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Great Column by John McClain

I'll help you out there buddy.

John McClain said:
Why dally with an overstatement?

Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle

OK, Texans fans. Your wishes are my commands.

This week, owner Bob McNair will sell the team to someone who actually cares about winning.

Before McNair's news conference to announce he's selling the team, he will confess that — after one game — he has already figured out that the Texans made a horrible mistake by drafting defensive end Mario Williams over running back Reggie Bush.

McNair feels your pain. He'll beg your forgiveness. He'll admit, after one game, that he went brain-dead and bypassed Bush, who had the greatest first-game performance of any rookie in any sport in history, for Williams, who's already guaranteed of being a bigger bust than Ryan Leaf.

Other than selling the team, McNair isn't quite sure what the fans want him to do for allowing his new coach, Gary Kubiak, to make such a horrendous personnel decision.

To make it up to all those knowledgeable Texans fans who are justifiably outraged at the 0-1 record and Williams' inexcusable lack of sacks in his first NFL game, McNair is going to place him on waivers. Quarterback David Carr, too. They're worthless.

Situation is hopeless
McNair knows there's no need to try to trade Williams or Carr, because they're so bad even the most desperate teams won't be interested in them. McNair's going to cut both of them and let them get jobs in the real world because it's obvious to Texans fans they have no redeeming football qualities.

While he's at it, McNair will fire Kubiak. McNair doesn't care if Kubiak has 12 new starters, including five rookies. He doesn't want to hear Kubiak point out anymore that the Texans have played only one game.

McNair has been reading your e-mails and listening to sports talk shows. Like the fans, he's tired of Kubiak's excuses that he's put in new systems on both sides of the ball and that the team will improve, especially over the second half of the season when the schedule shouldn't be as difficult. He's impatient. He demands the Texans win now.

Yes, Kubiak has to go. We know after one game that he'll never be a legitimate head coach. He drafted Williams — the biggest bust in the history of any sport at any level — and lost the opener. Before a sellout crowd at home, no less. He'll never get another job, either, because he has no clue about the running game, pass protection or coaching quarterbacks.

There's just no other way out. The fans are right: Kubiak's pathetic excuse for an NFL team is 0-1 and guaranteed of getting the first pick in the draft for the third time in six years. It wouldn't matter. If McNair keeps the team, he will pass up Brady Quinn and Adrian Peterson for a guard from Baylor.

A waste of money
Right now, McNair is wondering why he was foolish enough to pay $700 million to bring the NFL back to Houston. Why he helped push through a referendum that approved revenue to build Reliant Stadium. Why he helped fund more than $1 billion in start-up costs for the NFL's 32nd team.

The season's already over. An 0-1 record. Unbelievable. A trip to Indianapolis. Hopeless. There's no way out other than to sell.

Although he won't admit it publicly, McNair's shocked that he has found a buyer. For obvious reasons, negotiations have been hush-hush. The buyer has to sell his other franchise, which should be done no later than Thursday. Then, once he and McNair sign the documents and their deal's completed, the new owner will give Texans fans everything they're demanding.

McNair is practicing the speech he'll make at the news conference. After he explains why he fired Kubiak and waived Williams and Carr, he'll apologize to the fans for passing up Bush. Then McNair will get choked up and clear his throat. Finally, he'll take a deep breath and announce what Texans fans are dying to hear:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's with great pleasure that I introduce you to the new owner of the Houston Texans — K.S. "Bud" Adams Jr.
I understand where he is going with this article and I had this same conversation the other day with my wife. I'm just greatful we have a team in Houston to cheer for and an owner who cares about his organization and wants to produce a winner. This isn't some low grade franchise, it's one of the most valuable in the NFL for a reason. Our owner spends for a winning team and he expects us to get one. I give him a lot of respect and patience as well. He deserves it and I commend him for bringing us back football. I live for the 6 months a year when the season is underway, the other months I day dream through life. Everyone here needs to step back and give this team time to get on the right track. It's not like we've had 40 years of the Texans and the best we can do is 7-9 year after year. We will win, it takes time, simple answer! :shades:
Great article!

What is so funny about this is I've read many of these things on this MB the last few days....but the difference was, the people on here are serious; lol!
I normally don't agree with him much, but that's the second article he's written in just a few days that I pretty much agree with. I think he's listening a little to the complaints against him and maybe learning a little from TC.
I literally LOL when I read the thing.

If you read his blog, apparently some people took what he wrote seriously:


Now, the column I wrote in Wednesday's Chronicle about Bob McNair selling the team to Bud Adams after he fired Gary Kubiak and waived David Carr and Mario Williams obviously wasn't true. But I'm amazed at the few e-mails I got from readers who blasted me because they thought it was. A couple got it and blasted me, anyway, because they just didn't like the column, and that's fine. I have no problem with that. I appreciate all of you reading and taking the time to write me.

My point was for many of you who have been so critical of the Texans after one game to perhaps take a look at what you've actually suggested. I've gotten e-mails demanding McNair sell. A couple even said Bud is a better owner. Then, there are many of you who already know Williams is going to be a huge bust.

Hey, check out what Tony Dungy and Dwight Freeney said about Mario in a story in Sunday's Chronicle by Dale Robertson. If you don't believe us, the media, or the Texans about Mario, perhaps you'll believe Dungy and Freeney. They're not saying he's a great player at this point because he's not. They're just saying he deserves a chance to improve and become the kind of defensive lineman just about everyone in the NFL has predicted. They say fans should be patient and try to understand what it's like for a rookie pass rusher.

