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Florence fined $15,000

Well at least something got done. Personally I with Chris...would have rather seen one of his teammates do something instead.
For a meager amount of cash guys can take a QB under the chin.
Really. Florence can pass the hat around the locker room and collect that easily. Didn't Sapp once get fined $50K for bumping into a ref? Very weak. Why wouldn't the Colts and Pats turn this week's big game into the Bounty Bowl?

Way to send a message, Roger.
Isnt the fine 100K if you hit a Manning or Brady?
Probably automatic. Could go up another 100 if you cause them to miss a game.

By the way...its good to be here. I think there are exactly 3 Texans fans here in Tyler...and I work with the other two.:)
Really. Florence can pass the hat around the locker room and collect that easily. Didn't Sapp once get fined $50K for bumping into a ref? Very weak. Why wouldn't the Colts and Pats turn this week's big game into the Bounty Bowl?

Way to send a message, Roger.

Brian Urlacher once got fined $100,000 for wearing the wrong branded hat at the Super Bowl.

Terrell Owens got fined $7500 for making fun of Spygate with a TD celebration.

This is what I wrote today about NOT watching the Colts-Patriots game in Houston:

I'm Not Bitter About Not Watching Colts Versus Patriots, Are You?

In part:

I'm a Texan fan, so I am fine watching the Texans. I have no bitterness in missing the MGotKaUU.* In fact, watching that game might make me more bitter. Because it would be a matchup of two talented quarterbacks who neverever get injured and have crappy backups. And I would get to see them progress in yet another astonishing season. Oh joy.

In contrast, I will wonder what the penalty will be for San Diego cornerback Drayton Florence illegally blindsiding Texans quarterback Matt Schaub last week. It was the second week in a row of Schaub getting a helmet to helmet hit, and this one gave him a concussion and knocked him out of that game and likely the game against the Raiders.

I am guessing it will be about an equivalent fine to the $7500 that 49ers kicker Joe Nedney got fined for giving fans the finger. Probably not the same fine that would happen if Peyton Manning or Tom Brady got a similar cheapshot, but we will not likely never know because those quarterbacks neverever get injured.

See, that's some bitter for you.

*Mega Game of the Known and Unknown Universe. Turns out that the Raiders are blacked out so they will be watching the game.

BTW, Vince Wilfork got a $12500 fine for taking out JP Losman's knees. Losman thought that fine was too low. Wilfork claimed it was unintentional.

Florence's offense was twofold:

1. Helmet shot to the head.
2. During a time of a play when the QB isn't supposed to be jacked up.

So, intentional shots to the head of a QB = $15,000.
GM Rick Smith is non-amused by size of fine:


Texans general manager Rick Smith criticized the NFL today for not being tougher on San Diego cornerback Drayton Florence, who was fined $15,000 for his hit on quarterback Matt Schaub.

Schaub suffered a concussion when drilled during an interception return by Florence, who was penalized 15 yards for unnecessary roughness. Schaub will miss Sunday's game at Oakland. Florence was not suspended for San Diego's game against Minnesota.

"We are disappointed in the sense that we have lost out starting quarterback for at least one game after the player took the crown of his helmet and delivered an illegal blow to Matt’s jaw, and the fine levied is only a small fraction of the player’s weekly pay," Smith said in a statement. "Is that equitable? The punishment doesn’t appear to fit the crime when all factors are considered.”

Roger Goodell says, yawn, Texans who?
GM Rick Smith is non-amused by size of fine:


Roger Goodell says, yawn, Texans who?

I amend my earlier statement:

I hope that Florence's goldfish dies or someone puts sugar in his gas tank.
I also hope that someone puts ex-lax in Goodell's brownies and that he shats his pants in public as a result.
Roger Goodell says, yawn, Texans who?
And then he remembers and says..."Oh yeah, Houston. Thats our NFL piss boy. Maybe the fine was a little excessive. I'll have to send an apology to Drayton and let him know that we had to do it because we do still kinda consider them an NFL team. I sure will be glad when we get our NFL developmental league started so we can send the down there."
If I was Bob Sanders, I wouldn't mind a $15K fine to do the same to Tom Brady if, for some reason, the Patriots leave him in the game in the 4th quarter as the Pats blow out the Colts. I'm sure Dwight Freeney wouldn't mind chipping in to that fine.
If I was Bob Sanders, I wouldn't mind a $15K fine to do the same to Tom Brady if, for some reason, the Patriots leave him in the game in the 4th quarter as the Pats blow out the Colts. I'm sure Dwight Freeney wouldn't mind chipping in to that fine.

