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Justice is stiring the pot again


All Pro
Richard Justice is at it again. His latest article is titled,"Cowboys still bigger in Texas". Justice loves to get Texans fans fired up for some reason. He takes great pleasure in it. Here is an excerpt from the article.

The Cowboys didn't just win more games than the Texans this season. They had more good players and better coaches.

Would you trade Bob McNair for Jerry Jones? Yes, you would. In a heartbeat.
I wouldn't trade Bob McNair for Jerry Jones, but I wish McNair would be like Jones, as far as cutting and adding players are concerned and getting things done fast.
By criticizing people/team or anything, you'll get more attention. It is much more difficult to get an attention by saying positive things. What do you expect? After all, he is a media guy. Unfortunately, he lacks creativity. So sad that only chronicle is available in Houston for local news.
I wouldn't trade Bob McNair for Jerry Jones, but I wish McNair would be like Jones, as far as cutting and adding players are concerned and getting things done fast.

There is no way I want Bob to be like Jerry Jones. He is a Way Better Owner and does not have to be always in the spotlight with the team. Bob is a patient man who has a good thing going and he know people will come and go but when he has the team on top Everyone and thier mother will be on the Wagon. You will even get the Closet Cowboy Fans Back.

Justice can Kiss My Ass adn I am going over there to tell his ass
There is no way I want Bob to be like Jerry Jones. He is a Way Better Owner and does not have to be always in the spotlight with the team. Bob is a patient man who has a good thing going and he know people will come and go but when he has the team on top Everyone and thier mother will be on the Wagon. You will even get the Closet Cowboy Fans Back.

Justice can Kiss My Ass adn I am going over there to tell his ass

Well, whenever that happens...

I know Jerry, Kraft, etc., would have cut Kris Brown after the MNF game and had a new kicker in here (for all the other missed FGs Kris Brown had after that game). We've only seen progress this year, as far as record goes, and still no playoffs. Kubiak would have been fired if he had been under Jones or Kraft. But, we're the boy scout, good boy team, so none of that will ever happen.
Don't even give him the page hits he writes this crap for.

I haven't read that guy in about 6 months and I damn sure am not going to start now.
Don't even give him the page hits he writes this crap for.

I haven't read that guy in about 6 months and I damn sure am not going to start now.

Same here. I never read his articles/blog, I just read the quotes of the **** he spews folks post on message boards. Juck Fustice!
I left Dick a comment

You are the reason the Chronicle is failing, Your Journalism Smells and your Arrogance Reeks of Cowboy Fan. Because you sit there working on a Houston Paper and Spew this garbage like it was true you single handedly are ruining the Houston Sports Seen. Do you realize that no one wants to pick up a paper and look at the putrid stuff you smear all over the pages. We Tell you and Tell you but you still puke all over the sports page and laugh in our faces. Too bad they let you in the news room when you should be shoveling everybodies poop at the Dallas Morning News. Why Don't you just Move down to your little outhouse in Dallas and leave the sports writing in Houston to those that know what they are doing.
If you were on fire I would not spit on you to put you out. Good Day Sir.
I'm actually not sure what he said wrong and I hate the guy. He wasn't acting like JJ was the end all, be all, he just said that while everyone was laughing that they loaded up with talent and are being successful. All truths.

Justice may be the worst of the worst and he certainly goes out of his way to stir the pot. I just think every once in awhile he hits a nerve because he is right 1% of the time. He pissed me off about TCU and then wrote an incredible article about them and Ft. Worth that was spot on. Stunned
I'm actually not sure what he said wrong and I hate the guy. He wasn't acting like JJ was the end all, be all, he just said that while evryone was laughing that they loaded up with talent and are being successful. All truths.

This is Houston, Take that crap to the Dallas morning News, That is some truths that I do not want to see in My Houston Paper
You are a sad, strange little man
Jerry Jones has proven to be a better owner than McNair. How can anyone argue that? It took him a while to find a QB (and some would say he is still looking for one) but the guy has presided over 3 championships and has done everything to help his team win.

His worst move was trading for Galloway. That was a horrible move, and no one should let him off the hook for that, but what else has he done that has been so bad. You could argue that he ran Jimmy Johnson out of town, but I think Jimmy was done anyway as Cowboys head coach. He wanted a new challenge with more power. He got that wish and failed at Miami.

