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Kubiak is the problem!


All Pro
Kubiak as a play caller is not different than Capers and Pendry. He might be an excellent QB coach, but he is not a head coach. Some of you laugh at this, but look at what is happening in Denver. They are having all kinds of problems, because they think only one way which was the problem with Capers and Pendry.

Kubiak is not a good game manager and when things don't go his way he has the same problems as Capers and Pendry. He can not adapt and over come. CARR is NOT calling the plays. If he was, then I would say fire him. The Jets coach is know for stiffling Kubiak and Shannahan. You can not play one style of play forever in the NFL and expect to win. You have to change and adapt to your team. We have not done that. We never stretch the field. The other team never has to worry during the last 2 minutes of a half.

I've said for awhile now that Kubiak is not what we thought. I firmly believe he is a very big part of the problem here. REMEMBER, CARR HAS NO OPTIONS AT THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE. HE HAS TO ABSOLUTELY RUN WHAT IS CALLED BY KUBIAK. KUBIAK CALLS ALL PLAYS. ALL THE SHORT PASSING IS BY DESIGN BY KUBIAK. I'm sorry, but it really gets sickening to watch the same garbage all of the time...........................

Remember how bad Harrington looked in Detroit. Yep, same thing here. Folks it ain't all the QB. Its the system and the coaches that have been employed. Remember, the 2nd leading QB - runner behind MV was Carr. In today's game Carr was the leading rusher for most of the 1st half. That is sick and pathetic. Winston is being eaten alive and so is most of the rest of the O-line. Oh, well, have a nice Christmas.......
Kubiak is not the problem......think about it Capers, Palmer, Kubiak.......three different people...........same Quarterback. Think of the success Kubiak had with QBs before he got here Kubiak IS NOT THE PROBLEM Carr is.

Everybody that knows Im am a big Carr supporter knows thats a big statement.....Kubiak is part of the solution.......not the problem.....hopefully Mcnair knows that.
This post is so stupid, Kubiak is not choosing the reciever to throw to!!!! Kubiak can't make Carr throw the ball to our guys down field!

He in fact does by what he teaches his QB to do. Sorry, but there are few options despite what is being said. Listen how he instructs his QB to throw based on his steps. You have options based on footwork and not how open people are. I might add if he was so good why don't we have any kind of running game based on his superior knowledge of that part of the game. The answer is he is not what you think he is.
Have you actually watched these games? How can you call anything BUT short passes? What in the world has given you the idea that this offensive line can hold up long enough to sustain routes down the field? We are getting hammered at the point of attack and thus calling plays that involve long drops and waiting for receivers to get open downfield seems a bit silly.
Just look at his Avatar. Has no patience with any coach. Probaly wanted to fire Bill walsh in the 80's cause he didn't go 16-0 every year.
This post is so stupid, Kubiak is not choosing the reciever to throw to!!!! Kubiak can't make Carr throw the ball to our guys down field!

Carr and Kubes cant make the WR catch the ball either.

Or make the oline run block.

Or make the RB's break a tackle.

Or make our Defensive backs catch the ball.

All of this blameing everything on one person who ever its just stupid.
Just look at his Avatar. Has no patience with any coach. Probaly wanted to fire Bill walsh in the 80's cause he didn't go 16-0 every year.

The avatar was a gift of someone else on this web site who finally realized what I was saying about Capers and Pendry was true. Any way I'm saying the obvious, but that is all right. Again the problem is strictly on the shoulders of Kubiak and no one else.
Have you actually watched these games? How can you call anything BUT short passes? What in the world has given you the idea that this offensive line can hold up long enough to sustain routes down the field? We are getting hammered at the point of attack and thus calling plays that involve long drops and waiting for receivers to get open downfield seems a bit silly.

I'm not going to totally disagree with you on the short passes, but if you listen to 90% of the people on the game threads and these threads you will hear the problem is the short passes. Again, the problem is the coaching style and what is being done with the offense as opposed to the plays we can use when and where. Kubiak is a horrible play caller - field general.....
If you give Payton Manning single coverage with Andre Johnson he is going to throw that pass down the field. Carr does not have the arm strength, or the vision. Kubiak is not the problem, it is not the play calling, it is David Carr. He sucks!

Carr has the Arm strength and vision, he doesn't have the decision making
If you give Payton Manning single coverage with Andre Johnson he is going to throw that pass down the field. Carr does not have the arm strength, or the vision. Kubiak is not the problem, it is not the play calling, it is David Carr. He sucks!

