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Charger fan here, just reading some of the team bashing from our website from some texas fans and vice versa.Got to love compitition!! = ) Anyway, unlike some I just wanted to stop in and say good luck to you guy's or since I'm in a texan forum "good luck ya'll" and hope both teams walk away injury free!

Here's to hoping that neither team has any injury's. Neither one seems to have the quality depth to support too many injuries this early in the season.

Good luck to your Chargers and hope they win every game after the first one. Especially when they play our fellow AFC South rivals.
Thanks Shock - good luck your guys too. Just not so much luck that you actually have more points on the board then we do at the end of the game.
Good luck to you too. I hope you guys get a good owner who will shell out the bucks to surround LT with quality offense he deserves. He's a stand up guy, and he's a great RB. Here's to a win for the Chargers in Week 2! :thumbup
here's to hoping all the texans suffer acl and mcl tears career ending hip injuries and drug suspension all this weekend and beyond.. go chargers
SDBoltz said:
here's to hoping all the texans suffer acl and mcl tears career ending hip injuries and drug suspension all this weekend and beyond.. go chargers

Classy....join the Jaguars message'll fit right in.
SDBoltz said:
here's to hoping all the texans suffer acl and mcl tears career ending hip injuries and drug suspension all this weekend and beyond.. go chargers

I see the Chargers have more than their share of tactless and immature fans. Well I'd never wish an injury on another team. Much less a team down on its luck like the Chargers. I only hope that Charger's fans such as SDBoltz are not represenative of the Charger's team. If so they'd be in a desperate state of affairs. Just as SDBoltz is in desperation to support his arguments, and must sling insults in an attempt to mask his ignorance.
SDBoltz said:
here's to hoping all the texans suffer acl and mcl tears career ending hip injuries and drug suspension all this weekend and beyond.. go chargers

I'm so insulted I forgot to cry. :rolleyes:

I'm also gonna laugh when Sharper breaks LT's ribs and his team goes 0-16. :jam:

We do need more players with drug problems and trouble with the law, because that's how you win Super Bowls, right? Ain't that how the Cowboys did it?
SDBoltz said:
here's to hoping all the texans suffer acl and mcl tears career ending hip injuries and drug suspension all this weekend and beyond.. go chargers

Man they way ur talking i think they need to come down there and collect a lil piss. Awww come on its all in fun why ya gotta wish bad things on people, alright it'll come back to bite ya in the ***. well GOOD luck anyways .
:boxing: This will be a fight on Sunday

However it will be a victory for the Texans. You can't deny the fact that this team has proven to be very opportunistic in it's first games since its inception...San Diego might have had a better chance if the Texans had a bye week in the first week :headbang:

Enjoy :popcorn:
SDBoltz said:
here's to hoping all the texans suffer acl and mcl tears career ending hip injuries and drug suspension all this weekend and beyond.. go chargers
WOW...that's way beyond smack... :thumbdown I'm not going to respond to *****s.
Not cool SDBoltz...don't be a hater. Are you OK? Surely, you are more mature than your message indicates. The Texans will walk away with a "W" tomorrow. We don't anyone to experience a "career ending injury" as you wish.
That's COLD SDB!
and drug suspension ?? You have your Texas teams mixed up! - sorta like us confusing Chargers w/Raiders.
Shocku, thanks for the friendly post. Wish more of the Charger fans that come on the mbs were like you. Friendly and insightful rivalry is always welcome, but some have to cross that line.
SDBoltz, you have issues.
SDBoltz said:
here's to hoping all the texans suffer acl and mcl tears career ending hip injuries and drug suspension all this weekend and beyond.. go chargers

It was a joke guys.

Here's hoping that Rivers will be every bit as great as Ryan Leaf.
gwallaia said:
It was a joke guys.

Here's hoping that Rivers will be every bit as great as Ryan Leaf.

Hey!!!......Ryan Leaf threw for 4 tuchdowns in a single sandlot footballgame at the beach when he was on suspension...........LOL
FILO_girl said:
Shocku, thanks for the friendly post. Wish more of the Charger fans that come on the mbs were like you. Friendly and insightful rivalry is always welcome, but some have to cross that line.
SDBoltz, you have issues.

yes it was a joke just like hoping rivers is like ryan leaf is all good and fun