McNair has given Carr maximum extension and wanted to draft a QB to begin with. Horrible move to go with a rookie QB #1 overall in your first draft. Just ignorant. Hired Casserley to run his football operations. He has also made little to no extra effort to improve his team to be championship caliber. Signing Antonio Smith, Weaver, and Greenwood aren't championship moves.

and for all the haters on Jerry, guess where most of his players came from? Yup, the draft. And guess who is in charge of the draft in Big D? Jerry is. So maybe he aint so bad after all. Some of you act like you know more than Jerry does about football...that is laughable. Jerry is actually one of the longest tenured GMs in all football if not the longest tenured.

I Am not saying McNair sucks, but Justice is just calling a spade a spade. McNair has had opportunities to greatly improve the team, and he has not done it. Haynesworth, Michael Turner, and Kris Jenkins have all been available at positions of need and we dont even make a run at them. We decide to roll with what we got. That sure has worked out well for us, huh?

at the end of the day, Jerry has 3 trophies, runs the most valuable sports franchise in America, and we are a losing football franchise who have some fans that act like 9-7 is some validation of McNair's plan while in the same breath criticize the Cowboys for not winning playoff games. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. expansion team or not, there is no argument that McNair is a better owner. it just doesn't hold water.

I love my Texans but the Texans aren't in the same class as the Cowboys...yet. Maybe we should focus more on our real rivals, Justice. Like the Titans. ThIs make believe fairy tale Texans-Cowboys rivalry is a total joke...its not a rivalry. It's an inferiority complex by many of the Texans fans..not a rivalry.
Well, whenever that happens...

I know Jerry, Kraft, etc., would have cut Kris Brown after the MNF game and had a new kicker in here (for all the other missed FGs Kris Brown had after that game). We've only seen progress this year, as far as record goes, and still no playoffs. Kubiak would have been fired if he had been under Jones or Kraft. But, we're the boy scout, good boy team, so none of that will ever happen.

I disagree, Jones has stuck with Phillips when most owners would've fired him after the butt whooping the Eagles gave them last year. So what makes you think he would've gone off an fired Kubiak when all he has done is never take a step backwards and handed the team its first winning season? Do I think Kris Brown should've been cut? In hindsight, ya probably, but hopefully that gets addressed in the offseason and the team brings in some legit competion.
Jerry Jones has proven to be a better owner than McNair. How can anyone argue that? It took him a while to find a QB (and some would say he is still looking for one) but the guy has presided over 3 championships and has done everything to help his team win.

His worst move was trading for Galloway. That was a horrible move, and no one should let him off the hook for that, but what else has he done that has been so bad. You could argue that he ran Jimmy Johnson out of town, but I think Jimmy was done anyway as Cowboys head coach. He wanted a new challenge with more power. He got that wish and failed at Miami.

McNair has given Carr maximum extension and wanted to draft a QB to begin with. Horrible move to go with a rookie QB #1 overall in your first draft. Just ignorant. Hired Casserley to run his football operations. He has also made little to no extra effort to improve his team to be championship caliber. Signing Antonio Smith, Weaver, and Greenwood aren't championship moves.

and for all the haters on Jerry, guess where most of his players came from? Yup, the draft. And guess who is in charge of the draft in Big D? Jerry is. So maybe he aint so bad after all. Some of you act like you know more than Jerry does about football...that is laughable. Jerry is actually one of the longest tenured GMs in all football if not the longest tenured.

I Am not saying McNair sucks, but Justice is just calling a spade a spade. McNair has had opportunities to greatly improve the team, and he has not done it. Haynesworth, Michael Turner, and Kris Jenkins have all been available at positions of need and we dont even make a run at them. We decide to roll with what we got. That sure has worked out well for us, huh?

at the end of the day, Jerry has 3 trophies, runs the most valuable sports franchise in America, and we are a losing football franchise who have some fans that act like 9-7 is some validation of McNair's plan while in the same breath criticize the Cowboys for not winning playoff games. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. expansion team or not, there is no argument that McNair is a better owner. it just doesn't hold water.

I love my Texans but the Texans aren't in the same class as the Cowboys...yet. Maybe we should focus more on our real rivals, Justice. Like the Titans. ThIs make believe fairy tale Texans-Cowboys rivalry is a total joke...its not a rivalry. It's an inferiority complex by many of the Texans fans..not a rivalry.

As a Cowboys fan since I was a wee lad and a current Texans season-ticket holder I agree with you. There has to be a mutual hatred for there to be a rivalry. Dallas fans are far more concerned about beating the Egirls, Gnats, and Foreskins than the Texans...who play Dallas for real twice a decade. And for those that don't want to read what RJ says, skip right on past it or don't buy the Chronic.
and for all the haters on Jerry, guess where most of his players came from? Yup, the draft. And guess who is in charge of the draft in Big D? Jerry is. So maybe he aint so bad after all. Some of you act like you know more than Jerry does about football...that is laughable. Jerry is actually one of the longest tenured GMs in all football if not the longest tenured.

