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Fire richard smith!!!


Unfortunately, we need to get this started. We are not going to amount to **** with him as our DC. Our D looked horrible. Missed assignments everywhere and our players looked lost. That is squarely coaching. Man we have been cursed with some awful coordinators Fangio, Smith, and the worst Joe Pendry.
I knew this thread was coming!

Thorn approves this thread. And if the content of this thread is FIRE RICHARD SMITH I'll drink to that.
We are not going to get to where we need to be with him at the helm. He was Kubiak's 3rd choice at best. He sucks. We have Ray Rhodes is a legit DC and former heard coach on the staff already. Bump him up now. Our players looked lost and that is purely a coaching issues. I have been banging the pot for the past year to get rid of this loser.

Get the soap avatar ready someone.
I'll be the first to agree with you if the regular season starts this way, but it's still just preseason.

That said, I'm unhappy with the lack of pressure we're getting on Mr. Simpson and our inability to stop the run. Good God...we have a lot of highly drafted talent up on that line!
the fans Want Richard gone....i just hope kubiak realize that the defense is not getting the job done...I hope kubiak is not one of those coaches like capers, that keep his coordinators til dooms day.
I have to agree with this. I'm not usually one for calling so-and-so to be fired, but this has gone on long enough. Our entire preseason has been like this, and the past 2 seasons haven't been any different. Contrary to what Richard Smith may believe, we have plenty of talent on this defense and there's no reason for there to be blown coverages and horrific run D left and right. I'm sick of this man calling our defense.
We can have first round picks at every position of the field and we still would have a mediocre to bad defense. Good coaching can take decent talent to play good to great. Bad coaching can take good overall talent and make them play like garbage. I would love to see what the top DCs in the league could do with this defensive unit.
If our defense starts the season off poorly I would not be surprised to see Smith gone and Frank Bush replace him.
Retrieves Smith's head and there shall be reward a plenty for you. Off with his head!!!!

If our defense starts the season off poorly I would not be surprised to see Smith gone and Frank Bush replace him.

Why wait till we get into hole and start the season 1-4. The "performance" we saw out there and the blown assignments all over the field merit an outright dismissal. I would can him at halftime if I were Kubiak. If Kubiak doesn't deal with this, his tenure will be doomed here and that is too bad. Texans fans have put up with awful football for far too long and we don't have much patience.
I don't like for people to get canned. I have been unemployed before. But there is something for everyone, and this job ain't for Smith!
At least we didn't get that "Hybrid 3-4" that people were talking about last year.

Smith plus 3-4= Mario Williams in coverage every play
We just need to tackle better. And we also need our CBs to grow up.

Get used to the scheme, folks.

I trust that as the season wears on and our young CBs have the time to mature a bit more, we will blitz a little more.

The opponents didn't get any sack on us this pre-season now, have they?
Enough is enough...get your ass outta here Rick Smith!! I'm sick of seeing our defense at 3rd and long and giving up 2 yards more than the first down. 2 years is more than enough to give your pot belly the grand EXIT.

It's not the's 3rd year players being out of comes down to coaching.
Fire Richard Smith! LOL

Well, at this point I'm convinced that we are not living up to expectations. You know me, I'm pretty quiet and willing to let things play themselves out...but enough is enough...let's replace Smith with someone who knows how to run a quality defense. We have too much talent to piss away confusing schemes.
Well, at this point I'm convinced that we are not living up to expectations. You know me, I'm pretty quiet and willing to let things play themselves out...but enough is enough...let's replace Smith with someone who knows how to run a quality defense. We have too much talent to piss away confusing schemes.

**** it, fired Smith. It's the least we could do. LOL
We are not going to get to where we need to be with him at the helm. He was Kubiak's 3rd choice at best. He sucks. We have Ray Rhodes is a legit DC and former heard coach on the staff already. Bump him up now. Our players looked lost and that is purely a coaching issues. I have been banging the pot for the past year to get rid of this loser.

Get the soap avatar ready someone.

ray rhodes? king of the zone?
This guy should have been fired at the end of last season. This guy is the David Carr of Def. Coordinators. No matter how bad they perform, the just continue to keep their job and collect a check. Hopefully we don't wait 5 years to get rid of Richard Smith...

