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Good lord! Now we REALLY NEED a free safety!


Holy moses!

Now that Orlovsky is our backup QB (meaning he'll be our starter for 1/2 the season), we will have to line up a freaking free safety in our OWN BACKFIELD when we are offense.

Lord, oh Lord, please let us draft a durable, talented free safety.

On a related note, does a free safety get creditied with a tackle when its on his own teammate?
Rosenfels > Orlovsky. the 4th round pick is what will determine if the trade was a success or failure.
Hell, i'd rather hav Carr as our backup QB than either Rosencopter or Orlovsky. A big plus, is that we could have Carr return punts as well.
Rosenfels > Orlovsky. the 4th round pick is what will determine if the trade was a success or failure.

In all due respect, I say that if Olorvski has to come in and can't run the show. that in itself will deternine the success of the trade..4th round pick is bonus:tiphat:
In all due respect, I say that if Olorvski has to come in and can't run the show. that in itself will deternine the success of the trade..4th round pick is bonus:tiphat:

if this guy's going to be on our team we should probably learn to spell his name. i'm not demanding that it be immediate (we still have some weird spellings of players who are key players like Schab Shaub and Slayton) but come on we should at least try...
Care to elaborate?

i believe the Texans offense is better served with Sage as backup QB than Orlovsky. But if the Texans can fill a need by adding a player of similar caliber to OD or Fred Bennett in the 4th round, it would offset the loss at backup QB.

Sage was good in the Texans offense. He was too erratic and made mistakes, but some of those mistakes are easily correctable. I guarantee you Sage learned from the "rosencopter" fiasco, and i doubt you will see him attempt anything similar for the rest of his career.

Kitna would have been better than Orlovsky, but i think Orlovsky is a better option than Ramsey.
i believe the Texans offense is better served with Sage as backup QB than Orlovsky. But if the Texans can fill a need by adding a player of similar caliber to OD or Fred Bennett in the 4th round, it would offset the loss at backup QB.

Sage was good in the Texans offense. He was too erratic and made mistakes, but some of those mistakes are easily correctable. I guarantee you Sage learned from the "rosencopter" fiasco, and i doubt you will see him attempt anything similar for the rest of his career.

Kitna would have been better than Orlovsky, but i think Orlovsky is a better option than Ramsey.

That is the problem, sage has been in this offense for three years and he continues to make the same mistakes over and over again. sure he scored points for the Texans, but the bad part is he helped the other team as well. Not to mention, that while Sage was a professional about not starting he was not happy about it. I do not think he was going to continue to be as silent as he was.

Sage is what he is and at this stage in his career he is not going to change or correct the weaknesses.
if this guy's going to be on our team we should probably learn to spell his name. i'm not demanding that it be immediate (we still have some weird spellings of players who are key players like Schab Shaub and Slayton) but come on we should at least try...

let muy buzz wear off and I'll try:thinking:
i believe the Texans offense is better served with Sage as backup QB than Orlovsky. But if the Texans can fill a need by adding a player of similar caliber to OD or Fred Bennett in the 4th round, it would offset the loss at backup QB.

Sage was good in the Texans offense. He was too erratic and made mistakes, but some of those mistakes are easily correctable. I guarantee you Sage learned from the "rosencopter" fiasco, and i doubt you will see him attempt anything similar for the rest of his career.

Kitna would have been better than Orlovsky, but i think Orlovsky is a better option than Ramsey.

Sage is 31. I'm pretty sure we were looking at the player that he is. By the way, the Baltimore game as well as the Minnesota game are both examples of his play after the Rosencopter incident. I'm appreciative of Sage and thought he was a pretty good backup. That being said, Orlovsky has better crudentials and physical abilities than Sage when he arrived here. Also, I'd rather have a backup QB that takes care of the ball and makes fewer plays if we're going to have a decent defense. If our defense improves enough to win us some games it would've been intolerably frustrating to have Sage come in and chuck it around.
Sage is 31. I'm pretty sure we were looking at the player that he is. By the way, the Baltimore game as well as the Minnesota game are both examples of his play after the Rosencopter incident. I'm appreciative of Sage and thought he was a pretty good backup. That being said, Orlovsky has better crudentials and physical abilities than Sage when he arrived here. Also, I'd rather have a backup QB that takes care of the ball and makes fewer plays if we're going to have a decent defense. If our defense improves enough to win us some games it would've been intolerably frustrating to have Sage come in and chuck it around.

