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Hoge lays a smackdown on Vince Young

Young may be a bust in the pros (so far), but its pretty obvious when you watch Hoge that he personally loathes VY.

He sounds like one of those little kids that idolizes a player & then gets refused an autograph, so from then on he spews hate about him every time he is mentioned.
Young may be a bust in the pros (so far), but its pretty obvious when you watch Hoge that he personally loathes VY.

He sounds like one of those little kids that idolizes a player & then gets refused an autograph, so from then on he spews hate about him every time he is mentioned.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but people seldom loathe others for no reason at all, so what do you imagine Hoge's reasoning for singling out Vince would be?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but people seldom loathe others for no reason at all, so what do you imagine Hoge's reasoning for singling out Vince would be?

I really have no clue.

It could be anything really. I've heard from some people that he somehow has close ties at Oklahoma, though I don't know why he would. But if true, he could just hate Young because he went to Texas.

Who really knows how the mind of a guy who had a thousand concussions works.
Maybe Hoge got tired of all the hate mail he received when he refused to worship at the VY alter. This commentary might be a bitter reflection back to the VY-homers. There has always been a certain venom that the VY crowd injects into conversations about the QB. Does the drink you served taste bitter now that you are forced to drink it yourself?
Hoge doesn't like Young because he thinks QB's are overrated in general and he dislikes the amount of hype that Young received when people thought he would revolutionize the game, when he watched film and saw that Young was never going to be a decent QB, let alone one worth a top 5 pick. he said he and Leinart weren't worthy of first round picks.
Young may be a bust in the pros (so far), but its pretty obvious when you watch Hoge that he personally loathes VY.

He sounds like one of those little kids that idolizes a player & then gets refused an autograph, so from then on he spews hate about him every time he is mentioned.

Hoge is a douche and an asshat. Whether he is right or not, the guy shouldn't have a job. He is horrible.

I really have no clue.

It could be anything really. I've heard from some people that he somehow has close ties at Oklahoma, though I don't know why he would. But if true, he could just hate Young because he went to Texas.

Who really knows how the mind of a guy who had a thousand concussions works.

Maybe Hoge got tired of all the hate mail he received when he refused to worship at the VY alter. This commentary might be a bitter reflection back to the VY-homers. There has always been a certain venom that the VY crowd injects into conversations about the QB. Does the drink you served taste bitter now that you are forced to drink it yourself?

Call Hoge what you want, but the truth is, he was spot on when it comes to Young.

WTF, Hoge said all this crap three years ago and everyone said he was stupid, a moran (how they spell it in St Louis) and that he does not know what he is talking about. He honestly said he would draft VY as a WR or RB right before the draft. So why is this a shock he would say this. Hoge is a jerk and a pompass ass but he is right and was right about the mensa waterboy VY.

honestly, all the vy apologist need to have a big F'n apology to us who have never believed the hype.
Call Hoge what you want, but the truth is, he was spot on when it comes to Young.

Ding! Ding! Hoge never drank the Kool Aid either. And VY called him out on his opinion. Hoge is obviously one of those "Told You So" kinda people too.

I took alot of grief for saying mario would be the right pick at least a month before the draft. It wasn't cool then.

I recall one scalper here who even had something like "Boo Hoo we are stupid for not taking VY" in his signature forever. Wonder why he changed it???
I totally agree that Hoge was right about Young.

I just think he's a douche anyway, regardless of how he feels about any one player.
To his credit, Hoge had the story right about the city, former mayor, and Adams. Now the rest of it about VY, I dunno ?
I dont much care what Hodge has to say and at this point dont care much about where VY is in his career. If the guy wanted to get better as a QB he would have been working on that rather than working on slamming bottles of tequilla at parties with camera's turned on him that ended up on TMZ ?
vy needs to learn how to throw the ball instead of selling sausage. the madden curse lives. he said he didn't believe in curses but you can't deny history. however, it's not like we have a top 10 qb right now.
vy needs to learn how to throw the ball instead of selling sausage. the madden curse lives. he said he didn't believe in curses but you can't deny history. however, it's not like we have a top 10 qb right now.

This really hurts to say....

2008 TD/INT W/L
vy- 1/2 1-0
Schaub- 1/5 0-2

ouch. 'cause we all know how bad vy is.
Hoge was correct, but I cannot think of too many guys on the tube that are bigger jackasses than him.
Wow......he lit into VY something fierce....actually makes me feel kinda bad for the kid. I knew hoge didn't like him as a qb since the 06' draft, but the reasons why...just brought tears of joy to my eyes :cry2:..... mainly b/c i'd been telling everyone who'd listen these very same things about VY since his sophmore year at UT.

Bud is getting all he deserves right now for trying to stick it to us by drafting VY.

Hoge does come off as a *$%# though.
Maybe Hoge got tired of all the hate mail he received when he refused to worship at the VY alter. This commentary might be a bitter reflection back to the VY-homers. There has always been a certain venom that the VY crowd injects into conversations about the QB. Does the drink you served taste bitter now that you are forced to drink it yourself?

Thats kinda how I feel about Reggie and Jesus Young. I had it rammed down my throat so long about how we "passed Jordan for Bowie" that I hate the two with a passion. Eh, Im ok with it.

