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Everybody in the country is laughing at us


Every sports TV show, radio show, newspaper and internet forum in the United States of America is roasting us for our incompetence with the first pick. What are we going to do this year for the late night talk show comedians' material?
Every sports TV show, radio show, newspaper and internet forum in the United States of America is roasting us for our incompetence with the first pick.

This is true. I'm getting flack for it on forums totally unrelated to football.

The Texans are truly the laughingstock of the NFL. You know it's bad when they skipped announcing individual players yesterday.
we deserve to be laughed at...we are an embarassment to the city

While I don't care about that sort of thing, you have to shake your head at the way things have gone lately. Roll back to 2004, the Texans finished 7-9 in their third year and showed lots of promise. People were talking about them competing for a wild card spot in 2005. And then disaster. 2-14, shameful performances on two ESPN Sunday Night telecasts, grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory in stunning fashion versus Baltimore, St. Louis, Tennessee and San Francisco, and then going against conventional wisdom by bypassing Reggie Bush and Vince Young to take Mario Williams.

And while Mario, I think, will be fine, he can't erase the marketing fiasco of not taking Vince Young or Reggie Bush, and he can't make up for the glaring frailties of this offense. It sucks, simply put.

Bob McNair, who I generally like, has not had a good two years as an NFL owner.
If you can't take the heat get out of Houston. It is an unfortunate part of building your base. I can understand how some may not like it, but I eat it up. I just hope that the powers that be realize that any changes that need to be made are past being reactionary, they are now necessary.
I now think that if I had a chance to pick Peterson I'd do it . This team needs playmakers on offense .

I would also find some hope at the QB spot Kolb / Smith . I think if Carr went on the IR in preseason ... we'd be 6-7 / 7-6 .
"IS" laughing at us?? How about, "was laughing at us since April '06 and will continue to laugh at us until we get to the post season"
I now think that if I had a chance to pick Peterson I'd do it . This team needs playmakers on offense .

I would also find some hope at the QB spot Kolb / Smith . I think if Carr went on the IR in preseason ... we'd be 6-7 / 7-6 .

If he's available at our pick, I'd seriously consider him, but I also would like to see the organization just come out and try to put together the best OL they can put together. I'm sick of having subpar, castoffs and projects on the OL. I want guys who, as a unit, demolishes the opposing DL. I want the '93 Cowboys OL. I want the '72 Dolphins OL. I want the '89 49ers OL.

And so on.
If you can't take the heat get out of Houston. It is an unfortunate part of building your base. I can understand how some may not like it, but I eat it up. I just hope that the powers that be realize that any changes that need to be made are past being reactionary, they are now necessary.

Part of building your base & get out of Houston. Good one. You apparently don't care if we win or lose. The apologists always revert to name calling.
If he's available at our pick, I'd seriously consider him, but I also would like to see the organization just come out and try to put together the best OL they can put together. I'm sick of having subpar, castoffs and projects on the OL. I want guys who, as a unit, demolishes the opposing DL. I want the '93 Cowboys OL. I want the '72 Dolphins OL. I want the '89 49ers OL.

And so on.

Agreed. Joe Montana would be bad behind this line.
Part of building your base & get out of Houston. Good one. You apparently don't care if we win or lose. The apologists always revert to name calling.

Apparently not. It is also apparent I was name calling. :rolleyes: The only thing that is apparent is you living in the past and your agenda.
yeah, i dont even play people i dont know online in madden anymore, just gotta put up with all the reggie and vince junk, it is kinda embarrassing
We lost a game that came down to a coin toss, but all people will care about was the Texans screwing up their mock drafts in April. :thumbdown
The Cowboys line was terrible.....until Romo started. Of course, Romo throws the ball farther than 7 yards.

Apples and oranges. Bledsoe has lead feet and was throwing INTs. Carr can move, isn't throwing a lot of picks, and he is still running for his life before he has time to look at his second option.
Hey it isn't official till Jay Leno is making jokes about the Texans. So I'll hold off till Monday night to see if we're "officially" the laughing stock of the sports world.
We lost a game that came down to a coin toss, but all people will care about was the Texans screwing up their mock drafts in April. :thumbdown

The problem is you shouldn't leave it up to a coin toss in the Pros.
College maybe..But in the Pros a fg can kick your tail just like a 38 yrd run.

