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MADONNA is “bringing gay to the Super Bowl.”

Double Barrel

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Madonna may treat the Super Bowl to a gay old time, claims one of her dancers

MADONNA is “bringing gay to the Super Bowl.” That’s what we overheard one of her dancers say at the premiere party for Her Madgesty’s “W.E.” at Top of the Standard on Monday night. On the red carpet, Madonna told us she’s “extremely nervous” about the big game, but looking forward to singing her new song, “Give Me All Your Love,” and some “oldies but goodies.”

Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course.

This has the potential of making the Janet Jackson 'boobygate' appear tame. Madonna has always been known for grabbing headlines with shock value, and this is a world stage that could really give her an opportunity to be faaaabulous.

I wonder if they need some bulls on parade? :joker:
Oh, geez!

The NFL is not worried about any Gayness inefesting the audience as they have procured the services of Marcus Bachmann.

And yet it will still be better than Black eyed peas...

yeah, that was horrible. Wish I could get that 15 minutes of my life back. The sooner they appear on VH1's "Where Are They Now?" show the better.

I was pretty ambivalent about the Madonna halftime show, but now I'm looking forward to it to see how gay they get with it. Maybe they can trot out VY and his Sausage Posse? Do some YMCA with the Titans and Cowboys dressed like the Village People?

I'm honestly hoping it's the kind of show that makes mainstream America squirm and holler a bit. Nothing like post-Super Bowl halftime sensationalism to kick off an off-season! :D
I suspect it will be exactly like every halftime show for as long as I can remember - missed by me.
yeah, that was horrible. Wish I could get that 15 minutes of my life back. The sooner they appear on VH1's "Where Are They Now?" show the better.

I was pretty ambivalent about the Madonna halftime show, but now I'm looking forward to it to see how gay they get with it. Maybe they can trot out VY and his Sausage Posse? Do some YMCA with the Titans and Cowboys dressed like the Village People?

I'm honestly hoping it's the kind of show that makes mainstream America squirm and holler a bit. Nothing like post-Super Bowl halftime sensationalism to kick off an off-season! :D

So the Super Bowl has Madonna and athletic dudes in tight pants tackling each other and getting in dogpiles?

Suprised it took advertisers this long to cash in on the gay demographic.
yeah, that was horrible. Wish I could get that 15 minutes of my life back. The sooner they appear on VH1's "Where Are They Now?" show the better.

I was pretty ambivalent about the Madonna halftime show, but now I'm looking forward to it to see how gay they get with it. Maybe they can trot out VY and his Sausage Posse? Do some YMCA with the Titans and Cowboys dressed like the Village People?

I'm honestly hoping it's the kind of show that makes mainstream America squirm and holler a bit. Nothing like post-Super Bowl halftime sensationalism to kick off an off-season! :D


I was thinking the same thing. :cool:
So the Super Bowl has Madonna and athletic dudes in tight pants tackling each other and getting in dogpiles?

Suprised it took advertisers this long to cash in on the gay demographic.

Especially with all those tight ends out there! :whip:

I was going to mention something about going deep and penetration, too, but..uhh...that would be very gay instead just sorta' gay.

I suspect it will be exactly like every halftime show for as long as I can remember - missed by me.

Myself included. The only reason I have seen any of them is that my Super Bowl host will force the issue with full control of the DVR prior to getting on with the game. I think there is a bit of sadistic humor at play. :gun:
Especially with all those tight ends out there! :whip:

I was going to mention something about going deep and penetration, too, but..uhh...that would be very gay instead just sorta' gay.

Myself included. The only reason I have seen any of them is that my Super Bowl host will force the issue with full control of the DVR prior to getting on with the game. I think there is a bit of sadistic humor at play. :gun:

Helmet to helmet contact?

I suspect it will be exactly like every halftime show for as long as I can remember - missed by me.

Same here! I even missed the Janet Jackson thing at Reliant, and I was there! :whip:

The SB is the NFLs way of bilking all those Hollywood type for all the money they can get out of them. Priced so high the REAL fans can't afford to attend. Doubtful I'll pay much attention to the entire farce, including the EM and TB show! Might change my mind by Feb 5th, but, right now, I could care less about any of it. My TEXANS aren't there, so POOOOO on all of it!!:scarygirl:
As soon as the final whistle is blown at the end of the 2nd quarter, I'm heading to my computer, putting my headphones on, and staying away from message boards, facebook, twitter, etc. Don't text me, don't call me, don't even think about me.

