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Jacoby Jones is just not a good WR


At this stage in his career, he ought to be running crisp routes, coming back for the ball, fighting for the ball, and getting open better than he is. I just don't see it. And frankly, I don't think he'll ever be as good as Kevin Walter, which is already a pretty low bar.

This team needs WRs.
At this stage in his career, he ought to be running crisp routes, coming back for the ball, fighting for the ball, and getting open better than he is. I just don't see it. And frankly, I don't think he'll ever be as good as Kevin Walter, which is already a pretty low bar.

This team needs WRs.

He tried to catch that batted ball in the last minute. Just shows his lack of feel for the game. Going into the draft I felt WR was a major need for us, how we did not address this is mind boggling.
There is no one I dislike more than Jones. Dude is horrible. No hands, no awareness, jumps offsides as a WR. He's good for punt return here and there but horrible as a WR.
He thought he got saved by a PI ... turns out, no flag. Good call, he just got burned. I loath him. Plus, he can't for the life of him run FORWARD on returns ... drives me insane
Yeah, Jacoby sucks.

But you want to know what sucks more?

This organization that thought we would be just fine going into the season with Jacoby and Walter as our #2 and #3 WRs.
Yeah, Jacoby sucks.

But you want to know what sucks more?

This organization that thought we would be just fine going into the season with Jacoby and Walter as our #2 and #3 WRs.

I agree that the organization needs to recognize that shortcoming. But I don't know that I can blame them for going all in on defense this off-season.
maybe if he spent more time working on getting better instead of partying all over houston like he's a superstar he would amount to something.
I honestly feel right now that I can't root for him.. I can't see how he can be on the field anymore.
Bad game but most of the balls he was trying to catch were WAY off. Matt had a terrible day to combine with Jacoby's bad day.
Bad game but most of the balls he was trying to catch were WAY off. Matt had a terrible day to combine with Jacoby's bad day.

His cuts take longer than mine. The balls are there but he takes so long to get out of his break that it looks like a bad throw.
Bench his ass i dont even know why we throw to him anymore send in anybody Towlie Anderson teh Waterboy Anybody !!!!!!!!!! bring back Andre davis
That PI call he drew toward the end was legitimate, but be honest: Do you really think that little contact would have knocked down AJ? Or hell, even Walter? And the man just can't run an out route to save his life.
Bad game but most of the balls he was trying to catch were WAY off. Matt had a terrible day to combine with Jacoby's bad day.

Way off? Andre would disagree with you. The point is that Andre would have put himself in position to actually catch these balls as opposed to Jacoby "diving/dance for everything" Jones.
seemed like Jacoby was too busy trying to draw a P.I. flag everytime it was thrown to him than to quit worrying about the refs and go get the freaking ball

his punt return sklls suck.. too much dancing ... yeah yeah he ran won back earlier this year.. but hey sun shines on a dog's ass once in a while
on the schuab pick, jacoby jones could have tried a move to the back of the endzone because there was nobody behind him.

he just stood there.
OD and Walter catch everything thrown to them, move the chains............and then it's like 3 quarters of watching JJ fail to make an impact as a receiver. Dude doesn't have it. Never did. Never will.
on the schuab pick, jacoby jones could have tried a move to the back of the endzone because there was nobody behind him.

he just stood there.

He sucks so freaking bad. He dances around on punt returns, can't quickly cut on his routes, and looks like a rookie from a DIII school. When Schaub threw that deep pass to him in the endzone, jacoby looked stupid going for the ball. That was a 5% probability play.
His only skill as a WR is to look at the refs and beg for a PI flag

...and he's apparently not even very good at that
on the schuab pick, jacoby jones could have tried a move to the back of the endzone because there was nobody behind him.

he just stood there.

I agree with everything you just said except for one thing.

He just stood there behind Michael Huff. Could you try to separate yourself from him? Maybe give the QB a chance to throw it to you without hugging the opposing player?
on the schuab pick, jacoby jones could have tried a move to the back of the endzone because there was nobody behind him.

he just stood there.

yeah thats the difference between him and a good WR like johnson. you dont just stand there waiting for ur QB to throw and give a cb time to easily step right in front of you while you do nothing to prevent it our make the catch.
RT @evansilva: #Texans WR Jacoby Jones' Week 5: Team-high 11 targets. One catch for 9 yards. Berrianesque.

