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Do you still think I'm on crack when I say that TJ Yates beats out Schaub as the No.1 QB next year?

TJ Freaking Yates!!!!!
yes. As much as I like TJ, he still has made plenty of mistakes missing some open targets. Schaub executes much better in the first half.
Do you still think I'm on crack when I say that TJ Yates beats out Schaub as the No.1 QB next year?

TJ Freaking Yates!!!!!

I don't think drug use has anything to do with your football ignorance.

I'm loving what I've seen from Yates. But, come on! Why do you think the Texans are struggling to run the ball so much?

Yates is better than Schaub at certain things, certainly. But, so is Vince Young. I wish Schaub were more mobile and less brittle. However, if Schaub was playing right now, we would be the clear favorites to go to the Superbowl and have a very good chance to knock of the Packers.
This has now approached the "awkward" phase for guys like Schaub and Leinart.

I will NOT sit here and say those two guys are secretly envious or scared of losing their job or whatever. But all I'm saying is that they just watched TJ Yates come from nowhere (basically) and play balls to the wall and clinch playoffs with a final play and a perfect pass to the only open WR on the play. On the road.

From here on out, it becomes a situation of the Texans organization seeing if they caught lightning in a bottle with that 5th round pick of TJ Yates in the 2011 draft. It becomes a situation of two QBs unable to do anything but watch, as well. Yes, Schaub can and WILL mentor him still. But it's now the TJ Yates show, and it has to suck for Schaub in an awkward way.

Not trying to start stuff on here, just saying that I think the climate or the overall organizational culture begins to shift a little the remainder of this season. It's just natural that it would.
Why of course he makes mistakes. What would you expect?

But his upside blows Schaub away, and he's got the better arm. Put that together with the likelyhood that Schaub won't be fully recovered until 2013 . . . yeah, that's a pretty safe bet.
I see Schaub being the QB next year. Yates has show incredible poise, but he has a tendency to fixate on one receiver. He sometimes goes through his progressions, but I would like him to do it more often. One play that they showed on CBS had a wide open OD that Yates didn't see.
I see Schaub being the QB next year. Yates has show incredible poise, but he has a tendency to fixate on one receiver. He sometimes goes through his progressions, but I would like him to do it more often. One play that they showed on CBS had a wide open OD that Yates didn't see.

Schaub missed a wide-open OD on almost the exact same play in almost the exact same field position back during the Bucs game. OD was slapping his hands and trying to get Schaub's attention but Schaub went to a guy who was very well-covered. Incomplete pass.

What I like in Yates: He's never "out" of a play. Moves his feet, gets out of trouble a lot better, and can get you yards when he scrambles. Schaub is dead on arrival if he tucks it and runs. Period.

I have a feeling Yates takes the win and grows from it. Seems like now that the playoffs monkey is off our back, he can just go as high and as far as he wants. It's like driving on the can go as fast as you want to go, just floor it and have fun.

And if he does just that, and his confidence grows from it...look out. Look. Out.
Schaub - QB first 3 quarters.

Yates - QB 4th quarter.

Leinart - keep the clipboard off the ground.

For his career, Yates now has two games won by leading a 4th quarter drive (when tied (ATL) or behind (CIN)).
As my mom would say: "Child, please."

What we have is a solid quarterback-in-waiting. This is still Schaub's offense. He has firm command of it. It is his.

It's exciting that we have a great number two QB.

I still feel kind of bad for Leinhart, though. I think the guy has more talent than most people have seen out of him.
I think TJ Yates is now what he always was - at least to the front office and Kubiak - and that's a young backup who has the potential to be heir to Schaub.

He was brought in and expected to learn the offense from Schaub, and possibly one day take over. Next year, Schaub will return as the starter. And he'll continue to be our #1 until he shows he's unable to.

EDIT: Hopefully this also puts pressure on Schaub to play near perfection, perhaps doing things he normally wouldn't be comfortable doing yet knows he has the ability to do.
Just think of Schaub as Drew Bledsoe, and think of Yates as . . . . .


Right. And the only only way Schaub flat out loses his job is if Yates takes us to the Super Bowl and wins it.

