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It's official: Fate of Astrodome to be decide by voters in November

Not hate. I dont hate anybody

Misguided how?

Nah you have some pretty solid hate for bob. You don't miss a chance to take shots at him or hlsr, you consciously type it out as BoB and your are more than misguided when it comes to tying in bob to Enron's collapse
Got it. You think paying upwards of $30 million dollars for a green field is a good idea.

Can you name a tax that the city of Houston has put in place that they eliminated the next year? I can't either. This never goes away, and the giant herpe that is the Astrodome won't either. You might as well flush quarters down a toilet, because eventually you'll clog the toilet and you might get some of that money back. Unlike this where the city of Houston won't make a return on this investment.
Can you name a tax that the city of Houston has put in place that they eliminated the next year? I can't either. This never goes away, and the giant herpe that is the Astrodome won't either. You might as well flush quarters down a toilet, because eventually you'll clog the toilet and you might get some of that money back. Unlike this where the city of Houston won't make a return on this investment.

Not a city issue. It's owned by Harris County. In fact it originally opened as: "Harris County Domed Stadium"
And you think just because the city spends hundreds of millions it is going to make money. Guess what, the city could spend the tax payer money and the project could be a loser as well

I think it has a chance to. The empty green field has no chance at all of doing so.
Can you name a tax that the city of Houston has put in place that they eliminated the next year? I can't either. This never goes away, and the giant herpe that is the Astrodome won't either. You might as well flush quarters down a toilet, because eventually you'll clog the toilet and you might get some of that money back. Unlike this where the city of Houston won't make a return on this investment.

Got it. They aren't getting your Whataburger meal this or any other year.
I think it has a chance to. The empty green field has no chance at all of doing so.

And that's where we'll have to agree to disagree. I think it has no shot at all. If this goes through I pray I'm proven wrong. I'll grill the crow myself, bacon wrapped and seasoned heavily, of course.
I think it has a chance to. The empty green field has no chance at all of doing so.

Thats a risk reward trade off now isnt it? A park isnt going to make you tons of money but its not going to possobly drain hundreds of millions in bond money and possibly hundreds of millions more after that.
Thats a risk reward trade off now isnt it? A park isnt going to make you tons of money but its not going to possobly drain hundreds of millions in bond money and possibly hundreds of millions more after that.

It is. Should the Astrodome proposal pass a vote (and to be honest I very much think the vote will doom the dome for once and for all) would you consider Reliant Park and the adjacent area "finished"? Would you be of a mind to consider continued improvements to the area?

See, I would. I think that more hotel space in the immediate area would be important. I'd want to find a way to work with the HLS&R to put the Astroworld site to better use. I'd like to see the Astro Arena come down (I'm not really sure if that's included in this plan/price. I don't believe it is) and that side of the parking lot developed into more than just acres of asphalt and painted lines. Near the dome there's a lot of space and potential for development and redevelopment. One of the earlier plans for the dome (one of the more expensive plans) had a large expansion of Reliant Center factored into it. I'd support tax dollars to do that. The bigger and better the complex gets the more it can be used for. The GRB isn't going to get significantly bigger. It may grow a couple of blocks in either direction but it won't cross the freeway or the street in front of it. It's sitting on terribly expensive real estate and is surrounded by stuff that's not going to be moved out. Reliant Park is surrounded by a lot of old apartments, old office buildings, one overwhelmed county facility on Murworth, a few strip centers, and a big piece of land on the other side of the freeway.

I think it has the potential to be the kind of area that with the proper development gets Houston regular legitimate shots at huge moneymaking events like the Super Bowl and enormous conventions.

That's what I think. You know that already. I know what you think and we're not ever going to get any closer on this. Come November you'll probably get what you want and I'll be disappointed. What else is there to say really?