Jerry is the owner, he is that tenured as a GM because his ego is to big to fire himself.

He deserves credit for hiring a couple of coaches that reinvigorated that franchise, Jimmy and Bill. More then likely Jerry was drafting during the Switzer (1 SB win here, but can be argued that a marshmallow could have won a SB with the talent Jimmy left behind), Campo and Gailey era's of Cowboy greatness.
I disagree, Jones has stuck with Phillips when most owners would've fired him after the butt whooping the Eagles gave them last year. So what makes you think he would've gone off an fired Kubiak when all he has done is never take a step backwards and handed the team its first winning season? Do I think Kris Brown should've been cut? In hindsight, ya probably, but hopefully that gets addressed in the offseason and the team brings in some legit competion.

Did you think this post through?

That game was in Wade's second year. The year before, the Cowboys went 13-3. They did lose to the Giants, but they went on to win the Super Bowl. The next year, at Philly, the Cowboys were trying to get a playoff spot, but failed miserably in Philly. Stuff like that happens, but that was only Wade's second year. They still ended up 9-7, our best record. I don't think I have to explain this year. Look at what they did to those Eagles.
Jerry Jones has proven to be a better owner than McNair. How can anyone argue that? It took him a while to find a QB (and some would say he is still looking for one) but the guy has presided over 3 championships and has done everything to help his team win.

His worst move was trading for Galloway. That was a horrible move, and no one should let him off the hook for that, but what else has he done that has been so bad. You could argue that he ran Jimmy Johnson out of town, but I think Jimmy was done anyway as Cowboys head coach. He wanted a new challenge with more power. He got that wish and failed at Miami.

McNair has given Carr maximum extension and wanted to draft a QB to begin with. Horrible move to go with a rookie QB #1 overall in your first draft. Just ignorant. Hired Casserley to run his football operations. He has also made little to no extra effort to improve his team to be championship caliber. Signing Antonio Smith, Weaver, and Greenwood aren't championship moves.

and for all the haters on Jerry, guess where most of his players came from? Yup, the draft. And guess who is in charge of the draft in Big D? Jerry is. So maybe he aint so bad after all. Some of you act like you know more than Jerry does about football...that is laughable. Jerry is actually one of the longest tenured GMs in all football if not the longest tenured.

I Am not saying McNair sucks, but Justice is just calling a spade a spade. McNair has had opportunities to greatly improve the team, and he has not done it. Haynesworth, Michael Turner, and Kris Jenkins have all been available at positions of need and we dont even make a run at them. We decide to roll with what we got. That sure has worked out well for us, huh?

at the end of the day, Jerry has 3 trophies, runs the most valuable sports franchise in America, and we are a losing football franchise who have some fans that act like 9-7 is some validation of McNair's plan while in the same breath criticize the Cowboys for not winning playoff games. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. expansion team or not, there is no argument that McNair is a better owner. it just doesn't hold water.

I love my Texans but the Texans aren't in the same class as the Cowboys...yet. Maybe we should focus more on our real rivals, Justice. Like the Titans. ThIs make believe fairy tale Texans-Cowboys rivalry is a total joke...its not a rivalry. It's an inferiority complex by many of the Texans fans..not a rivalry.

His worst move was trading his 3 top picks for Roy Williams. IMO
BTW for the purposes of this discussion, Parcells built that Cowboys team and is responsible for their core of players not Jerry Jones. If anything JJ has disgraced what Parcells built by bringing in trash like Roy Williams and TO before that.
His worst move was trading his 3 top picks for Roy Williams. IMO

He didn't use his top 3 picks to pick up Roy. Just his 2009 top pick.

The rest were mid to late picks.

Not a good trade for what Roy has done (although he's playing better now) but it wasn't 3 "top" picks.

Unless your definition of "top" pick and mine are different.
The Cowturds are a better team than the Texans. But that doesn't change my feelings toward them. I hate the Cowpatties more than our division foes. Just hate them.

