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Jim Tressel has resigned from Ohio St.

WOW, when did this happen? With all that OSU has been through and with Tressel stepping down...this might give Michigan a chance to beat em' for once in a long time.

I wonder if they will have an OC or DC take his spot or they will go after another coach still available (Mike
WOW, when did this happen? With all that OSU has been through and with Tressel stepping down...this might give Michigan a chance to beat em' for once in a long time.

I wonder if they will have an OC or DC take his spot or they will go after another coach still available (Mike

One of his assistants, Luke Fickel, has been named interim head coach for the season. I'm not sure what side of the ball he coaches. After the season is over I think they will try to lure in Urban Meyer.

edit: Fickell is/was co-D coordinator and he coaches the LB's
Texas gets hosed again. Meyer was looked at as a possible successor to Mack Brown after Muschamp left for Florida. Now, OSU has to be the favorite in the Meyer sweepstakes. He is from Ohio and it is just as good a job as Texas.
Texas gets hosed again. Meyer was looked at as a possible successor to Mack Brown after Muschamp left for Florida. Now, OSU has to be the favorite in the Meyer sweepstakes. He is from Ohio and it is just as good a job as Texas.

But how long is Mack going to stay at UT? He is 59 now. I can see him sticking around for another 4-5 years. Would Meyer really wait 4-5 years to coach, if that's what he wants to do? I doubt it. There will be a lot of good jobs opening up before Mack becomes the AD.

I am thinking Bryan Harsin or the Major have pretty good shots to become the next UT Head coach.
Texas gets hosed again. Meyer was looked at as a possible successor to Mack Brown after Muschamp left for Florida. Now, OSU has to be the favorite in the Meyer sweepstakes. He is from Ohio and it is just as good a job as Texas.

What the hell does this have to do with ut??? They were never in the Meyer sweepstakes to begin with and there is no certainty that he will coach next year either.
As a USC fan, I have to LOL

Maybe the NCAA will drop the hammer on the Walnuts harder than the Trojans, but I am not holding my breath.

Every program does it, Mack Brown just seems to be the best at covering it up.
As a USC fan, I have to LOL

Maybe the NCAA will drop the hammer on the Walnuts harder than the Trojans, but I am not holding my breath.

Every program does it, Mack Brown just seems to be the best at covering it up.

Not sure why you single out Mack Brown, even though you just said every program does it.

I think they will come down harder on the Buckeyes. They need to set a precedence that this is not an acceptable risk for the players, coaches, and administration.
Not defending Tressell, but the NCAA needs to drop the sham they are non profit. They are a non profit like Joel Osteen is. Of course these kids got a free tat. They own that city. All colleges do. You think every one of these guys paid full price for their sleeve? Any tattoo parlor is going to hook up a player on the team for the same reason athletes are comped here. They should be able to. Its free advertising.
Not sure why you single out Mack Brown, even though you just said every program does it.

I think they will come down harder on the Buckeyes. They need to set a precedence that this is not an acceptable risk for the players, coaches, and administration.

lol, every big school does this stuff. Hell, even Texas A&M pays its players 'scholarship' money to suit up for games, or at the very least, they did when I was there 2003-07. Starters get more money (~$1000 per game, walk-ons (~$100 per game) get less, and the big names get cars from the local dealerships too. It comes in the form of checks that players picked up at their exclusive training facility next to the Kyle Field. I remember the QB Reggie McNeal was driving around in a BMW 5 series when I was there, so I wouldn't be surprised if the 'free cars for the stars' program is at every big school. I can't recall any players selling memorabilia for money or tattoos though.

In any case, this whole thing is getting way overblown as I don't believe there is a big football school out there that doesn't cheat like this. The NCAA has never been that hard on this kind of stuff since the SMU death sentence. They might get the same treatment as USC at worst, but even that wasn't much of a big deal.
Yes, someone call Yankee and make sure he's ok. :D

Oh brother. Will they ever get a break? :rolleyes:

LOL, I've wanted him out for years - he's very Kubiak-esque in his losing by playing not to lose.

People say 'you should be happy you win 10 or 11 games a year.'

