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***favorite player thread***


SeNior Smack
who is your Favorite player on the Texans, and/or of all time......... maybe even the most influintial athelete since you were a kid???? and why????
i looooooooove donte robinson, his character, his heart, his leadership, and most of all how he plays.........

i didnt have a football player i really liked growing up, i was raised with the Dream as #1 and Jeff Bagwell #2
Yea, Andre Johnson is pretty hard to beat. One of the best players in the entire NFL, quiet, humble, stays out of trouble, friendly, classy, team oriented, and just re-signed with us to stay a Texan for pretty much his whole career.
Yea, Andre Johnson is pretty hard to beat. One of the best players in the entire NFL, quite, humble, stays out of trouble, friendly, classy, team oriented, and just re-signed with us to stay a Texan for pretty much his whole career.

i like that most of our guys are pretty much like that, i feels even better to rep people you like as well as players.....
present: Mario/Demeco

Past: I'm going to swallow my pride
:gun: :gun: :gun:

David Carr.

Honestly he wasn't great but he didn't abandon the Texans although it might have ended better if he had.
Current: Fred Bennett/Owen Daniels

I don't know why, probably because they were both 2nd day picks and start--and do their jobs quite well.

Past: Aaron Glenn, and *sigh* David Carr pre 2005.
Favourite Current Texans: Vonta Leach, Amobi Okoye.

Past Texans: David Carr, Billy Miller

Favourite All Time: Ronnie Lott, Keyshawn Johnson.
Gotta be AJ. I think he could be the studliest receiver Houston has ever had (Givens and Hill were both pretty good in their days too, but I don't know if they had the raw talent and physical attributes that AJ does) not counting the fact that he's not a prima donna.

Jamie Sharper would be my favorite past Texan as you could tell he really held the defense together. It was a shame to lose him.

Favorite player ever would have to be hands down Mike Munchak. When he was in the league there was no question who the best guard playing was. He got injured and still came back way before the estimates of hs return, and he hardly said anything to the media about himself. 9 time All-Pro which is just stupifying, and started and finished his career as an Oiler. Oh yeah, he's also one heck of a line coach too.
Right now, Mario, Andre Davis, and Sage top my list.

They make me jump off the couch and go YHHAAAA
Current Texans: Demeco Ryans, Will Demps, Owen Daniels, Andre Davis (Please come back!!)

Past Texans: Arron Glenn

Old School: Earl "Tyler Rose" Campbell, Billy "White Shoes" Johnson, the 1990s O-line (Mathews, Munchak, Donnaley, Williams)
Present: AJ and DRob

Past Tex: BMiller and DDavis or DWilliams

Old Skool: Earnest Givens, Haywood Jefferies and Blaine Bishop many others:texflag:
On the field, DeMeco Ryans. That guy is a great football player and a great leader on the field.

I also like Jason Simmons. He's just a fringe player but I respect him a ton for what he and Ahman Green did (thought it was Simmons' idea I believe) when Simmons gave up his number so Green could wear it.


Texans: DeMeco!!!
Past Texan: Jamie Sharper

Ole Sharper is still doing well these days,,,talk to him about once a month or so,,,he still misses the game,,,ALOT!

My favorite current players is hard to say since I'm personal friends with several of them,,,I've known Pitts the longest and he's as good of a guy as you can meet. He's done alot for me and my family. I'm probably closest to Charles Spencer, we hunt and fish together, our families have spent holidays at the others houses, our kids play and his better half and my better half are really good friends as well. Another I'm close to in a way is Mario, he's a quiet guy until you get to know him and then he's a plum chatterbox. He's a stand up guy, loves life,loves Houston,loves football and appreciates what he has. Amobi is another great guy, comes from a good family, is well grounded and just loves playing in the NFL. Recently met Andre Johnson, is as he is on TV, soft spoken,humble and just down right nice...

