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Goodell sees more games in England


Hall of Fame
Goodell Sees More Games in England

LONDON -- NFL commissioner Roger Goodell expects the league to start playing multiple regular-season games in Britain in the next few years -- an expansion that could lead to putting a franchise in London.

Goodell said Friday that "every indicator" shows the British market can support more games and that having a franchise here is of "tremendous interest" to the league. But he stopped short of giving a timeline for expanding the NFL's overseas presence.

"The interest and the enthusiasm for our game continues to grow, and we want to feed that," Goodell said. "We want to respond to that by hopefully bringing more to the UK."

My initial reaction to this is not positive. I would be pretty unhappy to lose a home game due to playing in the UK. If they start upping the number of games played there, this becomes more likely to happen.

As far as having a franchise there, the west coast teams would suck it up big time on jet lag. It is a 6 hr hop from NY, 10 hrs from Houston, not sure about California - but 12 hours plus is not a fun length of time to spend on a plane. It takes time to recover from.
I say make the super bowl champion play one of their home games there. They can afford to lose a home game more than any other team.

Either that, or make it one of the teams on the verge of moving (Jax, Buff, Stl, etc). Those teams dont get home field advantage anyway
even as a Brit I'm not sure about this. If I was to watch the Texans I'd prefer to watch them at Reliant Stadium and not Wembley.
I think the 17-18 game schedule is going to happen, and these 'extra' games will be exported.

As far as playing in London, most teams will probably get it scheduled around their bye-weeks (speculation on my part). But I feel for the players on London's team, simply because half of their games (away games) will require long flights and jet lag.

I just wonder how London fans would respond to a team that's struggling with a 1-5 record at this point in the season. Low attendance would be egg on the face of NFL execs.
Most of the fans in the UK already have a team to follow and it's not a given they would change allegiance.

Not only that the London games are attended by people from all over the country (and Ireland) and is a great expense.
I'm not convinced that 8 games would be as popular and London itself couldn't support a Franchise on its own.
Most of the fans in the UK already have a team to follow and it's not a given they would change allegiance.

Not only that the London games are attended by people from all over the country (and Ireland) and is a great expense.
I'm not convinced that 8 games would be as popular and London itself couldn't support a Franchise on its own.

Bang on. As a UK American Football fan I'm totally against the move. One game is sufficient although even then I don't overly agree with it but am keen to see the games popularity increase over here.

It's made for some very heated debates on some of the 49ers forums I post on, so not going through all of it again.
This is just as absurd as having English Premier League games played over here or even worse, having an EPL team over here.

To me sports is culture. The EPL is special because it is very British, part of their culture and while we can enjoy it to and even ebrace it, throwing games over here or having a US team in their league would ruin that. The same goes with La Liga in Spain.

In turn the NFL is an American sport it's part of our culture. If British people want to embrace our sports culture then they can follow our sport from there, the same way I follow La Liga and Real Madrid from here.

I also wonder if they would be willing to change the name of the NFL? How can it be called the National Football League if there are teams abroad? It would then have to be called the International Football League.
I would like to see a 17th game at a neutral site

Mexico City
College Towns

How cool Would it be to see the Saints/Falcons play in an SEC stadium?

Then you could do 3 preseason games with the 3rd one still being the "dress rehearsal"
Being selfish i would welcome it as i would get to watch more live games over here rather than the one Wembley game a year, Logistically it wouldnt work and i dont think it should. There was uproar backend of the EPL last year when R Scudamore was on about playing a 39th game abroad fans totally disagreed.

Cant see it happening any time soon anyways, Wembley has a contract for 2 more games after this weekend.
I would like to see a 17th game at a neutral site

Mexico City
College Towns

How cool Would it be to see the Saints/Falcons play in an SEC stadium?

Then you could do 3 preseason games with the 3rd one still being the "dress rehearsal"

Yeah...the season ticket holders would just love this idea.
gotta to take care of the local fans. The NFL also wants full stadiums on a weekend, doesn't look good televising games with 20,000 people rattling around a stadium that holds 60k.
Just an awful idea. Leave the regular season out of it, they should float the All-Star game to international locations. nice junket for the players, coaches and front offices, and the foreign location gets to see all of the stars. The league can then have locations bid on it, and make some money with no effect on the season.
Why not just support a league there? Let them determine their own champion from that league and then have a world championship once a year. Our super bowl winner vs. their european bowl winner. If you keep expanding to African, Asian and South American Leagues* a world championship might be huge. Like soccer huge. Fly all the continental winners to a huge city like London or Beijing or New York for a week long football showdown. That would be awesome.

*Australian too if you can get them to wear pads. Rugby is for crazies.
This is just as absurd as having English Premier League games played over here or even worse, having an EPL team over here.

To me sports is culture. The EPL is special because it is very British, part of their culture and while we can enjoy it to and even ebrace it, throwing games over here or having a US team in their league would ruin that. The same goes with La Liga in Spain.

In turn the NFL is an American sport it's part of our culture. If British people want to embrace our sports culture then they can follow our sport from there, the same way I follow La Liga and Real Madrid from here.

I also wonder if they would be willing to change the name of the NFL? How can it be called the National Football League if there are teams abroad? It would then have to be called the International Football League.

The National Basketball Association is in Canada. Granted, they're basically the 51st state, but still.
Why not just support a league there? Let them determine their own champion from that league and then have a world championship once a year. Our super bowl winner vs. their european bowl winner. If you keep expanding to African, Asian and South American Leagues* a world championship might be huge. Like soccer huge. Fly all the continental winners to a huge city like London or Beijing or New York for a week long football showdown. That would be awesome.

*Australian too if you can get them to wear pads. Rugby is for crazies.

Well there is already a world championship. Let's face it, football would never gain the popularity that soccer reached and such a world championship is kinda utopic. The US team would dominate anyway.
This is just as absurd as having English Premier League games played over here or even worse, having an EPL team over here.

To me sports is culture. The EPL is special because it is very British, part of their culture and while we can enjoy it to and even ebrace it, throwing games over here or having a US team in their league would ruin that. The same goes with La Liga in Spain.

In turn the NFL is an American sport it's part of our culture. If British people want to embrace our sports culture then they can follow our sport from there, the same way I follow La Liga and Real Madrid from here.

I also wonder if they would be willing to change the name of the NFL? How can it be called the National Football League if there are teams abroad? It would then have to be called the International Football League.

Tell it like it is..........."Goodell sees more MONEY in England"......pathetic whoring out a piece of American apple pie.