...the guy just sucks. sorry, its not exactly breaking news.
(Richard) Smith is ONE of the main reason why we're having trouble stopping opposing offenses. I'm not about to throw all the blame on him...but damn man...let's consider the current track record. For three years and counting...we can't stop 3rd down..period. 3rd and short...3rd and long...3rd and doesnt matter...we will give up 32 yards. It comes down to the scheme and Smith doesn't cut the mustard. Getting rid of dead weight starts with the DC. Give me some Bush. (F-it.....Yes I mean that!)
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I'm sorry to call for his head right now, but the man cannot come up with any competent blitz packages. We've used to many picks on defense not to have them play better. This is ridiculous.
I'm sorry to call for his head right now, but the man cannot come up with any competent blitz packages. We've used to many picks on defense not to have them play better. This is ridiculous.

Surely a fairly smooth transition can be made during the season when Smith gets the ax. With Bush being there for over a year, they should be able to keep the same terminology but maybe put the playmakers in a position to make plays!

I was talking to Barrett during the game about his buddy, Richard Smith. I remember that Smith had Mario tell him what his 5 favorite plays were so that he could call them for him. That was before the Denver game. Perhaps it would be nice to have a D.C. at least as aware as a 22 year old lineman what calls will put his guys in the best position to excel.
I never thought I would ever say this but.... Show me some Bush!
Dude, say it loud! I like Bush! Seriously, this defense ain't right and is not getting better soon. I swear Romo was laughing half the time he was out there. Made me sick. I'm speechless. Except for I like bush.
It's like everyone is saying. We have too much talent on the defensive side of the ball to play this poorly. We need to rid ourselves of Richard Smith and replace him with Frank Bush or Ray Rhodes. What a horrible defensive effort tonight.
It's like everyone is saying. We have too much talent on the defensive side of the ball to play this poorly. We need to rid ourselves of Richard Smith and replace him with Frank Bush or Ray Rhodes. What a horrible defensive effort tonight.
we have talent like every other team in the league has talent but if you look at our positional starters each position group is below average really. I'd put our secondary in the last quarter of the league, the linebackers are below average outside of Ryans, and Weaver, TJ, Okoye are probably one of the weakest 3/4ths of a Dline in the league. We have potential but you know what potential means.
It's like everyone is saying. We have too much talent on the defensive side of the ball to play this poorly. We need to rid ourselves of Richard Smith and replace him with Frank Bush or Ray Rhodes. What a horrible defensive effort tonight.
Folks, I will suggest that you go to a site like pro-football reference and check out what other teams have on their Ds, where in the draft they have their players.

Like we ain't drafting high defensively this year, so I can't really say how the other guys are doing.

This is just in 07 - and remember we're not drafting high in D in 08

We had 4 first rounders, two 2nd rounders, on each in the 3rd and the 4th.
(Now my count might be wrong, if you are really interested, help me and go check yourself, please!)

I'm going from A to H here.

ATL, 4-1st, 3-2nd, 1-3rd, 2-4th (hell more than us)
BALT, 5-1st, 2-2nd, 1-4th
CAR, 5-1st, 4-2nd
CHI, 3-1st, 2-2nd, 3-3rd
CINN, 5-1st, 2-2nd, 3-3rd, 2-4th
Girls, 6-1st, 1-2nd, 1-3rd, 2-4th
DEN, 3-1st, 3-2nd, 3-3rd, 2-4th
DET, 3-1st, 8-2nd, 3-3rd

I don't have time to check, but looks like there was trading during the season, so a couple of teams show more than 11 defensive players on the list.

The point is, there were teams who had more talents on the D that under-achieved. And it sure looks like that we have more upside this year as well.
Now that it's Saturday morning, and I've had some coffee and sobered up, I have to say that I haven't changed my mind from last night. The title of this thread says it all.