Otherwise, I really do agree with GP and Texas2Step, in that Yates' play should make Schaub better, and yes, the Texans have probably found their QB to groom for the future.

But these next 3 games and into the post-season are really going to be about Yates' body of work as the FO (and the fans) evaluate Yates as a whole, as opposed to just 2 1/2 games of snaps, right now.

As it is, let's enjoy the rest of the season, because we might very well be looking at the future of the Texans if Yates keeps maturing.
I still feel kind of bad for Leinhart, though. I think the guy has more talent than most people have seen out of him.

I almost never disagree with you.

On this, however, I am. I don't think Leinart has it. Not even an ounce of "it." To me, he is slow in all areas--Slow to drop back, slow to scan his progressions, and slow to get out of harm's way, and slow to release the ball.

He IS quick when it comes to finding the RB, though. Does that very well.

This will sound shitty of me, but oh del: Fate might have intervened when Leinart got hurt and Yates became the QB. I don't like the way Lombardi put it when it happened, but in a way I think it's true.

Yates gives us more of a chance. Proved that last week, and this week too.
I think TJ Yates is now what he always was - at least to the front office and Kubiak - and that's a young backup who has the potential to be heir to Schaub.

That's the way it should work. If Tj continues to play the way he has, the heir apparent no more..... he's the starter.

Still a lot of football to be played. Tj can show us over the next 5 weeks, that he is no starter in the NFL, where we know Matt is the starter... no harm, no foul.

But if Tj makes plays like he did today, it's his job to lose.

That's the way it should work. If Tj continues to play the way he has, the heir apparent no more..... he's the starter.

Still a lot of football to be played. Tj can show us over the next 5 weeks, that he is no starter in the NFL, where we know Matt is the starter... no harm, no foul.

But if Tj makes plays like he did today, it's his job to lose.


Lol. Uh oh. This is one of those posts that you post just to get people talking. You don't really believe what you wrote. You wrote it just to get people talking.

This is still Matt Schaub's team. If Scaub makes a full recovery from his injury (as expected) he will be the starter. TJ will be the back up.
Lol. Uh oh. This is one of those posts that you post just to get people talking. You don't really believe what you wrote. You wrote it just to get people talking.

This is still Matt Schaub's team. If Scaub makes a full recovery from his injury (as expected) he will be the starter. TJ will be the back up.

It should be that way, but a lot of factors can change that.

Technically, we should keep Yates and his rookie 5th round salary...and let Schaub retake the spot if Schaub is healthy enough in 2012 to do so. Then you know your heir apparent, Yates, is watching Schaub in what will be Schaub's contract year with us. Win-win situation, IMO.

If we win the SB with Yates? Holy heck. It gets real. Real fast.
As the season comes to an end hopefully Yates stops being nervous at the start of the games.
I lean more toward schaub, but just slightly. Only because we still have a small sample size on TJ Yates. If the kid wins out, take us to the AFC championship game, it will be a hard argument. Plus, Schaub may be out for some games in the beginning of the season so if Yates is still the hot hand, you have to go with him.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

I would say the running game is getting to a rough start because they don't respect Yates yet so they jam the box. But Yates proved he can beat you by airing it out so teams will start respecting that. You win you get respect.

Also, the running game has been rough because of the running defenses we played have been best in the league. And I would say Tate is showing flashes of being able to run the ball better than Foster when people jam the box. Just an opinion that may be wrong. And I am not saying start Tate over Foster, but maybe run him more in those situations. What do yall think?
Lol. Uh oh. This is one of those posts that you post just to get people talking. You don't really believe what you wrote. You wrote it just to get people talking.

This is still Matt Schaub's team. If Scaub makes a full recovery from his injury (as expected) he will be the starter. TJ will be the back up.

What if Yates plays lights out and we win the Super Bowl?
With this Lisfranc injury, there's every possibility that Schaub misses some part of the beginning of next season.

We've got a solid #2 who will try to compete with the #1.

But there's no way Yates has Schaub's command of this offense. More upside and more talent, yeah. But if Schaub makes it back before training camp, he's the QB although he will have some competition for it which he's never had before.

