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Houston, the O line has arrived !


Hall of Fame
Wow ! What a performance against a pretty damn good D line and set of
LBs. Don't think DC was sacked once ! Kudos these guys today - best performance to date (I think), and its only their third game together.
texans... yes it is... DD was our first 100 yard back and Wells did a great job as well as the o-line... in all great game Texans
One "fake" sack when Carr slid for a 3 yard loss. I don't remember seeing him get knocked down too much either. Great job by the O-Line.
I don't think we have seen the best of this line yet. By week 8 they should really be on their game. Who are we playing thjen?
I was reading the locker room comments by Wiegert and I'm beginning to think, as I have posted at other times, he is the O-line leader. He seems to be the difference in our O-line. He's been out a lot with injuries and illness, but he seems healthy now. He sort of implied that the O-line boys are looking for Mr. Carr. Seems they would like to shave something. Anyway, I think he is the difference and one of the reasons the O-line looked different this week. Last year when we were running DD effectively, I think you will find that Mr. Wiegert was a big factor on more than a number of occasions.

I also said that the KC game might be a turning point for this ball club. It certainly is beginning to have that look. The whole TEAM improved so much this week its not even funny. They are really coming together all at once. Hopefully, we can continue to improve each week. We have opened up our offense, probably not as much as I would like, but we are beginning to be scary for the other team. We are still very conservative at times and it looks like its Capers whose doing it. He needs to trust his offense and his receivers. AJ simply had a fantastic day and looks like he's going to be a young man to reckon with, but so are all of our receivers.

Wells adds another dimension to this club. We now have three very different kinds of running backs to throw at the other team. I hope DD gets healthy and returns to form. I don't want to over emphasize the run, but I want it to be very effective when the other team is pass defense happy. If we continue to improve we are going to become an offensive nightmare for the other teams to defend. We may not have a lot of big names, yet, but our nonames are beginning to rumble like Mt St. Helens.

Once again, it was a GREAT TEAM EFFORT............................

PS. Even JJ was trying to run through people.
Aussie said:
so they arent a bunch of bums hey guys?

They need to do it more than once before I'm back on that band wagon.

I think our griping has been heard and people decided they need to do more than show up in order to win. ;)
Well, I didn't notice the O-line this week, and that was a good thing. After an absolutely horrible game last week against a team like KC, it's good to see them bounce back against a D that's no joke. :thumbup
We are still very conservative at times and it looks like its Capers whose doing it

actually, although i can't be 100% sure, it looked as if carr is the one that audibled on the horribly conservative red zone drive featuring wells for 3 carries on 2 yds. and even though not the best play call regardless, if the o-line had would have made a push could have been 6 instead of 3. hats off to the o-line today, best performance of the year, but it seems like sometimes its forgotten that its not capers who doesn't execute on the field.

PS. Even JJ was trying to run through people.

i was at the game and its official, HE DID!! well technically, as texan fans, we can give it too him for taking advantage of physics. he is, after all, the smallest player in the league :headbang: plus he is really showing why he earned his spot back on the team this early in the season!! i hope moses keeps parting the seas of defenders all season long:hehe:
I'm not sold on our O-line yet. They're nowhere near KC or Baltimore where the line just mows people down. But they were competent, and with players like DD and AJ, that's all you can really ask of them. They really need some consistency right now.
I was the biggest critic of the OL last week, and I was especially hard on Steve McKinney. And I was wondering if I would ever see the day where I could see what Carr could do if he had adequate time to throw.

Yesterday, I finally saw it!
Who do you think has a better D-line the Chiefs or Raiders? Easily the Raiders. Weigert was the difference. He is our best lineman atm IMO.
It looked like to me that Wiegert was right there when they gave away the game ball to whoever it was. He was cheering them on. I think we are going to find Wiegert is becoming a bigger and bigger factor as long as he stays healthy. I really think he is the O-line leader. One man can make a big difference, just ask the Titans. Its amazing to see us not on the bottom of our conference. I still think we might be an even stronger O-line if you replace McKinney with Washington. Not as much fire, but a very much bigger body to go through. I think the O-line will be the key to the game against Minnisota. We have to score early and often to put pressure on Culpepper to score. He will be more mistake prone if he has to have the score. Of course the same is true of us. David and company look a lot more comfortible with a lead, although David has shown he can come from behind in the last two games.
Our O-line did a good job.

McKinney looked like a stud out there. Every play I saw while concentrating on McKinney...he was owning the **** out of Washington. PURE OWNAGE!!!


GOOOOOOOOO TEXANS!!!! :headbang:
I think this is the crux of matter of Carr not being as effecient and being criticized for the numbers he's put up the last few years. You have to have an offensive line to put up good stats. Time in and time out Carr has proven that if you give him what he needs, he will come through. I say now all we need is another receiver and we are in business. Someone that can catch the rock and get seperation in one on one settings.
SESupergenius said:
I think this is the crux of matter of Carr not being as effecient and being criticized for the numbers he's put up the last few years. You have to have an offensive line to put up good stats. Time in and time out Carr has proven that if you give him what he needs, he will come through. I say now all we need is another receiver and we are in business. Someone that can catch the rock and get seperation in one on one settings.

We don't need another top tier WR. We have three guys qualified to be #2's. Next year we need to spend money on DL, maybe RB, maybe OL, backup QB, maybe a LB as well... If we go into a season with Gaffney and Armstrong as our second and third WRs, I think we'll be fine.