To bad he would already be laying on his @ss.
Just look at his Avatar. Has no patience with any coach. Probaly wanted to fire Bill walsh in the 80's cause he didn't go 16-0 every year.

That avatar was very popular last year. I don't think you can make a judgement based on that.
I'm not going to totally disagree with you on the short passes, but if you listen to 90% of the people on the game threads and these threads you will hear the problem is the short passes. Again, the problem is the coaching style and what is being done with the offense as opposed to the plays we can use when and where. Kubiak is a horrible play caller - field general.....

Who cares what a majority of people in the game threads say? It's always easier to blame the coach or the playcalling than it is to recognize that we simply don't have the talent. That's the case here. Want more plays downfield? It's simple - open up a running game, go playaction and give the QB (whoever he is) time to throw and let the receivers get open. To do that, you need legit offensive line talent. We don't have it. There's the biggest part of the problem.
I'm not going to totally disagree with you on the short passes, but if you listen to 90% of the people on the game threads and these threads you will hear the problem is the short passes. Again, the problem is the coaching style and what is being done with the offense as opposed to the plays we can use when and where. Kubiak is a horrible play caller - field general.....

Ibar I like you as a poster and agree with most of your posts, but step back and see the big picture. Carr has thrown short passes for 5 years, before Kubiak got here Carr was throwing short passes, for 5 years Carr has taken the safe pass in the wrong spot. A Carr lead Bears team would win the Superbowl, but it won't fly here. This isn't on Kubiak, Carr needs to put on the big boy pants and be a NFL QB, no more excuses.
Carr and Kubes cant make the WR catch the ball either.

Or make the oline run block.

Or make the RB's break a tackle.

Or make our Defensive backs catch the ball.

All of this blameing everything on one person who ever its just stupid.

As a matter of fact you can. Its the head coach who is suppose to get his player to do all of the above. If you can't its time to move on. I would add things are rapidly falling apart in Denver. I don't think its by chance either. It has been coming for a long time. Kubiak and Shannihan made an excellent team as coaches. They complimented each other and Shannihan made the final decisions.

Kubiak is simply not ready.
Kubiak is not the problem......think about is Capers, Palmer, Kubiak.......three different people...........same Quarterback. Think of the success Kubiak had with QBs before he got here Kubiak IS NOT THE PROBLEM Carr is.

Everybody that knows Im am a big Carr supporter knows thats a big statement.....Kubiak is part of the solution.......not the problem.....hopefully Mcnair knows that.

yeah i refuse to believe that its kubiaks fault. i dont see any difference(besides much improvement in the pass protection) in the offense. carr still makes rookie mistakes and still has bad habits dating back to his rookie season.
As a matter of fact you can. Its the head coach who is suppose to get his player to do all of the above. If you can't its time to move on. I would add things are rapidly falling apart in Denver. I don't think its by chance either. It has been coming for a long time. Kubiak and Shannihan made an excellent team as coaches. They complimented each other and Shannihan made the final decisions.

Kubiak is simply not ready.

I guess i didnt see Kubes out there on the field adjusting AJ's hands so he would catch the ball. I thought that was Kubes on the sideline with a headset on. Guess I was wrong.
I think you are incredibly wrong here Ibar. I think it's time David Carr found another address. The Texans are going nowhere with David taking the snaps here.

The reason he is the way he is no longer matters. It's time for the QB of this team to change. It would be better for everyone involved if this happend soon. I wish him well at whatever team he ends up on and I'm sorry things turned out the way they did.

Today against the Jets the Texans were pitiful and to be perfectly honest almost every single first half mistake (on offense) that I saw was made by someone other than David Carr. I was very happy with his play in the first half and his increasing pocket presence is a good thing to see. None of it matters anymore because the Texans fans have turned on him completely and as hard as it is for me to say there is substance to what many of them are saying. After a first half where his teammates made error after error to kill drives did David Carr throw the team on his back and carry them past that? Did he in any way inspire or elevate the rest of the offense? No he didn't. Of course he didn't. This is not part of David Carr's makeup. It's not part of what he does.

There are probably a dozen QB's starting in the NFL right now who don't have his physical abilities but every one of them that's experienced some success in the NFL has something David doesn't. They are leaders and their teammates will follow them. David isn't a "Chief", he's another "Indian" and that's all there is to it.

David needs to go and the sooner the Texans accept that then the sooner everyone can get started in their new, different directions. Jake Plummer needs to be our QB next year. The Broncos will go with Cutler, Carr should be traded for anything we can get for him and if that amounts to nothing then he should be released if need be.