No one is going to "blow out" anyone in that game. I don't see it happening.
GM Rick Smith is non-amused by size of fine:


Roger Goodell says, yawn, Texans who?

That is why McNair should make a statement saying the following:

"The NFL has gone to great lengths to protect the QB. Unfortunately, the NFL does not believe the play last weekend in San Diego that knocked Schaub out of the game and next week's game falls under that category considering the fine levied against Florence.

We politely let the referees and NFL to take care of business like they should regarding that play.

But, they didn't.

This point forward, if this happens again, and under my estimation if it is a similar play or hit, I will immediately put a bounty out on the opposing team's QB or player in question that did the dirty hit in the amount $1 million.

Otherwise, if we don't, our QB can literally be a punching bag and be knocked out for several weeks with nothing more than a cost of doing business fine.

This is ridiculous. Do you really think Brady or Manning would be treated this way? What if we took out Rivers for a week or so considering San Diego's current state affairs?

Bottom line, Goodell, you still have your chance. You either take care of it or we will take care of it in the future.

The choice is yours...

Schaub is our QB and we are going to protect him..."
If I was Bob Sanders, I wouldn't mind a $15K fine to do the same to Tom Brady if, for some reason, the Patriots leave him in the game in the 4th quarter as the Pats blow out the Colts. I'm sure Dwight Freeney wouldn't mind chipping in to that fine.

Jesus, Goodell why didn't you just take his chewing gum away? Could that fine be any weaker? That fine is tantamount to tacit approval imo. What a big giant load of BS.
At that rate of investment, Pitts or Salaam should have laid him out. Heck, their hit would have been legal since the play was still going on and he isn't a QB.
That fine is a bunch of bull. It was a cheap shot, and he knew it. And it was to a Quarterback!!! He'll pass the hat and his locker room buddies will be glad to help pay the fine.

Of course, there's this little devil on my shoulder whispering something about the league's payback for TJ's lousy attitude when he took out Trent Green. I'm not sure he's making much sense, but he seems pretty confident...
perhaps if the Texans called it a concussion instead of a 'widdle bobo', Roger may have considered it a bigger hit than just being 'dinged' up.

That's actually a good point. Have Schaub carted off the field and announce during commercials that he is being treated for a concussion, then I'm sure the fine/suspension will increase.
If other teams are only getting fined these small amounts for hurting players then that should send a message to the Texans Defense. For a small fee which I'm sure that someone else will pick up you can go head hunting and not cost much at all. So go crack some heads.
Screw the fine!!!!!! I wanted the A-H suspended WITHOUT PAY for the rest of the season!! A piddly fine like that means NOTHING to these guys, simply because these multi-billionaire owners will be glad to pick up the tab!!
I got it.

This guy's mean, tough, and breaks the rules.

His punishment should be to have to play for us for a few years. :fans:
Don't even need to do that. They can simply pull the 15k out of the kitty from their "kangaroo court" fund.
If I was Bob Sanders, I wouldn't mind a $15K fine to do the same to Tom Brady if, for some reason, the Patriots leave him in the game in the 4th quarter as the Pats blow out the Colts. I'm sure Dwight Freeney wouldn't mind chipping in to that fine.

And that was my point in the beginning of this thread when I brought up Brady taking one to the chin. Cowher has already said he can see it coming. There are only so many times you can throw out the Eff U TD and nto expect someone to take it personally. Someone will roll or take the extra step and wipe the cocky robotic look off of Bradys face and 90% of the country will secretly giggle yet hope he is ok.
Unnessary Roughness = $15,000
Late hit = $7,500
Message to the Defenses in the league = kill the other teams stars

Panthers DT Jenkins fined $7,500 for hit on Colts' Manning

November 2, 2007

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Panthers defensive tackle Kris Jenkins was fined $7,500 by the NFL on Friday for a late hit on Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning.

Jenkins was called for a 15-yard roughing the passer penalty on Sunday for picking up Manning and driving his right shoulder into the turf after the quarterback had thrown a pass late in the third quarter. "
Lol. You sure came under a lot of fire for the title of the post.

I thought it was a very well written neutral story.

That she did. Maybe she should add a sentence to the the beginning that says "The NFL cares more about players wearing the right clothes then about taking another players head off."
That she did. Maybe she should add a sentence to the the beginning that says "The NFL cares more about players wearing the right clothes then about taking another players head off."

AOL FanHouse is the #1 Sports Blog on the internet. When you get a lot of the general public reading your stuff, a certain segment is going to be reading comprehension impaired.

FWIW, I like writing the stories, but I hate writing the headlines. Always have a hard time finding something that fits the stories but also will show up in google searches easily.