And in breaking news, there are some really stupid people in the world. Some you think would be too stupid to read a newspaper. (or a MB for that matter. :rolleyes: )
I think he just copied and pasted every sarcastic thing said on this MB by Vinny, Runner, DB, GP, RDR, Jerek, CoC, etc. when trolls or ignorant fans come frolicking around.

At least our message is leaking out to the world.
highroller28 said:
Some serious backslapping going on here. There hasn't been enough time to determine whether anyone on this board, in the media, around the water cooler, or otherwise is right or wrong about Carr, Williams, etc.

In the meantime, it's all speculatory. LOL about ANY message board poster belittling or attemping to expose another poster. Credentials, please.

Pretty weak.

EXACTLY!!!!!!! That's the point of the McClain article.
Texans_Chick said:
EXACTLY!!!!!!! That's the point of the McClain article.

nah, mclain was being 100% serious, no puns or smart talk intended... trust me, i know the guy. haha j/k, but yah, texans chick, i really dig your blogs, your one of the few that can critically break down games and what not.. keep it up!
At least with Bud Adams, we had a team that had an excellent track record in drafting and developing players. The Oilers were lovable partly because they were a band of misfits. Even when they sucked they were a lot more interesting than the corporate Texans.
TexansFight said:
At least with Bud Adams, we had a team that had an excellent track record in drafting and developing players. The Oilers were lovable partly because they were a band of misfits. Even when they sucked they were a lot more interesting than the corporate Texans.

yeah yer right, you should just start rooting for the titans and relive the oilers in your mind every year. so nice seein ya, don't let the door .......
We all know this will take time. I can live with this year and next being losing seasons (being 2007 is a 7-9 season). For me, losing right now isn't the issue but how this team is being coached and how they are playing.

Kubiak needs to install more of the offense and call plays to take advantage of these aggressive defensive schemes we see over and over, week in and week out. If the offense fails, they fail. The best lessons learned are when you screw up. I thinking taking baby steps here is a mistake. Before you know, the season just went right by you.

Also, I am tired of seeing our team get their butts kicked. The team played better on Sunday than the 2005 year, but they still got their butts kicked. End of story.

I want to see a glimmer of hope of what is to come. The coaching staff needs to take a few big chances every week and bring some excitement. Let's see who can play!
gtexan02 said:
Funny bit of sarcasm. except this bit, whichi s actually true :( "A trip to Indianapolis. Hopeless."


Sure..there is a chance that we will continue our drought in Wins vs Indy.

But to say that the Texans are HOPELESS is completely off base.

The Texans will likely hold a lead at least once in this game...and will make it competitive and exciting to watch.

Cheer up, Mr. Poopy-pants :crying:
TexansFight said:
At least with Bud Adams, we had a team that had an excellent track record in drafting and developing players. The Oilers were lovable partly because they were a band of misfits. Even when they sucked they were a lot more interesting than the corporate Texans.

Sadly, I agree with this quote. Holovak, Reese, and Co. did a good job drafting and developing players. They also showed a penchant for signing the right player and making football decisions based on production on the field and not basing their decisions on measurables and image. Too bad they could never win the big game or there wouldnt even be a Texans message board for us to ramble on....

The texans just need to get the Asserley years out of our system. Its gonna be a long process, that is for sure. That guy was a total failure and it was like having a Used Car Salesman as our GM.

Oh yeah and I am really surprised that Casserley hasnt gotten another job. :sarcasm: That sound you dont hear is Casserley's phone not ringing.

doug from the woodlands
You guys see the Oilers drafting ability through a very powerful pair of rose colored glasses IMO.

The Oilers were always great at the measurables but then so is everyone else. Anybody can write down a 40 time. The problem with Oiler players during the era you guys are speaking of is that many of them (too many) lacked maturity, intelligence, and heart. Mike Holovak always got credit for finding these late round "gems" but honestly, there's a reason why these guys are still waiting to be selected at the end of the day.

How many running backs did we draft high and watch turn into basically nothing? Allen Pinkett, Mike Rozier, Alonzo Highsmith, and Lorenzo White were all busts or close to it. The Oilers/Titans had lousy backs between Earl Campbell and Eddie George but they had numerous opportunities to find one. The great talent evaluators just couldn't hit a winner to save their lives.

Wideouts? We drafted the finest midget wideouts that nobody else wanted on the board. Nobody drafted undersized guys better than us.

Warren Moon was a heck of a QB but he wilted under pressure every single time he got there. Sure he won "Grey Cups" (which means absolutely nothing when it's playoff time in the NFL) but he was a walking time bomb at crunch time.

Up and down their roster you find very talented and very flawed players. I got over my "We were the most talented team in the NFL during that time" anger years ago when I realized that the Oilers were made up of talented guys you didn't want to take into battle with you. There were no leaders and no "winners". No difference makers. That of course led to "no rings".
Back in the days of real football When Mcmahon and the "Fridge" were singing the "Superbowl Shuffle", they were singing about a little dance they performed as a way to promote a little friendly football hype. They were'nt suggesting you shuffle your O-line around every other play to get to the Superbowl. They were'nt suggesting you shuffle the number one draft pick in the entire league around from one end of the line to the other to get to the Superbowl. IT WAS JUST A SILLY LITTLE SONG THAT SOME OF US ENJOYED.
It's 2006, quit shuffling and "PLAY BALL".