Sign and play Plummer, draft Kolb (or someone of that caliber) to groom and don't put him in until he's ready.
The avatar was a gift of someone else on this web site who finally realized what I was saying about Capers and Pendry was true. Any way I'm saying the obvious, but that is all right. Again the problem is strictly on the shoulders of Kubiak and no one else.

I could care less how you got your avatar, but your Avatar implies that Capers should of been fired and he was. Now it's kind of dumb to blame a new coach for the teams problem when he inherited the last coaches players when they went 2-14 last season. So you tell me who would do a better job than Kubiak with the Texans? Parcells?, Walsh?, Belichick? Even Belichick had a tough time as a head coach before he went to the Patriots. They were 2-14 last year for a reason.
yes he is, as with you and the previous coaches, kubiak is blind to the fact that carr cannot win with this team. He needs to be playing sage. For that i blame kubes.
This guy is going to say this regardless of who's coaching. I'm just surprised it took him this long to post something like this.
Can anyone tell me the common denominator between Palmer, Pendry and now Kubes?

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* That would be David Carr.

Tell us what he's won Monty?

You have just won a years supply of rotten fish!

Ibar is funny. When Capers was here, he was the problem. Or was it Pendry? Or no, it was Chris Palmer, everyone's favorite whipping boy. Now, it's Kubiak. I guess there must be some kind of alien force that once you get to loop 610, it sucks the brains out of QB coaches. All the sudden, they seem to get really stupid. Maybe there is something to that, because all the sudden Palmer is a good QB coach again. Hmmm, as soon as he reaches Dallas, he can take an undrafted FA QB, and has him throwing for 5 TD passes in one game, and since the change to Romo, Dallas is 4-1. Meanwhile, Kubiak looked like a genius coaching in Denver, but suddenly he was zapped of all gray matter when reaching Reliant Park. Somewhere there must be a common theme, something that all of these heretofor good coaches have had to work with. I'm just not sure I can put my finger on it...:hmmm:
I'll agree with Herv. I want Carr out. Even if Plummer is our QB next year.

Plummer would be a caretaker who would probably start for us somewhere between 1-2 years assuming we got a QB in this coming draft that worked out. He's perfectly suited to coming here and starting since he knows the offense and apparently buys into the Kubiak approach completely.

If the years workout just right he might be willing to slide into the "veteran backup" role without too much resistance when the younger QB is ready to play. Plummer has been in football 10 years including this season so if he played two more years he'd be at 12 years and around 35 years old. He might go for it.
I'll agree with Herv. I want Carr out. Even if Plummer is our QB next year.

I know you have no love for DC,but this doesn't sound like a solution. DC had 1 Int this game 1 last game. Plummer has a real turn over problem. DC has not fumbled a ball since the Titans game. I don't want Plummer if he's free.
Everybody wants to look at Kubiak @ Denver, he was the offensive coordinator with a team with a much,much better defense. Denver is a better team they beat us when it was pre season and Sage had the game to play with Kubes playbook.
Ibar is funny. When Capers was here, he was the problem. Or was it Pendry? Or no, it was Chris Palmer, everyone's favorite whipping boy. Now, it's Kubiak. I guess there must be some kind of alien force that once you get to loop 610, it sucks the brains out of QB coaches. All the sudden, they seem to get really stupid. Maybe there is something to that, because all the sudden Palmer is a good QB coach again. Hmmm, as soon as he reaches Dallas, he can take an undrafted FA QB, and has him throwing for 5 TD passes in one game, and since the change to Romo, Dallas is 4-1. Meanwhile, Kubiak looked like a genius coaching in Denver, but suddenly he was zapped of all gray matter when reaching Reliant Park. Somewhere there must be a common theme, something that all of these heretofor good coaches have had to work with. I'm just not sure I can put my finger on it...:hmmm:

I think it could be the head coach he's working for in this case. I do not like Parcells, but as a coach there are not too many who are better. Parcells understands the game from all points of view. He plays to win and he takes nonworking parts and makes something of them. He understands O-line play and how to put together a functioning unit. The TEXANS have never had a head coach of Parcells caliber. Palmer and Parcells can work together, because Parcells is going to know when Palmer is right.

The problem with the Texans wasn't Palmer as much as Capers and Pendry. Capers dictated the same kind of offensive scheme we are now seeing with a little more talent. If you look back at my posts at the beginning of the season you will see I was very high on Kubiak. I no longer see him in the same light.

