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Is anyone else hating Kornheiser?

Hookem Horns

Texans Talk Bartender
Staff member
This guy is clueless about football. He has no problem letting us all know that by asking stupid basic football questions to Theisman.

"So Joe, how does one determine a completion and what exactly is a football move?"
i hate all the guys, the black dude isnt as bad, but korn and thiesman and losers, and annoy me, and i've heard of people not watching monday night football, just because of the commentators
Kornheiser is, by far, the worst sportscaster I've ever heard. He makes Dennis Miller sound like a seasoned pro in the booth. This is definitely the lowest point for MNF broadcasting, IMO.
the thing that i hate the most is when commentators make a mistake and don't correct themselves, and it seems to happen alot on the CBS commentators on texans games, they should hire me :yahoo:
This guy is clueless about football. He has no problem letting us all know that by asking stupid basic football questions to Theisman.

"So Joe, how does one determine a completion and what exactly is a football move?"
hell, after some of the calls against us this season i couldnt even tell you what a football move is.

i hate all the guys, the black dude isnt as bad, but korn and thiesman and losers, and annoy me, and i've heard of people not watching monday night football, just because of the commentators

the black dude? mike tirico?

they need a whole new crew up with mike
hell, after some of the calls against us this season i couldnt even tell you what a football move is.

the black dude? mike tirico?

they need a whole new crew up with mike

yeah, my bad, but i didnt know his name, and he is the only black guy on the crew, so i thought that it would be the best way to let yall know who im talkin about
I get sick of Kornheiser talking about the emotional aspects of the game or all the unrelated BS they yammer on about. IT'S FOOTBALL, FFS!

I usually keep my TV muted so I don't have to be annoyed. Such a difference from Sunday Night Fooball, which I enjoy.
I get sick of Kornheiser talking about the emotional aspects of the game or all the unrelated BS they yammer on about. IT'S FOOTBALL, FFS!

I usually keep my TV muted so I don't have to be annoyed. Such a difference from Sunday Night Fooball, which I enjoy.

Adding to what I said. Not only has Sunday had MUCH better games, but they have flex scheduling. W? 12 days notice, they'll make sure the commentators don't have to fill in a boring game.
wilbon (instead of tony) and maybe dan reeves or someone with better insight/ability to not sound stupid like joe would be reasonable
oh god i hate these guys, there so annoying, they keep rambling and rambling about plays that happened acouple plays ago, i hope there fired after this year
I was really hoping Kornheiser had asked Rhondi Barber, who of coure plays as a DB for Tampa Bay, what he thought of Bush since he's played against him in the NFL. Barber seemed cool, but candid.
Actually, Kornheiser probably asked him off camera, and based on Barbers's answer didn't ask him the question on air. Kornheiser & Co. at ESPN would never do anything to compromise the rep of Bush.
and whats with the random interviews? this time they acctualy had a football player, but the other week they had a random guy from despreate houswives...what the hell? and the number of times they mentioned the texans sweeping the Jags made me laugh, good times. but yeah, theisman is terrible and kornheiser is pretty bad too.
Alright, is it just me, or does the extra graphics on replays at halftime look goofy?! Seriously, that little road runner swirl effect when the playes are running is just stupid, and then they make all these doofus little sound effects. ESPN is becoming a joke with all this gimmicky crap.
I was really hoping Kornheiser had asked Rhondi Barber, who of coure plays as a DB for Tampa Bay, what he thought of Bush since he's played against him in the NFL. Barber seemed cool, but candid.
Actually, Kornheiser probably asked him off camera, and based on Barbers's answer didn't ask him the question on air. Kornheiser & Co. at ESPN would never do anything to compromise the rep of Bush.

Good God man. Obsess much?
Yeah, Kornheiser is good. He's great on PTI and MNF. He's funny. I hate how most football announcers have to explain their jokes. I don't like it when someone tries to tell me why what they said is funny.
I've kind of enjoyed Kornheiser and what he has brought to the telecast. I've especially enjoyed him making fun of Theisman at times.

speaking of new NFL it just me or does that Bob Costas "Football day in America" thing on Sunday nights come across as amateurish? Watch their highlight package and watch ESPN and it's night and day. It's like NBC is making an episode of Wayne's world from someone's basement.
Oh man...Collingsworth-less....puuuuuuuuke! I think I'd rather listen to Theesman than that annoying little know-it-all dweeb.
Theisman is arrogant yet intelligent, but I almost always hate his conclusions. Once in a blue moon I actually agree with him.
Kornheiser, Kiper, etc. are the Finance & Marketing types with a little bit of
Catskill comedian thrown in who run ESPN, don't have a clue about the
Xs & Os of football, but get knowlegeable football people like Wilbon & Theisman to do their grunt work for them.
Theisman is arrogant yet intelligent
I like him for that because it makes him provokative and IMO he is informative.
But he is certainly very opinionated, which doesnt bother me, maybe because I'm argumentitive myself.
But I'm really in awe of anybody who has the kind of NFL football experience
that Theisman has, especially if he was a QB on a team like the Skins who were in the thick of it, so to speak, at the time he played. What a life it must have been !