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Have The Texans FINALLY Turned The Corner


If the Texans are now on their way to a winning record to finish out the 2009 season, one would have to point to halftime of the game in Arizona as the turning point.

Minus the atrocious goal line fiasco last week, the last six quarters have been money.

Have the Texans finally turned the corner?
Did they turn a corner after they beat the Titans in week 2? No.

Let's see them get some consistency before we start this kind of talk. A win against the 49ers would be a good start. A good START.
i think by talking about turning the corner we will shoot ourselves in the foot as always happens

what i would like to say is that maybe we are finally stepping up to our potential. With players like rookie cushing nearly new rookie slaton and the beast that is AJ leading the way. Add to that a healthy QB who is throwing 400+yards a game then im happy
For most teams in the league, there is no corner. Sometimes you get breaks, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you make your breaks, sometimes you don't.

It's hard to keep the good parts of your team good while improving the bad parts. There are very few teams that play dominant football all the time.
I don't yet believe any corner has been turned, but I am proud of the fact that we won and we looked like a real professional football team while doing it. I have been very disappointed in that the Texans really hadn't beat anybody with a winning record all season. Well, now they finally have. It feels good. I just hope this team takes this with them and learns to build on this victory. :smiliedance:
Our first good win of the season, but we have to put some more together. Maybe winning 5 in a row would mean we turned the corner.
Hell is freezing over!

And Carr just scored a TD... wierd evening :)

Carr scored a TD . . . when trailing by 28 in the fourth quarter. That's hardly unusual. He's showing that, three years and two teams later, he hasn't lost his ability to pile up stats at the wrong end of blowouts. We don't call garbage time yards "Carr yards" for nothing.
well this is Kubiaks 4th season, if he continues to turn the corner, that makes a square, so in essence we are basically going in a circle if he turns another one

No and I'm getting tired of that question and the "is this the Texans' biggest win in franchise history" question that pops up every so often.

Turning the corner for this team is putting up a winning season and their biggest win in franchise history will be when they win a game that'll give them a winning season or put them in the playoffs.
There is a corner. We turned it in the Rosencopter game last year. It when we decided we were tired of loosing and weren't going to quit. It's when we decided to not be happy with ugly wins. We decided not to give up when we blew big leads.

You aren't seeing us turning a corner in games like today. You're seeing the results of a corner that has already been turned.
As long as we turned a corner that doesn't immediately have another corner to turn after it.

If this was the first of a 5 game win streak, yes it would be turning the corner but we won't know for another 5 weeks....
well this is Kubiaks 4th season, if he continues to turn the corner, that makes a square, so in essence we are basically going in a circle if he turns another one


Huh? Circles and squares, circles and squares. . . .What am I missing here Wolf?
There is a corner. We turned it in the Rosencopter game last year. It when we decided we were tired of loosing and weren't going to quit. It's when we decided to not be happy with ugly wins. We decided not to give up when we blew big leads.

You aren't seeing us turning a corner in games like today. You're seeing the results of a corner that has already been turned.

We were 8-8 in 07, a year before that rosencopter game, a record we did not improve on after that rosencopter game.

There was NO corner turned in that game....that game was just another game where Houston was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. If you think that was a corner turning game, you really need to raise your standards. (Also if that was when we turned the corner, they wouldn't of lost to Oakland the way they did that year) This team is standing on the corner....they've been standing on that corner for 2 years now. Until they get over the 8-8 hump, they'll still be stuck on that corner.
I couldn't disagree more. After that game they very easily could have folded and mailed it in for another few years but they immediately regrouped and said that they would continue to fight for Kubiak. Those kinds of things are hard to measure in the next games performance or the next 3 or 4 games. It's about believing in yourself as a unit and I think that really started to happen then.

Take the Lions. You're talking about a loosing attitude. You have to get rid of that culture of loosing and it's started here and I sight that game as a point that it happened.
We were 8-8 in 07, a year before that rosencopter game, a record we did not improve on after that rosencopter game.

There was NO corner turned in that game....that game was just another game where Houston was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. If you think that was a corner turning game, you really need to raise your standards. (Also if that was when we turned the corner, they wouldn't of lost to Oakland the way they did that year) This team is standing on the corner....they've been standing on that corner for 2 years now. Until they get over the 8-8 hump, they'll still be stuck on that corner.

Well, we are 11 and 7 since that game.
If the Texans win at home next week against San Francisco and then again in two weeks against the Bills on the road, they will be 5-3 at the midway point of the season.

And if my aunt had stones she'd be my uncle, right?
Huh? Circles and squares, circles and squares. . . .What am I missing here Wolf?

I should have just quoted the movie

trapped in paradise

Bill Firpo: Which direction are we going?
Alvin Firpo: North.
Bill Firpo: Are you sure? I thought we passed that farmhouse earlier.
Dave Firpo: No, those farmhouses all look alike...
Bill Firpo: Alvin, if we're going in circles, I'm going to break your neck.
Alvin Firpo: We're not. I took four lefts, just like the map said.

we seem to turn the corner every season and this is the forth season for kubiak :tease:
I couldn't disagree more. After that game they very easily could have folded and mailed it in for another few years but they immediately regrouped and said that they would continue to fight for Kubiak. Those kinds of things are hard to measure in the next games performance or the next 3 or 4 games. It's about believing in yourself as a unit and I think that really started to happen then.

Take the Lions. You're talking about a loosing attitude. You have to get rid of that culture of loosing and it's started here and I sight that game as a point that it happened.

As far as "attitude changing" games go.....I'd put our first victory over the Colts (in '06) that helped us reach the first non losing season, well above the Rosencopter game. That game was one of the worst games in franchise history..(followed up by a loss to Oakland in the that season) hardly a corner turner.

Sorry, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
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I'm not gonna say we've turned the corner, but we have have the turn signal on, just blinking and blinking waiting to turn.

The way this team plays I try and not get too excited, I just wait and see the next week.
Can I just say (and it is nothing personal against anyone here) that I hate the phrase "turning the corner." Well I'm going to say it anyway.

It's not turnING the corner. It's turnED. Past tense. You don't see a team turn the corner at the time. You see it in retrospect. All of this is just guessing. They will not turn any corner until the season is over and they are in the playoff race. Then you can look back and ask where the corner was turned. Until then who the hell knows what we are going to get next week. I wouldn't be shocked if we beat SF by ten points. I also wouldn't be stunned if we lose by 20. This team is a gambler's worst nightmare. They are completely erratic. Consistently inconsistent. Reliably unreliable. The same thing they have been for a while.
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You don't see a team turn the corner at the time. You see it in retrospect. All of this is just guessing.

Exactly right. Couldn't agree more.

And that's why my original post is really just asking for a guess.

If the Texans wind up making the playoffs this year, wouldn't you have to agree that the "corner" was halftime of the loss to the Cardinals?
Exactly right. Couldn't agree more.

And that's why my original post is really just asking for a guess.

If the Texans wind up making the playoffs this year, wouldn't you have to agree that the "corner" was halftime of the loss to the Cardinals?

Not if we lose our next two games and then win out. Way too many variables to try and pinpoint something so obscure. Lets just let them play and see where they wind up at when its all said and done.
we are improving. this year our offense is still going strong and now our defense is actually coming around. i think at this point you have to be happy the way the team looks. we let a couple of close ones get away but we are playing the best football the texans have ever played.

if i'm evaluating Gary Kubiak I have to say that his team has steadily improved since he got here. Even used the challenge perfectly today.
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Do not restart until we've won four straight. And are playing for a playoff spot in Nov/Dec...
THEN we can start talking about turning corners.
As far as "attitude changing" games go.....I'd put our first victory over the Colts (in '06) that helped us reach the first non losing season, well above the Rosencopter game. That game was one of the worst games in franchise history..(followed up by a loss to Oakland in the that season) hardly a corner turner.

Sorry, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree.

Again, It's not that we turned around and started dominating teams the next week. It's how the team responded mentally after that game that I haven't seen change and I never saw before that game.

They all got up and said "we're better than this." I recognize that they didn't win the next game. All the more reason I believe it was a turning point. They could have packed it in after loosing a game like that and then turning around and getting beat the very next week... but they didn't. They got up and dusted themselves off and kept working, kept fighting and slowly you're seeing it taking place. You're seeing them play like assholes in the first half of some games (tacks and cards) and come back at the half pissed and dominate for the most part. It's a mentality that exists within this team that when they want to they can out play the opponent.

They are so frustrating to watch because they don't always do it but they clearly believe that they are capable of doing it and the fact is that they are capable of doing it.
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Do not restart until we've won four straight. And are playing for a playoff spot in Nov/Dec...
THEN we can start talking about turning corners.

I've talked about this before. I think the team has turned a corner. It's not the one that has us playing for a playoff spot in Nov/Dec. But it's still a corner turned. And it didn't happen today. It happened last year.
The issue for the Texans is not playing a good is playing multiple good games in a row. They won't turn the corner until we see them run off a winning streak before Nov. If they are a real threat to make the playoffs running off victories over the Bengals, 49ers and Bills needs to happen. we have completed step one.
The issue for the Texans is not playing a good is playing multiple good games in a row. They won't turn the corner until we see them run off a winning streak before Nov. If they are a real threat to make the playoffs running off victories over the Bengals, 49ers and Bills needs to happen. we have completed step one.

yep, we haven't turned the corner, we are in the turn currently. Looks like we may not fall over this time...not that there is anything wrong with that.
I we lose to SF next week then we are back where we started...same with the Bills after that. If this is a playoff team then we need to build off of this win and win the next 2. We played great but we need to play even better next week. Go Texans.
Until the Texans reel off a winning streak of three or more games and start winning those meaningful division games, we cannot claim any corners conquered. However, in the short term I do think we can say the Texans have made important steps in the right direction on the defensive side of the football. Not only are the Texans defenders playing aggressive, attacking football, they are now getting off the field on third downs, something they couldn't do in the first few weeks of the season.

This is a positive sign. Can they keep it up? I think they can.