Since Super Bowl XLI, I haven't even LISTENED to the Halftime ****...I mean, show.
I suspect it will be exactly like every halftime show for as long as I can remember - missed by me.

I usually try to miss it. Caught part of the Black Eyed Peas last year when I walked in and they were still on. That was pretty bad. The Rolling Stones were awful. Prince singing Purple Rain in the pouring rain was actually pretty cool, but that's about all I've seen recently.

Will not be catching the Madonna show. I'd rather see a fat guy try to kick a 40 yard field goal for gozillion dollars.
Personally, I thought the halftime show was pretty good. My wife really enjoyed it

The middle finger stunt was about as "shocking" as it got, and that was tame. Stupid move by MIA, but w/e
I enjoyed the HT was well done and looked good.

I agree completely. Not a Madonna fan, but she certainly puts on a professional stage show, and everyone at the SB party agreed it was one of the better ones in memory. Certainly better than the insipid performance by the Black Eyed Peas last year.
Lip syncing alone should destroy any praise that performance gets. It was fake, a dance routine at best as far as Madonna goes. It was absolutely pathetic, but I'm sure all the women the NFL is currently trying to convert to fans loved it.
Lip syncing alone should destroy any praise that performance gets. It was fake, a dance routine at best as far as Madonna goes. It was absolutely pathetic, but I'm sure all the women the NFL is currently trying to convert to fans loved it.
Beats a marching band. I don't have a problem with a lip sync. As HT shows goes, I thought this one was outstanding...and I'm not a Madonna fan at all. To pull all that off was kinda special. I even texted Infantrycak saying that this kind of over the top gigantic 15 min temporary stage stuff in the middle of a sports event only happens in America. Almost makes me feel proud to be an American. :whip:
Lip syncing alone should destroy any praise that performance gets. It was fake, a dance routine at best as far as Madonna goes. It was absolutely pathetic, but I'm sure all the women the NFL is currently trying to convert to fans loved it.

SB halftimes have been lip synced for years, including Springsteen and the Strolling Bones. Logistics and audio demands pretty much make it a mute point, because the NFL will always put style over substance.

My 'praise' was solely based on it being a SB halftime compared to previous ones. I would not pay money to go see any of these bands "live".
That was an excellent half time show.

The best one that I can remember in a long time...

The visuals were great and the songs weren't bad either...
Beats a marching band. I don't have a problem with a lip sync. As HT shows goes, I thought this one was outstanding...and I'm not a Madonna fan at all. To pull all that off was kinda special. I even texted Infantrycak saying that this kind of over the top gigantic 15 min temporary stage stuff in the middle of a sports event only happens in America. Almost makes me feel proud to be an American. :whip:

I'm gonna try not to take too much offense to that but 100+ musicians marching and playing in time is way more impressive than someone 53 year old lady on a lip sync doing cartwheels and singing songs that haven't been cool since the 80's....

I mean, the climax of her show was a drumline.................
I'm gonna try not to take too much offense to that but 100+ musicians marching and playing in time is way more impressive than someone 53 year old lady on a lip sync doing cartwheels and singing songs that haven't been cool since the 80's....

I mean, the climax of her show was a drumline.................

I used to be in one in HS (played just about every brass instrument except the trombone)....still doesn't make me want to sit through a performance. :handshake:
I'm gonna try not to take too much offense to that but 100+ musicians marching and playing in time is way more impressive than someone 53 year old lady on a lip sync doing cartwheels and singing songs that haven't been cool since the 80's....

I mean, the climax of her show was a drumline.................

In person, I'd take a DCI show - i.e. Blue Devil or Cavaliers, etc. - any day of the week over Madonna.