What he said he was going to do and how he was going to do it simply aren't what he is doing. I have said and others have said he is a poor play caller. I think that is true. He is a very poor game manager in my estimation. His game philosophy I simply don't understand.

Why does our team come out flat every time to start the 2nd half. Why do we score typically on the 1st couple of possessions and go flat after the other team adjusts? Why can we not adjust to opponents adjustments? It is not up to Carr to call plays that benefit from the opponent's adjustments. We often look extemely good on the 1st series or two. Why do we have zero running game which is his strength? Many of these are the same questions we asked about Capers.

Sorry, but I simply don't believe Kubiak is head coaching material based on what we have seen. Its not that we have had injuries or problems that are out of the coaches control, but its how we have played that bothers me.

I think the defense is coming along, but the offense has regressed under Kubiak in a lot of ways. I say that because before we really did not have a receiver core. Today that is not the case. We have one of the best in the league and they are simply not being used in the best way in my estimation.

Some of you would say well if we had a running game it would be different. Well, it became obvious we were not going to have a running game and we still did not adjust to what we have. Yes I will agree with you who say we have not stretched the field because of the O-line's inadequacies. But why can't that be fixed to some degree. Other teams seem to make adjustments despite losses, but we do not.
to some point i do blame kubiak but kubiak is not the one under center or anyother position poor execution by some players is why we lost hell it doesnt really matter if we get lucky we will get A.peterson or someone that can help us:hides:
If you give Payton Manning single coverage with Andre Johnson he is going to throw that pass down the field. Carr does not have the arm strength, or the vision. Kubiak is not the problem, it is not the play calling, it is David Carr. He sucks!

Reality is Carr has a cannon for the arm and very few people in the NFL have as strong arm as Carr. The reason we suck as much as we do offensively is due to bad OL and no running game. Carr is quite accurate if given a enough time to throw down field but the system he is playing in sucks big time. Very rarely we have seen Carr throw the ball for more then 20 yds in the air. This is the fault of coaching staff for not having intermediate or long route pass.

Carr lacks poise, intangible in the pocket, doesn't responds very well under pressure and gets rattled quickly, and Carr is also not very good at time management.

Carr Strength lies in his athletic ability, strong arm and accuracy if given sufficient time to throw the ball.

Coaching staff's fault: Play calling, lack of adjustment at half time, Time management
I gotta agree with Ibar on this. Maybe not to the same degree, because I hope Kubiak learns from each game and improves. Nonetheless Kubes has failed to make halftime adjustments many times. Against Dallas we were in the game and then in the second half we were blown out. Against Buffalo we were moving the ball with ease in the first half yet when they came out in the second half with their adjustments our O fizzled out and died. Today we were 9-3 at the half yet in the second half the Jets abused our team like catholic choirboys. Case in point Moulds goes on a 3 yd. route when we need 5 yds. That's on Kubiak, you telling me you don't have a play call that has everyone getting into 1st down territory on a 3 and 5. I hope not, because if we don't that doesn't speak well of the coach. I like Kubes and think the guy comes in well prepared. However that is only half the battle he has to make the adjustments at half-time and take advantage of what's in front of him. Not wait until his team is getting abused before starting to change the play calling. In the second half I don't think we even ran, I know it wasn't working, but are you telling me that Kubiak can't come up with one creative play to get rushing yards. Couldn't have maybe tried a reverse tried something that had a shot at catching them off-guard. Kubiak needs to learn how to win as a HC he's not a OC no more so it's time he makes his adjustments.
Isnt Ibar the same guy that predicted us to go 13-3 at the beginning of the season because of Kubiak?

Talk about a fairweather fan LOL!!!
i havent seen barkley post much these days so he losses the title as most retarded person on this message board,

and iBar Harry congrats

by the way carr just doesnt have what it takes to be a good QB, he looks better but capers wrecked our carr, and kubiak has made him look a lil better, but still looks like the same old carr, get a new QB and then we will see what kubiak can do
Why have the Texans not allowed Sage into the game, even for one quarter? :hides:

I could see a substantial performance gains for the OL when Sage played earlier in the season against the Titans ..... :spy:

Let Sage manage an entire game with the same play calls that Carr would have under Kubiak and then compare.
i havent seen barkley post much these days so he losses the title as most retarded person on this message board,

and iBar Harry congrats

by the way carr is just doesnt have what it takes to be a good QB, he looks better but capers wrecked our carr, and kubiak has made him look a lil better, but still looks like the same old carr, get a new QB and then we will see what kubiak can do
Your post is wrong in so many levels.
Why have the Texans not allowed Sage into the game, even for one quarter?