Last season was by far Sage's worst as a Texan. he played well 2 out of 3 seasons as a Texan and proved that he can run the offense. of course the most recent performance is fresh in everyone's mind, but that is not the definitive comment on his abilities. its fair criticism about sage being too cavalier with the ball but i think he is still better than orlovsky. last year Sage had 67% comp, compare that with Orlovsky 55% comp rate. you want to knock Sage for having a bad game against the baltimore go ahead but Schaub would be lucky to even make it through all 4 quarters against that defense.
Last season was by far Sage's worst as a Texan. he played well 2 out of 3 seasons as a Texan and proved that he can run the offense. of course the most recent performance is fresh in everyone's mind, but that is not the definitive comment on his abilities. its fair criticism about sage being too cavalier with the ball but i think he is still better than orlovsky. last year Sage had 67% comp, compare that with Orlovsky 55% comp rate. you want to knock Sage for having a bad game against the baltimore go ahead but Schaub would be lucky to even make it through all 4 quarters against that defense.

Sage had arguably the best wideout in the game, Kevin Walters, Owen Daniels, and a dangerous ground threat in Slaton. Orlovsky had...oh, that's right, CJ. With so many weapons around, of course Sage's completion % will be higher, but IMO Orlovsky has much higher upside than Sage. Sage is a vet who is who he is, and he's not going to change much. Orlovsky is young and can be tutored by Kubiak.
Last season was by far Sage's worst as a Texan. he played well 2 out of 3 seasons as a Texan and proved that he can run the offense. of course the most recent performance is fresh in everyone's mind, but that is not the definitive comment on his abilities. its fair criticism about sage being too cavalier with the ball but i think he is still better than orlovsky. last year Sage had 67% comp, compare that with Orlovsky 55% comp rate. you want to knock Sage for having a bad game against the baltimore go ahead but Schaub would be lucky to even make it through all 4 quarters against that defense.

Listen. The only thing that's important was that there was no way that Sage was taking the starting job from Matt. No way. He is simply not a better QB than Matt is. Dealing Sage now was both a favor to Sage and the only way we were going to get anything back for him.

He wants to be a starter. Prior to coming here and prior to the past two seasons, no one considered him starting material. He would only have been signed to be a backup.

There was no way we could have extended his contract because he didn't want to be a backup. Since he was going to be leaving next year, our only options were to deal him now or franchise him next year and try to deal him and there was no way in hell he was going to get franchised.

We didn't pick Orlovsky to replace Sage, we picked Orlovsky to fill the vacancy created by Sage's departure.

Now, when you look at the two QB's, don't compare where they are now. Compare Orlovsky to Sage when he arrived here. Orlovsky had a 55% completion rate with one of the worst teams in history and Sage had a 49.5% completion rate with a team that was not very good (but not the worst ever.) Orlovsky is coming in with more talent and more upside than Sage. He could turn out better than Sage turned out.
Sage had arguably the best wideout in the game, Kevin Walters, Owen Daniels, and a dangerous ground threat in Slaton. Orlovsky had...oh, that's right, CJ. With so many weapons around, of course Sage's completion % will be higher, but IMO Orlovsky has much higher upside than Sage. Sage is a vet who is who he is, and he's not going to change much. Orlovsky is young and can be tutored by Kubiak.
Johnson, Williams, Furrey, McDonald is not a bad WR corps at all. He had weapons he just didnt know how to use them properly, as evidenced by Calvin Johnson only having 2 catches against the Texans weak secondary. Orlovsky is young and his career can still go a lot of different ways. he could develop to be better than Rosenfels, but at this point in his career is he better? i dont think so. It will be interesting to see how Sage does in Minnesota, all he needs to do is turn the ball over less and he will be fine.
Rosenfels > Orlovsky. the 4th round pick is what will determine if the trade was a success or failure.

Maybe but when Kubiak brought in Sage to be the backup people threw a fit cause he had beeen a failure in Miami and was destined to be a backup. Now he is going to be the starter in Minn, seems like Kubiak had an idea what he was looking at when nobody else did.
I know this isn't what the original poster was looking for, but I'd have no problem if the Texans took DB Malcolm Jenkins if he was there at #15 to play FS.
ok yeah this tread might be about Orvlosky

But seriously i think we need to draft a FS and SS somewhere in this draft
I'm happy for Sage, and I hope he does fine for the Vikings. I think he is a better QB than most people give him credit.

You heard it first here the Vikings will be in the playoffs this year.