Former players,,,Jamie Sharper and Alfred Malone. Jamie is a fun guy to hang with, he misses the game and still will go to the occassional Texans game. You get to know him and he just is the definition of a real football guy. Alfred Malone is a hilarious guy,,,he can leave you in stitches after hanging out with him for a bit. Got lucky to spend a weekend going up to Dallas with him right before he signed with Green Bay,,,he'll still live in Houston which is a good thing,,,it'd be a shame to lose a great guy like him here in the community.
My favorite current players is hard to say since I'm personal friends with several of them,,,I've known Pitts the longest and he's as good of a guy as you can meet. He's done alot for me and my family. I'm probably closest to Charles Spencer, we hunt and fish together, our families have spent holidays at the others houses, our kids play and his better half and my better half are really good friends as well. Another I'm close to in a way is Mario, he's a quiet guy until you get to know him and then he's a plum chatterbox. He's a stand up guy, loves life,loves Houston,loves football and appreciates what he has. Amobi is another great guy, comes from a good family, is well grounded and just loves playing in the NFL. Recently met Andre Johnson, is as he is on TV, soft spoken,humble and just down right nice...

Former players,,,Jamie Sharper and Alfred Malone. Jamie is a fun guy to hang with, he misses the game and still will go to the occassional Texans game. You get to know him and he just is the definition of a real football guy. Alfred Malone is a hilarious guy,,,he can leave you in stitches after hanging out with him for a bit. Got lucky to spend a weekend going up to Dallas with him right before he signed with Green Bay,,,he'll still live in Houston which is a good thing,,,it'd be a shame to lose a great guy like him here in the community.

Oh man, you're quite lucky to get to hang out with these guys and get to know them like that.
My favorite is Andre Johnson......great player and been with the team for so long. Here's my top 5 list.

1. AJ
2. Dunta
3. Demeco
4. Mario
5. Owen Daniels(he was on my bad side during that fumbling stretch however)
I'm probably closest to Charles Spencer, we hunt and fish together, our families have spent holidays at the others houses, our kids play and his better half and my better half are really good friends as well.

Any thoughts on Lance Zierlein's "inside information" that Spencer is overweight and likely done with football?
Any thoughts on Lance Zierlein's "inside information" that Spencer is overweight and likely done with football?

Ya,,,he aint done!:thumbup Can't remember the guy up North that is a former NFL O-Lineman. He has a workout facility and specializes in working out OLinemen in the off season. Charles is all ready signed up to go, he's doing it on his own, the Texans aren't making him do it. His weight like anyone elses can fluctuate, he has to weigh in like anyone else but for so long he couldn't work out alot. I do know that when we eat together he watches what he eats and drinks and always knows his weight to the half pound. He works out at home before he goes to Reliant to do his workout and therapy and on weekends and days offs he works out upstairs at home. When he's doing that upstairs and you are downstairs you could swear the whole house is coming down!:wild:
It's a toss up between Mario Williams (because he put an ass load of feet in people's mouths this season) and DeMeco Ryans (who is just generally a complete beast). If we wanted to go offensively, I would have to say Andre or Dayne, for different reasons.
Gotta give it up for DeMeco! Flat out just gets it done.

I really like Winston and what kind of attitude he brings to the line.

Old Skool: Al Smith, C Dishman, B McDowell
Andre Johnson. He has done the most for this franchise.
A close second is D-Rob! Cant wait to see him play again!
Ole Sharper is still doing well these days,,,talk to him about once a month or so,,,he still misses the game,,,ALOT!


Ah, my favorite Texan to date! Miss him dearly on the roster. I caught alot of crap when he was cut and I rose a big stink on the boards. :wild: Tried to get him to come over and sign one of my #55 jerseys in Seattle in '05 but he wouldn't come over... :cry2:

FAVE player of all time: Who else? Love me some Favre!! You'd have to have a screw loose not to like him, if not just a smidge. :shades:

Current Texan: Owen Daniels, he shares my passion for weather and is a darn good player. There are several honorable mentions too. :cool:
Ya,,,he aint done!:thumbup Can't remember the guy up North that is a former NFL O-Lineman. He has a workout facility and specializes in working out OLinemen in the off season. Charles is all ready signed up to go, he's doing it on his own, the Texans aren't making him do it.

Be sure to let him know that we're all pulling for him.
My favorite current players is hard to say since I'm personal friends with several of them,,,I've known Pitts the longest and he's as good of a guy as you can meet. He's done alot for me and my family. I'm probably closest to Charles Spencer, we hunt and fish together, our families have spent holidays at the others houses, our kids play and his better half and my better half are really good friends as well. Another I'm close to in a way is Mario, he's a quiet guy until you get to know him and then he's a plum chatterbox. He's a stand up guy, loves life,loves Houston,loves football and appreciates what he has. Amobi is another great guy, comes from a good family, is well grounded and just loves playing in the NFL. Recently met Andre Johnson, is as he is on TV, soft spoken,humble and just down right nice...