The Texans had time to get into position for a FG try, but our coach didn't have faith.
Apples and oranges. Bledsoe has lead feet and was throwing INTs. Carr can move, isn't throwing a lot of picks, and he is still running for his life before he has time to look at his second option.

Having watched Warren Moon roll out to buy time ... then throw the ball down the field is totally different than watching Carr roll out .
ESPN's cold pizza is about to do a feature on Young and the Texans passing on him....they are going to commercial right now but if you tune in you will catch it.
I feel bad for Mario Williams. It's not like he is a bad player but he is going to look like one today just because of the order he was selected in. The Texans didn't do him any favor rep wise but at least they hooked him up cash wise.
If you can't take the heat get out of Houston. It is an unfortunate part of building your base. I can understand how some may not like it, but I eat it up.

You may eat it up, but not everyone is a masochist.

Losing sucks. If you feel losing forges die-hard fans, go ahead and finish that Kool-Aid. I'd rather sit in a stadium full of bandwagon fans than one at 50% capacity with a mix of die-hards and fans for the other team. At least bandagon fans cheer for the home team.

Listening to the visitors cheer on their way down the ramps makes my blood boil. Apparently you like to lose. I hate losing at anything.

This team is off to one of the poorest starts in professional football. We will have fewer wins in our first five seasons than 80% of professional teams, including franchises that started in much shorter seasons. That's pathetic.
They will go from mocking us to our best friends when we win. That is what counts in the end. We will have plenty of ESPN time, interviews, bandwagon fans and hype if we have a solid, winning season next year.

The reports will go from "The Texans blew it in the draft!" to "The Texans don't need RB or VY to win!"

This is why Kubiak picked Mario. If he plays like a 1st round pick next year and we have a winning season, most everything will be forgiven. Kubiak gambled for the future, and the future hasn't been written yet.
The problem is you shouldn't leave it up to a coin toss in the Pros.
College maybe..But in the Pros a fg can kick your tail just like a 38 yrd run.

The Texans had time to get into position for a FG try, but our coach didn't have faith.

Yea, I was yelling at the tv when they started kneeing the ball, I mean hell you had a time out you could have thrown it mid field to the 45-50 yard area, then called a time out if you make it, then a strike out to the right sideline 10 yards down the field, hell stop kneeling the ball!
You may eat it up, but not everyone is a masochist.

Losing sucks. If you feel losing forges die-hard fans, go ahead and finish that Kool-Aid. I'd rather sit in a stadium full of bandwagon fans than one at 50% capacity with a mix of die-hards and fans for the other team. At least bandagon fans cheer for the home team.

Listening to the visitors cheer on their way down the ramps makes my blood boil. Apparently you like to lose. I hate losing at anything.

This team is off to one of the poorest starts in professional football. We will have fewer wins in our first five seasons than 80% of professional teams, including franchises that started in much shorter seasons. That's pathetic.

For everyone of these posts I field probably about ten responses that I am way to critical. Losing is not in my blood, disposition or having the fear of losing. It is what you do with the behavior behind the result that matters.
Hey it isn't official till Jay Leno is making jokes about the Texans. So I'll hold off till Monday night to see if we're "officially" the laughing stock of the sports world.

I remember he was all over the Lions a few years ago when they were about to go winless.
They will go from mocking us to our best friends when we win. That is what counts in the end. We will have plenty of ESPN time, interviews, bandwagon fans and hype if we have a solid, winning season next year.

The reports will go from "The Texans blew it in the draft!" to "The Texans don't need RB or VY to win!"

This is why Kubiak picked Mario. If he plays like a 1st round pick next year and we have a winning season, most everything will be forgiven. Kubiak gambled for the future, and the future hasn't been written yet.

Well said.

If the sports media likes any story better than a "they blew it story", it's a "rise from the ashes" story.
You know its bad when people make fun of the Texans and you have no courage to try to defend your team because they are the epidemy of suckage.:hides:
its moments like these that seperate the true fans from the rest.
WORD... but it's been hurting since the last playoff game the Oilers had in Houston...when will it stop! :shades:

Black hole Sun....won't you come....wash away the rain..Blackhole Sun won't you come..

as you can tell...I'm hurt. :texan:
The laughing is kind of knee-jerk (I mean, where was this laughing for the first ten weeks when Reggie Bush wasn't doing anything all that spectacular or when Vince Young was just starting to find his groove?), but it has some merit. The real problem is that you (the braintrust) passed on Vince because you thought you had a QB (in Carr) you could work with. Passing on Reggie Bush for Mario Williams, in my mind, isn't a big deal because the Texans needed help on the DL and on the OL more than they needed a running back--even if it's one of Reggie Bush's caliber. However, they certainly had justification to go in a different direction at QB and decided not to, especially given who they had waiting in the wings (heck, even if you don't go with Vince, there was Matt Leinart).