For this weekend, I'm a Viking fan. And that really hurts because I'm still sick of hearing Farve's name. LOL
The Chron does not care about what Justice is writing and I do not care either. Why should I? I am not allowed to fire him. No one tells you to read his crap so just don't read it. He knows there are Cowboys fans in Houston and as long as his boss does not have a problem with him writing about the Cowboys he is going to do so possibly reaching out to Cowboys fans here in Houston. You don't like it then let your thoughts be known and try and get a change in line in one way, shape, or form but for me it does not matter because I am not made to read it. As far as Jerry over Bob goes it is hard to say because having someone bring in talent from another HC and then that HC leavs makes you look like a better owner than you really are. But he did hire Bill who knew who was going to stick as a Cowboy and who was not so I'd say he gets credit for hiring a HC who knows NFL talent so you may flip the coin both ways. Bob I like but I wish he would stop only trying to put a winning team team together and go out and sign a big time FA in other words make that big splash but AS is not it. I also worry he does not know or understand how to scout for a proven HC one with a real track record and I have been thinking this for quite awhile now but have not had the guts to say it up untill now some may agree and some may disagree but I don't really care. He have known what Dom is great at and that is being a DC now I know the Packers got picker apart just one week ago but overall Dom has done well with that group so if he was going to to hire him for anything it should been as a DC not an HC IMO. The samething goes for Gary you know he is made to be an OC so that is what you hire him as if anything at all. Does he not see the very bad choises Gary has made time and time again on the sidelines? I know there has been OC's and DC's who have become good HC's and I am not against that by any means but I just feel like with a brand spanking new franchise you hire an OC and a DC to preform their respected task while hiringb a vet HC to at least get the team off the ground running and then later on once your team has been around for while and has gotten their feet wet then either premote from withinor hire a brand new HC but not untill then a rookie HC or lest one without a winning record even more so one who has never been an HC before is not the way to start out with a brand new team just is not the way to go JMO.
A couple years ago Steven Jackson was still on the board and Jerry Jones traded back and took Juluis Jones. Big Mistake
BTW for the purposes of this discussion, Parcells built that Cowboys team and is responsible for their core of players not Jerry Jones. If anything JJ has disgraced what Parcells built by bringing in trash like Roy Williams and TO before that.

How has JJ disgraced what Bill did? JJ still added some big pieces after he left and they won a playoff game, too. There goes the one thing we could make fun of the Cowboys about. Not winning a playoff game while the Texans have been in the league.
A couple years ago Steven Jackson was still on the board and Jerry Jones traded back and took Juluis Jones. Big Mistake

At the time that was a HUGE mistake but RB is not a problem area with the Cowboys anymore. They have 3 very capable backs.

Eh Jerry is what he is..he makes dumb mistakes and has for years. But he'll go out and spend his money and he markets the team as well as anybody could. I like the fact that he'll go out and spend money on a Leonard Davis. I thought it was great to go out and get Deion when one player was the difference between the Cowboys and the Niners.

Jerry's one of those guys that marches to a different drummer.
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I quit listening to 1560 because Justice pops up here and there. You can't avoid him. I have been reading the Chronic, but avoiding Justice. As of now, I'm going to quit readin the Chronic until they ditch Justice.
I quit listening to 1560 because Justice pops up here and there. You can't avoid him. I have been reading the Chronic, but avoiding Justice. As of now, I'm going to quit readin the Chronic until they ditch Justice.

I canceled my sub to the local ragsheet several years ago because I got tired of our so callled sports writers lovefest with the Cowboys and Titans. I've never been sorry either. If the Chron wants to support the enemy FINE, I won't support the Chron. Screw them all!!! I'm ONE HAPPY TEXAN fan and I don't need the Chron to get news about my team. Let the "girl" and "meatball" fans of this city support that piece of crap newspaper. I refuse to do it.
He probably should be fired or talked to at least but that is up to the Chron to do so not any of us.
A couple years ago Steven Jackson was still on the board and Jerry Jones traded back and took Juluis Jones. Big Mistake

It would have been a bigger mistake had the Cowboys not had their three back tandem now. The Texans have made just as big mistakes, too. Every team does really.
the fact that one of his articles causes threads like these is why justice is kept around. if you want him gone, ignore him. completely. shun him like the amish.
Mistakes are going to be made it is just a matter of who makes them the least and who backs them up and corrects them.

yeah, really? because I am honest and objective, I don't love my team? whatever man, I am sorry I don't drink the koolaid and homer for my team when its painfully obvious that the Cowboys are far superior to the Texans now and in the past. The future could change that and I hope it does, but to be ignorant of the past just makes you another ignorant Houston sports fan.

