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Has it hit you yet?


Hall of Fame
The offseason hangover? No more Texans for awhile, 6 months until training camp, 3 months until the really hit me this morning, I had a dream last night about the Texans in the playoffs and woke up to nothing. Ah well, here's to next season and the time in between. :texflag:
The offseason hangover? No more Texans for awhile, 6 months until training camp, 3 months until the really hit me this morning, I had a dream last night about the Texans in the playoffs and woke up to nothing. Ah well, here's to next season and the time in between. :texflag:

The NFL offseason is torture ! As Malloy said , after the SB when theres no football at all , thats when it really sets in . Then its that little over a month till baseball season thats really a bizznitch ! College basketball and the NBA just don't do it for me . This up coming Astros season may not be any fun either . But hey , at least its baseball !
It hit me last weekend when I was sitting around with my so called friends (Titans fans) and watching the playoff game between the Chargers.
Sucks, because all of my friends are either: Packers, Giants, Cowboys, Patriots, and Titan fans. And then there's little ole' me, lost.

Anyways, had some self gratification though....during the Chargers/Titans game my three Titan friends were sitting with me outside at the big screen at the local bar. Inside there was a lone Charger fan. I went up to the Charger fan and told him evertime the Chargers score, I'd buy him a jager shot if he did a lap outside screaming with his hands in the air behind my Titan friends.
He agreed.

It was wonderful, and well worth the money.
NFL is still going strong. After the SB I'll start hurting though.

Same with me. The Pro Bowl is like my last gasp for breath though. The NBA usually carries me over to the summer though. During that time, free agency and the draft happen. The bad thing is though, I woke up this morning thinking there was going to be a Texans game tomorrow. I kept thinking about who we were going to play, then remembered...
Sorry bout that

I am actually kind of excited for the offseason as weird as that sounds. We are coming off our best season yet in a buzz saw of a division while basically leading the league in injuries. Will we take that next step? This is THE most important offseason to date... its the 3rd for the new regime (Smith a bit later of course), and will set the tone for the next 4 or 5 years imo. The 3 year mark is usually a measuring stick for a new coach,etc in this league. And due to our recent draft history and the moves we have made under this crew (Gibbs the latest fantastic move)... there is no reason for us not to continue this trend, make good decisions, and really put us on the NFL map for good starting next year imo.

Its kind of weird... its like we have finally made it back to where we were after that 7-9 season a few back. A "take it to the next level" feeling so to speak. That seems like eons ago. Unfortunately that didnt work out as we all expected. Actually, now that I think about it.... after filtering out that team for the most part and rebuilding... I would not change anything and feel that if this all comes together it will be all that more worth it in the end. We are building something special imo... and these next 6 months will be very crucial.

Here is to an exciting off season!!!
I only have two sports seasons. Football season and the draft season. Everything else is just noise. got the playoffs this weekend then the senior bowl and then the combine. Life is good. Let's have another corona ?
It hit me last weekend when I was sitting around with my so called friends (Titans fans) and watching the playoff game between the Chargers.
Sucks, because all of my friends are either: Packers, Giants, Cowboys, Patriots, and Titan fans. And then there's little ole' me, lost.

Anyways, had some self gratification though....during the Chargers/Titans game my three Titan friends were sitting with me outside at the big screen at the local bar. Inside there was a lone Charger fan. I went up to the Charger fan and told him evertime the Chargers score, I'd buy him a jager shot if he did a lap outside screaming with his hands in the air behind my Titan friends.
He agreed.

It was wonderful, and well worth the money.

that could be easily be the best use of money I have seen ever. Ever
Tes and no. Yes because my team is not in the playoffs. No because playoffs are going on and I am getting Free Agent list ready, and doing draft chart and looking at what the Texans need. I have to do something to keep me occuspied sports wise until Baseball season. I am sorta paying attention to college basketball but not like I used to and I am not into pros hardly at all, I will check box scores is about it.
It just seems like the football season goes by so fast sometimes.......other sports just don't do it for me.
Agreed. I want them to play 30 games a season instead, and give the teams a 150mil$ limit and a 80 player roster. Soccer players play almost all year around, 3 games a week and although American football is somewhat different, the endurance side of it is still the same.

So, longer seasons, more money and more players!
Seems too monopolized by Hendrick these days... :bat: It was better in the 90s...

Maybe it's just me, but I never could get into car racing of any type. It's like golf to me, better doing it than watching it I suppose.
Maybe it's just me, but I never could get into car racing of any type. It's like golf to me, better doing it than watching it I suppose.
Probably. I raced on the local tracks in Seattle in the late-90s.
Veering this thread back on topic..sorta...

Nah, until there is no Pro football on TV to watch...the season is still a go.

Now I have time to focus on my cheesehead fascination. Whoop them ospreys!
I'm good until after the SB. I'm not a fool about baseball, but I enjoy March Madness. With any luck, :fishing: will start around then but Feb - August is a much, much longer time than Aug - Feb.:hmmm:
I view this as the pre-offseason. It gives me a chance to go through withdrawal slowly instead of cold turkey.

I also am dealing with my son being done as a football player. This fall was absolutely wonderful - I would go to a middle school game during the week, a high school game and then the Texans on Sunday. Plus watching the Aggies when possible.
It never really hits me until I start seeing baseball dominating the sports airwaves. That really hurts.
As a football fan, I'm still pretty jacked up. Not AS jacked up as I would be getting ready for a Texans game but I really like the NFL playoffs. Of course, being a Cowboys fan too, I've got a team in the dance.

By the time the Super Bowl hits, I'm usually ready for it to be over and as a big Astros fan, I start getting antsy for the baseball season to start.

March Madness does a good job of filling the void of no football or baseball. Not a big basketball guy but I'll follow the locals, Rockets, UH.

Right after the Super Bowl until March Madness I usually try to take a sabbatical from sports, get away from the competitiveness and all that. Kinda recharge the batteries so to speak. A "fan" vacation.

I don't get that football itch again 'til about the first of July or so, depending a lot on how good or bad the baseball season is going, and when I know training camp is right around the corner and my season tickets are about to be shipped.
The offseason hangover? No more Texans for awhile, 6 months until training camp, 3 months until the really hit me this morning, I had a dream last night about the Texans in the playoffs and woke up to nothing. Ah well, here's to next season and the time in between. :texflag:

im a huge sports fan, the football wall wont hit untill after the superbowl probably, but baseball is my number 1 and the rockets are starting to pick it up...... I DREAD FEBUARY though, most boring month ever, i sit waiting for march madness and spring training.......
im a huge sports fan, the football wall wont hit untill after the superbowl probably, but baseball is my number 1 and the rockets are starting to pick it up...... I DREAD FEBUARY though, most boring month ever, i sit waiting for march madness and spring training.......

As a dud sports month, July is up there.
If I don't vacation during July, I WORK, HARD!! Take all the overtime I can get, stay in air conditioning, save up all my hard earned bucks for football season!!!:texflag:
Here's something that can either make the offseason easier or harder given your point of view.

Down With the Sickness Ringtone

I'm tempted to put that ringtone on my phone but I think I'd be too startled every time my phone went off.

Or then there is this more mellow version (slight language). heh.

The guy who sings that one... He's a helluva singer. He takes normal songs and puts them into lounge music.

The down with the sickness, and most of his songs are available for download there. He's great. ROFL! And the Baby Got Back he does... hilarious.