Yeah, try being a good program in a down conference and then losing when it counts (FL, LSU, Texas). A trained monkey could do that. I will give him props for the wins over Oregon and Ak.
One of the dirtiest programs in the country. Good-bye captain Buckeye.

Right next to Texas, Auburn, USC, LSU, Florida, Miami, etc., etc., etc....

Us and USC just got caught.

Like I've said 100 times before the only way IMHO to deter stuff like this is for players to face NFL consequences - which will NEVER EVER happen. Otherwise, wtf do they care if their school/coach/program gets busted when they know they have a payday coming?

Paying players will not solve anything because a lot of them will want more.

Don't buy the act 'woe is me as a Div. 1 player - I can't work and can't afford my off campus housing and my $600/mos. car payment.' WTF Ray Small - what college kid who can't work and doesn't have rich parents has a $600/mos. car payment? Let me get out the world's smallest violin.

Terrelle Pryor drove up to a players-only team meeting on Monday night in a coal-black Nissan 350Z sports car with 30-day plates.

In Pryors defense he went to the DMV to get regular plates, but they wouldnt accept game pants as payment.
What is just ironic is that Pryor is going to ultimately lose millions of dollars because he had to have his tattoos and free cars. Maybe 100grand of crap and now he is hosed.

Too late to transfer to Div1
OSU is going to dump him any minute
Goodbye Ohio State, Hello Blinn Junior College

If he has a monster combine he could gain some status back but I don't think he will. Not that accurate and long windup. Selfish. Pryor is hosed and he won't even get the alumni love after his failed NFL career.

Good riddance. The guy has been nothing but trouble.

Hook Em Horns
Terrelle Pryor drove up to a players-only team meeting on Monday night in a coal-black Nissan 350Z sports car with 30-day plates.

In Pryors defense he went to the DMV to get regular plates, but they wouldnt accept game pants as payment.

Nice work!!:)

Glad Tressel got caught. If you are going to sit there and do seminars on how to do things the right way, etc, etc and then go out and be such a blatant liar, you deserve it. Their President Gee is a honking dbag himself.
Nice work!!:)

Glad Tressel got caught. If you are going to sit there and do seminars on how to do things the right way, etc, etc and then go out and be such a blatant liar, you deserve it. Their President Gee is a honking dbag himself.

Going along with preaching to do the right thing, and then turning around and being scum, I think this part struck me the most.

From the article.

One of Tressel's duties then was to organize and run the Buckeyes' summer camp. Most of the young players who attended it would never play college football, but a few were top prospects whom Ohio State was recruiting. At the end of camp, attendees bought tickets to a raffle with prizes such as cleats and a jersey. According to his fellow assistant, Tressel rigged the raffle so that the elite prospects won -- a potential violation of NCAA rules.

"In the morning he would read the Bible with another coach. Then, in the afternoon, he would go out and cheat kids who had probably saved up money from mowing lawns to buy those raffle tickets. That's Jim Tressel."
I'm glad that OSU got caught and they should face a severe punishment as an example to everyone else. The NCAA lost alot of credibility in the years since the Reggie Bush fiasco and it's time for them to exercise some muscle over D-1 football programs. While I think it should happen, I don't think it will. The NCAA has become a ***** to the big schools due to the money involved.
Going along with preaching to do the right thing, and then turning around and being scum, I think this part struck me the most.

From the article.

One of Tressel's duties then was to organize and run the Buckeyes' summer camp. Most of the young players who attended it would never play college football, but a few were top prospects whom Ohio State was recruiting. At the end of camp, attendees bought tickets to a raffle with prizes such as cleats and a jersey. According to his fellow assistant, Tressel rigged the raffle so that the elite prospects won -- a potential violation of NCAA rules.

"In the morning he would read the Bible with another coach. Then, in the afternoon, he would go out and cheat kids who had probably saved up money from mowing lawns to buy those raffle tickets. That's Jim Tressel."

OSU needs a 2 year timeout. No bowl. No rankings. 1/2 scholarships. Limited TV.
USC and now OSU and there is not any reason for it.

Not sure what your statement means, but sure there is reason for it. Recruit the best players, field the best team, win NC's and get the most money. Sounds like plenty of reason to me.

