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It feels all new and fresh!

I'm going to echo the sentiments of a caller I heard on the radio just a few minutes ago:

Today is the day that everything that happened in the past is officially over for me. We have a new QB and the old is currently packing his bags and looking for a job. We have a one-two, possibly three, punch at running back. The lines and the LB corps have been shored up by free agency. If this draft is as good as last year's was overall, this should be a very interesting year of football.

I'm moving on. I'm sooooooo glad I've hung on to my season tickets! I can't wait until September.
I second everything you said... except for the season tickets. I live in Florida. And I'm a poor college student. But still... onward and upward!!
Even though there is pain turning a new leaf, there does seem to be a load off finally having the 800lb monkey of Carr holding us in expansion team form gone.

If the Falcons finally drop Vick they will probably feel the same way. And they have an even worse contract load trapping them then Carr was for us.
Man now I wish the season started next week! :yahoo:

That would be *%$&# outstanding!!!

Heck no fellas! We still have the draft to look forward to. We still have 6 picks coming to us next month. I we trade back a little, we might even redeem the 2nd rounder. I get where y'all are coming from though. Outstanding off-season thus far. Even though they've made some questionable decisions, they've got balls of steel. :dance2: