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I Would Be Sooooo Mad At The Texans...


bout how what they did in choosing Travis Johnson wit DJ and other players still at 16, BUT they've never failed us in the 1st round and I'm really excited about our new RB (I keep forgetting his name) he sounds like maybe him and DD could switch out and make it less work for DD but iono, is he any good?
I was shocked to say the least when D.J. was still on the board and we traded down to #16, I was shocked even more when at #16 we took Travis Johnson. At first I did'nt know what to think about this and was somewhat bummed we did'nt get D.J. But then I started to think about it and it really started to look like a pretty good move. First of all Travis is a high motor guy who plays with alot of intensity (something our defense could use more of) and then you add in the fact that he gives us speed, youth and depth at a position that really lacked those qualities...the D-Line.
He will play Nickel for us right off the start and will make an impact in his first year and you can quote me on that. Then you also have to consider the 3rd round draft pick for 2006 that was aquired in the trade down. It is no secret in football circles that next years draft not is deeper it also boosts more elite "can't miss prospects" and this extra 3rd rounder can give us the oppurtunity to move up and grab a second one of these elite prospects if we choose to.
Alot of people have complained about this pick and in my opinion they are going to look pretty foolish after this season. I mean come on people lets take a look at what C.C has done for us in past first rounds.....
David Carr- one of the best young QB's in the NFL
Andre Johnson- THE best young WR in the of the best WR's in the NFL period.
Dunta Robinson-in many peoples mind defensive rookie of the year last year..again one of the best young players at his spot in the NFL.
Jason Babin- Jury still not out, but we will know after this year.....I like his chances of giving us a steady outside pass rush. 7-10 sacks a year a possibility.

After thinking of all this I'm just gonna sit back trust C.C. and enjoy our first winning season.
cOWboy H8r said:
:thumbup Morency WILL take DD's job! I was a little upset with the T. Johnson pick at first, BUT I think he will end up doing a good job for us and taking G-Funk's job.On, they said TJ took a swing at the Vikings head coach in some predraft workouts. HOPEFULLY he's the next SAPP!

Maybe he thought Tice over charged him for his Superbowl tickets.
cOWboy H8r said:
:thumbup Morency WILL take DD's job! I was a little upset with the T. Johnson pick at first, BUT I think he will end up doing a good job for us and taking G-Funk's job.On, they said TJ took a swing at the Vikings head coach in some predraft workouts. HOPEFULLY he's the next SAPP!

Hopefully not since Sapp is/was a terrible 3-4 D-Lineman...
cOWboy H8r said:
:thumbup Morency WILL take DD's job! I was a little upset with the T. Johnson pick at first, BUT I think he will end up doing a good job for us and taking G-Funk's job.On, they said TJ took a swing at the Vikings head coach in some predraft workouts. HOPEFULLY he's the next SAPP!

you mean next teddy washington
Hey I love Sapp! I even have his jersey! (obviously the Bucs version) If TJ has a chance of turning into a Sapp player then I feel lil bit better because it depends on which Sapp your talkin bout.
If your talking Raiders Sapp then H E double hocky sticks NO!
If your talking 2002 and prior 2002 Bucs Sapp then heaven YES!
YodAa said:
Hey I love Sapp! I even have his jersey! (obviously the Bucs version) If TJ has a chance of turning into a Sapp player then I feel lil bit better because it depends on which Sapp your talkin bout.
If your talking Raiders Sapp then H E double hocky sticks NO!
If your talking 2002 and prior 2002 Bucs Sapp then heaven YES!

The big difference between 2003 Sapp and 2004 Sapp is the fact that in 2004, Sapp was playing DE in a 3-4, which doesn't suit his strengths...Under Dungy and Gruden, Sapp's main objective was to penetrate and make plays in the backfield...Under Norv Turner, he was supposed to hold his ground and tie up blockers--obviously not an ideal fit...If he's a Sapp type, like it sounds he is, I have to question his ability to thrive in a 3-4...Then again, I'm not a GM, and I didn't scout him, so I'll assume Cass knew what he was doing until Johnson proves me wrong...
5) ADD + meds = Hope he does not pull a Baret Robbins on us.

Can you tell me how taking ADD meds (or not taking them), would make him pull a Barrett Robbins on us? Robbins is bipolar and that is a whole nother beast... Nothing close to ADD.

If you don't take your ADD meds you might have problems paying attention... If you don't take meds for bipolar syndrom you might try to kill yourself.

So tell me, how does ADD even begin to approach the severity of being bipolar?
if ya dont take your ADD meds, you may get bored and try to kill yourself? ya know... for fun.. yah...

Well, I imagine Morency will get the carry on first downs or third downs or something. We will hopefully use him to keep DD from getting beat up every game.

Course.. we have had Wells for that and never used him.. so *shrug*.. i dunno.
Bottle-O-Bud said:
LMAO Morency will not take DD's job = WORTHLESS PICK of 2005. What a joke and a waste. DD was never the problem, they should address that line. Obviouly not worth adressing first day.

