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Judging Carr


Practice Squad
I believe that Carr is capable of being a top 10 QB in this league. A couple of years ago he did very well. Sure his interception total was a little high but most young QBs go through that. He did show the ability to lead this team when he was allowed to attack. The previous coaching staff all too often shut the offense down and played conservative making Shaun Hannity look like a leftist communist. When the offense was allowed to attack they moved the ball effectively. They did struggle in the red zone but I think that was due mainly to having young players.

I believe that if the previous staff has not ruined Carr then Kubiak will pull the best out of him. Carr doesn't have to be the best of all time. He needs to do things that he can do and lead this team.

Some have said that he became irritable and barked at his teammates toward the end of last year. Although no QB should embarrass his teammates publically he should push them if they are not performing. Who can blame Carr anyway. You've heard of the West Coast Offense? Well, the Texans offense was called the Duck and Cover! It is amazing that Carr does not walk with a limp or have a constant twitch. Yes, some of it was his fault for not getting rid of the ball. But the O line did not protect the QB either. I do not blame the O line completely for the lack of protection. The defense knew that we were going to run on 1st and 2nd down then pass on 3rd. No imagination in the offense. Did anyone else notice that the offense moved the ball quite well when the Texans spread it out from time to time?

Sorry if this post is rambling (I'm pretty new to this board), but I just feel that we need to give Carr a chance to really show what he can do with an offense that allows players to be aggressive and use their talents.

Carr will get his shot...what he will do with it remains to be seen...I hope he does well...but if he doesn't......:goodnight
fastpitchwoof said:
Sorry if this post is rambling (I'm pretty new to this board), but I just feel that we need to give Carr a chance to really show what he can do with an offense that allows players to be aggressive and use their talents.
Well, the Texans brought in a new head coach who has run an effective offense the past 11 seasons. Several new offensive linemen. A veteran wide receiver and tight end. A pass receiving fullback. And Carr got a three year extension. Even if some fans won't give the guy a chance, the Texans will. The best he's ever had.
This year should give every opportunity for Carr to prove himself once and for all. Either he'll step up under the new regime and show that he's worthy to be our franchise QB of the next many years, or he'll be considered a bust.

I just can't see any more reasons/excuses being made after next season. It's put up or shut up time, as far as most fans are concerned.

(Disclaimer: of course I sincerely hope he succeeds and leads us to the promise land!)
What really got me these last couple years, is that everyone wanted the Offense/ Carr even more, to be more consistant in an Offense that was very predictable.
I just never understood it, if we think it was predictable, what did the Defensive Coordinators in the NFL think it was.

This NEW Offense is not going to do anything but make guys better, Eric Moulds by the time he is done here could leave as a Hall of Famer.
Hulk75 said:
What really got me these last couple years, is that everyone wanted the Offense/ Carr even more, to be more consistant in an Offense that was very predictable.
I just never understood it, if we think it was predictable, what did the Defensive Coordinators in the NFL think it was.

This NEW Offense is not going to do anything but make guys better, Eric Moulds by the time he is done here could leave as a Hall of Famer.

If the team does make a huge turn around this year, Kubiak and (Possibly) Moulds and Williams will be credited with saving the team.
Hulk75 said:
What really got me these last couple years, is that everyone wanted the Offense/ Carr even more, to be more consistant in an Offense that was very predictable.
I just never understood it, if we think it was predictable, what did the Defensive Coordinators in the NFL think it was.

No doubt about it, Hulk. Poor DC had two audibles: run left & run right. We'd see him audible at the line, call it from the stands, and we'd get it right 90% of the time. I've always felt sorry for him because of the vanilla...(hate to even use the term "vanilla" because it's not a bad flavor), "simple" offense that we've ran for four seasons.

It was painful to watch, and I think a lot of Carr's evident frustration was more about the dumb schemes he was forced to run than at his teammates. I still feel this way, especially in light of the fact that Palmer was fired only two games into a new season.

Two big factors that I think will really help him develop as a QB: Kubiak is a QB minded coach, since he has played the position and coached with one of the HoF greats, and Carr now has a dedicated QB coach (it only took five years to get one!).