Oh well, that gives them a serious black eye. But you know, this franchise is really going to be judged by how they pick over the next couple of drafts (2007 and 2008). If they do well in those two and pick up quality FAs, then you won't really hear any laughing about the decision to pass on Young and Bush.
Every sports TV show, radio show, newspaper and internet forum in the United States of America is roasting us for our incompetence with the first pick. What are we going to do this year for the late night talk show comedians' material?

Why us? This is all on Charley Thomas "Bud" McMullen McNair. That bumpkin couldn't boil water without a recipe.
The Texans need to have a good/great draft next offseason and settle on some FA QB and let the chips fall where they may.

I respect David for his classy attitude but think it's best for not only the team for him to go elsewhere but for David as well. It's just not working here with this team and time has proven that. He's never been less than classy on his radio show but you know the Texans made a mistake by keeping him and blah, blah, blah. You can second guess yourself to death and it still doesn't change a thing.

Take the draft pick you can get for David and move on. The Texans actually had a very nice draft last offseason. So do the same again and see what happens.

And I don't worry about what people think in NYC or LA about the teams I like. I never worried about what the person sitting next to me thought about the teams I liked. The Texans will be a really good team one day. I never thought it'd be 5 years or more but hey that's the cards that have been dealt us.
You can be a fan and be upset with the team at the same time.

no kidding. I don't call Koolaid drinkers fan. They are suckers. Fans demand more than oh well we'll try harder next year. You see in today's world, a pro franchise doesn't have win to make bank. That motivation has to come from somewhere.
The Texans need to have a good/great draft next offseason and settle on some FA QB and let the chips fall where they may.

I respect David for his classy attitude but think it's best for not only the team for him to go elsewhere but for David as well. It's just not working here with this team and time has proven that. He's never been less than classy on his radio show but you know the Texans made a mistake by keeping him and blah, blah, blah. You can second guess yourself to death and it still doesn't change a thing.

Take the draft pick you can get for David and move on. The Texans actually had a very nice draft last offseason. So do the same again and see what happens.

And I don't worry about what people think in NYC or LA about the teams I like. I never worried about what the person sitting next to me thought about the teams I liked. The Texans will be a really good team one day. I never thought it'd be 5 years or more but hey that's the cards that have been dealt us.

you can't get jack for David Carr. He'll be here next year. You don't trade underperforming players in this league like the old days. You cut them and they sign elsewhere.
We're being laughed at?

Oh no. I guess I cannot be a Texans fan anymore.

Seriously, if you care about what people need to live up in the mountains and be a hermit.

I laughed, too, because VY squeezed through a tiny opening and made a great play against us. When he broke through the d line, I knew it was over and so I laughed because THAT'S football.

You win some, you lose some...and EVERYONE gets laughed at.

Ask the Vikings and their cruise party gang.

Ask the Bengals and their half-way house they call a locker room.

Ask Bill "Man Bra" Parcells after getting absolutely dismantled by the Saints and his former coordinator Sean Peyton.

Ask the Raiders with a head coach that thinks there is a massive inside conspiracy that's causing his team to be as bad as they are.

Ask the Titans who came up a yard short at the Super Bowl. Ask Del Rio who put an axe in the locker room and had his punter almost chop his own foot off.

Ask the Cowboys who ran through four or five coaches and a long string of embarassments at the QB position beofre finally beginning to regain some normalcy recently.

Ask the Cowboys who gave us a bump up the draft board for Drew Henson.

Ask the Chiefs who had a coach who cried all the time and yet said that LJ needed to take off his diaper--Figure THAT one out for me.

Ask the Packers who keep Favre on the field for absolutely no sane reason whatsoever.

Ask the Cardinals who blew a Oilers-Bills lead (more or less) to the Bears whose QB fumbled, INT'd, and sacked his way to the most pathetic performance ever IMO and still walked away the winner on a missed FG by a guy (rackers) who has been a pro bowler.

I just don't get it. What's the big deal that we lost and were beaten by a guy who grew up in the area?

You guys are way too insecure about yourself. To care so much about someone laughing at you? They'd laugh at you about other things even if we had won the game. People like that are petty and you actually shouldn't care about what they think.