BTW, click on the link below if you want to ever read my latest stuff. Or just bookmark it. I write mostly Texans stuff, though they have me branch out to write other things.
Really. Florence can pass the hat around the locker room and collect that easily. Didn't Sapp once get fined $50K for bumping into a ref? Very weak. Why wouldn't the Colts and Pats turn this week's big game into the Bounty Bowl?

Way to send a message, Roger.

Bounty Bowl? No baby that's going to be the Cowgirls & Evils game. Roy "Horse-collar" Williams (Who incidentally has NEVER been flagged for a horse-collar tackle eventhough he's the reason for the rule and still does them) will get a cheap shot in on one of the Eagles then Philly's Defense will respond three-fold and it'll turn into a blood bath. If Miss Romo, Mr Jones and Mr Owens DON'T limp or hobble away from Sunday's game I'll be amazed.
The Colts and Pats will try to see who plays the "prettier" game. The hits won't be that intense.
Bounty Bowl? No baby that's going to be the Cowgirls & Evils game. Roy "Horse-collar" Williams (Who incidentally has NEVER been flagged for a horse-collar tackle eventhough he's the reason for the rule and still does them) will get a cheap shot in on one of the Eagles then Philly's Defense will respond three-fold and it'll turn into a blood bath. If Miss Romo, Mr Jones and Mr Owens DON'T limp or hobble away from Sunday's game I'll be amazed.
The Colts and Pats will try to see who plays the "prettier" game. The hits won't be that intense.
I don't know about that. I really think that Bob's trying to say something else.
Bob Sanders said:
"If you hit somebody hard enough, they will give up," Bob Sanders says. "You can feel their body go limp and they'll just surrender. So every time I hit somebody, the goal is to knock myself out. I know that if I hit somebody hard enough that I can feel it, it's hurting them 10 times worse."
I'm a Colt's fan and I'll have to agree with everyone else here, I'm sure if Peyton or Brady got a hit like that the offending player would also be ejected from the game and fined at least $50,000. Florence should have been suspended and fined a minimum of $75,000 in my opinion, it was about one of the dirtiest hits I've ever seen on a QB. It made me sick to see Schaub go down, he's looking great and should only get better.
The fine should have been more IMO . I'm gad the league actually did something about this . I was beginning to think it was gonna be ignored . A hit like that could cost someone their career .
Bounty Bowl? No baby that's going to be the Cowgirls & Evils game. Roy "Horse-collar" Williams (Who incidentally has NEVER been flagged for a horse-collar tackle eventhough he's the reason for the rule and still does them) will get a cheap shot in on one of the Eagles then Philly's Defense will respond three-fold and it'll turn into a blood bath. If Miss Romo, Mr Jones and Mr Owens DON'T limp or hobble away from Sunday's game I'll be amazed.
The Colts and Pats will try to see who plays the "prettier" game. The hits won't be that intense.

You're wrong. Roy got flagged in the Bears game this year. He's not much of a cheap shot tackler other then the aforementioned banned tackling style..he's just a very hard hitter.
You're wrong. Roy got flagged in the Bears game this year. He's not much of a cheap shot tackler other then the aforementioned banned tackling style..he's just a very hard hitter.

I respectfully disagree.

If you:

a. reaching into the other guy's jersey
b. grabbing him by the padding BENEATH the jersey in question


c. Slamming him to the ground with such force that he sustains serious injuries

and are doing this with SUCH FREQUENCY that the OTHER 31 TEAMS in the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE institute a RULE against it, there is a good chance that many see you as a dirty player. I've seen him do it out of bounds more than once. Didn't Williams take Terrell Owens out for a few games two years ago with the aforementioned tackle?
I respectfully disagree.

If you:

a. reaching into the other guy's jersey
b. grabbing him by the padding BENEATH the jersey in question


c. Slamming him to the ground with such force that he sustains serious injuries

and are doing this with SUCH FREQUENCY that the OTHER 31 TEAMS in the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE institute a RULE against it, there is a good chance that many see you as a dirty player. I've seen him do it out of bounds more than once. Didn't Williams take Terrell Owens out for a few games two years ago with the aforementioned tackle?

Disagree if you's just my opinion and he DID get flagged for that tackle in the Bears game. I never did like that type of tackling but I never have thought it dirty...Roy is a tremendous hitter but unforunately a very poor player in pass coverage. And the whole rule did come about because of the hit on T.O. That was the year the Eagles went to the Super Bowl and he worked like a warrior to get ready for that game. I don't consider Roy Williams a dirty player.