It's not just put up or shut up time for Carr, either. I think our o-line, since most of them were here last year, will be on the same short leash. Produce or be gone, IMO.
fastpitchwoof said:
I believe that Carr is capable of being a top 10 QB in this league.
I agree with this...but I've never disagreed with this. Carr has more physical ability than Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Carr can move better, has a better arm, and is a better athlete than both of these guys....but that is not what makes a QB great.

Carr gets a shot to show that he has learned the league after 4 years and will take his experience into a new offense. If he struggles here and now, we have a problem. Until then, I have a good vibe from Kubiak and his ability to get the most out of Carr. What will that be? Buy a ticket and enjoy. It will unfold shortly. :bananasplit:
It should be a different story this year, due to the fact that there is better talent on offensive side now. With the addition of Moulds and good TE's and running backs, it should give Carr more better targets. The only thing that can stop Carr is dropped passes and bad coaching, which seem unlikely to happen this season.

Regardless of how we do record-wise, I like the direction this team is going. I hope Kubiak turns out to be the coach I thought he could as far back as 6 years ago (whenever they announced Houston beat out LA for the expansion team).
TheOgre said:
Regardless of how we do record-wise, I like the direction this team is going. I hope Kubiak turns out to be the coach I thought he could as far back as 6 years ago (whenever they announced Houston beat out LA for the expansion team).

Amen, something we all should be able to agree on.
I know all of us want the Texans to do well. I do not wish any player to do poorly even if I think he isn't what I expect him to be or whom I would have signed, drafted or traded for. That said, I think it is fair to say the Texans have improved those around David. He should have the opportunity to show his capabilities. The O LINE still concerns me, but that's another thread. The new coaches IMO can be the best addition to the team as they should make the players even better. If the rest of the offense performs as they should, then this is Carr's make it or break it year. I think that is what Kubes has been saying. Carr even seems to agree. I'll leave it to them.
Meloy said:
If the rest of the offense performs as they should, then this is Carr's make it or break it year. I think that is what Kubes has been saying. .

Here's something Kubiak said very recently: "How David Carr goes, this team is probably going to go. We've got to get him going right."

He's kinda putting it in the perspective of team = f(Carr) instead of Carr = f(team).
Vinny said:
I agree with this...but I've never disagreed with this. Carr has more physical ability than Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Carr can move better, has a better arm, and is a better athlete than both of these guys....but that is not what makes a QB great.

Carr gets a shot to show that he has learned the league after 4 years and will take his experience into a new offense. If he struggles here and now, we have a problem. Until then, I have a good vibe from Kubiak and his ability to get the most out of Carr. What will that be? Buy a ticket and enjoy. It will unfold shortly. :bananasplit:

Vinny, I'm having a big one.
Vinny said:
I agree with this...but I've never disagreed with this. Carr has more physical ability than Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Carr can move better, has a better arm, and is a better athlete than both of these guys....but that is not what makes a QB great.

Carr gets a shot to show that he has learned the league after 4 years and will take his experience into a new offense. If he struggles here and now, we have a problem. Until then, I have a good vibe from Kubiak and his ability to get the most out of Carr. What will that be? Buy a ticket and enjoy. It will unfold shortly. :bananasplit:

Thanks, Vinny, I appreciate you being more upbeat, because you have an eye for certain things and so do I. I guess we could say our eyes don't cross very often, but may be in this case we are seeing some similar things for different reasons. I would agree the biggest factor could be Kubiak and his understanding of the game. None of which was transferred to Carr by the previous set of coaches.

Basically we had no offense, no receivers and no defense. Its pretty hard to win in the NFL with that combination. The 1st preseason game I believe is going to be a watershed for this team. We are going to get glimmers one way or another as to just what we have. I certainly hope they are what I think they are.
Its obvious the Texans organization thinks alot of David and that David will gets at least one more shot at being NFL quarterback. Its the reason the Texans paid David the huge contract, passed on Vince and went out and got Kubes. Make no mistake about it though, David is under the gun to produce. One thing Kubes has made abundantly clear this offseason, unlike his predicesor, Kubes is not afraid to make changes.
Napa Auto Parts said:
Its Clear that if David cant get the Job done we are going to have to part ways with Gary Kubiak. becuase its not david its the system:twocents:

