that he meant if we had to do it all over again. IMHO, with the situation what it was, I still would've gone QB. Knowing what I know now, maybe Matt Lienart, maybe Jay Cutler.

And as another aside, we are today(each of us) the sum total of all the decisions we've made up to this point. Taking Vince #1 overall, might have changed everything about his career. He might have been the superstar some of us thought he might be, and Mario could be looking for a playing time on the Saints defense.... you never know.

You were the second?? I'm surprised, but your explanation makes sense, although I thought the question was pretty clear.
Matt Schaub posts here as an anti-Schaub poster (I think). I think Eric Winston is on here, too (I think). If I wasn't suppose to bring this out, delete the post.
You were the second?? I'm surprised, but your explanation makes sense, although I thought the question was pretty clear.

VY was/is not a NFL passer yet but he has time . What bothers me is the pouting stuff and that will be his downfall which is to bad cause he would be great in the Wildcat formation .
He doesn't have his binky which was the program, Mack Brown and I will admit, the recievers he had at Texas. But there is a slim to no chance of fixing that Uncle Rico throw.

You just can't fix ugly.
VY was/is not a NFL passer yet but he has time . What bothers me is the pouting stuff and that will be his downfall which is to bad cause he would be great in the Wildcat formation .
I'd develop him as a slash type player myself. I think the Dolphins showed that a situational QB can work if you get creative enough.
hilarious thread.

yeah, i voted for VY for a few reasons (none of which are me being stubborn :thinking:

a. David Carr would have never been resigned if the Texans had seriously considered drafting Vince. That means no Carr behind center in Kubiak's year. Then you could spend all the money you wasted on Carr on an impact free agent to help the DL to offset not having Mario.

b. No trade for Schaub. That means 2 extra 2nd Rounders and a few slots in the draft. 2 2nd Rounders sounds really good right about now. It was a good trade for the Texans but it would be one they wouldnt have made if Vy was drafted.

c. I think Vince could have been a good QB under Kubiak's tutelage and with some of the offensive talent that would have been around him in Houston as opposed to the Titans abysmal talent level on offense. Vince is going to have a hard time resurrecting his current NFL career, I just think things would have gone differently with Vince in his hometown. I know the trendy thing is to jump on the VY Sucks bandwagon, but I have never been a member of the flock of why start now.

d. With the extra picks, the extra cap space from having no Carr contract, and with the momentum Vince had going, I think it could have been something special. The guy made a lot of plays his rookie year and then just sort of lost it...I doubt that would have happened in Houston. I just thought the timing was perfect to change the course of the franchise.

Now with all those things being said, I love that we have Schaub and I love that we have Mario and can't wait for the season to start. Schaub is currently light years ahead of VY and that doesn't look to be changing anytime soon. Now if it was certain that VY would meltdown like he has in Tennessee there is no way I would change teh way things are...I just think things could have turned out better than some people think they would have. Remember at the time the Texans did not have Schaub and only had Carr so Schaub can't even enter the equation. It made sense to just cut Carr and draft VY, Leinart or even Cutler, but nooooooo the organization had to give Carr the maximum extension...what infinite wisdom.

but feel free to pile on, i just felt i should explain where i am coming from.

GO TEXANS in 2009
Mario would be my pick of the 4 players you gave us to choose from, but if I had the whole Board to pick from I'd have taken Jay Cutler (based upon the career they've all had to date).
How does one "fall" to number 1 anyway? :hmmm:
LOL, I knew I'd get that question! Well it came from the 2nd article I was reading where Michael Irvin said "Bush falling to the Saints was nothing short of a blessing." That just kind of made me laugh, like he fell so far? So i was just having fun with the title.

Now, after just reading the post title, and then reading the question before I voted, there really was no explanation for what he was going for. Surely in hind sight, Mario Williams is the only answer that made sense, so surely, that's not what he was asking.
Maybe the title and the poll question were kind of "a leading question" if you will. I only decided to do the poll after I wrote the threat/read the article. I've been wanting to do a poll like this for quite some time. Both together do seem a little leading, if you will so I apologize.