Tell me, when was the last time you saw DD play every game in the season. NEVER! Don't take me for a DD hater. I love DD and his running and receiving skills. But the guy is injury prone and so is his back-up Tony Hollings. Believe me, WE NEED HIM ON THIS TEAM!! And Wells is a mediocre running back. That's it. Morency is already no.2 on my depth chart. And he will compete with DD for the starter's role and may the better one get the job.
first off I can't believe Grid is still going (I crashed hours ago, but then could not sleep so I'm back on line) second, no one & I mean no one guessed that Travis Johnson would be the Texans 1st rd pick. shortly after the pb trade I did post that the Texans needed to draft a D-Lineman because this would be where teams would try and exploit the Texans. no way they will be able to throw deep routes just too much speed and cover skills. the only problem is I had Marcus Spears as the top rated DT and he too was still on the board (Dallas took him @ #20).

for those of us who post here, follow the draft & the Texans naturally this was a shock :shocked we could not possibly be prepared add to that the whole DJ drama it would have been real easy for Casserly to select him and make the whole city/state feel good about things, even if they did'nt work out latter I doubt his job would be on the line because of it. anyway on pure talent alone TJ represents the best physical player available in the draft of interior lineman.

Vernand Morency is a proven, well regarded back in an otherwise deep class that has workhorse tendancies skills like a Benson breaking tackles inside rather than shifting or alluding outside with good burst & vision. is older so I'm not sure about the wear and tear, may seem like a 2/3 year NFL back even as a rookie which means he may be as productive as Dominack Davis early on.
TJ had a rating of 95 by Scouts, Inc. Morency, a GREAT pick IMO, had a rating of 80. Not saying that these numbers are the cure all, end all....but I really like these picks. Sorry all you UT/Big 12 homers (that only feel comfortable with the players you've seen,) but DJ was NOT for us. Nor was that fat ****, Spears. Well done so far, IMO. :thumbup
first off I can't believe Grid is still going (I crashed hours ago, but then could not sleep so I'm back on line)

Its a big day :).. on top of the draft we also had the ESPN PPV boxing, that was SUPPOSED to have a Juan Diaz fight (the 4th franchise in Houston).. but Diaz got injured at the last minute and they had to change the card :( (hope he is alright)

But then you also had the saturday night boxing on HBO with Wladimir Klitscko fighting had to watch that too. Then I had to check all the sites again and see what everyone was saying about the picks :).

Im about to hit the sack though.. this day has been draining lol. If Glenn gets cut.. ugh..

please lord just let us sweep the jags again.
LoNghoRn-TeXaN said:
Tell me, when was the last time you saw DD play every game in the season. NEVER! Don't take me for a DD hater. I love DD and his running and receiving skills. But the guy is injury prone and so is his back-up Tony Hollings. Believe me, WE NEED HIM ON THIS TEAM!! And Wells is a mediocre running back. That's it. Morency is already no.2 on my depth chart. And he will compete with DD for the starter's role and may the better one get the job.

preach on brother!
I remember back during the 2003 Draft, before we took Andre Johnson. I thought we should draft a Defensive Tackle, because that was our greatest need, in my opinion, and there were a number of apparently excellent DT's available, including Dwayne Robertson, Jonathan Sullivan, and Jimmy Kennedy. I came around to the AJ pick pretty quickly, as we were a second year team, and quite frankly, we needed a lot of things, including a receiver. AJ was an excellent pick. However, we did not pick a DT until the sixth round (Keith Wright, DE - Missouri), and I do not recall him impressing anyone as a keeper.

Last year, I felt the same way again - with the 10th pick in the 2004 draft, surely we would pick a DT. The DT's in the 2004 draft appeared to be even better than the previous year, with Tommie Harris and Vince Wilfork, both of whom Houston passed on. Once again, I came around quickly, as we sure did need a stud Cornerback as well, and the number 10 pick was a great place to get one. However, I still perceived this as the Texan's biggest area of concern. Again we did not take a DT in the draft, although we did get Robaire Smith in the off season - an excellent move by Charley Casserly.

Well, by the time this year's draft rolled around, I had pretty well given up hoping for the Texans to choose a DT in the first round, as either Charley Casserly or Dom Capers was quoted as saying they did not believe in using first round picks on DT's in the 3-4, as you could get perfectly serviceable DT's in later rounds. Heck, Gary Walker was a sixth round pick, and none of our guys was picked in the first round, so I just basically stopped considering the possibility of picking a DT in the first round.

So, now I ask myself a question. What was the Texan's biggest weakness, the greatest area of failure during the 2004 season? That's easy, isn't it - it was the defensive line. Charley Casserly stepped out yesterday, and boldly selected the best DT in the draft with the Texan's first round pick. Aside from the fact that we were all surprised, and that we had been conditioned not to look for a DT in the first round, this was really a pretty obvious pick.

I don't know how many people are aware of this, but we currently have 16 linebackers on the Texans roster. And we could draft another one later today, the second day of the draft. I do not know how many of these guys are serious players, but it does appear that we will have some competition in this area. We will probably carry 8 linebackers into the season. This will probably be the most dynamic area of the team during preseason, with perhaps even one or two surprises.

I am a big Derrick Johnson fan, and I am a graduate of UT. But I really like the Travis Johnson pick. This being the Texan's fourth draft, it seems like it is about time that we finally went after a high profile DT. If last year's play on the defensive line is any indication, this is just what the doctor ordered. And with all of the competition, we still may be OK at Linebacker, too.