I KNOW man... what's up with that? It's such a.... an Enigma.
xtruroyaltyx said:
Carr will get his shot...what he will do with it remains to be seen...I hope he does well...but if he doesn't......:goodnight

Carr had a very strong 2004. He can get the job done. What more does he need to prove? He's at least a top 20 guy right now. Believe me, you can do a lot worse than Carr. A whole lot worse. Try Luke McCown and Craig Kreunzel (or is it Kris Kringle) as examples.
Napa Auto Parts said:
Its Clear that if David cant get the Job done we are going to have to part ways with Gary Kubiak. becuase its not david its the system:twocents:
Thats cute.......And your on a first name bases with him, do you know him?:cool:
you know what I thought was allways an enigma, was in all of the games ive watched. the shining moments on defense were allways a sack or FF by gary walker or seth payne or occasionally kylee wong. ok, this was a 3-4 defense that was suppose to generatate ALL this pass rush from the linbacker spots. and it just never happend. so im thinkin, maybe using the 3-4 was a major problem up there with never replacing our "never played a down" no. 1 expansion pick Tony Bosselli.
TheOgre said:
Regardless of how we do record-wise, I like the direction this team is going. I hope Kubiak turns out to be the coach I thought he could as far back as 6 years ago (whenever they announced Houston beat out LA for the expansion team).

I often think that when things don't go the way I want that maybe it is for the best down the road.

I don't care who takes over an expansion team, it is likely in the expendible coach era, that person isn't gonna last long. I think it was good for Kubiak to get more seasoning as a coach and good for the Texans not to make him the sacrificial expansion coach. Now is a better fit than then.

And in some sick way, a 2-14 season last year might end up being better for the team in the long run than had we ended up .500. We got a new coach, a bunch of good rookies and a new sense of competitiveness within the team that made everybody show up at the OTAs. Complacency has no part of a team that is sick and tired of losing.

And the best thing for David Carr mighta been the whole Vince Young bidness. Nothing like having your fans clamoring for another QB to make you work even harder before the OTAs started.

Alternative history is weird and imprecise, but it does make you ponder. I know some of the cruddiest things that have ever happened to me have oft resulted in something good down the road--through learning, through getting stronger and dealing with adversity, through just better timing. And that in retrospect, it turned out that the cruddy thing was actually a good thing in bigtime disguise.
I don't know... If you have been looking at Carr's face for the past 5 years now, I think you could upgrade the relationship to David ( if you want to be stern ) or Dave ( if you want to get cozy ).

That seems to be okay?

I have seen his face so much, that I am writing a letter to him right now about how he should cut his hair. I am thinking the long greasy look from 2004 was helping his game, so I figure this season he should sport a Kubiak until he beats the Colts. Then I am going to hit his Pop up to make him shave it bald, like a Hasselbeck, if he loses to the Cowpokes...

So all in all... we are kinda like family.
TwinSisters said:
I don't know... If you have been looking at Carr's face for the past 5 years now, I think you could upgrade the relationship to David ( if you want to be stern ) or Dave ( if you want to get cozy ).

That seems to be okay?

I have seen his face so much, that I am writing a letter to him right now about how he should cut his hair. I am thinking the long greasy look from 2004 was helping his game, so I figure this season he should sport a Kubiak until he beats the Colts. Then I am going to hit his Pop up to make him shave it bald, like a Hasselbeck, if he loses to the Cowpokes...

So all in all... we are kinda like family.

You sound like the type of person who says Fresno rather than Fresyes.
TwinSisters said:
I don't know... If you have been looking at Carr's face for the past 5 years now, I think you could upgrade the relationship to David ( if you want to be stern ) or Dave ( if you want to get cozy ).

That seems to be okay?

I have seen his face so much, that I am writing a letter to him right now about how he should cut his hair. I am thinking the long greasy look from 2004 was helping his game, so I figure this season he should sport a Kubiak until he beats the Colts. Then I am going to hit his Pop up to make him shave it bald, like a Hasselbeck, if he loses to the Cowpokes...

So all in all... we are kinda like family.

And I am thinking that they both will be glad to hear from you..:rolleyes:
Kaiser Toro said:
You sound like the type of person who says Fresno rather than Fresyes.