OTOH, if Yates wins the SB... :texanbill:
Not hating on Schaub, but Yates clearly has the better upside compared to Schaub (who is maxed out). Better arm, mobility, pocket awareness/toughness, more athletic, etc. To me, the only thing Schaub has over Yates is experience. Schaub would have been sacked on that 17-yard scramble that Yates had for the first down on that last drive, for example. If Yates continues to make plays, I don't see why this team wouldn't think about moving Schaub before his contract expires. There will be some teams at the top of the draft that needs a QB, and we need a WR.
I like Schaub. I like Yates.

That being said, Yates already appears to have more physical talent than Schaub in terms of mobility (even pocket presence) and arm strength. Yates is clearly hitting dudes while they are in stride. If only Jacoby had just caught the ball on the first play of the game today, you know?!

Schaub has command of the offense, for sure. But he's been running it for 5 seasons. Yates has been running it for two games.

What makes me really excited about Yates is that 'intangible' factor. He came off the bench and ran a two minute drill for a FG. His first two starts, both against good teams, were won on last drives that he commanded. Today was mind blowing! To win this game on that kind of play, and for it to mean what it means???!

We've got a gamer on our hands! Dude is clutch. Give TJ an off-season with this offense under Kubiak's guidance, and I think we see even more potential for a badass. And that's not even including what might happen for the rest of this season. The sky is the limit! BELIEVE, TEXANS FANS!!

I'm not worried about Yates in the playoffs. I 'm stoked as a Texans fan that we have that kind of depth on the team. And with this defense and heart they show?! I'm stoked!!

We don't even know if Schaub will be healthy by the start of next season. What we do know is that TJ will have to work his A$$ off in order to keep this job.
At best all this means is we dont have to waste a draft pick on hometown fave case keenum. We have a number 2 that the FO is gonna roll with
Let`s not get ahead of ourselves. Yates played 2 1/2 games. And for the most part he has been a game manager. Let`s see how he plays for the next games and in the playoffs. If he can improve while staying as clutch as he was today I could very well see one of our QB traded in the off season (salary cap will be a problem because of all our FAs, so getting rid of Schaub for a pick or two might solve several problems). But Yates is a rookie - lets get a bigger sample size first.
I really like Yates.. and I know that fans love to see a young rookie late round draft pick come off the bench and set the league on fire. But just because Yates is doing well.. that doesnt mean he is our QB of the future.

Yates' accuracy was off today.. most throws he made were either too high or too low or completely off target. Until we started dumping it off to the tight ends it seemed to me that he was pretty shaky out there.

Once he started getting some solid completions and moving the chains though.. he started to look a lot sharper. But this was in like the 3rd quarter. He had already been out there throwing dead ducks for more than half the game.

Lets also not forget that sack he took in the last minute of play.

Lets be clear. Yates is young.. and he has shown that he has a ton of potential. His pocket presence is great, his composure is excellent, he has a pretty good arm, his footwork is good and can get better, and he can make plays with his legs. He has made mistakes but he has also shown the ability to make plays when it counts.

Yates has all the makings of a future starter for this team. I just dont think he is there yet. Schaub is still the guy, and if he was healthy id feel a lot better with him out there.

Yates will be our number 2 next year.. and in another season or two he will be our starter. The only thing that could change this outcome, imo, is if he starts to improve exponentially for the rest of the season. **** gets serious once you hit the playoffs, and a what was an overthrown ball today will be an interception in the playoffs... what was a QB running for a first down will be a QB getting nailed at the LOS. Everything is going to get harder, and mistakes are going to be magnified. So if yates can be a lot more mature by the time we hit the playoffs.. and if he can get us deep into the playoffs without making rookie mistakes.. yeah...then we might have a real controversy on our hands.

Let me end this though be reiterating that I really like Yates and see a bright future for him. Sure i wish we had Schaub right now, but in the abscence of Shaub I wouldnt want anyone else out there but Yates. He has been awesome for us..especially for a rookie 5th rounder. For any rookie QB to do what he has done is pretty amazing.
I've got no problem with Yates being a #2 next season behind Schaub. I think that kind of training can do a lot of good with a young QB. Just look at Aaron Rogers. Heck, even Brady sat on the bench his rookie season.