I could see a substantial performance gains for the OL when Sage played earlier in the season against the Titans .....

Let Sage manage an entire game with the same play calls that Carr would have under Kubiak and then compare.

i can deal with that, Sage can be a good QB, his throws look better then carr, and he looks more composed in the pocket then carr
I would say Kubiak is part of the problem. Call me crazy, but I think the head coach has some responsibility for the team's performance.

I wasn't happy with some of his roster decisions, and I'd like to see him make some changes in the offense to get them out of their rut. Admittedly I don't know what changes would work; I'd like to see him as a head coach come up with something.

The difference between Kubiak and other parts of the problem though is that Kubiak is part of the solution too.
I gotta agree with Ibar on this. Maybe not to the same degree, because I hope Kubiak learns from each game and improves. Nonetheless Kubes has failed to make halftime adjustments many times. Against Dallas we were in the game and then in the second half we were blown out. Against Buffalo we were moving the ball with ease in the first half yet when they came out in the second half with their adjustments our O fizzled out and died. Today we were 9-3 at the half yet in the second half the Jets abused our team like catholic choirboys. Case in point Moulds goes on a 3 yd. route when we need 5 yds. That's on Kubiak, you telling me you don't have a play call that has everyone getting into 1st down territory on a 3 and 5. I hope not, because if we don't that doesn't speak well of the coach. I like Kubes and think the guy comes in well prepared. However that is only half the battle he has to make the adjustments at half-time and take advantage of what's in front of him. Not wait until his team is getting abused before starting to change the play calling. In the second half I don't think we even ran, I know it wasn't working, but are you telling me that Kubiak can't come up with one creative play to get rushing yards. Couldn't have maybe tried a reverse tried something that had a shot at catching them off-guard. Kubiak needs to learn how to win as a HC he's not a OC no more so it's time he makes his adjustments.

Yep, and lets take another the field goal try at the end of the 2nd qtr. What is the probability that brown is going to kick a 58 yard field goal given what we have seen this season? Yes, we could throw a hail mary and hope that AJ or Moulds comes down with the ball? Actually, this is probably the better of the two, except that there then is the possibility that the clock doesn't run out and the other team gets another shot. Actually I would go for it, but one could make a very good case for punting the ball to run the clock out and be done with the qtr or having the qb running the ball on a bootleg with several options.

What was the end result. We bounce the snap to Sage who then has to make a tackle on the returner because the field goal is short. Now Sage is injured it turns out on that play. They say he could have played, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Did Carr have anything to do with this play?
No, he didn't but I bring it up because I really do question what Kubiak is doing, but I will also say it certainly looks like we are snake bitten.

Our special teams play has gone to hell in a hand basket this year. Is that because of Kubiak tinkering with the system and says he needed players who can play many roles rather than one? All I know is nothing looks very right right now and that should concern every Texans' fan.

And yes to the fan that said did I predict 13-3 that is most certainly true. I did not in my wildest dreams think Kubiak would be this kind of coach. As I have stated on many occasion I was impressed with what he was saying and how he was going to approach teaching the Texans and adapting to the team. The only problem is he has not done what he said he was going to do and that has lead to what we are seeing.

We do have a team that is capable of winning games if the players are used in the right way. We are trying to be what we are not. The defense has been coming along, but they have their failures to. Just look at the game previous to this. If you haven't noticed they are picking on Faggins.

John in his post game was on a rant and I believe he pointed out that the JETS only had 27 yards rushing in 24 carries or something like that. We had 24 yards and I believe 10 of that was by Carr. Now for a coach who is suppose to be an expert on the running game that is deplorible. Its like the more we coach the running game the worse it gets. I know Smith's great finds have done nothing while our castoff has been doing something more than what our great finds are doing.

Sorry, folks but I'm tired of hearing well the KID just didn't do this or the KID just didn't do that. You know what that speaks volumes of how he views his players. These are adult men and need to be treated as such. Is it he feels he has to lead everyone around by the nose so they don't know how to take care of themselves?