I guess I just have too much security in who I am. I guess I cannot fully know how awful life is for some of you.

Go Texans.
We lost a game that came down to a coin toss, but all people will care about was the Texans screwing up their mock drafts in April. :thumbdown

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Who cares about mock drafts? People follow teams to see them WIN not to say their mock draft was right!

I can't believe this franchise was so stupid on draft day! VY has been a winner at EVERY level of football and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that! He has only gotten better every year! After his Soph year at UT, they were talking about him being a WR and what does he do? He gets the entire team together in the summer before his Jr year and works on his passing every day! He has more leadership, charisma and work ethic in his pinkie than David Carr has in his entire body! I can tell you right now I'm not spending any more of my hard-earned money on this team until they get a decent QB and improve the product on the field! I can't even enjoy watching this team play anymore. The more I watch them the madder I get about the stupid decisions they have made!
We're being laughed at?

Oh no. I guess I cannot be a Texans fan anymore.

Seriously, if you care about what people need to live up in the mountains and be a hermit.

I laughed, too, because VY squeezed through a tiny opening and made a great play against us. When he broke through the d line, I knew it was over and so I laughed because THAT'S football.

You win some, you lose some...and EVERYONE gets laughed at.

Ask the Vikings and their cruise party gang.

Ask the Bengals and their half-way house they call a locker room.

Ask Bill "Man Bra" Parcells after getting absolutely dismantled by the Saints and his former coordinator Sean Peyton.

Ask the Raiders with a head coach that thinks there is a massive inside conspiracy that's causing his team to be as bad as they are.

Ask the Titans who came up a yard short at the Super Bowl. Ask Del Rio who put an axe in the locker room and had his punter almost chop his own foot off.

Ask the Cowboys who ran through four or five coaches and a long string of embarassments at the QB position beofre finally beginning to regain some normalcy recently.

Ask the Cowboys who gave us a bump up the draft board for Drew Henson.

Ask the Chiefs who had a coach who cried all the time and yet said that LJ needed to take off his diaper--Figure THAT one out for me.

Ask the Packers who keep Favre on the field for absolutely no sane reason whatsoever.

Ask the Cardinals who blew a Oilers-Bills lead (more or less) to the Bears whose QB fumbled, INT'd, and sacked his way to the most pathetic performance ever IMO and still walked away the winner on a missed FG by a guy (rackers) who has been a pro bowler.

I just don't get it. What's the big deal that we lost and were beaten by a guy who grew up in the area?

You guys are way too insecure about yourself. To care so much about someone laughing at you? They'd laugh at you about other things even if we had won the game. People like that are petty and you actually shouldn't care about what they think.

I guess I just have too much security in who I am. I guess I cannot fully know how awful life is for some of you.

Go Texans.

If you don't care....why even respond ?
You win a couple, you lose the rest...and EVERYONE gets laughed at.

There, fixed it for you.

Sure, NO was the butt of the jokes with Williams/Ditka, etc. Everyone gets their turn on the joker's bulls-eye. Getting mad as a hornet and demanding better is what being a fan is all about. If your number one priority isn't winning, what is it?
oh absolutely, but i hear people question their fandom. and there will be those who magically become loyal titans supporters because of this.

Gotcha. I couldn't be a Titans fan if they were the last team in football.

A Dallas-Titans Superbowl would be the first time I'd ever cheer for the Cowgirls.
We're being laughed at?

Oh no. I guess I cannot be a Texans fan anymore....

....Go Texans.
Perfect post!! Me, I had to laugh leaving the stadium yesterday. A more perfect ending could not have been written with all the hype that led up to this game. The other two draftees were a major part of why their team won, kudos to them. However, that was the draft of '06. Nothing can be done about it now, let's move on. Either complain of the unchangable past or look forward to an improved future.

Personally, I think Kubiak and co did pretty good their first outing of the draft (much better than the 4 years of the previous braintrust) and feel they will make just as good decisions in the future. It may not be the microwave results, but it isn't too bad so far when the Texans are having to clean up the mess left for them.

Let 'em laugh. It's the friggin "hype o' the day" media and the joy they must get to finally say "I told ya so.... and we reported it FIRST" - whoopty. Betcha they were squirming a bit when they didn't predict the first pick and even more so when their chosen ones weren't doing much at the beginning of the year.

Good for the titans and good for the saints. The Texans day will come soon.