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Jeremy Shockey Traded to Saints

Damn, everyone's getting traded.... The saints are gonna need 8 footballs in play to get everyone their touches.

Bring Billy Back

That would be SOOOO nice, but, won't ever happen.

I sure didn't see that trade coming, that's for sure. I wish Billy well, and hopefully, he'll still find some playing time somewhere. Billy Miller will always have a special place in my heart that NO ONE will ever replace. How can any one forget that FIRST Texan TD!! NO, it wasn't against the Cowboys either. It was against the Giants in the HOF game. As I have mentioned before, I am a sentimental old gal, and just thinking about seeing our boys run out on that field for the FIRST time, all decked out in their new uni's, with the best logo in the NFL on their helmets, all excited about playing our first game EVER, still brings tears to my old eyes. That first TD made by Billy and DC truly brings the term "Texan loco" to mind. I am cetain all the Giants fans sitting around me thought I was ONE crazy Texan!! You would have thought I had won the lotto the way I carried on. Truthfully, didn't care what anyone thought! That day, that TD, that moment in time, will be one of my fondest memories of any football game EVER!! Just a very special day, for me!! THANKS BILLY MILLER for the memory!!!!!
Well now I have to wonder why the Giants didn't just pull the trigger on draft day this year?

Going by the draft chart rule of thumb, they went from a 2nd and a 5th in 2008 (the offer that was largely reported to be on the table) to the same deal in 2009 - or a 3rd and 6th equivalent in 2008. I just don't know what happened over the past couple of months. If they thought he was going to be a problem going into the off-season, why not just pull the trigger then?

Someone help me figure this out...
That would be SOOOO nice, but, won't ever happen.

I sure didn't see that trade coming, that's for sure. I wish Billy well, and hopefully, he'll still find some playing time somewhere. Billy Miller will always have a special place in my heart that NO ONE will ever replace. How can any one forget that FIRST Texan TD!! NO, it wasn't against the Cowboys either. It was against the Giants in the HOF game. As I have mentioned before, I am a sentimental old gal, and just thinking about seeing our boys run out on that field for the FIRST time, all decked out in their new uni's, with the best logo in the NFL on their helmets, all excited about playing our first game EVER, still brings tears to my old eyes. That first TD made by Billy and DC truly brings the term "Texan loco" to mind. I am cetain all the Giants fans sitting around me thought I was ONE crazy Texan!! You would have thought I had won the lotto the way I carried on. Truthfully, didn't care what anyone thought! That day, that TD, that moment in time, will be one of my fondest memories of any football game EVER!! Just a very special day, for me!! THANKS BILLY MILLER for the memory!!!!!

I remember thinking the same thing, they were brand new back then and it was exciting to be watching a Houston football team playing again. It was awesome!

Billy Miller on offense and the defensive unit saved us in the inaugaral season.

This might actually help Reggie Bush be a better runner.
OTH seems to me the Giants were a better team without Shockey. The question will be if he can be a team player.
I know BM was a fan favorite, but I don't get the desire to bring him back. Plenty of heart, I guess, but not enough overall talent.
Well I am a Giants fan, have been for 20+ years..So for that matter, he was a great player for the team in the past, but when you call out your QB because you don't get the ball, and when you call out the coaches because you want the ball more, and when you talk alot in the offseason, well that just shows he is a ME player and not a team player.
Boss has shown he is a capable replacement for JS, and once Barber retired, and JS went down, the team just seemed to become just that a TEAM. Were they better off without those 2 players, not sure, but winning the SB without them shows that they were replaceable.
I wish JS well, but now with NO, you have McAllister, RB, Colston...that O will be a little harder to defend now..oh well, at least the distractions are off of the Giants and now they can go forward and try and have a good season without him..
I'm not getting this. These Teams have all offseason to go after these players and they wait until a few days before camp to get them. The Saints were interested in Shockey not to long ago, and from what I heard they didn't offer any less than what they got him for now.
That explains the sausage love.... :pirate:

(sorry Hookem.... had to)

Well born and raised in NY, that's why I am a fan ! The Texans are my AFC team, since they were created when I was already here...
Now for the sausage love, well, I do like Earl Campbells smoked sausage on a toasted bun with some mustard and grilled onions.....Must be you are a closet sausage lover if you noticed I am!!
Well born and raised in NY, that's why I am a fan ! The Texans are my AFC team, since they were created when I was already here...
Now for the sausage love, well, I do like Earl Campbells smoked sausage on a toasted bun with some mustard and grilled onions.....Must be you are a closet sausage lover if you noticed I am!!

I'll have to take you at your word for the sausage love. DB told a different story..... :thinking:
Well now I have to wonder why the Giants didn't just pull the trigger on draft day this year?

Going by the draft chart rule of thumb, they went from a 2nd and a 5th in 2008 (the offer that was largely reported to be on the table) to the same deal in 2009 - or a 3rd and 6th equivalent in 2008. I just don't know what happened over the past couple of months. If they thought he was going to be a problem going into the off-season, why not just pull the trigger then?

Someone help me figure this out...

A couple of reasons:

1. The Giants may believe that the 2009 draft will be significantly better than 2008. With good reason: the owners voided the remainder of the CBA after (I believe) 2010, so they will have to negotiate a new deal. The owners would love to impose a rookie salary cap, and, for the first time, significant portions of the union seem receptive to the idea. The new CBA won't be done for a couple of years, so there may be a small window left for rookies to get uncapped contracts. Expect an avalanche of early declarations (much more so than usual) while the rookie salary issue is up in the air. If I was a GM, I'd try to stockpile as many picks in 2009 and 2010 as possible.

2. The Giants may have decided that they don't need many rookies this year. After all, they are the defending champs, so more picks in later years may be more helpful to them. I don't know the particulars of the Giants' roster, but an astute GM should be able to anticipate what years he needs large draft crops. It could be the Giants' GM pegged 2009 as that year.

3. It could be that the Giants simply waited too long. This is probably the right answer, but I'm willing to give the reigning champs the benefit of the doubt.
DB has you tricked...that's how he get's his victims! You've been warned !!

LMAO!!! I acknowledge 'the warning'..

Since you're a Giant's - do you think the other guy (name escapes me right now) that filled in for Shockey will do as well or better than Shockey??? (I was never overly impressed with him anyway).
LMAO!!! I acknowledge 'the warning'..

Since you're a Giant's - do you think the other guy (name escapes me right now) that filled in for Shockey will do as well or better than Shockey??? (I was never overly impressed with him anyway).

I think it's Kevin Boss that filled in for Shatley. He did a very nice job IMO. :cool:
OD should be our starter no doubt.

I still Like Bruener,

but I'd give up Bruener(sp) for Billy Miller.
LMAO!!! I acknowledge 'the warning'..

Since you're a Giant's - do you think the other guy (name escapes me right now) that filled in for Shockey will do as well or better than Shockey??? (I was never overly impressed with him anyway).

Kevin Boss filled in really good once JS went down. Sometimes losing a better talent is better for the team in whole, and as we saw during their playoff run, who is to say that JS is better than KB. Boss will be the TE now, so now we shall see.
I am sure it has been discussed before, but since the NYG became free of Tiki and JS went down, the team just seamed to play a little more relaxed. I am certain Eli felt a little better without all the constant in fighting. That is what I like about the Texans. If there is any fighting, it is in the locker, and not in the media !!
Is Miller a blocking TE like Bruener? Bruener is there for blocking only.

scouts inc. deemed miller "a blocking te" in their piece on what shockey will mean to the saints offense, but it's a crock. i remember him getting lit up trying to block as a texan. i always saw him as a receiving te; he had good hands and got open despite his poor speed.
Is Miller a blocking TE like Bruener? Bruener is there for blocking only.

That was everyone's biatch about Billy to start with. His lack of blocking skills cost him. Bruener might be a tab better than Billy at blocking, but, overall, I don't think he's that much better. JMO! I'm sure one of you stat guru's will pop something up about that.:)
Is Miller a blocking TE like Bruener? Bruener is there for blocking only.

Billy Miller couldn't block a bag of legos if he was standing in front of it. He is average to slightly below average across the board - which on our team at that time was superstar material.

Bruener's catching has really dwindled. He use to be pretty decent at it to go with superior blocking. With age he's 50/50 at catching and better than average in blocking. My 2 cents of course...
Kevin Boss filled in really good once JS went down. Sometimes losing a better talent is better for the team in whole, and as we saw during their playoff run, who is to say that JS is better than KB. Boss will be the TE now, so now we shall see.
I am sure it has been discussed before, but since the NYG became free of Tiki and JS went down, the team just seamed to play a little more relaxed. I am certain Eli felt a little better without all the constant in fighting. That is what I like about the Texans. If there is any fighting, it is in the locker, and not in the media !!

I though Boss fit in better with the offense. Eli wasn't forcing throws to the TE like when JS was in. Boss is a big dude who can catch. I didn't see him as a drastic down grade besides game changing ability/speed.
I cannot wait for the first flap between Bush v Shockey (instigated by nightclub or pretty boy comment) or Brees v Shockey (instigated by Brees fed up with Shockey's country thug-prima donna vibe).
Well this being JS first season with NO, and back with Coach Payton, I am sure they will use him alot to open up that O. Now that being said, we shall see if he is healty enough to last a season if he gets the ball as much as he would like. Being a big TE and not afraid to take on a hit, well that always adds to breaking down easier.
I will say, when he was focused, he was as good a TE in the league as anyone..
Billy Miller couldn't block a bag of legos if he was standing in front of it. He is average to slightly below average across the board - which on our team at that time was superstar material.

Bruener's catching has really dwindled. He use to be pretty decent at it to go with superior blocking. With age he's 50/50 at catching and better than average in blocking. My 2 cents of course...

FYI it was a rhetorical question. Because of the comment about rather having Miller over Bruener. Bruener is not on the roster for his catching abilities, OD is. Dreesen is emerging as the type of TE who can do both.
good move for the Saints who like to pass more than the Coughlin Giants do. Shockey never really fit in with the Coughlin offense. I can see Brees getting the ball to Shockey as much as he found Gates at SD.
Good move for both teams. Shockey is a total jerk and overatted in my opinion. The Giants won the SB without him and that showed that they didn't need him or his distractions that he frequently causes with the coaching staff and other players.

He should be of some help to the Saints though. Hopefully he can change his attitude and won't disrupt their team chemistry like he was doing in NY. I really like Drew Breeze and want him to play well.