I'm from the old school that wants the QB to call his own plays. Coaches are what they are - Coaches. When the QB is reacting to what he is seeing with input from his players and coaches he's going to usually call a better game. He knows what he can or can not do based on what his vision is. I keep saying high in the press box is not the same view as on the field. Standing behind your line is a different view than on the sidelines. Defenses disquise, put people in your way, and do a lot to cause the QB problems. In the two games where Carr called his own plays we did well, in part, because the players became part of the game. In the past a lot of times a QB asked his players who were being beat up what was happening and took advantage of the defense. In this scheme we can not do that because the coaches call everything. I have always believe to be a leader you must be responsible for the play calling. I know there is another view, but that happens to be mine. I want the team lead by a QB who is calling his own plays. That makes him a leader and the person who is to be held accountable. By the way I don't care who the QB is. I want whoever it is calling the plays.
What silliness is this that we lay blame for a game played by 22 on each side on one person? Have any of you been watching this season? We couldn't get a decent passrush on a bad college team. Our secondary eats extra buttered popcorn and shares with our recievers and our backs think the 1st down marker is up an O-linemans a**. Carr is NOT a good QB, but our losses are on a lot more shoulders than his. Manning(either one) couldn't do better. Kubiak has made more than his fair share of rookie mistakes. The main thing I'm saying is this team, as a whole, SUCKS. Quit beating on one person. We DO have some solid cornerstones to build a good team on. Kubes needs a season to adjust to the HC position. Hard for an O-coordinator to keep making excuses for a D that always seems to miss the fumble or drop the INT (at least 3 times today)or forget to cover ANYONE on the offensive side of the ball.
Kubiak has a lot of important decisions to make before next season. One I'm interested in seeing is how he adjusts his own approach as head coach. There is a big difference between building a roster from scratch as he's doing here and adjusting a relatively smoothly operating roster as he saw in Denver. He should probably adjust the Denver model to take this into account. Two areas could be:

a) Revisit the "any running back will do" theory as it applies to the Texans

b) Review how valuing swing players over single position players - especially at critical position - has worked out during the long grind of a season where depth is important.
The essense of Kubiaks NFL expertise is his reputation with evaluating and
developing QBs. If he has to come out and say he was wrong about Carr
and he can't rehabilitate him, he will clobber his own credibilty. Not to mention his relationship with the Old Man who passed on VY because of
Kubiaks confidance in Carr.
It will take a big man to do this, but he may come to the conclusion thats its
his only chance to win. Fortunatly new GM Smith is is nearby to lend objectivity.
The essense of Kubiaks NFL expertise is his reputation with evaluating and
developing QBs. If he has to come out and say he was wrong about Carr
and he can't rehabilitate him, he will clobber his own credibilty. Not to mention his relationship with the Old Man who passed on VY because of Kubiaks confidance in Carr.It will take a big man to do this, but he may come to the conclusion thats its his only chance to win. Fortunatly new GM Smith is is nearby to lend objectivity.
Your speculation that it was Kubiak and not McNair that made the decision regarding keeping Carr and not drafting VY . . . is just that . . speculation.

Fact is you don't know WHO made that decision.
Kubiak has not been perfect, but he is the solution and not the problem, IMO.

I stated in another thread that IMO Kubiak has been part of the problem (he's a rookie head coach and certainly not perfect) but he is one of the few "parts of the problem" that are also part of the solution.

I think he's good enough to be a winning head coach with the Texans; I think other parts of the problem need a remove and replace solution.
Our secondary eats extra buttered popcorn and shares with our recievers and our backs think the 1st down marker is up an O-linemans a**.

Okay, I have to say this was a little funny. Things are funny sometimes because they are true.

Though I thought the backs believed that the 1st down marker is up Cook's behind the line of scrimage backside.
Your speculation that it was Kubiak and not McNair that made the decision regarding keeping Carr and not drafting VY . . . is just that . . speculation.
Fact is you don't know WHO made that decision.
Bob McNair is an intelligent and a wise man.
Therefor, I can't believe that McNair would second guess Kubiak on his coachs knowledge of NFL QBs. Can you ?
And I can't believe that McNair, who I've read is thought to be fond of David, would put his sentiments for a single player ahead of the well being of his team. Ahead of his 3/4 Billion dollar investment in the Texans. Can you ?
Bob McNair is an intelligent and a wise man.
Therefor, I can't believe that McNair would second guess Kubiak on his coachs knowledge of NFL QBs. Can you ?
And I can't believe that McNair, who I've read is thought to be fond of David, would put his sentiments for a single player ahead of the well being of his team. Ahead of his 3/4 Billion dollar investment in the Texans. Can you ?

It is looking that way. I could understand if this guy has won in the NFL before.