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TJ Evil: "Here's the plan. We win the Lombardi, and we hold it ransom for... ONE MILLION DOLLARS!"

Number Two: Don't you think we should ask for *more* than a million dollars? A million dollars isn't exactly a lot of money these days. The NFL alone makes over 9 billion dollars a year!

TJ Evil: Really? That's a lot of money.

TJ Evil: Okay then, we hold it ransom for...

TJ Evil: One... Hundred... BILLION DOLLARS!
Was looking for this thread earlier...

...and the next thing you know POOF!, I disappear. Gone. You know that, right?
Was looking for this thread earlier...

...and the next thing you know POOF!, I disappear. Gone. You know that, right?

Officer I have no idea where incognito is buried. Why don't you ask Aaron Hernandez.
Was looking for this thread earlier...

...and the next thing you know POOF!, I disappear. Gone. You know that, right?
$9 million in cap space Antonio?

Just one more little adjustment and RoboSchaub throws all the passes to ME. heh heh heh