He needs to be cut tonight.
Yep I agree, he blows. Waste of a roster space, even on his kick returns as others have said he dances way to a WR his route running blows, his cuts arent there and the timing is off. Waste of space. Walter and Anderson dont have the physical talent but they do what they are suppose to do and are way tougher. Daniels is also a tough SOB.
Andre would have won the game for us at the end there. All Jones had to do was follow Schaub a little bit, there was plenty of space towards the pylon.

Dude has alot of talent, but no football instincts. Need to get rid of him.
I think we saw how good AJ actually is by watching JJ. AJ runs clean routes, reads the QBs motion and makes plays to keep the play going. JJ runs sloppy routes, makes ugly cuts, doesn't look back at the QB until its too late and is just never open.
Ultimately I don't disagree with drafting for defense last offseason. And I also don't think we need a #2 WR. KW played well today when he was needed. We need a#3 WR and that is not JJ
Andre would have won the game for us at the end there. All Jones had to do was follow Schaub a little bit, there was plenty of space towards the pylon.

Dude has alot of talent, but no football instincts. Need to get rid of him.

yep instead he just stands there looking retarded.
I like the abilities Darling showed for us. Unfortunately, due to The league he can't resign with us for a few more weeks due to injury settlement. He has a lot of Andre qualities and similar build
the worst part about jacoby's game is his routes, and they are impossibly bad. we are a timing offense, matt is going to put the ball on a spot and it's the receiver's job to be there. it works for daniels, it works for andre, it works for walter and foster and dreesson and everyone else ... but throws towards jacoby are 5 yards off in any given direction.

he's got hands, he's got YAC ... but that doesnt mean squat if he can run the route and get open.
At this stage in his career, he ought to be running crisp routes, coming back for the ball, fighting for the ball, and getting open better than he is. I just don't see it. And frankly, I don't think he'll ever be as good as Kevin Walter, which is already a pretty low bar.

This team needs WRs.

Indeed. He runs **** routes, he's got lousy hands, he's terrible at getting separation. He's the guy you keep at the bottom of your depth chart because he's fast as all hell and runs a punt back for a TD once a year.

But hey, he does a hell of a "Look what a bad-ass I am" walk after he's tackled on punt returns. That's gotta be worth.... No? Nothing? Ok.

Here he's Gary's #2. It truly boggles the mind trying to figure out what Gary is thinking.
Indeed. He runs **** routes, he's got lousy hands, he's terrible at getting separation. He's the guy you keep at the bottom of your depth chart because he's fast as all hell and runs a punt back for a TD once a year.

Yep. I think you keep him around for special teams at the right price, but he should NOT be this high on the depth chart at WR.
Signings like JJ are why this team has cap problems. What a waste of $$$$.

Party on Jacoby life is good keep on stealing those $$$$.
We all knew that he isn't any good as a Wr. Hopefully the coaching staff and front office will notice it now.

His PR skills are frustrating too. Quit dancing when you catch the freaking ball and run!!!
...And just think: We could have had Plaxico Burress for a little less than what we paid Jacoby Jones.

I know the Texans are all about Guy Smilies on their team; but give me a break, Plaxico shot his friggin self on accident! He's not a hood rat like Pacman Jones, and he didn't murder anybody like a certain Raven (nevermore, nevermore!)

Plaxico isn't exactly burning it up in NYC, but c'mon, he would have been a great placeholder until next years' draft.
There is a lot of blame to go around but I'm going to lay a large heap of it on Jacoby. We run a timing and rhythm passing game which means when Schaub throws the deep out he throws it before Jones is out if his break. He's expecting a quick and sharp cut, but Jones is cutting like he has nails in his shoes which takes a half second longer which is why all of this balls are just out of his diving reach. Some of the blame has to go to the coaches, I realize jones has more athletic potential but Walter is the better route runner and better football player. Put Walter in the number one slot let jj be the no 2 or 3. 11 targets 1? Completion ridiculous.

On the last play jj has to wall off the defender and come back to the ball, thus lessening the time the ball is in the air ergo lessening the potential for another player to make a play. Instead he took a step away from the ball allowing the defender to fill the space he had just vacated.

On returns jj needs to get upfield, the lanes develop because of north south movement ruining the other teams angles, running east and west always draws a crowd.

As for the o-line they have always had problems with massive dlines, no surprise there.