All kidding aside, where is the high water mark of our team?
Right here I think.

“The most important thing to our team right now is not where we are, but where we’re headed,” Capers said. “I like the direction we’ve been heading in the last two weeks.”

When Houston’s consecutive-win bugaboo didn’t end in the first two games against San Diego and Detroit, there were concerns - not just on talk radio, but in the locker room.

“Guys were looking at each other, wondering where we were going to go from there,” Sharper said.

Now, they’re on a roll like never before. And Carr has a noon appointment Monday with a pair of scissors in the Texans locker room."

Actually, he might’ve been outsmarted by Texans coach Dom Capers, his first NFL coach.

THEN this happens...

"Carr, who played his best season in 2004 when he wore his hair long and was named one of People magazine's "Sexiest Men Alive," reported to practice Monday with shorter hair."

If long and greasy nails him most sexy, then a Kubiak would make him double-ly so. It's the hair man... I am tellin ya.
Texans_Chick said:
I often think that when things don't go the way I want that maybe it is for the best down the road.

I don't care who takes over an expansion team, it is likely in the expendible coach era, that person isn't gonna last long. I think it was good for Kubiak to get more seasoning as a coach and good for the Texans not to make him the sacrificial expansion coach. Now is a better fit than then.

And in some sick way, a 2-14 season last year might end up being better for the team in the long run than had we ended up .500. We got a new coach, a bunch of good rookies and a new sense of competitiveness within the team that made everybody show up at the OTAs. Complacency has no part of a team that is sick and tired of losing.

And the best thing for David Carr mighta been the whole Vince Young bidness. Nothing like having your fans clamoring for another QB to make you work even harder before the OTAs started.
Alternative history is weird and imprecise, but it does make you ponder. I know some of the cruddiest things that have ever happened to me have oft resulted in something good down the road--through learning, through getting stronger and dealing with adversity, through just better timing. And that in retrospect, it turned out that the cruddy thing was actually a good thing in bigtime disguise.
Your absulotly right, but I doubt Carr gives a rip about the whole Vince Young thing and I really doubt that is what is driving him, I would think everything else that has happened to him from the last 4 years of bad coaching and no help and trying to be the best is what drives him, not a fan favorite, and he did not just descide to start working this hard, he has always been doing it, we were loosing last season so McClain descided to through the QB under the bus saying he does not work hard, which is a lye cause how does he know...............
Some of you dont understand this guy too much, nothing really bothers this guy I think from just watching his interviews from the last couple of years accept for lossing and watching leads go down the toilet, he keeps his head on pretty tight and looks with his eyes of faith to what the future hold instead of the past.
As a Christian man from a Christain family, and me being a Christian as well the word talks about the valley and the hard times, the things we just dont understand, but it says if you are faithful and do what is right in those times then you will be rewarded for the hard times, you will come out FAR BETTER then you were before.
Not trying to preach at you guys just trying to get you to understand how both of us being Christians and reading the same bible, how he might be thinking the same way.:fans:
Hulk75 said:
Your absulotly right, but I doubt Carr gives a rip about the whole Vince Young thing and I really doubt that is what is driving him, I would think everything else that has happened to him from the last 4 years of bad coaching and no help and trying to be the best is what drives him, not a fan favorite, and he did not just descide to start working this hard, he has always been doing it, we were loosing last season so McClain descided to through the QB under the bus saying he does not work hard, which is a lye cause how does he know...............
Some of you dont understand this guy too much, nothing really bothers this guy I think from just watching his interviews from the last couple of years accept for lossing and watching leads go down the toilet, he keeps his head on pretty tight and looks with his eyes of faith to what the future hold instead of the past.
As a Christian man from a Christain family, and me being a Christian as well the word talks about the valley and the hard times, the things we just dont understand, but it says if you are faithful and do what is right in those times then you will be rewarded for the hard times, you will come out FAR BETTER then you were before.
Not trying to preach at you guys just trying to get you to understand how both of us being Christians and reading the same bible, how he might be thinking the same way.:fans:

In all due respect what does being a Christian have to do with football? Jesus is not paying him to perform in his occupation. If Jesus is his motivator then have him give all of his money away in the name of the lord. I would have more faith in christians these days if they stripped it down like JC or St. Francis rather than preach about walking in the lord's footsteps for 20 seconds and giving themselves a pat on the back.
Kaiser Toro said:
In all due respect what does being a Christian have to do with football? Jesus is not paying him to perform in his occupation. If Jesus is his motivator then have him give all of his money away in the name of the lord. I would have more faith in christians these days if they stripped it down like JC or St. Francis rather than preach about walking in the lord's footsteps for 20 seconds and giving themselves a pat on the back.
Wow, so you just descided to group us all together and call us fakes, thats nice.
What does have to do with playing football?, I dont know since that was what I was NOT talking about. Dont put words in my mouth like that is what I was talking about.

Pay Jesus back- I believe that is called a tithe, 10% each month is all the Lord asks for (MONEY WISE) no more no less.

And I dont appreciate having my self and Good people I know being called fakes, there are some people that acctually walk the walk and talk the talk sir.
It is obvious you are upset about something, sorry, but dont group all Believers in one big group and suspect everyone is the way you think they are.
Hulk75 said:
Wow, so you just descided to group us all together and call us fakes, thats nice.
What does have to do with playing football?, I dont know since that was what I was NOT talking about. Dont put words in my mouth like that is what I was talking about.

Pay Jesus back- I believe that is called a tithe, 10% each month is all the Lord asks for (MONEY WISE) no more no less.

And I dont appreciate having my self and Good people I know being called fakes, there are some people that acctually walk the walk and talk the talk sir.
It is obvious you are upset about something, sorry, but dont group all Believers in one big group and suspect everyone is the way you think they are.

Not calling you fake, just do not see the connection between the lord and football.
Kaiser Toro said:
In all due respect what does being a Christian have to do with football? Jesus is not paying him to perform in his occupation. If Jesus is his motivator then have him give all of his money away in the name of the lord. I would have more faith in christians these days if they stripped it down like JC or St. Francis rather than preach about walking in the lord's footsteps for 20 seconds and giving themselves a pat on the back.

What on a message board is given more than 20 seconds? And if you really want a CHRISTIAN perspective, I would NOT get it from a message board, especially a pro football message board where uncivility rules (not directing you Hulk).

Someone who is motivated by Christ should give all his/her money away? Please explain why Jesus would want us to do that...
Revolution said:
What on a message board is given more than 20 seconds? And if you really want a CHRISTIAN perspective, I would NOT get it from a message board, especially a pro football message board where uncivility rules (not directing you Hulk).

Someone who is motivated by Christ should give all his/her money away? Please explain why Jesus would want us to do that...

I would defer to St. Francis of Assisi for the answer you are looking for. Moreover, I ask again what does being a christian and football have to do with another?
Kaiser Toro said:
I would defer to St. Francis of Assisi for the answer you are looking for. Moreover, I ask again what does being a christian and football have to do with another?

Again, I use this board to read about the Texans, so I am not going to get into a petty message board argument. If you are a Christian, you know. If you are a Christian, everything you do is related to your relationship with Christ.
Revolution said:
Again, I use this board to read about the Texans, so I am not going to get into a petty message board argument. If you are a Christian, you know. If you are a Christian, everything you do is related to your relationship with Christ.

As do I, specifically this forum. We do not need to know about our QB's walk with the lord as reasons to believe he will earn his compensation. I am glad you so clearly pointed your angst at the poster who brought this subject up. :rolleyes:
Kaiser Toro said:
Not calling you fake, just do not see the connection between the lord and football.
I have a headache, No the Lord is not sitting up there with a Texan hat on(maybe he is,:redtowel: ) but do you not think that the Lord has nothing to do with his children just because they play football? and is not a lawyer, Fireman, Police officer and other jobs..............

It is obvious Carr did not get all that talent from a wishing well one day, I believe that God gives us all talents, everyones is different, and the Lord wants to see us succeed and will HELP US in what ever job we are doing.

And Carr has spoken at MANY different churches and functions, do you think that people would pay more attention to Carr the NFL QB or Carr the Policeman, this job of his gives him a big and better way of speaking to people now days.
So Yes I believe that the Lord works in A Lot of players in the NFL, but the Lord sees mans hearts and will see if they are just putting on the Jesus Coat for 20 seconds and then going back to whatever they were doing.