Former players,,,Jamie Sharper and Alfred Malone. Jamie is a fun guy to hang with, he misses the game and still will go to the occassional Texans game. You get to know him and he just is the definition of a real football guy. Alfred Malone is a hilarious guy,,,he can leave you in stitches after hanging out with him for a bit. Got lucky to spend a weekend going up to Dallas with him right before he signed with Green Bay,,,he'll still live in Houston which is a good thing,,,it'd be a shame to lose a great guy like him here in the community.

thats awesome dogg, what do you do if you dont mind me asking, and how can i get in tighit with amobi....haha we're the same age i always thought that would be cool.....
Favorite present TEXAN? Anyone wearing a TEXAN uni and giving their heart and soul to our team! If I wanted to pick out a few standouts amongst them, it would be Kris Brown, Demeco, AJ, and Mario. I'm warming up to OD, kinda like "tight ends";), and Kevin Walter. Dunta will always be a fav of any TEXAN fan.

PAST Texans! BILLY MILLER, hands down!!! JJ Moses was FUN to watch, and brought a lot of excitement to the team. Full of heart, but just to darn slow.

Fav past football players! Joe Montana, Steve Young, Jerry Rice, Jim Kelly when he played for the Gamblers, and I followed his career to Buffalo, and of course the infamous great EARL!!! MANY others are rushing through my mind, but, I'll quit while I'm ahead!
My favourite player of all time is Walter Payton, it was he and the Chicago Bears defence that got me into the game. Bears are still my second team.

As for favourite Texan, well its Andre and Demeco, though I have soft spot for Glenn and Sharper.

I wonder how mant of you will say Matt Stevens? (j/k - and I hope he gets better soon).
Andre Johnson is the best in Texans history not including the Houston Oilers we all know that Earl Cambell & Warren Moon are at the top.
it's Duante for me because I've always felt like he had that "loosing isn't ok" attitude when it was bad. and that's what this team is being built upon. winners.

second, Andre Johnson, no question for his humble attitude.
.........out of all the "past" players named, no one said Moon?

My favorites:
Offense- A. Johnson
Deffense- D. Robinson/D. Ryans/M.Williams (awesome at each level)

League Wide Favorites:
Mike Alstott (was fun to watch in his prime)
Tom Brady (Living Legend)

Old school:
Earl Campbell
Warren Moon
Andre Johnson, D. Ryans, and of Course im a big Super Mario fan. Im glad he had a good year and started all the "The Texans made the right choice" talks.
As far as the Texans are concerned...

I'd have to say David C......SIKE!!!

Andre is a good one indeed.
But I've always been a defense guy!

Gotta go with Demeco!!!

Let me throw some old school favorites at y'all.

Ernest Givens
Ray Childress
Lamar Lathom
Big Doug Smith

From that same time period, how can you not go Al Smith?!?!
Its Mario now for me.

It used to be AJ, but now its Mario cuz the guy took so much heat here for being drafted over we know who and I was one of the few posters standing up for him.

And for him to just prove 90% of the nation wrong so far, I just love that.

2nd place is Demeco he's a tough player and I hope he plays here forever.

3rd is Andre of course

And my favorite 'Joe' players on the team are Fred Bennett(Although I don't think he's going to be a Joe guy by the end of next season :shades: ) Vonta Leaceh (not a JOe guy but is not appreciated much...hey hes a FB) and Jacoby. I hope he becomes a good player, I think he underestimated the speed of the NFL...he'll learn though hopefully.
How about the QB that took the Oilers to 2 championships? George Blanda.

But I have to say, old school if Earl's not part of the equation, I'm kinda partial to Dr. Doom, Bobby Brazile. Seven time pro-bowler. Carl Mauck was pretty great, too.

From the Texans, I really loved Domanick Davis and Aaron Glenn.

Of the new crop, I love 'em all. I love Salaam's sense of humor. Mario's ability to set everything aside and just play. I don't think I could pick just one guy.
Old-school Oilers: I'd have to go with Warren Moon, Bruce Matthews, Ray Childress and Bubba McDowell.

Old Texans: Marcus Coleman, David Carr and Ramon Walker.

Current Texans: Travis Johnson, Glenn Earl, Kevin Walter.