I have been a season ticket holder since 2002 (4 seats in the endzone) and my name is etched on the glass outside of the stadium. In other words, I helped build that damn stadium our team plays in, so dont come here with your Haterade. I guess your Vikings avatar makes you a Texans fan, huh? Oh wait, its your Napoleonic complex coming out as a Houston fan towards Dallas. Your probably one of the people that think Cowboys-Texans is actually a
BTW for the purposes of this discussion, Parcells built that Cowboys team and is responsible for their core of players not Jerry Jones. If anything JJ has disgraced what Parcells built by bringing in trash like Roy Williams and TO before that.

actually Parcells and Jones collaborated and One of the biggest draft busts in recent Cowboys history was a Parcells pick. Carpenter sucks and had no business being drafted but Bill loved Carpenter's father and had to draft him.

Jones is a good owner. Period. 3 trophies. Billion dollar stadium. Commitment to trying to win. Doesn't always work, but they are trying to win championships while people around here throw parades for 9-7.
Just stop reading his blog have his ratings lowered then he'll get caned problem solved.
I don't know.. one thing Cowboys do have going for them is their history.. if you were a player and the Cowboys and Texans both sent you the same contract offer, which one would some choose? A chance to create history with one the the historically good teams of the NFL or the an upstart franchise? Texans have to work a little harder to sell their product IMO..

and on a plus with the Texans starting out, they had to overpay some guys to come to town. With that being said, with what the Texans are doing with a very good offense (without a running game mind you) and a defense that finally has some young core players. hopefully it will get a little easier luring in some FA.
Jerry Jones has proven to be a better owner than McNair. How can anyone argue that?

Here's how I would argue that: I was a Cowboy fan since 1977... which is my first memory of football- watching the Cowboys in the playoffs at 4 years old. They were my team in 1989 when he bought them, fired Tom Landry and hired Jimmy. I was thrilled. I continued to be a huge fan and enjoyed 2 Superbowls in 1992 and 93. Then, he dismissed Jimmy in order to prove to the world his genius. He hired that moron that attempted to carry a gun on to a commercial airplane. I continued to try and root for them. The 1995 Superbowl victory versus Pitt was the emptiest victory I've ever witnessed. I knew then that I couldn't continue to root for him... After all, the players and coaches all change, only the owner remains constant... well, and the city... but, who in their right mind feels a connection to Dallas?

So, I was a man without a team until Houston announced. I'm thrilled to root for Bob McNair and his organization. The year when I became an even bigger fan was the worst W/L season we've ever have: 2005. Right after Katrina, I drove from Austin to Houston in order to volunteer for the relief effort. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of Mr. McNair and of Houston. He openned up these new, expensive, and beautiful facilities to these people. That is the kind of character, leadership that I'm interested in. Clearly some people define success differently. But, according to the way I see things, few things said are more obnoxious than: "Jerry Jones has proven to be a better owner than Bob McNair."

None of that discounts the fact that I want to win... I just think some things are more valuable. And, my experience rooting for that SOB is that the winning becomes pretty darn empty.
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His parents named him Dick for a reason. They knew long before anyone else did.
I do like but more for the news and I like their faith page so....isn't Richard KNOWN for writing stuff like this? If so I'm sure he does it with their support and knowledge and that's what the Chronicle wants.

A writer that people read his blog. Even if you hate him you're reading his blog. And that's good for business.

I bet there are tons of pages of responses to his column on their website and this thread will probably go on for pages as well.

Richard is having a good day. He got attention. People read what he wrote. And that's all he cares about I imagine. Chronicle too.

Sports fans take this stuff as serious as a heart attack.
I canceled my sub to the local ragsheet several years ago because I got tired of our so callled sports writers lovefest with the Cowboys and Titans. I've never been sorry either. If the Chron wants to support the enemy FINE, I won't support the Chron. Screw them all!!! I'm ONE HAPPY TEXAN fan and I don't need the Chron to get news about my team. Let the "girl" and "meatball" fans of this city support that piece of crap newspaper. I refuse to do it.

Right on G'ma! I'm with ya. :jam: :cool:

Juck Fustice! BTW..... :cutthroat:
I do like but more for the news and I like their faith page so....isn't Richard KNOWN for writing stuff like this? If so I'm sure he does it with their support and knowledge and that's what the Chronicle wants.

A writer that people read his blog. Even if you hate him you're reading his blog. And that's good for business.

I bet there are tons of pages of responses to his column on their website and this thread will probably go on for pages as well.

Richard is having a good day. He got attention. People read what he wrote. And that's all he cares about I imagine. Chronicle too.

Sports fans take this stuff as serious as a heart attack.

The reality about the chronicle is that the two best football writers at the chronicle are the two fan bloggers: Jeremy Rice and Stephanie Stradley. Solomon occasionally writes an interesting column and McClain sometimes has the inside scoop. But, the writing, as a whole, is just horrid!