P.S, If we had taken Young, imagine how nasty the Titans D is with Van Den Bosh, Haynesworth, and Mario on the D line.
Thats kinda how I feel about Reggie and Jesus Young. I had it rammed down my throat so long about how we "passed Jordan for Bowie" that I hate the two with a passion. Eh, Im ok with it.

I feel the same way and have been rooting against those guys since their day one in the NFL.

I NEVER wanted Bush and didn't believe the ESPN hype especially after the Texas Rose Bowl game.

And as for the other guy it's ashame as a Longhorn fan that VY is forever tainted for me. My hatred for the Titans and all the crap the Texans got in Austin won out over any affection I had for that guy helping UT win a NC.

I have been a Longhorn fan for as long as I can remember however I will be the first to admit that fellow UT fans can be the biggest jackasses at times. I never knew that until 1.) I moved back to Austin as an adult. 2.) I discovered the messageboard. Sure, I wanted the Texans to draft VY (after being brainwashed by Austin sports radio I must admit because before the Rose Bowl and subsequent Austin sports radio shows I never thought of VY as being a pro QB) however I didn't turn on the team when that didn't happen. Instead I turned on VY after everything that went down after that draft.

I was also LMAO the night before the draft when they announced Mario because I was so relieved they weren't taking Reggie Bust. I couldn't wait to come to this board when that happened. (by then I had already accepted the fact they weren't taking VY)

P.S, If we had taken Young, imagine how nasty the Titans D is with Van Den Bosh, Haynesworth, and Mario on the D line.

Now that is a scary thought. Who knows that might have been the thing that eventually brought Bud his SB championship before he checks out. It looks like his hatred for Houston might have cost him that.
I don't get the anger and resentment over Vince. For a guy that didn't have any off the field problems besides not wearing a suit to see our stupid President to a college party. I don't get it. At least Michael Vick did kills some dogs for people to really Hate him but Vince has't done anything but be good in college and struggle in 1 of the 2 years he's been in the league. I don't get it!
I don't get the anger and resentment over Vince. I don't get it!

Then that means you weren't here to see/read all the crapola that was crammed down our throats from all the orange bloods for over a year. Hookem said they were Jackasses, I think that is way to mild of a term to describe them. Until then I was pretty much a none caring person about VY and UT one way or the other. However, since then they have earned my total and absolute disgust. Add that to him playing for the titanics and it just multiplies how negative I feel about him and them.
Nope, that's obvious, the only question is WHY you don't? :mcnugget:

We had locals buying FULL PAGE ads in the paper BEGGING McNair to take VY for God's sake!!!!!!

That wasn't really a big deal to me. A little weird, but not that big a deal.

My real problem with the whole situation is that Mario Williams was DESTROYED in the local & national media and he didn't even do anything wrong!

All the VY & Bush lovers were on this board villifying Mario. Thank god most of them are gone now cuz both of thier guys suck & Mario is a Pro Bowl talent.

And this is coming from a life-long UT fan who considers Young as the greatest college QB of all time. Just try to imagine how pissed off I would be if that weren't the case....
That wasn't really a big deal to me. A little weird, but not that big a deal.
OK.... Just what would it take to qualify as more than a LITTLE weird? Off the top of your head, list how many times you've EVER seen that for a guy w/o a single NFL snap? :thinking:

The "beating" that Mario took was more a result of him NOT being Bush / VY than it was about him simply BEING Mario.
That wasn't really a big deal to me. A little weird, but not that big a deal.

My real problem with the whole situation is that Mario Williams was DESTROYED in the local & national media and he didn't even do anything wrong!

All the VY & Bush lovers were on this board villifying Mario. Thank god most of them are gone now cuz both of thier guys suck & Mario is a Pro Bowl talent.

And this is coming from a life-long UT fan who considers Young as the greatest college QB of all time. Just try to imagine how pissed off I would be
if that weren't the case....

I've admitted my wrong headedness in wanting Ressie BUsh and I've repented for my sins against Mario. I am so happy to haev been so wrong.

But really VY you think he's the greatest college QB of all time? Why? Tommie Frazier won 2 national titles, Leinart won 2 and went to 3 national titles? If it's because he went to UT then I can see why you'd think that, but I don;t think he is.
I've admitted my wrong headedness in wanting Ressie BUsh and I've repented for my sins against Mario. I am so happy to haev been so wrong.

But really VY you think he's the greatest college QB of all time? Why? Tommie Frazier won 2 national titles, Leinart won 2 and went to 3 national titles? If it's because he went to UT then I can see why you'd think that, but I don;t think he is.

Young was the first QB to throw for 3000 yds & rush for 1000 yds in a single season. He had an incredible record as the starter for his program. And I can't think of anybody who has made more big plays with both his feet & arm.

Frazier was a great QB, but he couldn't throw as well as Young.

Leinart only won one national title & he had more NFL talent on his offenses than some pro teams.

Even though Vick is credited with "revolutionizing" the QB position, whenever a dual threat QB comes out of high school these days, the first comparison made is with Young.
Saw this at the grocery store the other weekend...I laughed