OSU has won 7 big 10 championships since 2002. They have garnered immeasurable fame and a boatload of cash for this. Not to mention the bowl games. They are rolling in dough and have their corrupt ways to thank for it.
Not sure what your statement means, but sure there is reason for it. Recruit the best players, field the best team, win NC's and get the most money. Sounds like plenty of reason to me.

OSU has won 7 big 10 championships since 2002. They have garnered immeasurable fame and a boatload of cash for this. Not to mention the bowl games. They are rolling in dough and have their corrupt ways to thank for it.
I meant there is not any reason to go out and break NCAA rules or any rule for that matter.
I hope the NCAA feels like a bunch of dumbasses. Letting those OSU clowns play in the bowl game on a promiss...
I hope the NCAA feels like a bunch of dumbasses. Letting those OSU clowns play in the bowl game on a promiss...

TV Ratings above consequences seems to be the norm for them. Unless you lie about having dinner with Deon Sanders. That's just inexcusable.


Hate to see my Buckeyes go down, but damn that's funny.
I hope the NCAA feels like a bunch of dumbasses. Letting those OSU clowns play in the bowl game on a promiss...

I will be irate if the NCAA comes back and decides 'hey, I know we made a mint on the sugar bowl, but on second thought those players should not have been eligible, so you're losing the win.'
I will be irate if the NCAA comes back and decides 'hey, I know we made a mint on the sugar bowl, but on second thought those players should not have been eligible, so you're losing the win.'

I think your Sugar Bowl victory is safe. They already made the deal to look the other way to make more money on the game. Cant go back on that now.
Ya know, I think the NCAA is the only organization in America that could be run better through a government takeover. Every one of these penalties against the schools have been a joke. Oh no, all the 2010 wins will be vacated! Whatever will the Buckeyes do???

Stupid. OSU is not the first, and they won't be the last. Cheating is rampant among the big programs.
Well, at least it wasn't a National Championship, you have that.:foottap:

LOL - I HATE USC with a passion but I did not enjoy when they got railed because the NCAA is a joke and everyone knows all the big schools/players cheat and it is a matter of time until your school gets caught (and subsequently, we did).
How dare you suggest OSU, the NCAA and the Sugar Bowl return money! How would that possibly be fair?!

OSU broke rules to keep their players playing games. If the only consequence for breaking rules and possibly getting caught is vacating some wins, and getting to keep the millions from the BCS victory then I would do it too. You have to hit these suckers where it hurts. Their pocket book.
OSU broke rules to keep their players playing games. If the only consequence for breaking rules and possibly getting caught is vacating some wins, and getting to keep the millions from the BCS victory then I would do it too. You have to hit these suckers where it hurts. Their pocket book.

(that was sarcasm)

I think I may have even said it in this thread - the people who get hurt in these things aren't the guily parties - fans, innocent players, future players, the coachs who don't get fired.

The guilty players and coaches move on the bigger and better things. The school, NCAA and bowls keep their pockets lined. That is why it is a joke.
(that was sarcasm)

I think I may have even said it in this thread - the people who get hurt in these things aren't the guily parties - fans, innocent players, future players, the coachs who don't get fired.

The guilty players and coaches move on the bigger and better things. The school, NCAA and bowls keep their pockets lined. That is why it is a joke.

lol Sorry man. I kinda thought it was. My mistake.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)—Former Ohio State coach Jim Tressel was told by the school that he did a poor job of self-reporting NCAA violations years before he failed to tell his bosses that players were selling championship rings and other Buckeyes memorabilia, a cover-up that cost him his job.

In an evaluation of Tressel’s job performance from 2005-06, then-athletic director Andy Geiger rated Tressel “unacceptable” in terms of self-reporting rules violations in a timely manner. The coach also was warned in a separate letter that he and his staff needed to do a better job of monitoring the cars the Buckeyes were driving—an issue that would arise again this spring.

The documents were part of a mountain of public records released Friday by Ohio State dealing with Tressel and the ongoing scandal that has sullied one of the nation’s elite football programs.

Tressel received a letter of reprimand from then-athletic director Andy Geiger for giving a recruit a Buckeyes jersey—a clear NCAA violation—before he had even coached his first game.