Yeah, we haven't got the greatest defensive secondary in the NFL, but we really should be looking better than we did last night. Something is amiss here, and I do believe it seems to be our defensive coordinator.
I'd put our secondary in the last quarter of the league, the linebackers are below average outside of Ryans, and Weaver, TJ, Okoye are probably one of the weakest 3/4ths of a Dline in the league.
So the V-Man says we got 2 descent players on defense, but the other 9 suxx big-time. Obviously that's not a favorable assessment of the aggregate talent level of the defense, but gotta agree that's what it looked like last night.
The only comforting thought I can find about the Ds performance in Irving is that we may not have to face another offense this season that is that good ?
If only Schaub could have one of his normal game, the D would have look better.

Ryans has been quite mediocre this whole pre-season!
He's been clearly outplayed by the "untalented" Diles.
I'm seeing us being like Indy offense is going look good but things are going to have to wait until the defense catches up.

The biggest problem I keep coming up with is what does our defense look like with more talent for Richard Smith like I keep hearing. What is the identity of Richard Smith's vision for our defense? I know we're not entirely the most talented defense just yet but a good coordinator could at least come up with something scheme-wise to help. Seeing our D-line drop into a zone blitz is painful.

My biggest concern is how the team can't seem to carry over where they left off the season before. Seems about a little over half way through the season they get what Richard smith supposedly wants or he gets a bit more aggressive in play calling or really I don't know. His third year it's one thing to have the fans confused at to what you are attempting to do but...when the players don't look like they get it. That's a bigger problem.
I don't think hiring a new defensive co-ordinator will solve a whole lot...

Smith isn't the best guy for the job, but I'm not going to place too much of a burden on him for our defense not performing like we want them to...

I'm just happy that we're making strides to make the team better...

I think folks need to temper their expectations a bit....

Greenwood Sucks (been saying that for years and no one would listen)
Zach Diles is good. He's just not that experienced.

Reeves Sucks. Bennett will make some plays this year, but he will get beat a bunch too. He's young.

I'm not too worried about our safeties. Neither are spectacular but I think they are both solid/o.k

I'm actually o.k with our DT's. Yeah they get pushed around some but I think they make up for it with their pursuit. I mean...They did perform pretty well on the goaline last night...

On the D-line I'm more concerend with Weaver....He's nothing....Given the fact that his contract makes it difficult to cut him I'd just have him be a reserve guy for every position...

Not sure what you guys wanted Smith to do last night....I mean...The commentator even said that both teams had agreed to keep it fairly vanilla because they wanted to see where their players were at physically compared to their competition...

Besides that...he doesn't have much to work with...

Folks will complain about how sorry the entire defense is and that we really only have two players worth a damn, but then they get mad at Smith when he doesn't turn a type writer into a pentium III processor....

Like I said...He's not great...He's not terrible....

I'm more concerned with some of the players we have on the field at this point: Weaver, Greewood, Reeves are all terrible and that ain't Richard Smith's fault...
I don't think hiring a new defensive co-ordinator will solve a whole lot...

Smith isn't the best guy for the job, but I'm not going to place too much of a burden on him for our defense not performing like we want them to...

I'm just happy that we're making strides to make the team better...

I think folks need to temper their expectations a bit....

Greenwood Sucks (been saying that for years and no one would listen)
Zach Diles is good. He's just not that experienced.

Reeves Sucks. Bennett will make some plays this year, but he will get beat a bunch too. He's young.

I'm not too worried about our safeties. Neither are spectacular but I think they are both solid/o.k

I'm actually o.k with our DT's. Yeah they get pushed around some but I think they make up for it with their pursuit. I mean...They did perform pretty well on the goaline last night...

On the D-line I'm more concerend with Weaver....He's nothing....Given the fact that his contract makes it difficult to cut him I'd just have him be a reserve guy for every position...

Not sure what you guys wanted Smith to do last night....I mean...The commentator even said that both teams had agreed to keep it fairly vanilla because they wanted to see where their players were at physically compared to their competition...

Besides that...he doesn't have much to work with...

Folks will complain about how sorry the entire defense is and that we really only have two players worth a damn, but then they get mad at Smith when he doesn't turn a type writer into a pentium III processor....

Like I said...He's not great...He's not terrible....

I'm more concerned with some of the players we have on the field at this point: Weaver, Greewood, Reeves are all terrible and that ain't Richard Smith's fault...