Now, that being said, if Yates takes us to the promise land, all bets are off!
Not hating on Schaub, but Yates clearly has the better upside compared to Schaub (who is maxed out). Better arm, mobility, pocket awareness/toughness, more athletic, etc. To me, the only thing Schaub has over Yates is experience. Schaub would have been sacked on that 17-yard scramble that Yates had for the first down on that last drive, for example. If Yates continues to make plays, I don't see why this team wouldn't think about moving Schaub before his contract expires. There will be some teams at the top of the draft that needs a QB, and we need a WR.

Schaub isn't bad at eluding sacks. I do not doubt he could have gotten away from that same situation. The real issue is instead of 17 yards that Yates got you, Schaub would have slid at the 10 yard mark.
if yates wins us a superbowl, then i think there will be no question. BUT lets not forget who got us to a 7-3 record !
if yates wins us a superbowl, then i think there will be no question. BUT lets not forget who got us to a 7-3 record !

Yates is 2.5/2.5 though! He has way more physical tools than Schaub. The ONLY thing Schaub has is experience.....Yates will be amazing come playoffs time, book it!!!
I don't think Yates beats out Schaub almost nearly any circumstance, but I do think TJ is clearly moving ahead of Leinart. I've never been a HTM fan. At least TJ will throw the ball more than 5 yards and he does involve the WR's. In fact, I think TJ may have the best deep ball on the team.

TJ does have decent mobility and better athleticism than either of the others, but he is very inconsistent, a bit erratic, and he stares down receivers at times. All things that experience and good coaching MAY correct but it remains to be seen.

I hate to draw the comparison, but TJ reminds me a bit of Tim Tebow. Some guys are just clutch and TJ seems to have "it" and HTM doesn't have one once of "it". It may be hard to define, but you know it when you see it.

Still don't think he'll beat out Schaub if healthy, but I think we have a fine #2 QB going forward that we can throw out there at any time and get a win.
I lean more toward schaub, but just slightly. Only because we still have a small sample size on TJ Yates. If the kid wins out, take us to the AFC championship game, it will be a hard argument. Plus, Schaub may be out for some games in the beginning of the season so if Yates is still the hot hand, you have to go with him.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

I would say the running game is getting to a rough start because they don't respect Yates yet so they jam the box. But Yates proved he can beat you by airing it out so teams will start respecting that. You win you get respect.

Also, the running game has been rough because of the running defenses we played have been best in the league. And I would say Tate is showing flashes of being able to run the ball better than Foster when people jam the box. Just an opinion that may be wrong. And I am not saying start Tate over Foster, but maybe run him more in those situations. What do yall think?

I noticed Tate getting longer runs, too. I figured Foster wasn't getting much because they were keying on him, but you're right, Tate got some good runs off. But Foster's excellent on screens & Yates threw well in the 2nd half, so teams may not be so eager to jam the line from here on out. Also, winning the division means the pressure's off Yates; now he just has to play. He's already won on the road coming from behind, so it'll be fun to watch him the next 3 games.
Put that together with the likelyhood that Schaub won't be fully recovered until 2013 . . . yeah, that's a pretty safe bet.
I don't know about not recovered until 2013. But, Schaub very well might be not ready by the 2012 opener. Then what happens when Schaub is ready? Go with a QB who hasn't seen a snap in OTAs, mini camps, training camp, or preseason? A QB who isn't under contract after 2012? Or a QB who has been participating in the offseason and has played in a playoff game? An interesting dilemma. I still think Schaub is the QB at some point in 2012. Beyond that, who knows?
I think unless Yates wins the super bowl, Schaub is the starter going into next season, unless he's not ready to go. It will be Schaub's contract year, that'll be their decision to make after that.
With this Lisfranc injury, there's every possibility that Schaub misses some part of the beginning of next season.

We've got a solid #2 who will try to compete with the #1.

But there's no way Yates has Schaub's command of this offense. More upside and more talent, yeah. But if Schaub makes it back before training camp, he's the QB although he will have some competition for it which he's never had before.