Hope that clears it up..........
Hulk I have never ripped on Carr the person and still am driven not to as I will most likely will never know him. However, this is a football board and any discussion should be centered around such. If you have any first hand knowledge of Carr then maybe you should keep it to yourself and enjoy the shared experiences that you have in a more personal setting.

I am sure Carr is a great guy, but this has never been about Carr the person as difficult and unbelieveable as that may sound to many. Carr supporters are always quick to bring in the personal side of it and yes we got the total value proposition in 2002. Four years have gone by and he still is a nice guy and a QB that we are still waiting on to move from a potential to a production guy.
Kaiser Toro said:
Hulk I have never ripped on Carr the person and still am driven not to as I will most likely will never know him. However, this is a football board and any discussion should be centered around such. If you have any first hand knowledge of Carr then maybe you should keep it to yourself and enjoy the shared experiences that you have in a more personal setting.

I am sure Carr is a great guy, but this has never been about Carr the person as difficult and unbelieveable as that may sound to many. Carr supporters are always quick to bring in the personal side of it and yes we got the total value proposition in 2002. Four years have gone by and he still is a nice guy and a QB that we are still waiting on to move from a potential to a production guy.
Dog.....Dont turn this around on me, you started putting words in my mouth and asking me questions and I answered them, so dont point the finger at me, I stated that Carr MIGHT be thinking a surtain way, other then being driven from a lack of fan support. Come on man dont try and pull a fast one on me, I did not get all upset about the Christian thing, which was about 20% of my first post.

And if you would like I have plenty of TRUTH as to why his PLAY ON THE FIELD has not been what it should be, so I am not hidding behind his personal life, I can bring the football side of it to, because I played in college and have been coaching for about 4 years now and know what I am talking about, it is one of my talents!
Kaiser Toro said:
As do I, specifically this forum. We do not need to know about our QB's walk with the lord as reasons to believe he will earn his compensation. I am glad you so clearly pointed your angst at the poster who brought this subject up. :rolleyes:

Hulk did nothing to stir the personal pot.
Hulk75 said:
Dog.....Dont turn this around on me, you started putting words in my mouth and asking me questions and I answered them, so dont point the finger at me, I stated that Carr MIGHT be thinking a surtain way, other then being driven from a lack of fan support. Come on man dont try and pull a fast one on me, I did not get all upset about the Christian thing, which was about 20% of my first post.

And if you would like I have plenty of TRUTH as to why his PLAY ON THE FIELD has not been what it should be, so I am not hidding behind his personal life, I can bring the football side of it to, because I played in college and have been coaching for about 4 years now and know what I am talking about, it is one of my talents!

If that is the case then bring it with your football knowledge, I sincerely welcome it. In my opinion it has been quite sometime since you have brought it out. The board is pretty much starving for football insight rather than the banter that we are going on in circles with right now.
Kaiser Toro said:
If that is the case then bring it with your football knowledge, I sincerely welcome it. In my opinion it has been quite sometime since you have brought it out. The board is pretty much starving for football insight rather than the banter that we are going on in circles with right now.

The only person who actually brings true football insight into the boards is aj. Certainly you do not consider your constant Carr bashing as "football insight."
Revolution said:
The only person who actually brings true football insight into the boards is aj. Certainly you do not consider your constant Carr bashing as "football insight."

Yes AJ is a terrific poster as are there plenty of others. I do not consider Carr bashing as having football insight, but I do consider my opinions to have some reasoning behind them when I discuss cap, results, my takes during the season and my overall resentment for a well paid QB. As In have stated mutliple times my dislike is for the amount of money we pay for the QB position and not Carr. I know it is difficult for people who love Carr to understand that.
Kaiser Toro said:
Moreover, I ask again what does being a christian and football have to do with another?

I'd say the connection is the particular inspiration and motivation for one of (probably several of, given the prayer group in the SEZ before each game) the Texans. There is no connection per se as in causal link between faith and football, but in the end I suspect most very successful people have something at their core which keeps them going when times are tough. Hulk is just pointing out that for Carr, at least one of the things he looks to is his faith. Folks without something at their core (doesn't have to be faith) are the ones who crumble under pressue.