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Excellent! Regarding peek.....


[[Gary Kubiak]]


My Man Peek has gained weight! Now he is a complete player. I say he has gained 15 pounds? I think maybe more....


Now show me a pic of Babs. He better not be flabby!

I want a studly D Line. Dominant D line where teams would literally change their schemes to get around our line. Once again :mario: was the best pick for this team. Anybody believes otherwise is a damn fool!

yeah peek one of my best players on this team im glad he put on a bit more beef

peyton and palmer meet texans version of mathis and freeny - PEEK AND MARIO
At this point, its shaping up like Mario and Peek will be our edge guys, but this raises the question as to whether or not Weaver at 280 is big enough to be a full time DL on the inside ?
Peek has always had the speed and he really looks bulked up in the pictures I've seen. The final piece to the puzzle may be technique - I'd like to see him work on some moves other than the speed rush he uses so much.
I think discipline is going to be a thing he needs to work on as well. Too many roughing QB calls or offsides last year.
[[Gary Kubiak]] said:

My Man Peek has gained weight! Now he is a complete player. I say he has gained 15 pounds? I think maybe more....


Now show me a pic of Babs. He better not be flabby!

I want a studly D Line. Dominant D line where teams would literally change their schemes to get around our line. Once again :mario: was the best pick for this team. Anybody believes otherwise is a damn fool!

Peek DOES look good with the added bulk. Now he just needs to learn how to play under control.

Good post until the last sentence. You can't see the future any clearer than anyone else and it's always a mistake to insult the intelligence of a group of people by calling them fools based on the fact they may disagree with your opinions. It undermines the credibility of everything you've written beforehand.

How about we wait and see how this all pans out (give it a few years), then we'll have an idea of how our 2006 draft panned out. Even then, the ones who were right will not be geniuses and the ones who were wrong won't be fools based on that alone.

Luck is a factor here. Mario Williams (or any other player) is one freak injury away from being a bust. I hope it doesn't happen, but if it did it wouldn't mean you're a fool. It would just be another case of "**** happens".
One thing is that Peek has never benefited from having another pass rush presence on the other side of him. Whether it is Williams or Weaver on the other side, I think Peek is now going to benefit.
Peek needs to learn how to read offenses especially the line. Last year he was out of position way too many times and read the play way too late to be a factor. He needs to bulk up the muscle in his head!
I don't think Peek will be starting opposite Mario when the season starts. Peek has played linebacker only since he got into the league. I think it'll be at least halfway through the season, maybe more, until he finally re-learns to play it. I think Peek will be another specialist just like he was as a linebacker.
TexanSam said:
I don't think Peek will be starting opposite Mario when the season starts. Peek has played linebacker only since he got into the league. I think it'll be at least halfway through the season, maybe more, until he finally re-learns to play it. I think Peek will be another specialist just like he was as a linebacker.

I may have agreed with that a month ago, but the coaches currently have him on the first string. I was surprised by that frankly, but I defer to their knowledge.
Runner said:
I may have agreed with that a month ago, but the coaches currently have him on the first string. I was surprised by that frankly, but I defer to their knowledge.

What about Anthony Weaver? Is he moving inside? Man, we made a big mistake signing him for all that money. If we never signed him, we could have signed Ty Law :drool:
TexanFan881 said:
What about Anthony Weaver? Is he moving inside? Man, we made a big mistake signing him for all that money. If we never signed him, we could have signed Ty Law :drool:

I think he's primarily inside. That isn't all bad; it looks like we'll have a very good d-line. However, with Payne, Robaire, and TJ vying for time someone may be the odd man out. Right now that looks like TJ. I believe Payne is the other starter at this time.
I envision at times Peek and Mario lining up side by side and running a stunt. *can't say if we have even ran a true stunt the last few years on D*

My fear is for any QB that lies in their path, especially if they both get through.
I dont see peek starting , sorry, i see babin lining up opposite mario, and peek used on certain heavy pass rush situations, weaver and payne inside, travis johnson backup, robaire on short yardage and redzone
TK_Gamer said:
I dont see peek starting , sorry, i see babin lining up opposite mario, and peek used on certain heavy pass rush situations, weaver and payne inside, travis johnson backup, robaire on short yardage and redzone

I don't know if youve seen the pictures but antwan is bigger than babin now, he is faster, has more aggression and will now have a good scheme to be in. He will be ahead of babin
well i guess we have to wait and see, he does look pretty good size wise this year, i think the new coaching staff is gonna put the best guy in the right situation to help the defense, the old regime kinda looked like they were grasping at straws they way they shifted people around last year, even before injuries required it. i mean look at all the o-line changes last year. and as much heart as chester pitt had, he still should never be a starting left tackle . hes a guard, just like weary. if they stick pitts at tackle again this year i will be pissed.