Why is it the Texans are the only ones that honor these gentlemen's agreements? Once Dallas came out and started blitzing and stunting, all bets should have been off at that point.

No. When you drop your linebackers back 10 yards deep for pass coverage it seems to reason that there is a a zone there ready for exploitation. That's what Dallas did.

Do the Texans have some position weaknesses? Absolutely. Is that the only problem? Definitely not! A good DC finds a way to minimize the weaknesses he has.
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Why is the Texans are the only ones that honor these gentlemen's agreements? Once Dallas came out and started blitzing and stunting, all bets should have been off at that point.

No. When you drop your linebackers back 10 yards deep for pass coverage it seems to reason that there is a a zone there ready for exploitation. That's what Dallas did.

Do the Texans have some position weaknesses? Absolutely. Is that the only problem? Definitely not! A good DC finds a way to minimize the weaknesses he has.

i agree with this post. he is not using our strengths well enough and can't seem to the most out of his players and talent he already has. that is what a good DC would do.
Why is the Texans are the only ones that honor these gentlemen's agreements? Once Dallas came out and started blitzing and stunting, all bets should have been off at that point.

No. When you drop your linebackers back 10 yards deep for pass coverage it seems to reason that there is a a zone there ready for exploitation. That's what Dallas did.

Do the Texans have some position weaknesses? Absolutely. Is that the only problem? Definitely not! A good DC finds a way to minimize the weaknesses he has.

Even the best D-coordinator in the leauge would have had trouble trying to get these guys to stop THAT offense last night...

I'm not buying the hype...sorry...

Like I said...Smith ain't great and he can be upgraded....He ain't the devil either...
Why is it the Texans are the only ones that honor these gentlemen's agreements? Once Dallas came out and started blitzing and stunting, all bets should have been off at that point.

Listen to yourself...

That makes no sense...

We are an up and coming team trying to figure ourselves out...

We want them to throw the kitchen sink at us because we'll be facing pitt in wk 1...both teams run the 3-4 and since we don't see it often it'd only make sense for us to want them to show us as much as possible...

And as far as us not blitzing much it only makes sense that we'd want to see what our guys can do physically without having to scheme someone to death..

Besides that..we blitzed several times last night...But when the guys you're blitzing aren't that good at it, they normally won't get there...
If only Schaub could have one of his normal game, the D would have look better.

Ryans has been quite mediocre this whole pre-season!
He's been clearly outplayed by the "untalented" Diles.

Do you even think before you post? What the heck does he have to prove in this pre-season? I think he's done enough in the last two years to be able to coast during games that doesn't count. Diles on the otherhand, is starting for the first time. If he doesn't play hard during these games then he could be endanger of being replace by Bentley, which he was early on in TC.
Listen to yourself...

That makes no sense...

We are an up and coming team trying to figure ourselves out...

We want them to throw the kitchen sink at us because we'll be facing pitt in wk 1...both teams run the 3-4 and since we don't see it often it'd only make sense for us to want them to show us as much as possible...

And as far as us not blitzing much it only makes sense that we'd want to see what our guys can do physically without having to scheme someone to death..

Besides that..we blitzed several times last night...But when the guys you're blitzing aren't that good at it, they normally won't get there...

You know this reminds of the QB or O-line arguments we had a few years ago around here. Actually, both sides were right. So you start at the top and and work your way down.

It's funny how dismal the Texans defense performed last year during the first 10 or so games. They made Joey Harrington, Trent Green and Cleo Lemon look like Pro Bowlers. Care to tell me which teams those 3 QBs are starting for this year?

Suddenly, the defense started performing better even with Dunta gone. What changed? The players or the scheme?

I'll let you ponder that one for a few minutes.
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...He ain't the devil either...

He just may be............


Just kidding man. :cool:

I agree with you. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of Dallas(actually I hate them more than any other sports franchise on Earth), they looked pretty damn good last night, a lot of teams would have had their difficulties with them. The Texans have some good talent and they don't seem to have improved from last season. Lets wait and see how they look when it comes to the games that count. If it continues to be the same way this season I think there needs to be a change.