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It's almost time!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is July 7th, right?

Well next month on August 7th and there will be pre-season football. The Hall of Fame Game. Bears against the Fins. Yeah yeah I know, it's pre-season but I'm jonzin' man! I'll take anything, not to mention we should see (barring there are no holdouts) Cedric Benson and Ronnie Brown that night for @ least a quarter if not a half.

Heck, there's also a game on ESPN 2 @ 4 in the a.m. on August 6th. Colts vs. the Ron Mexicos in Tokyo. Can you say DVR/TIVO.

I just wanna see some hittin'. What about ya'll?????????
They will re-air that Falcons game in primetime.

But my hardcore jockswining arse will be up at 4 am to watch it :brickwall
I actually woke up early to watch the Jets game in Japan last year. I'll probably end up doing the same with the Falcons game this year.
i just wanna see the texans when they trake the field again, i just get this feeling over me thats kinda scary every time right before a game. :rolleyes:
HowBoutThemCowboys! said:
I'm cyked for the pre-season to start, looking forward to see Bledsoe, Ware, Spears, etc for the first time in a Cowboys uniform.
Ya know, I'm not much of a cowboy fan (at all) but, I'm interested to see Ware play. I bet he's gonna dominate after a couple of seasons. I see Spears as more of a run-stopping, solid tackling type of guy. As far as Bleed-so goes..........________________. (you fill in the blank)
HowBoutThemCowboys! said:
Well I think Bledsoe will do alright, he has the best in the biz protecting him in Marco Rivera and Larry Allen.

Larry Allen's getting old and really hasn't been on bill's good side since he became yall's coach. As for Marco Rivera, he hid a back injury from yall and is comming off of back surgery and wasn't even the best FA OLineman taken off of the Packers. I'm not saying yall are going to have a horrible line (you don't even know how horrible I line can get unless you are a Texan fan :ouch: ) its just I don't think yall are going to have close to the best line in the biz.
I think the best value pick for the Cowboys in the draft was Chris Canty. He's coming off an injury to his eye so he might not make much of an impact this season, but I definately think he'll be a major contributor in his 2nd season. Parcells did a good job of getting what he needed.
Yeah I'll give the cowboys that, they had one helleva draft. A++. Going into the draft they had both Ware and Spears on there board and ended up with both of them, which wouldn't of been possible if Parcells didn't trade down last year for J.Jones, who looked AWESOME when he finally heeled up. That was a very brave move btw. They went into that draft knowing their biggest need was a rb and had the pick of the litter and still traded down, if they didn't end up with Julius or if he didn't turn into the runner he was, you'd still be hearing the Cowboy Nation calling for his head. Ill give Parcells props on that he does do a good job drafting.