The question really is, who would you have picked? We've got to see each of them play 3 season... who would be best? I fully expected to see Mario having overwhelming support. This is something I'd love for ESPN to do on their sight and get fan reactions across the nation in the thousands and thousands... but I doubt they will. The results so far make me feel great that not only was Mario the right pick, but that the true die hard fans of the Texans feel he was the right pick, and that's more important than the national fanbase!

Re: SecondHoneymoon's attempt to provide an explanation (and thunderkyss)... only kidding guys:)
- I fully support the notion that VY's career could be different here than in Tenn. I think 2nd honeymoon had several other good points too. I think Vince could have had more success here with all the support, but that's also what worries me... especially at the QB position. Seems he's very volatile and when the going gets tough... he hasn't really overcome it. So we'd be hoping it never gets tough for him here? It's that mentality, walking on ice kind of feeling that worries me.
Mario would be my pick of the 4 players you gave us to choose from, but if I had the whole Board to pick from I'd have taken Jay Cutler (based upon the career they've all had to date).

In hindsight, I really wish i would have put "Other". Those were the 4 players talked about for the 1st pick, but there's no reason looking back not to have an other option listed. my apologies.

I don't think this is really the thread to bring this up but I will anyways, so there! What I find funny is that people were so quick to say, and I quote, "Mario wasn't even the best rookie that year, it was DROY Demeco Ryans." ESPN, other writers, and fans all said this! Still objecting to the pick. But none of them answered back when I wrote and asked, "Okay... so how about Reggie Bush? He wasn't even the best rookie on his team that year!?!? That would be 7th round draft pick #252 overall, Marques Colston. What does that say!!!!??"
I don't really want this to be a thread to "put down" the other players... I don't think that's very productive. But I find it funny some of the arguements used and how lame they were.
Who should the Texans have drafted #1 overall in 2006?

This is a difficult question. Almost as difficult a question as "Do you want to win the lottery?"

I can't tell you folks how happy it's made me to see Mario Williams work out so well. Ah, but fortes fortuna adiuvat.
Seems he's very volatile and when the going gets tough... he hasn't really overcome it. So we'd be hoping it never gets tough for him here? It's that mentality, walking on ice kind of feeling that worries me.

I do have to say this was the most disappointing thing about VY, that I've had to come to deal with. I was wrong about the things that motivated VY. I thought he was interested in improving his game, and going the extra mile, putting in the extra work, to get where he needs to be. Now, it seems his critics were correct, and his ability to influence his coach to try things his way, was in fact Mack's willingness to capitalize on his athleticism.

Nothing wrong with that mind you, as it proved very successfull for UT.

To summarize, I'm very disappointed with VY's ability to deal with criticism.
thanks for being objective, olemisstexan. everyone knows VY has been a failure since his rookie year especially based on him being a #3 overall pick. of that there is no doubt. i just felt we needed a change at QB immediately and pretty much knew that Kubiak wasn't going to make a difference in DC's ability to play quarterback in the NFL. VY held the most promise imho of the signal callers available in that draft....thus I would have chosen VY had I been the GM. Based on how things turned out, I would probably be unemployed right about now had I been the GM...but it may have gone down differently.
Mario would be my pick of the 4 players you gave us to choose from, but if I had the whole Board to pick from I'd have taken Jay Cutler (based upon the career they've all had to date).

I'm surprised he's not included in the poll. Knowing what we know now, there are only two possible answers: Super Mario or Cutler. VY would've been the worst possible pick because the organization would not have its pass rushing DE or a quarterback, and the organization's braintrust would look foolish for passing on Cutler to take another monumental QB bust first overall.
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I wanted VY originally.

I don't think he'd suck as bad if he were playing in our offense, but make no bones about it...he still wouldn't have been worth the pick because he struggles with every aspect of passing the ball. There isn't one area of his game, passing wise, that I'd say he is good at. He's a QB...In order to play that position on a full-time basis he'll have to learn to pass better.

This is a no brainer though. Mario in a landslide.
Actually, I still enjoy every football conversation I have with my friends. I told them (and posted on the old and the old TT) all that we needed to take him predraft because I didn't want VY in the pros and we weren't going to get any better by improving our best position. When we did, I got phone calls like "man your organization is as stupid as you are." Now, 3 years later, I get calls from a few friends any time we're on prime time or they do an nfl special or mention sack leaders. I had no idea it was so much fun to serve up crow year after year after year.