OTOH, if Yates wins the SB... :texanbill:
If the doc (CnnnD) is right (and he usually is) Schaub won't be 100% until after preseason. So I'm thinking, to be cautious, they may PUP-list Schaub which means he's not back until mid-Oct.

My question is, will soft-hearted Kubes make Leinart the interim starter? Training camp and preseason may be verrrry interesting next year.
Do you still think I'm on crack when I say that TJ Yates beats out Schaub as the No.1 QB next year?

TJ Freaking Yates!!!!!

Yeah, at this point it's still the crack talking. I see where you're coming from but I think so far he's beat out Leinart for the #2 position and he's firmly established his credentials as far as future successor to Schaub. He's gotta keep growing though and learning. We just need to see how fast he picks this stuff up. He might benefit from sitting behind Schaub for a year or more. Didn't hurt Aaron Rodgers any.

But he's definitely stated his case for being our future QB.
If there is anyone here who could be considered a Schaub apologist, that would be me. I've praised his play from day one, and I'm the one who goes off on all these no-class jerks who disrespect him by purposely spelling his name wrong.

But I have eyes. Yes, I saw Yates float his passes. Yes, I saw Yates was showing his inexperience.

Yes, i saw Yates take the team down the field and win the game in the 4th quarter.

And NO, I never ever once saw Schaub do that.

So... it is, what it is, what it is.
Yes, i saw Yates take the team down the field and win the game in the 4th quarter.

And NO, I never ever once saw Schaub do that.

So you didn't see the Washington or KC games last year or the TN, St. Louis and Patriots games in 2009?
Just think of Schaub as Drew Bledsoe, and think of Yates as . . . . .


That would be wonderful if it were true. Who knows. I had a lot of doubts about Yates, and he's showing a lot of poise for a rookie and handling himself well. This is fun to see him playing at this part of the season now.
If the doc (CnnnD) is right (and he usually is) Schaub won't be 100% until after preseason. So I'm thinking, to be cautious, they may PUP-list Schaub which means he's not back until mid-Oct.

My question is, will soft-hearted Kubes make Leinart the interim starter? Training camp and preseason may be verrrry interesting next year.

No freaking way ....
So you didn't see the Washington or KC games last year or the TN, St. Louis and Patriots games in 2009?

:gun: Ok, stand corrected.

Again, this isn't meant to be a anti-Schaub. Just a recognition, from his performance on the field already, Yates will have a legitimate shot at being the starter next year.

Quarterback controversies are never planned in advance. But there will be one next year.
Exactly. Schaub has come up big for this team on many occasions. I'm not sure why people don't see that.

I've seen it. I saw him try in the Raider's game & came up short. I don't hold that against him. My question though, is why does he wait? Why doesn't he play like that when we need a score to extend the lead? Why doesn't he play like that when the other team scores & we need to keep up? Why doesn't every third down flip a switch in his head?

I'm not saying Yates plays that way, we don't know. We'll find out over the next 5 weeks (fingers crossed), but when it's over, I think we'll have enough information one way or the other to say who the starter should be.

Yesterday, I saw Yates play like I've seen Schaub play. But Schaub hasn't played like that (save one quarter this year) in 2011 & I don't know why not.
Schaub is the starter next year if he's healthy. No question about it. But, if he's not healthy I have complete faith in Yates to take care of business. Someone mentioned it earlier, but he just needs to learn to calm his nerves early in the game. You can tell he's a little wired up to start off, but he settled into this game brilliantly. The lack of a consistent deep threat is hampering him a little bit right now. I'm praying AJ will be healthy for the Titans game to help get us a first round bye and to get him in game shape for the playoffs. 13-3!!!! Yeah I said it!!!
I don't know about not recovered until 2013. But, Schaub very well might be not ready by the 2012 opener. Then what happens when Schaub is ready? Go with a QB who hasn't seen a snap in OTAs, mini camps, training camp, or preseason? A QB who isn't under contract after 2012? Or a QB who has been participating in the offseason and has played in a playoff game? An interesting dilemma. I still think Schaub is the QB at some point in 2012. Beyond that, who knows?

I thought Schaub's contract was redone, i.e., extended during the offseason to make cap room for JJo and D Manning?