However, I think the limitations on trying to transfer that drum corps show - especially the audio - to a live television audience is where the problem is at with such big productions like the SB halftime.
I used to be in one in HS (played just about every brass instrument except the trombone)....still doesn't make me want to sit through a performance. :handshake:

I'd like to see someone try to make a marching band halftime performance at the Super Bowl work though. I'm not sure how you would do it but I know it has to be possible. I'm thinking kind of a Fleetwood Mac/USC "Tusk" kind of thing but better than that and running 15 minutes.
Lip syncing alone should destroy any praise that performance gets. It was fake, a dance routine at best as far as Madonna goes. It was absolutely pathetic, but I'm sure all the women the NFL is currently trying to convert to fans loved it.

You're in the minority. And/or your standards are way too high.

Just enjoy it. It was visually impressive. And I'd rather see a lip sync performance rather than someone like the BEPs sing live
You're in the minority. And/or your standards are way too high.

Just enjoy it. It was visually impressive. And I'd rather see a lip sync performance rather than someone like the BEPs sing live

Lip syncing is wrong no matter who or why they do it. It's cheating, a forgery, and I don't support it in the slightest. Singers these days use it way too much, and get away with it. I think they should be called out for it and run out of town. People shouldn't be praising the show because it had pretty lights, it is possible to get a capable singer(s) and still have a great stage performance. Might as well have let her do river dance up there if she wasn't going to sing.
I didn't really pay close enough attention to critique too much. Although, she did almost take the big ride off one of the props.

Eh, I don't think anyone will come close to what U2 did several years ago. They're one of my favorite bands, so call it biased if ya want.
I'd like to see someone try to make a marching band halftime performance at the Super Bowl work though. I'm not sure how you would do it but I know it has to be possible. I'm thinking kind of a Fleetwood Mac/USC "Tusk" kind of thing but better than that and running 15 minutes.
not a bad idea. It's like fusion cooking. You don't need all the elements...just some.
i railed about madonna from the moment she was announced (miss the target demographic much?), but it was a lot better than i thought it would be. almost all was lip synched which bugs me as well dutch, but what can you do? the show itsself was pretty good though. the songs were familiar, the audio was decent, the other guests werent bad, and the visuals were fantastic. my favorite part was the "high wire" guy if nothing else than for degree of difficulty. nowhere near as good as prince, but it wasnt a black eyed peas disaster either.
Halftime shows that were better than Madonna:

2001: U2 -

2005: Paul McCartney -

1993: Michael Jackson -

2009: Prince (he used a marching band by the way) -

2008: Tom Petty -

When I was 12 our last football game was played in a pouring 40-degree rain (which was awesome :D) and during halftime all the parents in the stands ran under the pavilion and watched the field get even more flooded. THAT halftime was better than Madonna's.

Seriously, if that was entertainment the bar in this country has been lowered to the point of no return. JMO.

Gronk and Light bringing gay to the post Super Bowl party.
On Sunday night about 1:30 a.m. ET, the EoF crew walked past Victory Field in Indianapolis, headed home from Lucas Oil Stadium. It was straight bumping. This morning we asked a member of the Indy Super Bowl Host Committee what was going on there and were informed it was the Patriots Super Bowl party.

With those dots connected, it's a little more awkward to see the report on that Rob Gronkowski and Matt Light were dancing shirtless on the stage with LMFAO. Well, Gronk wasn't shirtless in the DJ Pauley D-style fist-pumping going on above. But he did get shirtless later. (Reportedly?)
Or people just have a different opinion? :bender:

Absolutely. I meant no offense to people who disagreed. My opinion is only mine and really unimportant. I guess I've just had it the soul-less bubblegum songs with the dorky dance steps. I would have thought America would have moved on from that after 25 years of the same thing from so many "artists".
Absolutely. I meant no offense to people who disagreed. My opinion is only mine and really unimportant. I guess I've just had it the soul-less bubblegum songs with the dorky dance steps. I would have thought America would have moved on from that after 25 years of the same thing from so many "artists".

Come on dude...You mean you didn't find that wierd rope bouncing guy at least a little entertaining!?!?!?????!!!!!
Come on dude...You mean you didn't find that wierd rope bouncing guy at least a little entertaining!?!?!?????!!!!!

Lol, I must have missed that part. I was probably feeding my face yet again at that time. I ate A LOT that